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Armageddon Match Ratings and Results

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Guest Coffey

I'm thinking a lot of people hated it because their opinions have been jaded. That's what I'm trying to say.


I'll leave it at that and let you people commerse amongst yourselves again.

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What spot did Hurricane bøtch?


It looked like he was going to jump off the turnbuckle onto Rene, ended up swinging into the apron. It was funny to watch, almost as good as Steiner's Superman Dive of Doom.


Isn't HHH suppose to be filming a movie? If so that makes his title win even MORE pointless if that was possible.


Oh, you know HHH. He'll come out first thing tomorrow night and masterbate in front of the crowd and cameras saying how godly he is and will hold the title until WM...sigh.

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Coffey, you're out of your freakin' mind if you're trying to defend that main event.


"Storyline"-wise or whatever the hell you're arguing, the match was the shits.


Worse than 2000 WCW, just atrocious.


HHH layed on the fucking mat for 3/4 the time....Kane botched moves and looked like shit...Goldberg actually looked like he knew what he was doing but the THREE OF THEM ARE SO FUCKING SLOW that it was insulting to watch.


NO PSYCHOLOGY....Punch/Kick, Punch/Kick, Finishers.


I was embarassed to be watching such crap in public.

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I thought they did put forth an effort. I don't know what you were expecting them to do! When you have a main event with more than two people, it usually turns out the way that the match turned out tonight. I thought it was damn good for what it was.


What was it? A match between HHH, Kane & Goldberg for the WWE title where HHH had to win to advance the Evolution storyline.

He does have a point, HHH winning here helps set up WM's main event on the Raw side. Either they can have Goldberg win the Rumble or whatever it takes to be the #1 contender for Raw go against HHH, or they can set up the dream match with Brock. They still have the option of having Rock/HHH at WM, which if done right could really kick ass and draw well.

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What spot did Hurricane bøtch?


It looked like he was going to jump off the turnbuckle onto Rene, ended up swinging into the apron. It was funny to watch, almost as good as Steiner's Superman Dive of Doom.

LOL...I bet that was funny. The Raw PPV matches are always filled with memorable mess ups.

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Yeah, so much for giving the undercard a good spot on the single-brand PPVs. If they call 'giving the undercard more exposure' giving Evilution all the freaking belts, then yeah, they are doing a great JOB.

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Guest Coffey

Randy Orton & Batista are part of the undercard.


Look at all the people who got a PPV payday. Jindrak, Cade, Conway, Dupree, Molly, Ivory, D-Von, Bubba, Rob Van Dam, Batista, Orton, Mark Henry, Booker T, The Hurricane, Rosey, Val Venis, Lance Storm, etc.


I'd say the undercard was involved.

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Randy Orton & Batista are part of the undercard.


Look at all the people who got a PPV payday. Jindrak, Cade, Conway, Dupree, Molly, Ivory, D-Von, Bubba, Rob Van Dam, Batista, Orton, Mark Henry, Booker T, The Hurricane, Rosey, Val Venis, Lance Storm, etc.


I'd say the undercard was involved.

The brand split better utilizes the roster, but at times it seems that no one new gets pushed.

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Guest Max Peter David
Isn't HHH suppose to be filming a movie? If so that makes his title win even MORE pointless if that was possible.

I think I read at Rajah that they gave the role to Austin instead.

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Orton and Batista, as well as the Dudleys, Booker T, and Molly aren't undercarders, nimrod.


Anyone that would be on the PPV anyway if their was no brand split, naely, uh...the CHAMPIONS and higher-tier wrestlers aren't undercarders.


Just because those other guys you mentioned "got a PPV pay-day", doesn't mean the WWE has used them correctly.


They're still unover and uninteresting, which is why shitty PPVs like this one are produced.:)

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I didn't see it but was reading the one and only Armaggeddon thread throughout the event.


HHH's title win soured the whole thing but until then the damn PPV was getting praised (maybe that's a little strong but still)!


So read that thread if you want an unbiased view of the PPV by the resident smarks cause all you'll get now is...



Edited by Hitman Jebus

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I didn't see it but was reading the one and only Armaggeddon throughout the event.


HHH's title win soured the whole thing but until then the damn PPV was getting praised (maybe that's a little strong but still)!


So read that thread if you want an unbiased view of the PPV by the resident smarks cause all you'll get now is...



The exact same thing I was thinking.

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It's like the "horrible" quality of the matches comes as a shock to some people. Oh, please, I'd say a good portion of the IWC was determined to hate it before it even started.


I'd ask "Why bother watching?", but it seems like it's some sort of pleasure to critique it. Keep watching, folks. More money for Stamford.

Edited by CM Funk

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Uh, I went with my friends to a sports bar and wanted to see a good show.


Instead, and they all (who are not all smarks) agreed that it was one of the worst shows they'd EVER seen in man years.


Steiner/HHH Rumble > Kane/HHH/Goldberg Armageddon


A bunch of heatless matches.


