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SWF Smarkdown Card

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SWF Smarkdown

January 12, 2004

LIVE from the SOLD-OUT Conseco Fieldhouse in Indianapolis, Indiana

All materials due by 10:30 PM Eastern Time

Send to: Suicide King


Tag Team Match

Michael Craven & Stryke v. Crowe & Linchpin

Just days after Craven and Styke beat the daylights out of each other, they have to team to take on the formidible team of the Anti-Christ Superstar and the mysterious Linchpin. Is this a chance for one of these teams to step up and make a run at the gold or just another excuse for the Commissioner to punish one of his least favorite workers, the estimable King of Nightmares? I'm sure Craven will have something to say about this...

Rules: Standard Tag Match

Word Limit: 4500

Send to: chirs3


Tag Team Tables Match

Mike Van Siclin & WildChild v. Thugg & Judge Mental

WC has already proven he is one hell of a tag competitor with his nrmal partner, Johnny Dangerous. Now he gets to show his flexibility in a brutal match with the newly returned MVS against the Incredible Thugg and one half of the Tag Champs, the dreaded Judge Mental. Pain will be the order of the night, and maybe some issues will be settled. (Yeah, I kinda doubt it too. Oh well, maybe they'll dislike each other even more now.)

Rules: The winners are the first ones to put either member of the opposing team through a table. You cannot lose by putting yourself through a table.

Word Limit: 4500

Send to: realitycheck


Singles Match

"The Superior One" Tom Flesher v. Va'aiga

On Lockdown, Va'aiga demanded that he be taken seriously, and challenged Danny Williams, with or without the belt, to a match. Well, Commissioner Stevens has other plans for Mr. Williams, so he will let Va'aiga prove himself against possibly the greatest World Champion in recent memory, Tom Flesher. For his part, the Superior one is looking to get back into the title mix and a win over the Maori Badass would be very impressive.

Rules: Standard Singles Match

Word Limit: 5000

Send to: Grand Slam


Tag Team Match

The Unholy Trinity (Dace Night & Terrance "Janus" Bailey) v. The Unnamed (John "The Notorious One" Duran & Charlie "The Grappler" Matthews)

The Unnamed and the Trinity appear to be on a collision course. With their leaders embroiled in a tense feud, the other four in this small war will stare across the ring at each other. What's on the line? Well, pride and glory and money and all of that, but also a measure of respect. Oh yeah, and a nice spot on the Tag Team depth chart...

Rules: Standard Tag Match

Word Limit: 5500

Send to: Grand Slam



Singles Match for the Smartmarks Wrestling Federation World Heavyweight Title

"Deathwish" Danny Williams© v. Ejiro Fasaki

Do I really have to explain why this will be a great match? Is there anything I can say that will hype this more than it already is? No? I didn't think so. Revel in the greatness people...

Rules: Standard Singles Match (but the ref will be lenient)

Word Limit: 6000

Send to: Suicide King

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My memory is quite hazy, but i think this is the first tag match i'll be involved in since i lost the Tag Titles to Edwin & Raynor over a year and a half ago, where i wrote probably the worst serious match anyone has ever written, ever. Hopefully i still don't suck that much.


EDIT: Oh yeah, and the promo i said i'd have on the last, show, it'll be on this one instead. I delayed it in case i beat Craven, but of course i lost so i really just wasted a show.

Edited by Cuban_Linx

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Guest Suicide King

Umm... Johnny.... have you forgotten that you PMed me and asked to be taken off the active roster until February?

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Uhhh... Then Zed booked Wild and Dangerous because? Yes, King, you are correct. I PMed you asking to be taken off the active roster until Februrary, but then good'ol WC conviced me to proceede with Tag only matches in W&D until the time that I can take on a 6k match single handedly again.


I hope this doesn't cause any problems. :(


So if it is OK, Johnny Dangerous is avaliable for Tag matches only until after Jan. Preferably with Wildchild in Wild & Dangerous, not random tag matches... please.

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... well, that would have made the booking a little easier had I known. Oh well...


And Muzz, you just lost the match last show. I'm sure you'll get a rematch.

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Guest Goodear

Yeah, don't expect anything from me guys. I simply can't wrap my head around a way to beat Danny that I haven't tried yet. And considering I've lost all the times that I had a good thought in my head, I can't see busting my head open trying to come up with something on the fly since I can't imagine THAT working either.


Basically I think my creative rut just spread itself into a canyon. So without further ado, I'm going to retire Ejiro Fasaki and come back in a couple of weeks with a new character. Sory if this dissapoints anyone but its just gotten to the point where I've taken Jir just about every place I can without altering hin beyond all recognition.


Oh and about the tag straps, I can't imagine that Judge will care since he's moving in another direction with his guy anyway. But either replacing Ejiro or just jobbing the straps away really doesn't matter to me at this point.

