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411: Meltzer confirms Benoit/Raw rumor

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I have came to the conclusion that the WWE will never let Smackdown surpass Raw. If Smackdown were to get really hot the WWE will try to find a way to cool it down. By that I mean switch the hottest wrestlers to Raw.


To this day the WWE still considers Raw the A show. Even Ross will still comment on how Raw is the flagship program of the WWE, even though there are supposed to be equal. A good amount of the time in the WWE goes to Raw, while Smackdown is treated like the bastard child.


In a few months time Chris Benoit, John Cena, and a returning Edge will all be on Raw. The only good I see in this is that Benoit and Guerrero both have a chance at becoming World Champions at the same time. The only downside is we won't be able to see them wrestle each other as world champions.

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Guest Skironox

If true, Benoit has now jumped from show to show the most times out of anyone during the whole brand split. Started on Smackdown, never showed there, jumped to Raw, jumped back to Smackdown, and now back to Raw.

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Guest Adrian 3:16
I'll say by May he's feuding with Jericho once again for the IC title



You know, for both guys, that isnt a bad thing

It wasn't a bad thing for both guys ALMOST 4 YEARS AGO when they were in the exact same spot.

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Benoit vs Hardy, Benoit vs Booker T., Benoit vs Jericho, Benoit vs Goldberg(You know this'll happen sometime if Benoit jumps), Benoit vs Shawn Michaels, Benoit vs Flair(Could happen if Benoit instantly feuds with Trips/Evolution), Benoit vs RVD and Benoit vs Orton are all possible matches. Granted, Benoit may job to Trips(Unless Trips pushes Orton to feud with) however if Benoit were to win the World Title on Smackdown who could he feud with? Brock Lesnar? Okay, then who? Kurt Angle's been seen numerous times. Rey Mysterio won't be pushed by Vince that high nor any of the other cruiserweights. He could feud with Eddie but that's doubtful as Eddie will likely be busy with Chavo and/or Angle depending on where that angle's headed. Besides as others have said, Trips will be busy filming giving Benoit a dare I say, easier path to being the World Champ.

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I didn't think there would ever be a time that I wished a push for Cena instead of Benoit, but goddamn if that time hasn't come now.


*Prays for Cena to Raw*


Oh, and fuck the WWE. Fuck them if they move Benoit. I'd say more but Rudo basically said it all.

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Benoit vs Hardy Hardy is main eventing heat... explain how that's good for Benoit?


Benoit vs Booker T. Poor match last time they wrestled


Benoit vs Jericho Done to death, besides last time we saw them they were buddy-buddy.


Benoit vs Goldberg (You know this'll happen sometime if Benoit jumps) Goldberg will be gone after Mania


Benoit vs Shawn Michaels the only good match availible


Benoit vs Flair(Could happen if Benoit instantly feuds with Trips/Evolution) and it will suck and end up burying Benoit more than if they never fought in the first place


Benoit vs RVD Yeah, that's exactly what Benoit needs... to be hanging around with all the other failures


Benoit vs Orton YIPPEE, Dream match! He'll job to Orton like he jobbed to Cena.


Granted, Benoit may job to Trips(Unless Trips pushes Orton to feud with) however if Benoit were to win the World Title on Smackdown who could he feud with? Brock Lesnar? Okay, then who?


Guerrero is quite possible after mania. It's makes Eddie a likely contender since their last high profile match and Eddie going over, and the size different will be negligible. Hopefully, given that prominent spot on the card, they'll pull out something better than their last two lacklustre matches.


Kurt Angle's been seen numerous times.


Yes, but Angle has the upper-hand on Benoit given the result of their rumble match. It would help put Benoit over as champion if he were to beat Angle (since many would assume Benoit would be a transitional champion)


Rey Mysterio won't be pushed by Vince that high nor any of the other cruiserweights.


True, but with Benoit as champion on Smackdown, the size difference won't be as apparent and it could allow for cross-overs.


