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Best Cruiserweight In The WWE

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I've been out of the wrestling loop for about a year now, and I'm just starting to watch again, and i've noticed that we got a couple of new-er guys in the mix. So, in you're opinion, who's the best right now in terms of variety of moves, quickness, bump-a-bility, and consistency?

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Although I've never seen them in a non-WWE setting, the majority of the people here are very high on Paul London and Spanky.


My pick would be Mysterio. Ultimo Dragon would be, but for whatever reason (whether they tell him he has to wrestle a limited style or his workrate changed since his return) he's not hte same.

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Rey I would say at the moment.


But it's hard to say cause what exactly IS a cruiserweight? Are we talking the WCW definition?


Cause if we go with the WCW definition then you have Jericho and Eddie and Chavo and a whole new list.


If we go by WWE standards, then I'd say Rey Jr.

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Guest Monday Night Jericho

If this were Ultimo of '96 he'd probably be better than anyone in the world right now, but he isn't due to his injury and hasn't been given a chance to show what he can do. I'd probably go with Knoble myself.

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Guest Jimbo

Yeah, sorta hard to give Ultimo the nod when he's in 3 minute tag matches every week..:-/


I think Noble is the best, he's one of the most consistent performers in the WWE, granted, he can't fly, and he isn't that technical, but he's still able to put on quick, solid matches each week. And, the deal with Nidia doesn't take away from his matches usually, like most other storylines the WWE has now.

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Guest Monday Night Jericho

Misterio. He was better than Dragon in 1996, and he's easily better than Dragon now


Could you mind going into this in a bit more detail? I'm by no means slagging Misterio when I say this but he was never as good as Dragon overrall. He was superior in the air, but he din't work nearly as smart as Ultmo.

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Guest Vitamin EC

If we're including Jericho, then the number one crusierweight is Eddie Guerrero.


...but we shouldn't be. So the best crusierweight is Rey Mysterio, followed by Noble.

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Guest ligerbomb03

If you are including Jericho and Eddie, then the best cruiserweight would be Chris Benoit.


I am still standing by my earlier vote for Ultimo Dragon. I don't care if he's in three minute matches on Velocity... he is and always will be the greatest cruiserweight WWE has seen in a long time.... regardless of whether he is used properly or not.

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Guest ligerbomb03

We could argue back and forth about this until the friggin cows come home and still not reach an agreement.


You all have your opinions and I have mine.

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Guest ligerbomb03

Tajiri is definitely underrated. But I can help but think of Great Muta when I see Tajiri wrestling :lol:

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I don't know, they're all equally good.


As of now, though, it would be Rey Mysterio. I like where Jamie Knoble's character is going, though.

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Every cruiser on the roster is very talented and to pick one would be very hard.



Rey Jr.











So many of them, and they are all good. If this was the indys, or WCW, then it would be a toss up, but since they've all been WWE-ized, Rey Jr. or Spanky. They are the only two who have used moves that actual wow the crowd, and even that is starting to come down on Rey.

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Guest TheHulkster

Taijiri doesn't seem to be getting a lot of love. I haven't seen the guy have a bad match in a long time. His charisma outshines everyone else in the division with the exception of Mysterio. I was really pumped for UD when he came in, but hasn't exactly been as impressive as he was pre-injury. Anyway, my vote goes to Tajiri.

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For me it's Rey Jr. and Taijiri. And for the guys that saying Jericho, Benoit, Eddie are cruiserweight. Be real guys when was the last time those guys wrestled in the CW divison let alone were treated like ones?


Most people consider them heavyweights.

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Guest Besus
If you are including Jericho and Eddie, then the best cruiserweight would be Chris Benoit.

How you figure that?

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Tajiri. None of them have the personality or the presentation that he has, except for maybe Rey. Face or heel, he gets nice reactions from the crowds. Great skills to boot. And who cares if he's got the "Muta" mist thing going. Crazy Japanese wrestlers have been doing that since the 70s.

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Guest Peter_Griffin

Paul London is my fave, although I haven't seen a recent Ultimo Dragon that goes more than 5 minutes.


Tajiri and Rey Mysterio come close for me.

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Guest ligerbomb03

Hey, that comment about Muta was meant as a joke. I am a really big fan of Tajiri anyway.

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