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SWF Lockdown Card - January 7th!

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(10:00PM Eastern, 7:00PM Pacific; check local listings)


The SWF returns to regular television on the 7th, with a blockbuster LOCKDOWN card from its hometown of Chicago! With the holidays over, many things must now be addressed: The allegiance of John Duran, Charlie Matthews and Va'aiga, the return of Mike Van Siclen and Danny Williams, and of course, the new world champion, Ejiro Fasaki! The night promises to be eventful, and by the end, the Windy City may very well be blown over!




Xstasy vs Va'aiga

Lockdown kicks off with the leader of the new triad of Duran, Grappler and himself, Va'aiga, as he takes on Xstasy, coming off a tough loss at the Fight Before Christmas in a Prism match for world title contendership. They face in post-festive tuneup match to set the pace for the New Year!

Rules: Standard singles match. Pinfall, submission and DQ/Countout apply.

Word Limit: 4500

Send To: chirs3


Stryke vs Michael Craven

Speaking of said Prism match, Michael Craven walked out victorious... and yet, strangely, he doesn't get the oppertunity to cash in on that on Lockdown. No doubt making Craven miserable, he looks to focus that towards Stryke, another loser at Fight Before Christmas in the four-way Stocking Stuffer opener. Just another chance to shake off the eggnog and champaigne, folks...

Rules: Standard singles match. Pinfall, submission and DQ/Countout apply.

Word Limit: 4750

Send To: Grand Slam



"The Superior One" Tom Flesher vs Crow

Lots of reminants from that Prism match, eh? Well, yeah, there were five people in it... erm, one of which was the Gothic Avian, who, in an ironic twist of fate, has been given a shot against the former world champion Tom Flesher. Of course, to at least TRY to tip the scales in Crow's favour, the two have been set lose in Cirillo's preferred arena. But will it be enough to give him the edge against one of the SWF's best ever?

Rules: What?

Word Limit: 5000

Send To: realitycheck



Linchpin© vs Charlie "Grappler" Matthews©

Two titles, two men... and one of their reigns will end on Lockdown! And what a pity it would be for Charlie "Grappler" Matthews to lose his ICTV title so soon after duking Dace Night for it in a Texas Deathmatch. However, he'll surely have his hands full agains the Man with the Mafia Ties, as Linchpin's mysterious nature continunes to make it difficult to plot against him...

Rules: Standard singles match. Pinfall, submission and DQ/Countout apply.

Word Limit: 5000

Send To: Suicide King



Dace Night & Terry "Janus" Bailey vs Wild & Dangerous

No, the tag team division isn't dead, although one of these teams may be by the end of this match. Ultraviolence Inc., Dace "F'n" Night and Terrence "Janus" Bailey team up against the re-united Wild & Dangerous in a wild and upredictable tilt. No tags? No rules? No problem. Especially considering the winner walks out with a shot at the tag team titles, still in the hands of Justice & Rule.

Rules: No tagging, no DQs. All four men are involved at once. Pinfalls count anywhere. Only one member of the opposing team needs to be pinned, obviously.

Word Limit: 5500

Send To: realitycheck


Mike Van Siclen vs The HVille Thugg

Well, the ball dropped in Times Square, and between Hillary Duff, Alan Clarke, Nancy Wall and Tim Meadows, Mike Van Siclen ended up being at the centre of it. The hoopla for The Amazin' One's(Yeah, I know that's like a year and a half outdated. Shaddap) return was not without a challange by Mikey: Disgusted with the terrible actions of the HVille Thugg on Mak Francis at The Fight Before Christmas, he laid down the offer of a mano-a-mano challange for the Big Angry Black Man. With, like, rules and stuff. Mike isn't that stupid. Thugg smirkingly accepted, figuring that ringing in the new year by wringing Mike's neck wasn't a bad idea. Auld Lang Syne indeed...

Rules: Standard singles match. Pinfall, submission and DQ/Countout apply. No crippling Van Siclen until after the bell, Thugg.

Word Limit: 6000

Send To: chirs3



Danny Williams vs Ejiro Fasaki©

With a smashing return and a brilliant victory of Judge Mental at the PPV, Danny Williams FINALLY gets the oppertunity to cash in on his long-promised title shot. Though finally, at the end, it's the man Danny probably least expected to have the title in his hands. Though he's not an unwelcome opponent, either--Fasaki and Williams have faced multiple times... with Ejiro never getting the 'W'. However, the odds have never been more in Fasaki's favour, and with a new year and a blank slate, it's a prime oppertunity to forget the past and forge ahead with a new era. So Ejiro sez, "bring it on, Danny."

Rules: Straight singles match. Pinfall, submission and DQ/Countout apply.

Word Limit: 6000

Send To: Suicide King


(Send everything to Grand Slam.)

Edited by realitycheck

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a) W&D, do you two have a tag intro you'd like me to use or what?


b) My stats were updated just before New Year's. Take heed.


c) I'm doomed, Zed is marking :P

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Hmm. Well, if the trend in Stryke/Craven matches from the past continues, i should win this, since i usually win when the match is on a regular show, while Ash always wins on Pay Per Views. Of course i have to actually show up first, but i guarentee i'm writing, even though every time i guarentee writing i end up no-showing.


I'll also have a promo somewhere in the middle of the show, so i guess i better get started.

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Guest Goodear

What ever happened to that nice little period of time where the Champion got to be all 'Oh boy I'm the champion and you all need to be after me' thing?


PS: I'll be trying my damndest to promo for this show since it might be my only chance to stand in the middle of the ring and be all 'blah blah blah' with the World Titles. Of course, since I only saw the show was up today, I think I better concentrate on my match first. But hold out hopes folks, hold out hope.

Edited by Goodear

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Well friends, it is 1:30 AM Eastern and I am still missing two matches to post the show. Thus, it will be up tomorrow evening as soon as I get home from work with the Smarkdown card to follow.


I am sorry to do this, but I can't stay up as I have to be up by 6:00 AM for work. Besides, from what I have read of the show, it is well worth waiting for.

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Guest Suicide King

I think that it is important that you all know this is Raynor's fault.

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*gathers pitchforks and burning torches, distributes them, and leads a mob of angry SWFers to Raynor's place*

Edited by janusd

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It seems whenever i actually write a match the show ends up delayed for whatever reason. In the spirit of getting shows up on time maybe i should no-show more often (if such a thing is even possible).

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Guest Suicide King

You know, just in case Raynor has fallen off the planet again, if anyone wanted to send me their matches that he was supposed to mark I will do so if we haven't heard from him in a reasonable amount of time.

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It seems whenever i actually write a match the show ends up delayed for whatever reason. In the spirit of getting shows up on time maybe i should no-show more often (if such a thing is even possible).

Eh, it's no worse than having the Christmas PPV delayed two days after I wrote most of it following finishing a paper and sitting a final exam, only to lose anyway.

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Damn....had I known the show would be delayed, I would have written when I got home last night around 11pm. Well, that is, if I could have gotten to the Internet, but that's another story.


Stupid job. Stupid project.


Da "Damn!" H

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Guest Goodear

Hurray! I get another day as World Champion before I lose it in my first defense!




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