He could feud with Eddie but that's doubtful as Eddie will likely be busy with Chavo and/or Angle depending on where that angle's headed.


Eddie vs. Angle could very-well end at Mania... which is assumingly where Benoit would win the title.


Besides as others have said, Trips will be busy filming giving Benoit a dare I say, easier path to being the World Champ.


Yes, an easier path to a title he doesn't want nor has a history with.

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Not for nothing.......but Egde perhaps going to Raw, Benoit going to Raw...................Matt Hardy to Raw.........Who the fuck is gonna be left from Smackdown. Is perhaps the Brand Extension coming to a very slow end?

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Benoit vs Hardy Hardy is main eventing heat... explain how that's good for Benoit?


I was thinking more along the lines of Benoit jumping to Raw and immediately going after Triple H(assuming he has the World Title) or whomever may be the World Champ. Hardy can bump like a madman and would help put Benoit over as a man on a mission dispatching any and all foes in order to obtain that goal.


Benoit vs Booker T. Poor match last time they wrestled


Benoit can help elevate Booker as a threat while at the same time pushing himself as a take no prisoners fighter.


Benoit vs Jericho Done to death, besides last time we saw them they were buddy-buddy.


I'll give you that one


Benoit vs Goldberg (You know this'll happen sometime if Benoit jumps) Goldberg will be gone after Mania


Probably but there's always a chance no matter how small that Goldberg could stay. I no longer take anything as absolute with Vince.


Benoit vs Shawn Michaels the only good match availible


Could be a great #1 Contendor's type match if given the right hype


Benoit vs Flair(Could happen if Benoit instantly feuds with Trips/Evolution) and it will suck and end up burying Benoit more than if they never fought in the first place


Knowing Benoit I think he could mesh well with Flair by going the Triple H route and playing to Flair's strengths. Also Flair will no doubt bump like a freak to put Benoit over(Just curious, were they close at all in WCW during the Horsemen period?) because Flair's unselfish unlike Trips.


Benoit vs RVD Yeah, that's exactly what Benoit needs... to be hanging around with all the other failures


The fans still buy RVD as somewhat credible and Benoit can manage to get himself a little more over by showing that he has what it takes to go toe to toe with RVD and come out on top. Besides RVD will always be over so the fans seeing Benoit win couldn't hurt RVD much and would give Benoit a bit more legitimacy in the eyes of the fans.


Benoit vs Orton YIPPEE, Dream match!  He'll job to Orton like he jobbed to Cena.


And if memory serves, Benoit and Cena are both still fairly over correct? Orton will remain the heatless machine but if Orton is Triple H's protoge and Benoit manages to pull out a win(however slim the odds) then that gives the fans the feeling that if Benoit can beat a guy who's pretty much squashing the roster right now, he could easily take on Triple H.


Guerrero is quite possible after mania.  It's makes Eddie a likely contender since their last high profile match and Eddie going over, and the size different will be negligible.  Hopefully, given that prominent spot on the card, they'll pull out something better than their last two lacklustre matches.


I'll give you this as well although there is the chance that Eddie could be feuding with Brock at this point or that the Benoit/Brock feud would stretch to Summerslam(If Benoit remains on Smackdown)


Yes, but Angle has the upper-hand on Benoit given the result of their rumble match.  It would help put Benoit over as champion if he were to beat Angle (since many would assume Benoit would be a transitional champion)


I'll give you this although Benoit could still be seen as a transitional champion after the Angle win depending on who he would feud with


Rey Mysterio won't be pushed by Vince that high nor any of the other cruiserweights.


True, but with Benoit as champion on Smackdown, the size difference won't be as apparent and it could allow for cross-overs.


I can't see Vince pushing Rey into a WWE Title match even with the lack of a true size difference. I think guys like A-Train(Storied past with Benoit), Undertaker and the others in the main event would get their chances first.


Eddie vs. Angle could very-well end at Mania... which is assumingly where Benoit would win the title.


