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Goldust Not Getting Renewed Contract

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Guest Anglesault
He got cheered on Smackdown.

It's nice to base his supposed huge heel reactions on some supposed face reactions he got last May on another show.


He got boo his return on Raw last December or Was it Janurary?


We're edging closer to now. Okay, we're off by a year or so, but who's counting.



He got some cheers during his match on Raw against Goldberg.


I would mention that that isn't ideal for the super over heel, but if it did happen, so be it. I don't remember it.


He got cheered w/Flair during his match against Cade/Jindrak(I think it there 1st match against them and I got it on tape).


Now did he get cheered or did the perma-over nostalgia act get cheered? If I walk down to the ring with Ric Flair, am I a huge babyface?


He got "you suck" chants 2 weeks ago.


During the HBK match?

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Guest Besus

He was on Smackdown last year.He was the so called "young rookie" and "3rd Generation Superstar" .He got some cheers when he came out and won a match.not a HUGE POP but the crowd wasn't dead.

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Guest Anglesault
He was on Smackdown last year.He was the so called "young rookie" and "3rd Generation Superstar" .He got some cheers when he came out and won a match.not a HUGE POP but the crowd wasn't dead.

Wasn't alive enough to keep him on a show after May.


A show that Test was on regularly, mind you.

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Guest Askewniverse
He got cheered on Smackdown.

I don't remember Orton getting cheered on SmackDown. Besides, the production team can easily add cheers into the broadcast, since SmackDown is taped.


He got some cheers during his match on Raw against Goldberg.

I'd say that the cheers were more anti-Goldberg than pro-Orton.

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Guest Besus

It's nice to base his supposed huge heel reactions on some supposed face reactions he got last May on another show.


Well he get heel reactions too.I was talking to the other dude that said the "only time he gets reaction" [insert 2 Times].


Now did he get cheered or did the perma-over nostalgia act get cheered? If I walk down to the ring with Ric Flair, am I a huge babyface?


When he RKO Jindrak he got cheered and After he won and Went out to ringside stomping Cade the crowd was clapping and Cheering.


So dont even blame his reactions on Flair.


During the HBK match?


No.When Eric Bishoff introduced his 5th Member to Austin.

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Guest Ray
I must be the only one who misses the boos reigning down from the rafters at the sight of him.

I said A reaction, not a BIG reaction. ;)

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If Dames comes into this thread we're all getting banned for going off topic.


::Points finger at Anglesault and Besus::

They did it first!

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Besides, the production team can easily add cheers into the broadcast, since SmackDown is taped.

Have you heard that "HoooooWAAAAAAYYYYY" shit?


Every show. Every single show, every single time a face speaks a damn word, "HooooooWAYYYYYY".


I swear.

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Guest Anglesault
Back on topic: they should announce that Goldust will retire if he loses the Royal Rumble, so they can build suspense with him staying in a long time.

Ha. You think he'll be in the Rumble.


::points and laughs::

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Guest Askewniverse
Back on topic: they should announce that Goldust will retire if he loses the Royal Rumble, so they can build suspense with him staying in a long time.

Would Goldust even be around by then? The article said that Goldust's contract expires in mid-January, but the PPV is scheduled for the 25th, which is near the end of the month.

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I'll defend Orton to the death, but I can't argue with the fact that he sucks. I like the guy for some reason.

Perfectly acceptable.


As for the Goldust situation, I hope they had a good reason at least, i.e. he wanted out. Because the only reaosn I could see to get rid of him is injuries, and if that were the case a LOT of guys wouldn't be employed right now that have been injured more.

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Guest Anglesault

Probably not.


One would assume he signed a two year deal, and the "Goldust returning" bits started way before the Rumble in 02.

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Hmmm....now we're arguing if he gets a reaction sometimes? So because he gets one some of the time he should get pushed while those that get a reaction ALL the time shouldn't? Makes no sense.

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People whose subsequent firing is undeserved...IT'S AN UNBELIEVABLE PRECEDENT.


Don't you think there's a reason Dustin has been released for the umpteenth time?

