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Guest Kamui

Gamecube Surpasses Playstation 2 in Sales

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Guest Kamui



Very interesting, as Nintendo now possesses both the #1 and #2 best-selling consoles (GBA and Gamecube, respectivley). I'm glad to see the price drop has really helped them, because Gamecube deserves more recognition than it gets. It's really a great system that's going to have an even better 2004.


This doesn't mean much to Sony, but this must be a huge blow to Microsoft, whose Xbox is now in dead last in both America AND Japan. At least Microsoft fans could point to the Xbox selling better than the Cube in America as a bit of a gloating point (despite the fact that the maragin was INCREDIBLY small compared to the maragin in which the Cube outsells the Xbox in Japan), but now they don't even have THAT to gloat about anymore. Ouch, guys.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

And the even sicker part about this is Nintendo is still making profits off of the $99 price tag.


It sucks for Microsoft as they continue to have to drop the price to keep up.

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Besides being a nice little PR piece, Nintendo doesn't have much to gloat about either. Ok so they stopped production on GC, slashed the price to move units and it worked. Yay...



Just wait for Sony's counter-spin where they point out PS2's overall sales top Xbox and GC combined.

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OMG! Nintendo outsells the console of my choice.


Time to commit seppuku and burn my XBOX in sacrifice to the Nintendo God.




Seriously....I'd care if I didn't love my XBOX to death. Sales be damned, its still the best console on the market today which has all the games I want to actually play, unlike the other two.


Just as a point of reference: Slayer never had a number one album; but they're still my favorite band of all time.

Edited by Nevermortal

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I dont think Nintendo expected the price cut to help as much as it did, but I know for a fact that a ton of Gamecubes have been sold so far just over the last week. Having an $80-100 price advantage helped, and there are also a ton of games that are worth buying (both already and recently released). It makes me happy because I think all the "OMG NINTENDO IS GOING TO STOP MAKING CONSOLES" talk is prett much dead. I dont know what it does for the possibility of releasing the new console in 2005, a year ahead of Sony/Microsoft. They might just hold that back now.

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Well, the price cut seems to have accomplished what it was intended to do. Good for the Cube.


Guess Microsoft will have to wait an extra year or two before taking over the video-game world...

I'm still unsure whether there will be another X-Box, though, since Microsoft seems more focused on pushing .NET right now than game consoles. But the 5-year cycle isn't done yet, so we'll see...

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there's like what?


5 games worth getting on the cube?

That's funny, since that's exactly what I would say about X-Box.

but all the third party games that are out, are much better on the X-box version.


Plus X-Box live, its just the greatest thing happening ever since sliced bread.

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So I like my X-Box the most out of all 3 of them yet the Gamecube and PS2 outsell it? Dear god where have I gone wrong? I shouldn't be playing this inferior X-Box!!

Seriously who the fuck cares? It doesn't matter how many systems it sells...if you like it and the games then play the fucking system. If you don't then don't play the damn thing. It's that simple. Just because it doesn't sell a lot doesn't suddenly make it "bad" and "unplayable" if you had a high opinion of it before.

Jeez...this is like the people that look to the Billboard Top 20 to determine what music they should listen to.

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So I like my X-Box the most out of all 3 of them yet the Gamecube and PS2 outsell it? Dear god where have I gone wrong? I shouldn't be playing this inferior X-Box!!

Seriously who the fuck cares? It doesn't matter how many systems it sells...if you like it and the games then play the fucking system. If you don't then don't play the damn thing. It's that simple. Just because it doesn't sell a lot doesn't suddenly make it "bad" and "unplayable" if you had a high opinion of it before.

Jeez...this is like the people that look to the Billboard Top 20 to determine what music they should listen to.

I think it's about more than that. People want to see their consoles succeed so that more games will be made for it in hopes that the plastic box hooked to their TV didn't turn out to be a wasted investment. You can reference all the Dreamcast owners who cried and cried back in 2000.


