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Guest One Trick Pony

WWE 2003 welcomes back WWF 1994

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Guest One Trick Pony

The big battle royal where two over faces both win. The refs argue. The authority figure says there will be a match to decide (which is so much better in retrospect then what they did before). The heatless big mass of a champion comes out and beats up to set up the match. I have a feeling that WWE finally pulls it shit back together at WM XX or atleast gets real interesting.


Eddy Guerrero: The next Shawn Michaels. Extremely charismatic without even saying much. Can bump and people buy him as legit.


Chris Benoit: The next Bret Hart. Only talks when he has to and the crowd is behind him. Also a good technical wrestler


Brock and Yokozuna are also taking similar paths now that I look at it and that makes me glad. They won the World Belt really soon and never really had as much heat as they should have. Yokozuna came in SS 92 and was gone by SS 94. So the hopeful countdown to Brock leaving at WM XX begins. I don't care what happens at WM XX because it'll be the greatest PPV ever if Brock leaves.


You can make connections to just about everything in 1994.


Big lumbering guys (Jones, Morgan) who can't do much like Adam Bomb and Earthquake.


The one big guy who shows promise but will probably be a horribly drawing champion (Train ala Diesel).


Hell there's even Japanese recruits like Kabuki and Tenryu in Akio and Sakoda.


Legends that are still around that will probably leave next year or will take limited roles like Hennig, Piper, Savage, etc.

The pushed muscle guy who looks mean (Batista/Crush) taking on the legend who can still go but is past his prime (Shawn/Savage)


Undertaker will forever be around.


The best team doesn't have the belts (Steiners/TWGTT)


Unover lowercard tag teams like the Bashams/Beverlys


APA/MOM...crappy teams but the crowds like them a lot


The Canadian brother/"brother" who has been getting the short end of the stick because he's been in a lull, is now picking it up again (Owen/Christian)


Quebec tag team (Quebecers/La Res)


Unover underdogs that are green but might be something someday (Gunns/Jindrak-Cade)


The team of two lightweights who are underdogs by nature (Kid-Jannetty/Spanky-London)


The new guy with a good look but bad gimmick that is being pushed but that will never amount to being more than standard and has decent charisma (Jarrett/Orton)


The fat beasty guy that beats people up sometimes but you don't know why you like him (Bam Bam/Rhyno)


The legend that just won't die (Backlund/Flair)


Stereotypical gimmicks (Tatanka/Rodney Mack)


We're having women's title matches with legit wrestling.


The guy who is no stranger to a title, has good enough charisma, a decent arsenal of moves, and a cool finisher (Razor/HHH)


Only thing new is John Cena: Instead of beer drinking rebel, it's white rap loving rebel. Won't show much skill in the ring because it isn't needed thankfully and is mega over with the crowd right now. Also has a good impact finisher. Steve Austin however wasn't around in 1994. Let's HOPE that he isn't like Lex Luger.

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Guest Stunt Granny

This is all part of my WWF 12 year theory. Lets go back to 1985 shall we?


Phase I

1985-1987: The WWF finds a highly successful and revolutionary new personalty (Rock & Wrestling) led by a legit mega star (Hulk Hogan). Pro wrestling begins to climb in popularity. Old stars (Backlund, Snuka, Santana) are phased out by new stars (Savage, Piper, Steamboat).


Phase II

1988-1990: The popularity of wrestling peaks. Very few new wrestlers are allowed near the main event except of one maybe slipping through the crack (Ultimate Warrior). For the most part the product remains good but begins to go stale and casual fans start to move away.


Phase III

1991-1993: The decline offically begins. The old gaurd is still up but thier acts are very stale. They throw everything at wall hoping something sticks. Rather than getting behind new talent (HBK, Bret, Undertaker). They try to cling desperatly to thier old talent. A wrestler mostly known for work outside the promotion is brought in (Flair). The old talent (Hogan, Savage, Warrior) will show up every so often but it's the young unproven talent carrying the load. A heatless hoss is put in the title picture (Yokozuna) becuase they have an illusion the they will draw but ultimatly won't. Ratings and fan intrest sink to all time lows.


Phase IV

1994-1996: Welcome to the bottom. The fed finaly realizes that they have to move on and all the guys from the old regime are phased out. Guys who had been busting thier asses forever FINALLY get thier just due. The product still stinks and nobody outside of the core fanbase is watching. They switch directions time and time (New Generation, Diesle, HBK and the Kliq) again until they finally stumble across something that works. At this point the cycle starts over.


Phase I

1997-1999: The WWF finds a highly successful and revolutionary new personalty (Attitude) led by a legit mega star (Stone Cold Steve Austin). Pro wrestling begins to climb in popularity. Old stars (Bret, HBK) are phased out by new stars (Rock, Mankind, Triple H).


Phase II

2000-2002: The popularity of wrestling peaks. Very few new wrestlers are allowed near the main event except of one maybe slipping through the crack (Kurt Angle). For the most part the product remains good but begins to go stale and casual fans start to move away.