A decent RVD/Orton that was boggled by endless restholds through the middle.


Top match was *1/2-**, depending on your mood.


How is that "our fault we went in thinking it would be bad".


You sound like Vince, which is probably why your standard for good shows is so low.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

I like RAWs tag division. All of those guys (besides Test and Rosey) are inoffensive. I've always contended that Michaels is entertaining. And Batista is so much better than Orton that it hurts. Orton was terrible tonight...and I don't see ANY upside either.

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Guest Besus

Is Every Raw PPV gona be the Worst PPV Ever? 1st some said Bad Blood.Then UFG.Now Armageddon? How many of you gona order Backlash and Call it the Worst PPV Ever?

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Is Every Raw PPV gona be the Worst PPV Ever? 1st some said Bad Blood.Then UFG.Now Armageddon? How many of you gona order Backlash and Call it the Worst PPV Ever?


Bad Blood was the worst, peiod.





Okay so what was worse? Armageddon this year or last year? :P

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I agree with Besus, hell, we all knew that the show was going to suck, look at the lineup for Christ's sakes. It's baffling that people still pay for this shit, and even more baffling that people who know it sucks still pay for it.

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Guest Besus

It's baffling that people still pay for this shit


Yeah.Today I just was like "uh umm uh" some people actually paid 300 bucks to go to a arena and Watch this crap?


Who here was actually so stupid enough to think this ppv was gona be any good? Anyone?


and even more baffling that people who know it sucks still pay for it.


Exactly! "BAD BLOOD SUCKED"! "IM GONA ORDER UNFORGIVEN"! "UNFORGIVEN SUCKED"! "I WANA WATCH ARMAGEDDON" After Wasting your money on Bad Blood/UFG You still gona order another RAW PPV ?


LMAO.Stop wasting your money,Dont waste it anymore on these crappy Raw PPV's.


Watch in April.Someone here is gona order it and They gona say "BACKLASH WAS SO BORING,WORST PPV EVER" but when Bad Blood comes around they gona order that one too.


Oh Lord.

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Wait......there was a PPV tonight???  I'm serious...I didn't know.

lol. Actually, I forgot too.


I just finished watching the replay...I actually enjoyed the PPV right up until the tag team turmoil match, and it was all downhill from there. Not the worst PPV I've ever seen (sorry, it'll take A LOT to top Bad Blood), but the obvious politics involved soured me on the whole show.


Match by match opinions:


Booker/Henry wasn't bad. I like the way they've built the match, as it made Booker's win actually mean something. Better than throwing them out there after having them feud over who can bend the most frying pans or whatever.


I *REALLY* liked the RVD/Orton match. Granted, that last chinlock that Orton used was a little much, but aside from that, the match was solid...much better than I was expecting. The only problem I had with the match was that Orton went over. I have no problem with him as I-C Champion, but it was pretty much a foregone conclusion that he was gonna win the thing coming in. That makes RVD look weak, makes the title itself look weak (seeing as Randy was Rob's first significant challenger), and above all it makes Randy's win meaningless, and that's not the kind of thing you want to accomplish when you're trying to get him over as the next big thing. Rob definitely should've retained here.


I liked Shawn/Bastista for what it was. I like Shawn winning if Orton *had* to go over, because both matches seemed like foregone conclusions coming in, and having Shawn win keeps a little bit of unpredictability, but they would've been better off having Batista beat Shawn and having RVD retain against Orton.


The Matt/Maven/Batista interaction was alright. Could've been done a little quicker, but...eh.


Tag Team Turmoil was when the show really started to get to me. I tuned in and out of the match, but the stuff I paid attention to was boring or sloppy. Adding Flair and Batista to the match was so damn unnecessary, though. If they wanted the titles on them that badly, they could've at least waited until tomorrow night to have an actual match. To me, it seemed like such an obvious political move, and really left a bad taste in my mouth for the rest of the show. At least make it look like you're trying to put the undercard over.


Molly and Ivory...eh. Crowd was pretty dead and the match was nothing special. Nice to see Ivory finally get her shot after all those wins over Jazz a few months back.


The ME...I honestly thought Goldberg would retain here and move on to a program with Kane, but once Evolution got the tag belts, I pretty much knew what was up. The match itself wasn't terrible, as Goldberg really seems to be improving lately. I could've done without the HHH/Kane alliance, since Kane's supposed to be an uncontrollable monster and all. And HHH had no business going over here, IMO. He's off TV for all these weeks, there's no real build towards the title change...that was just fucked up, and again, it just seemed like a blatant political play here.


Again, not the worst PPV of the year, but it could've been a lot better.


Edit: Forgot the the Battle of the Sexes match. I thought that match was very well done and did a good job of furthering the storyline.

Edited by Papacita

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I went over to a friends house, he gets the PPVs free, so I didn't order it. I went because I was bored-I hated it, my mark friends hated it, it sucked.

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