Nintendo owners, in particular, are very adamant that Nintendo succeeds. This is because they love their Nintendo-exclusive franchises, and are aware that Nintendo themselves stated they would never go third party if they were muscled out of the console business.

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Eh, Nintendo is selling systems due to the fact that they're $99, which puts it closer to the realm of "impulse buy."


Xbox is STILL the only system with online Street Fighter.

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I don't care what console anyone's into. I've got my opinions, but if you like what you got, then more power to you. That being said, I'm very happy to see Nintendo doing well. Hopefully they can keep it going.

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This post would be fine if Duo had just been showing us how well the GC sells. Instead he has to add a little snide comment about how this sucks for the X-Box fanboys blah blah blah. Basically he makes himself look like a huge ass because those of us that love the X-Box respond with "So what? I still like the damn thing!" So what's your point in adding in those extra comments there Duo?

Oh yes it's dead last. Out of 3 consoles. Big whoop. You act as if it's 50th out of 50.

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I actually agree with TMD on something. Wow. Yeah, I don't own an X-Box, but that was uncalled for.


Of course it's no surprise that the PS2's sales have leveled off. Most of the people interested on one already have one, and the damn thing came out a lot sooner than the Box and Cube.


Although I have to say that if you're into Japanese games, it's sales in Japan suck for you, since there aren't going to be many quality Japanese-originated titles for the Box.


Yeah, neither the Cube nor X-Box can touch Sony right now, but Sony's been so successful the overall market has increased for videogames. People bought PS1's who never played video games before, and they managed to have older gamers, younger gamers, and everything in between for their customers.


So the other guys are probably doing at least as well as the 16-bitters were.

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It's just human nature that the individual wants everyone to agree with his/her opinions and choices. Thus, these system debates will continue for the rest of time.


I say good for Nintendo. I'm glad they're finding some success. And if anyone at all deserves to still be in this console war, it's Nintendo.

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It's just human nature that the individual wants everyone to agree with his/her opinions and choices.  Thus, these system debates will continue for the rest of time.


I say good for Nintendo.  I'm glad they're finding some success.  And if anyone at all deserves to still be in this console war, it's Nintendo.

It's a shame Sega usually sucked so hard with marketing, or they'd probably still be in the race.


Agreed though--I would expect system fanboyery out of 13 year old Gamefaqs users, but I should hope we're all past that. Each of the systems have great titles. Personally, there isn't enough titles on the X-Box to really interest me, but I'd be lying if I said all of them suck and aren't interesting. I'd want to at least try Shenmue II, Panzer Oorta, and KotoR.


Although the N-Gage is quite an easy target. I don't hate the owners or call them stupid, but I think Nokia's done about everything wrong that they could. There's not enough good titles (or even any good titles, save for a butchered Sonic Advance 2) to justify a purchase to me.

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Very interesting, as Nintendo now possesses both the #1 and #2 best-selling consoles (GBA and Gamecube, respectivley). I'm glad to see the price drop has really helped them, because Gamecube deserves more recognition than it gets. It's really a great system that's going to have an even better 2004.


This doesn't mean much to Sony, but this must be a huge blow to Microsoft, whose Xbox is now in dead last in both America AND Japan. At least Microsoft fans could point to the Xbox selling better than the Cube in America as a bit of a gloating point (despite the fact that the maragin was INCREDIBLY small compared to the maragin in which the Cube outsells the Xbox in Japan), but now they don't even have THAT to gloat about anymore. Ouch, guys.

So? Nintendo sales ALWAYS fluctuate, the X-box will overtake in shortime. Also I thought the PS2 had a 193% sales increase in Japan due to the price cut.



but now they don't even have THAT to gloat about anymore. Ouch, guys.


Jesus not the "my console is better than yours" debate. So you dont like the X-box, big whoop.




There's not enough good titles (or even any good titles, save for a butchered Sonic Advance 2) to justify a purchase to me.


Its a butchered Sonic advance 1 isnt it? ;)

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As someone who owns all three consoles.


