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Biggest disappointments of 2003

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What do you think were the biggest disappointments of the year?


For me, I'd say the botched Benoit/Rhyno feud (I had been looking forward to that feud all year, and they fucked it up), Booker T and RVD not winning the World Title, and the HBK/Y2J feud (they had a nice storyline and a really good match, but something was missing. Plus, they REALLY needed to have a third match between those two in order to have a clear and decisive winner of the feud).


Any others?

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Guest Anglesault

Kurt vs. Brock.


The feud was a total disaster and the matches were a let down

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Booker T not just losing to HHH at WrestleMania, but being made to look like a chump by HHH throughout the feud, and being forced to sit through HHH's racist promo. ESPECIALLY after The Rock put him over in the battle royal the night after No Way Out. I miss The Rock.

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Guest PowerPB13
What do you think were the biggest disappointments of the year?

You mean besides everything?


I mean, seriously, I've taken a pass on all of the "best-of-2003" shows in the past week or so because there was literally NOTHING that happened in WWE in 2003 that I would want to watch a second time.



Edited by PowerPB13

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RAW not advancing one new superstar into the main event and making sure they look good even if they lose.


Ultimo Dragon's misuse on Smackdown, wasn't shocking but was disappointing.


Matt Hardy coming to RAW to do absolutely nothing.


Goldust being fired.


Triple H winning back the belt he made into a worthless piece of tin.


I could go on...but I won't.

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Guest hhheld_down

HHH holding the belt for about 9 out of 12 months this year


RVD, Kane, Booker T all not winning the belt and being made to look like shit


Matt Hardy as a whole not being pushed on either brand


Ultimo Dragon's terrible misuse


Austin's comeback just to make RAW the Austin Show


Most ppvs this year have been complete crap with few exceptions


Big Show getting ME pushes and keepin the US title w/out defending for 2 months


McMahon/Mr. America/Gowen travesty


Beniot still not getting the WWE title and being fed to FBI


Kurt/Brock were the only WWE champs this year


HHH/Goldberg were the only World champs this year


god its almost like I could go on forever

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Kane's unmasking... it could've been good given a good storyline with RVD. Instead we got RVD squashed every night and Shane beating Kane every other week.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist
Big Show getting ME pushes and keepin the US title w/out defending for 2 months

Am I the only one that thought he's most improved for 2003?????


Anyway, biggest disappointment of 2003: Rob Van Dam still has a job

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I wasn't watching until a few weeks ago, so my biggest dissapointment was wanting to watch the elimination chamber match (I only thought there was one), downloading it, and it apparently being the second elimination chamber, and it was really stupid.

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Guest Anglesault
I wasn't watching until a few weeks ago, so my biggest dissapointment was wanting to watch the elimination chamber match (I only thought there was one), downloading it, and it apparently being the second elimination chamber, and it was really stupid.

::Points and laughs::


You had to watch a match with FGB, Suckbag Orton, HHH and Nash all in it! Haha!

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Stephanie McMahon finally gets married to Triple H. Just because things won't change anytime soon.


BTW, was it ever said where they got married?

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Stephanie McMahon finally gets married to Triple H. Just because things won't change anytime soon.


BTW, was it ever said where they got married?

In a drive-thru in Las Vegas with Elvis.

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Angle's injury.


Angle's face turn.


Matt Hardy's lack of push.


Ultimo Dragon. Spanky. London. WGTT. Rico.


Not having Big Show defend the title. I agree he improved this year, yet that's killed him.


Goldust about to be let go.




Maven's forgotten heel turn.


Goldberg's title reign.


The wrestling deaths through the year.


The bait and switch on Orton-Foley. The cheap finish to Orton/HBK. The cheap finish to Orton/HBK's Survivor Series part. Or in general, WWE botching the so-called 'god push' by not actually putting Orton over anyone clean who's worth a damn.

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Guest Anglesault
Or in general, WWE botching the so-called 'god push' by not actually putting Orton over anyone clean who's worth a damn.


I don't think it's a God Push. I think it's someone with the heat and skill of lower midcrder/jobber DOMINATING the show every week.

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Or in general, WWE botching the so-called 'god push' by not actually putting Orton over anyone clean who's worth a damn.


