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Mary-Kate and Ashley Go to College

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Mary-Kate and Ashley Go to College


Just think, next fall the Olsen twins could be tapping a keg at a frat party.


Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen have accepted an invitation to join the class of 2008 at New York University, their publicist confirmed Friday.


"NYU has always pretty much been their first choice and they applied for early decision," the Olsens' publicist, Michael Pagnotta, told E! Online. "When they were considering, they were applying to schools of that caliber."


The NYU news, first reported in the December 29 issue of People, confirms widespread speculation earlier this year that the titans of tween were ready to matriculate. One Web-based rumor had the high-powered sisters applying and admitted to such schools as Rochester Institute of Technology, University of Cincinnati, University of Miami and University of Dayton, but their reps denied the story at the time.


"Like every other senior, they had been sweating out their acceptance and they are absolutely thrilled," Pagnotta, told People. "They have always taken academics very seriously. This is a major achievement for them."


Of course, Mary-Kate and Ashley won't be your ordinary incoming freshman. The 17-year-olds will enroll next fall in NYU's Gallatin School of Individualized Study, a college that allows students, particularly of the celebrity bent, to design a curriculum to their own needs and interests. The program gives the twins flexibility to take classes in the various schools within NYU, as well as do independent studies, including internships throughout the Big Apple's business and arts community.


Through Gallatin, the Olsens will be able to combine several disparate disciplines. Considering the former Full House stars now lord over an empire that includes home videos, CDs, books, beauty products, clothing, various lifestyle products, heck, even mary-kateandashley toothpaste, there doesn't seem to be too many fields left for them to conquer.


The duo already knows their way around the city. They just starred in and produced an upcoming Warner Bros. action-comedy called New York Minute with Eugene Levy, Andy Richter and SNL's Darryl Hammond, that was filmed in New York. The movie hits theaters on May 7, so we're guessing that it won't count toward their NYU degree.


The twins will graduate high school in June and start college a few months later.


The Olsens, who recently received their own star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame, won't be the only big-name celebs to pass through NYU's hallowed halls. Among the school's prestigious alumni: Martin Scorsese, Danny DeVito, Marcia Gay Harden, Debra Messing and Harry Potter director Chris Columbus.

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As a leading writer of Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen fan fiction, I find this news encouraging and feel that 2004 will be a banner year for me.

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They just starred in and produced an upcoming Warner Bros. action-comedy called New York Minute with Eugene Levy, Andy Richter and SNL's Darryl Hammond, that was filmed in New York.

Is it just me or is that a really weird cast? Should be good though, if they keep the Olsen twins lines and clothes to a minimum.

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Aside from the fact that they will now be sleeping with college boys instead of high school boys, I fail to see how this is news.

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As a leading writer of Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen fan fiction, I find this news encouraging and feel that 2004 will be a banner year for me.

Can we expect to see any sorority-themed stories?

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Can we expect to see any sorority-themed stories?

You read me like a book. While the first of my 75+ Olsen Twins stories for the new year is still in the embryonic phase, I suspect that bit of randy sorority hazing is in the works. Maybe the twins, frightened and homesick in their new world of flexible scheduling and individualized study, attempt to take solace in the arms of a well-endowed sociology professor.


It's a brand new game out there.

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Do they really need to go to College? They have enough money to just forget about it.

Haven't you learned anything in the last decade?


Too many cases have shown that celebrity money can be very fleeting, and that millions of dollars can become NOTHING in a short amount of time

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Are either of the twins going to dabble in lesbianism and then justify it as a "phase"?

Absolutely. Although I'd replace the word "dabble" with the phrase "fully immerse herself in" and the word "phase" with the phrase "sub-plot of every story." I'm sort of leaning towards Mary Kate for that part currently. She looks like the type.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Looks like i'll be spending ALOT more time in the Village.

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Was anyone elses first reaction to this story "Jesus Christ this makes me feel old"?

Yes, actually.


But hell, considering how many people I went to high school with that are already married (some of them twice), I feel old most of the time as it is.

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The Olsen Twins = more overrated than the original Star Wars Trilogy.


Take away the makeup and you've got a couple of plain-looking girls with underdevloped bodies.

OK, 1st it was dissing NewsRadio, now it's Star Wars.


You better watch your back around here.

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. One Web-based rumor had the high-powered sisters applying and admitted to such schools as Rochester Institute of Technology

I had no idea they could have been going to college 6 miles from my hometown. Screw NYU.

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The Olsen Twins = more overrated than the original Star Wars Trilogy.


Take away the makeup and you've got a couple of plain-looking girls with underdevloped bodies.

OK, 1st it was dissing NewsRadio, now it's Star Wars.


You better watch your back around here.

Well it's NewsRadio... I mean... COME ON.

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Are either of the twins going to dabble in lesbianism and then justify it as a "phase"?

Absolutely. Although I'd replace the word "dabble" with the phrase "fully immerse herself in" and the word "phase" with the phrase "sub-plot of every story." I'm sort of leaning towards Mary Kate for that part currently. She looks like the type.

Exactly how does she look the type? They're IDENTICAL!



They're both the type ;)


And you realise that you'll have to start posting those stories on here now.

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