Phase III

2003-2005: The decline offically begins. The old gaurd is still up but thier acts are very stale. They throw everything at wall hoping something sticks. Rather than getting behind new talent (Jericho, Guerrero, Benoit). They try to cling desperatly to thier old talent. A wrestler mostly known for work outside the promotion is brought in (Goldberg). The old talent (Austin, Rock) will show up every so often but it's the young unproven talent carrying the load. A heatless hoss is put in the title picture (Brock Lesnar) becuase they have an illusion the they will draw but ultimatly won't. Ratings and fan intrest sink to all time lows.


So expect things to get worse before they get better.

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Guest Choken One

Good points all around...


Who would Cena be comparable to?


It can't be Austin since we need another year for your theory...it's not Yoko...

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Guest JRE

Don't forget that Taker was put in a casket and disappeared in 94


...much like how he has just been buried and dsappeared

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Guest JRE
Who would Cena be comparable to?





Hmm, maybe Razor- if just in being a unique high-midcard face. I don't think Razor in 94 was like HHH now.

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I was just gonna say that the initial connection, (the battle royal thing) is pretty weak. That's a common finish for them. They did the exact same thing about a year and a half ago with HHH and Hogan going after Taker instead of Cena and Benoit going after Brock.

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What's all this stuff about Yokosuna being heatless?


Brock and Yokozuna are also taking similar paths now that I look at it and that makes me glad. They won the World Belt really soon and never really had as much heat as they should have. Yokozuna came in SS 92 and was gone by SS 94. So the hopeful countdown to Brock leaving at WM XX begins. I don't care what happens at WM XX because it'll be the greatest PPV ever if Brock leaves.


Yeah, because Brock is that bad. Get over it!

Edited by Fear Havoc

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

How is Brock heatless? You guys are so insanely biased it isn't even funny. He's certainly more over than Angle is.

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Calling Eddy the next HBK is a little late. I mean yah maybe if Eddy was 10 years younger and McMahon cared about workrate, and not being a 2 steps from a racist.

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Guest Stunt Granny

Brock and Yoko are both manufacuted champions. Nobody really cared to see them, they were forced into the Main Event. There is nothing special about either of them. I've got nothing against either man, thats just the role they were put in. Maybe heatless is too strong, but other than a look they have nothing else that really earned them that spot.

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Guest Choken One

RVD is more akin to Shawn in 1994-95...OVER as hell but Vince pushes the wrong guy.

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Remember the pop when Brock first won the title? The guy is legit and people wanted to see him beat The Rock for the championship. They were expecting a new champion at Summerslam with the Next Big Thing build up. On top of that, he was one half of a dream match of sorts which still hasn't really delivered with Kurt Angle. He's a legit wrestler, he has the size, the look and they would be idiots not to push him. Brock isn't heatless. He may have been as a babyface when they seemingly pushed him as Bob Backlund on growth hormone but as a heel he has heat. I will say that aligning him with grunts like Morgan, Jones and screaming about how he is the smallest member of the bunch is ridiculous and typical WWE stupidity.


I would not ever compare Brock with Yokozuna. I thought Yokozuna was a good worker for his size but he didn't have the athleticism of Brock nor did he have the look.

Edited by justcoz

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Remember the pop when Brock first one the title? The guy is legit and people wanted to see him beat The Rock for the championship. They were expecting a new champion at Summerslam with the Next Big Thing build up. On top of that, he was one half of a dream match of sorts which still hasn't really delivered with Kurt Angle. He's a legit wrestler, he has the size, the look and they would be idiots not to push him. Brock isn't heatless. He may have been as a babyface when they seemingly pushed him as Bob Backlund on growth hormone but as a heel he has heat. I will say that aligning him with grunts like Morgan, Jones and screaming about how he is the smallest member of the bunch is ridiculous and typical WWE stupidity.


I would not ever compare Brock with Yokozuna. I thought Yokozuna was a good worker for his size but he didn't have the athleticism of Brock nor did he have the look.

I disagree I thought Yokozuna had a great look. With the gimmickyness of 1994 Yoko really stood out. He was next to Vader in terms of big men workers and he is uncomparable to Brock but he did have the look down.

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Guest The Midnight Rocking Warrior

Please, don't compare Angle to Hellwig. observe:


Angle: Mentally stable wrestler who beat Lesner in a backstage wrestling match.

Hellwig: Insane roid monster who was knocked unconscious by Rick Rude


Angle: Crappy sportscaster

Warrior: crappy cnn public speaker


Angle has been compared to flair, Warrior has been compared to Goldberg..... Flair > Goldberg


And to think....... I used to mark-out for the rope shaking


Maybe we should do a 100 reason Wrestler A is better than wrestler B involving Warrior................ or not

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How is Brock heatless? You guys are so insanely biased it isn't even funny. He's certainly more over than Angle is.

He seemed like he was getting pretty good heat on smackdown last night.

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Guest One Trick Pony

He was? The fans booed the match being postponed and the need for a contender match, not Brock.

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