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Speaking of Judge...uhhhh...I've PMed him twice about our match, and haven't heard squat. I have no more time to write, so it would seem that unless he's secretly writing the match, that we will also be no showing.


I think it sucks that Ejiro is going to be retired just weeks after winning the world title. I think you can get it back man. I don't think you need to get rid of him. Then again, if you're bored with the character...i guess you gotta do what you gotta do.


Da "sad" H

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Guest Evolution

By the way, you and your tag depth chart can go get fucked, GS, it's rare that I ever enjoy tagging.

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I'm just going to find a brick wall to bang my head against. Damned WF...


Ejiro: Well man, you gotta do what you gotta do. All I could have asked for was a little advance notice so we could have booked a tag title match to get the straps off him legit, but that is a minor quibble. Thanks for the memories.



By the way, you and your tag depth chart can go get fucked, GS, it's rare that I ever enjoy tagging.

[rant] Please don't take this the wrong way, but fuck you. I don't have a problem with people disliking their booking. God knows it happens often enough. I certainly don't have a problem when people mention to me, in a private forum like PM or AIM, that they don't want to be booked a certain way. And really, although it rankles me quite a bit, I can't complain too loudly about people bitching in open foumn about their booking. It happens too often. But that was fucking rude man, I don't appreciate it in the least. Goddamnit. And this isn't a "I'm part of CC and I deserve some fucking respect" thing, this is a "I'm a human being and I deserve some fucking coutesy" thing.


For the record, I will attempt to remember that you "rarely enjoy tagging" even though I was never informed of this. And the next time I have something going on between your stable and someone else's, I'll find some way to book it so you aren't "put out" by only having to write half a freakin' match.[/rant]


If this offends anyone... sorry. I usually keep this to PM or AIM as most of you know, but since he decided to drag it out here in open forum I decided to respond. Childish? Yes, and I don't give a shit.

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Guest Evolution

Maybe that was a little harsh, but as soon as I read that, I just wasn't very pleased with it, because it sounded like you were trying to revive the tag division, and I just don't see that happening.


Should it happen, I want no part of it. After that meaningless reign with Mike as Sinquizition that was basically keeping the belts warm for J&R, I lost all faith in any form of tag team division.


I've talked in chat about this and with Grappler, and I want to make clear that I will tag for the sake of the stable, I just don't want to have to do it every show or even every other show, because the entire idea of tagging has just been soured ever since Mike and I lost the tag titles.


Of course, when it all comes down to it, I'll write for what I'm booked in because I want to win.

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Guest Suicide King

Well Ejiro, I hope that you change your mind, but again you gotta do what you gotta do. i agree with Mark. I think you can beat anyone in the fed. But last thing you need is more people harping on you. The one thing I would ask is that Ejiro be available for one more match to job away the tag titles. You wouldn't even have to write.


Duran. I'd like to remind you that all of CC is here for the writer's enjoyment, and that we get absolutely nothing out of it in the form of tangible results other than grief. So you can kindly go fuck yourself. Next time you leap on a CC member for no reason like that you can expect to find yourself jobbing to Stone Froze. We don't demand respect, but we appreciate it. And like all internet users, we respond to flaming poorly. Mark was doing you a favor by booking according to your plotlines. It would be good for you to apologize.

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Guest Evolution

Well, I apologize for being so harsh about it, but I don't apologize for my main point in the first post I made, which was that there's no way I'm going to go into a tag division after what happened the last time.


The harshness was just me getting very defensive about not wanting to be associated with any attempt at a tag revival.

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Guest Suicide King

You don't have to apologize for your opinions about the tag division Duran. Your opinions are protected by the Great Space Goat Zognak. As far as I am concerned we're all cool now that you apologized to Mark.


Unfortunately Muzz and Janus will have to be shot to preserve morale.

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Now all we need is for Crow to insult someone and we can just blow up Australia for the good of the fed... of course that would mean chat script would never get fixed again :(

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Guest Goodear

Seriously guys if you want to give Ejiro a tag team title finish thats perfectly fine (some people have even talked about a co-write and thats peachy too). I'm really not trying to make things harder for anyone in CC or in the federation, I'm just at a point where I want to get away from Ejiro at the moment and try something new. I don't have any angst towards anyone here and expect to be writing again in exceedingly short order once we finish out Ejiro's stuff.


And while I am full aware that a lot of people get attached to one character and run that one for life, I don't think that I am one of those people. In actuallity, Ejiro was always a third-tier character in my head until I brought him here and fleshed him out over the course of a year of strait-non-interrupted-except-for-holiday-break action. I simply want to get back to some of the other characters in my gourd that have been scraping at the walls for a chance to get the same treatment. Quite simply, I want to move across the spectrum to a more relaxed character. Being 'intense' (at least for me) has been almost an anchor for me. I want to go back to the non traditional stuff I was up to before.

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