True though Eddie's feud with Chavo/Angle could continue past Wrestlemania depending on when their next PPV is after Royal Rumble. Is the February PPV Smackdown's? If so then I'll give you this but if not then I'd expect it to end in April.


Yes, an easier path to a title he doesn't want nor has a history with.

He may not have a history but that doesn't mean he wouldn't want it. Also it may not be wise to say what he would/wouldn't want because a World Title is a World Title regardless of the lineage. Also the Raw Title has been fairly respectable lately with HBK & Goldberg as the Champions so Benoit could probably help the prestige even more.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
Benoit vs Booker T. Poor match last time they wrestled


Benoit can help elevate Booker as a threat while at the same time pushing himself as a take no prisoners fighter.


Benoit vs RVD Yeah, that's exactly what Benoit needs... to be hanging around with all the other failures


The fans still buy RVD as somewhat credible and Benoit can manage to get himself a little more over by showing that he has what it takes to go toe to toe with RVD and come out on top. Besides RVD will always be over so the fans seeing Benoit win couldn't hurt RVD much and would give Benoit a bit more legitimacy in the eyes of the fans.

I despise this mentality. It is delusional. Only in extremely rare cases like Bret/Austin at WM 13 do BOTH people coming out of a match get elevated. It's not going to happen in a regular RAW. Last time I heard this was when John Cena was feuding with Eddie Guerrero, culminating in the parking lot brawl. This board was constantly blabbering on about how both would end up elevated due to this feud, no matter who won or lost. Well, let's see what ACTUALLY happened, shall we? Cena went on to a losing feud with Kurt Angle, and Eddie went on to a losing feud with the Big Show. Both competitors coming out of one match elevated doesn't happen 99.9999% of the time.


Besides, those proposed matches will likely be face/face. And Booker and Rob are absolutely NEUTERED. Yes, they still get pops but they have almost NO credibility. Unless Benoit turns heel which would negate his push in the first place. (And I join LOTC in the "fuck WWE" movement)

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Besides, those proposed matches will likely be face/face. And Booker and Rob are absolutely NEUTERED. Yes, they still get pops but they have almost NO credibility. Unless Benoit turns heel which would negate his push in the first place. (And I join LOTC in the "fuck WWE" movement)

You can't blame the fact that the writers sucked and put Cena & Guerrero in poor feuds on Cena and Eddie not elevating themselves in their feud/blowoff parking lot brawl. They were both more over after the feud/match however the writers botched it not the wrestlers.


So there's a couple face/face matches, it's happened before and it will continue to happen. I think Booker and Rob still do have some credibility with the fans knowing they can be champions at anytime(Booker's already feuded with Trips for the Title) and RVD has taken it to Steve Austin, Brock Lesnar and other current main eventers before so the fans wouldn't be shocked to see RVD or Booker win the World Title.


IMO, no credibility or almost none means that the fans wouldn't buy the guy winning a World Title and with both RVD & Booker, it's not the case.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
You can't blame the fact that the writers sucked and put Cena & Guerrero in poor feuds on Cena and Eddie not elevating themselves in their feud/blowoff parking lot brawl. They were both more over after the feud/match however the writers botched it not the wrestlers.

Yes I can, because it takes a very skilled level of writing to elevate two men after one match where one came out the winner and the other the loser. And I don't see a radical change in the writing team in the next couple months, so why are you using your idealized world to justify these proposed matches?


IMO, no credibility or almost none means that the fans wouldn't buy the guy winning a World Title and with both RVD & Booker, it's not the case.


I think it is, especially at the moment. It will take months of repair for both to be convincing. Why do you think that Benoit or Cena are even being considered to jump? The reasoning is that because Goldberg is on his way out. So why can't RVD or Booker take his spot? Because months of damage will need months of repair.

