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Goldust Not Getting Renewed Contract

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The guys who been released by the WWE over the last year in a half don't have a great track record.


Say a prayer for Dustin Rhodes.

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Guest PowerPB13

Goes to show what hard work will get you in WWE...two things, jack and squat.



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What pisses me off, is that the only thing that SOME fans will know Goldust as is this recent "comedy" character.


I'm quite possibly one of the biggest Goldust fans here, and this news just really gets to me.



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This fucking sucks. Goldust was doing fine until they officially broke up BookerDust, ostensibly because Booker was getting the WWE title.


Between Booker getting fucked over by Trips and Evolution "electrocuting" Goldust as part of the feud (resulting in the shitty Tourette's gimmick), his career's been in the toilet for almost a year.

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They have to keep Mark Henry. He's got a very long-term, high money contract.

Never stopped them from getting out of other contracts. Remember that certain someone who had a 20 year contract?

That contract had an out (and I assume it was specifically put in for the purpose it ended up serving). Dammit, why do all the super-long ironclad deals have to be given to total slugs?

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Dum......Just Dum.


Would it really hurt them to keep him on the payroll - as it isn't that he is a bad worker and is great on the mic.


They really do suprise me sometimes with their idioticy!!!! :(

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It will be interesting three months from now when Dustin Rhodes is found dead in his hotel room and everyone goes from "This sucks for Goldust and WWE are stupid" to "I don't feel sorry for Dustin and WWE were smart to fire him if he was on drugs."


You know it.

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Guest Anglesault

Do you expect the WWE to employ Goldust and those indispensible heat magnets Cade and Jindrak at the same time?


Are you nuts?

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Guest MideonMark

This company is out of its fucking mind. 2002 was by far the best year in Rhodes' career. He was seriously busting ass and looked really happy to be back in the big time. But how does the WWE pay him back? By giving him a shitty gimmick and then releasing him for no apparent reason, whilst unover, untalented pricks like Randy Orton get a push that they don't deserve.


Ah fuck it, I give up.

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I'm just a little put out as I am a bit of a Goldust mark.


I LOVE his music and just thought he was fucking cool when he debuted. He was just so different.


I can't believe that I didn't knw it was Dustin til a few months later until a mate told me.

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how does the WWE pay him back? By giving him a shitty gimmick and then releasing him for no apparent reason,

Everyone said the same thing about Piper, Crash and Hennig.


Two dead, one crazier then ever and on his way out.

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Didn't they release Henning due to the Lesnar incident????


Releasing Crash wasn't that but as he was at the point in the WWE were he was unredemable - as he was misused so much.


Piper should never have been hired back in the first place.


Goldust however could still come back and be entertaining both in and out of the ring - in my opinion.

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Hey, I'm just trying to make it a little more easy for you when they find him dead. I'm sick of every other month, or week, everyone boo hooing on here when these dick heads kill themselves from drugs and other shit.

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They killed the Goldust character by making him a comedy act. The only reason people liked it was because there was NOTHING else entertaining on RAW.

The comedy act was the first he was even slightly interesting. If only they hadn't split him and Booker T up. WTF were they thinking?

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Anyone else think that it is strange that they would announce this now, 2 months before his contract runs out, on WWE.com? I would think they would keep this quiet, or at least until the contract is over. Not that this is part of some elaborate angle, but I saw the announcement and it seemed out of place.

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Guest Anglesault
Randy Orton this Randy Orton that.He gotta be mentioned in every damn thread everyday.

People find it amazing that Goldust is canned while someone as ungodly worthless as Orton os kept.

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Guest MideonMark

The Following is from WWE.com:


Six competitors have been signed recently by WWE to developmental contracts, meaning that the company believes they have the potential to one day make the WWE roster.


Demond Thompson, Mark Magnus, Chris Cage and John “Tank” Toland will continue to train at Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW), WWE’s developmental territory in Louisville, Ky. Two others, Brent Albright and Bobby Lashley, have also been signed and will report to OVW after the first of the year.


Thompson is a trained wrestler although he’s appeared on OVW television mostly as a valet.


“He’s a great kid,” Cornette said. “He went to the amateur class here, and he learned how to wrestle, and he’s really good. But he’s so small – like 140 pounds – that it’s not his calling.”


So Thompson became Morris, a valet for Rene Dupree when the La Resistance member competed in OVW. When Bradshaw visited the territory, he thought Morris was hilarious, and he brought him up to WWE television, where he was christened Bruce the Butler. More recently, he’s been appearing in vignettes alongside Ernest “The Cat” Miller.


“He’s hilarious,” Cornette said of Thompson. “Actually, I think if he gets comfortable, he’ll end up outshining The Cat.”


Mark Magnus, a native of Syracuse, N.Y., transferred two years ago to the University of Louisville from the University of Buffalo so he could attend OVW classes. Cornette describes Magnus as a natural for the business because he has the look, size and presence. Plus, Magnus has a legitimate IQ of 148.


Chris Cage and Tank Toland have wrestled together in OVW as Adrenaline. In addition to his wrestling talents, Cage is also an accomplished artist who earned a full scholarship to Youngtown State University.


“He looks like a 23-year-old Bret Hart,” Cornette said. “His nickname is the Hitman. Honestly, with his hair, his face and his style of wrestling, he looks a lot like Bret did in his 20s.”


Toland is a product of OVW’s tryout camp earlier this year. A native of Atlantic City, Toland has an impressive amateur background that includes football, baseball, wrestling, power lifting and swimming. A four-year varsity baseball player in high school, Toland had the highest batting average, the most home runs and the most stolen bases on his team. “So he’s strong and fast,” Cornette said. “The reason why I’m so high on him is, he’s legitimately 5-7, but he’s 220 pounds, and he’s as wide as he is tall. This kid can go. And he’s cut too. We’re really excited about him.”


While those four competitors are “homegrown” OVW products, Albright and Lashley were discovered by WWE officials through other arenas.


Lashley is currently the No. 4 ranked amateur wrestling in his weight class and had been training for the Olympics, but has elected to pursue sports entertainment instead.


Albright, from Oklahoma, has wrestled for five years in the area and has competed recently at WWE television events.


In other contract-related news, Jim Ross, executive vice president for talent relations, told WWE.com that John Heidenreich and Matt Morgan have agreed to terms on long-term contracts.



So yeah the WWE can sign 6 GUYS to contracts(as well as fucking Heidenreich and Morgan to long term ones) and yet feel the need to release Goldust. God only knows we have to make room for The Cats frgging valet and a bunch of hosses and no names, by releasing the actual over, talented guys.


Ah fuck it, this time I really give up.

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I also want to point out that there has been many reports over the last few months of guys being interested in TNA and asking questions about other places to work.


Maybe Dustin was one of them?

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I wonder if this is part of the "negotiating" tactics of WWE.


As in, Dustin wants a new contract with more money, and WWE wants to demonstrate they are serious about not giving it to him.


In any event, it sucks. Goldust and Booker made Raw watchable when it was at its lowest. Of course, Vinnie never seemed to realize this.

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Guest Anglesault


Let's fire the guy who got over on his own!!!



That's why Orton can't get over. Goldust is breaking the rules and stealing all the crowd heat that the fans planned to give to Suckbag.

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