Umpteenth? It's only his third, if you count the time he was in the WWF with Dusty...

I meant as a WWF AND WCW wrestler.


I believe this is his sixth stint in a wrestling promotion.


As much as I like Dustin, trimming down the roster is the best thing for business as well as their competition. The WWE has more than enough workers on their payroll to fill six hours of original programming each week.

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Well, it just hit me: why would the WWE announce Dustin's release so quickly, even at all? Runnels is under contract for two more months, regardless of what happens.


This just reeks of working the fans, ala the Orton/Jindrak restaurant incident from a week ago.


WWE not offering new contract to Goldust


WWE has elected not to offer a new contract of Dustin Runnels, aka Goldust, after his current contract expires in mid-January of 2004.


No "best wishes in his future endeavors"...it just seems like they're going to run a "real" angle with Runnels this time.

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Guest Trevor567

I'm interested in hearing more details about this situation. There has to be more to this than WWE wanting to cut costs or them running out of ideas for him. If that was the case they would drop these dark match/weekend show level workers. Goldust was still in a decent midcard spot with a good amount of time on Raw. I would think they would want to renew his deal. Either he's the one deciding to leave or WWE is unhappy with him personally.

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People whose subsequent firing is undeserved...IT'S AN UNBELIEVABLE PRECEDENT.


Don't you think there's a reason Dustin has been released for the umpteenth time?

Umpteenth? It's only his third, if you count the time he was in the WWF with Dusty...

I meant as a WWF AND WCW wrestler.


I believe this is his sixth stint in a wrestling promotion.


As much as I like Dustin, trimming down the roster is the best thing for business as well as their competition. The WWE has more than enough workers on their payroll to fill six hours of original programming each week.

Firing people who are over and good workers is not smart

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This just reminded me that Tommy Dreamer's contract runs out the same time RVD's does this year.


I know they're trying to sign RVD...but I wonder if Dreamer will be let go too.

I would not mind if Dreamer was not resigned. Why? Because I would mark out like a moron for his TNA debut! Ditto for RVD and Goldust.

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Guest Dids

I don't know why this is a bad thing. They're not using the guy- so why not let him leave- go work with his dad in a place where he's got a much better chance of getting over.

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As much as I like Dustin, trimming down the roster is the best thing for business as well as their competition. The WWE has more than enough workers on their payroll to fill six hours of original programming each week.


If they went to trim the roster and free up some money they need to start with Kevin Nash and Mark Henry.

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I don't know why this is a bad thing. They're not using the guy- so why not let him leave- go work with his dad in a place where he's got a much better chance of getting over.


Because Dustin is a good worker and over and it really shouldn't be that hard to have something for him to do. But, they keep guys like Kevin Nash, Mark Henry, and alot of green OVW wrestlers.

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It will be interesting three months from now when Dustin Rhodes is found dead in his hotel room and everyone goes from "This sucks for Goldust and WWE are stupid" to "I don't feel sorry for Dustin and WWE were smart to fire him if he was on drugs."


You know it.

If it were drugs they would have let him go right NOW.

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Guest Dids

But that's an issue with their booking- not their personel management. If they're not going to book him- might as well let him work somewhere else rather than sit on his ass.


It's stupid that they didn't push him and instead pushed people like Nash... However, given that that's what they did- it's time for both sides to cut their losses.

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If they went to trim the roster and free up some money they need to start with Kevin Nash and Mark Henry.


It's sad that you still don't understand why Mark Henry is employed.


They tried EVERYTHING to embarrass him into quitting his contract - he didn't budge. If he's fired, he could use his stint in 1999-2000 as character defamation and sue the WWE's pants off.


Buying him out of his contract would be the DUMBEST thing they could do right now - he easily takes homes of millions of dollars. Why not use him while he is available for them to use? It's not like he's in a main event spot, swaying the audience to watch/turn away from the product.


But, they keep guys like Kevin Nash


Nash's contract expires in January as well. He's gone, too.


and alot of green OVW wrestlers.


Dustin was never green himself? By your logic, why did he survive in the WCW in 1991, when key guys like Flair were being dropped?

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