I don't think it's a God Push. I think it's someone with the heat and skill of lower midcrder/jobber DOMINATING the show every week.

I don't know about dominating. Apart from last week. But they blew that. Over exposed...certainly. For the air time they give Orton, so far they've haven't really done much with him. The lack of heat isn't totally Orton's fault.



Forgot the biggest dissapointment of them all.


Gail 'the female Rey Mysterio' Kim.

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Triple H holding the belt for half of the year.

Kane unmasked (started well, turned to crap)

Flair/HBK (should have yet them go farther than eight minutes)

Goldust getting canned (WWE's lost)

Mark Henry (Can't work worth a damn, worthless)

Booker/RVD/Kane/Jericho/Flair jobbing to HHH cleanly

The McMahon's fueding with each other

Bob Holly's push

Benoit having to work through horrible fueds.

Orton/Foley bate & switch

Rico's horrible gimmick

Deaths of Wrestlers.


That's all for now

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Or in general, WWE botching the so-called 'god push' by not actually putting Orton over anyone clean who's worth a damn.


I don't think it's a God Push. I think it's someone with the heat and skill of lower midcrder/jobber DOMINATING the show every week.

I don't know about dominating. Apart from last week. But they blew that. Over exposed...certainly. For the air time they give Orton, so far they've haven't really done much with him. The lack of heat isn't totally Orton's fault.



Forgot the biggest dissapointment of them all.


Gail 'the female Rey Mysterio' Kim.

I don't know what is worst Orton or Mark Henry DOMINATING the show. As for the Gail Kim deal well, she did get injuried, and did'nt you know that spotfest wrestlers will never overshadow the main eventers unless they have the blessing of Undertaker or HHH.

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Guest Anglesault
Or in general, WWE botching the so-called 'god push' by not actually putting Orton over anyone clean who's worth a damn.


I don't think it's a God Push. I think it's someone with the heat and skill of lower midcrder/jobber DOMINATING the show every week.

I don't know about dominating.

it's not rare for him to have a match and three or four skits on any given Raw

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Guest PowerPB13
I think the staggering number of deaths in the industry this year is a bigger disappointment than anything related to HHH.




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I think the staggering number of deaths in the industry this year is a bigger disappointment than anything related to HHH.




Okay let's debate.


Curt Hennig's revival of popularity which spiraled into recurring drug and alcohol problems, loss of his job, and eventual death.


Mike Hegstrand had cleaned up his life and done everything he could to atone for his messy past in order to live a happy existence with his family, only to die anyway.


Stu Hart, responsible for so many of the wrestlers of the last fifteen years, and the patriarch of not just the Hart family, but also the wrestling industry with the loss of Lou Thesz. Plus, chalk up another tragedy for the Harts to deal with.


Mike Lockwood's sudden death after his brief revival in NWA, which was possibly the most left-field death all year.

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Guest Anglesault

Alot of them, (Stu, of course, excluded, and maybe Crash, what killed him, exactly?) Made their own beds.


It's sad, but I can't really feel bad fro them.

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Guest PowerPB13

Triple H: Single-handedly responsible for the downfall and impending extinction of the most prominent wrestling organization in the history of the industry, and thus the downfall of the industry itself.



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Guest reshad974

It seems that some people on this board doesn't understand what disappointment mean...When you expect something to be good and the result is bad, that is disappointment. Stu Hart death is NOT a disappointment. It's a sad story.

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It seems that some people on this board doesn't understand what disappointment mean...When you expect something to be good and the result is bad, that is disappointment. Stu Hart death is NOT a disappointment. It's a sad story.

Crash's death was a disappointment, because he had so much to give the business.


Plus it was a disappointment each time another death was announced, because we were all just hoping for the 'run' to end.

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Or in general, WWE botching the so-called 'god push' by not actually putting Orton over anyone clean who's worth a damn.


I don't think it's a God Push. I think it's someone with the heat and skill of lower midcrder/jobber DOMINATING the show every week.

I don't know about dominating.

it's not rare for him to have a match and three or four skits on any given Raw

True. The trouble is, most of them are worthless and forgettable. Dominating the show would be someone like HHH, who gets involved in segments and does something meaningful. Hell, at least two of those segments are 'where's Triple H at Ric?' Evolution segments.

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