Here's a breakdown of my game collection since owning all 3:


PS2 Games: Manhunt, SD 4, Kingdom Hearts, Virtua Fighter Evolution, Virtua Fighter 4, Pride, Deus Ex, Half Life (Total: 8) (Exclusives: 8)


Gamecube Games: Monkey Ball, Monkey Ball 2, Eternal Darkness, Wind Waker, Metroid Prime, Resident Evil, Resident Evil 0(Total: 7) (Exclusives: 7)


XBox Games: Buffy, Buffy 2, GTA 3, GTA VC, KOTOR, Halo, Splinter Cell, Rainbow Six 3, Crimson Skies, Morrowind GOTY, Midtown Madness 3, Midnight Club 2, Project Gotham Racing 2, Midway Arcade Treasures, ESPN Football, DOA 3, Wolverine, Scooby Doo(yeah...that's right), Evil Dead, Blood Omen 2, House of Dead 3, Deus Ex 2 (today, woo!) (Total: 22)

(Exclusives: 11)



Since I play online a great deal...Xbox is the best for me. On top of that, virtually every game I'm interested in next year comes out for Xbox.

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There is no need to defend the Xbox here. It's not like this is really some huge blow or a reason to celebrate for Nintendo. Nintendo sold a lot of GCs Thanksgiving....so what? GC and Xbox still have their share of the market with Sony dominating. The battle for "second place" is really just a nice way of saying who's not losing to Sony as badly. Both Xbox and GC have their place and are not going anywhere, whichever is currently ahead of the other is irrelevant in the long run. This is like ROH issuing a press release putting over how they're ahead of TNA.

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Guest Kamui
Guess Microsoft will have to wait an extra year or two before taking over the video-game world...

If you mean "take over America's videogame market" that MIGHT be possible, but I have a better chance of taking over Japan's gaming market than that bunch of incompotents Microsoft's hired.


Anyway....on all the people whining that I dared include the little Xbox cheapshot- last time I checked, the forum's description said "discuss the system wars", and that's what I did. You can't go onto a game message board right now without seeing Nintendo guys gloating and Microsoft guys sulking, while PS2 fans don't really care, so I just did some internet reporting for you guys. Feel happy. ;)


I, personally, don't care which console succeeds in America. I'm more interested in which console succeeds in Japan, because the majority of games I want to play come out of Japan and the better the console does over there, the more Japanese games will be released for it. Looking at Xbox's putrid numbers over there, it's a really good reason for me not to like it, because this means no good Japanese RPGs. :(


But hey, I guess I could always carry my Xbox around with me like a bullet shield for those long six month periods between games I want to play!

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I've never understood the idea of being a "Nintendo guy" or a "Sony guy". Why be a loyalist?

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Guest Kamui
Xbox is STILL the only system with online Street Fighter.

*bzzt* Try again!


The Dreamcast had the first online Street Fighter- Super Street Fighter II X. Most people missed this since it came out only in Japan when the system was pretty much already dead over here, but yeah. The correction is that Xbox is the only system with an online Street Fighter in the US, since you can't play SSF2X over here online.


If Microsoft's Japanese group had any sense of marketing then the system would be a lot better off and I wouldn't hate it as much, but the fact that they managed to blow potiental killer app after potiental killer app for the Japanese market killed any goodwill I could have for the system.


They managed to get Panzer Dragoon Orta, a game that should have sold like crazy, and fuck the marketing up. If the game had sold well, I could be playing an Orta sequel right now. They managed to get the only ONLINE version of Capcom vs. SNK 2, and fucked that up too. Wonder why Marvel vs Capcom 2 included no online play? TAKE A FUCKING GUESS! And what are they doing with Ninja Gaiden as we speak? FUCKING IT UP, BABY!


But hey, if you're a Japanese gamer and want to play a FIRST-PERSON SHOOTER or a WAKEBOARDING GAME, Microsoft will do everything it can to market THOSE games to you!

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