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I think we need to get over the fact that the World Heavyweight title on RAW is NOT the WCW world title despite looking identical. The new World Heavyweight title was created in September 2002 and holds a lineage of HHH-HBK-HHH-Goldberg-HHH. If you look at the RoyalRumble.com and check out Goldberg's profile you'll see him as having seperate World Title and WCW Title reigns rather then 2 World title reigns.


With that said, in kayfabe land, Benoit winning the World Title on RAW would hold the same prestige as the WWE title. However, it's a shame he wouldn't be able to hold the same WWE Title previously held by guys like Bret, Hogan and Flair. But i see the World Title as an equal accomplishment.

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Well at least I get to see Benoit on tv again. I just hope that he does not get the Matt Hardy treatment and get ignored two weeks after the move.

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Guest Regal Fan

Benoit coming to Raw wont be like Hardy's move because Hardy is nowhere near Benoit-[Thats what I'd like to think, but the way it works Benoit will probably lose to Hardy in his first match after arriving]


At least one good thing that could happen some where down the road, is an all Canadian Stable to feud against Evolution. Maybe-Benoit, Jericho, Christian, Sean Morley, Lance Storm.


Maybe if William Regal makes his comeback to RAW we might see Regal-Benoit II on PPV...........Nah wont happen.


Perhaps after Benoit becomes the Champion we'll see the first Jericho-Benoit feud at World Championship level..........Nah wont happen either.


For some reason I can accept Benoit-HHH. Its better then Benoit and A-Train or Benoit and FBI or even Benoit and O'Haire.

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For some reason I can accept Benoit-HHH. Its better then Benoit and A-Train or Benoit and FBI or even Benoit and O'Haire.

I have a feeling that HHH will figure out a way to bury Benoit promo-wise and match-wise just like he's done to everyone else in the past.


HHH talking in a goofy "You're getting buried" comical voice:"What is that-uhhhh? A gap in your teeth-uhhhh? *HHH laughs* Ha ha ha-uhhhh! What's with that scary smile? Are you supposed to be Jaws-uhhhh?"

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Well there's always the faint hope that he'll beat HHH for the title and as an extra added bonus slaps the crossface on SCSA.


/ends wishful thinking.

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Interesting note: Backlash in April will be from Edmonton. Backlash is a RAW only PPV. Looks like Benoit gets SCREWED BAH GOD~! at WM, but wins the rematch in his hometown at Backlash.

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I was thinking more along the lines of Benoit jumping to Raw and immediately going after Triple H(assuming he has the World Title) or whomever may be the World Champ. Hardy can bump like a madman and would help put Benoit over as a man on a mission dispatching any and all foes in order to obtain that goal.


Kinda like what Goldberg did... this past Monday. Nothing better than sloppy seconds. And Benoit would end up giving him WAY more offense than Goldie did.


Benoit can help elevate Booker as a threat while at the same time pushing himself as a take no prisoners fighter.


Booker stopped being a threat after he lost at Mania 19 and accepted the IC title as his fate. That was his shot, that was his big story, and he failed. He'd just drag Benoit down with him.


Probably but there's always a chance no matter how small that Goldberg could stay. I no longer take anything as absolute with Vince.


But Goldberg hates working there. Vince doesn't and will never "get" Goldberg. They had their chance with Goldberg, they failed. He's as good as gone.


Could be a great #1 Contendor's type match if given the right hype


Sure, Benoit is Bret Hart part 2... in every way possible. The only positive is him beating the shit out of Shawn. Hey, at least him and Jericho have another thing to talk about backstage...


Knowing Benoit I think he could mesh well with Flair by going the Triple H route and playing to Flair's strengths. Also Flair will no doubt bump like a freak to put Benoit over(Just curious, were they close at all in WCW during the Horsemen period?) because Flair's unselfish unlike Trips.


Flair is insane. Benoit is insane. Benoit's insanity at least offers something good. It would be a horrible match. Flair would do his stuff, Benoit would do his, and the only highspot would be the chop-fest.


The fans still buy RVD as somewhat credible and Benoit can manage to get himself a little more over by showing that he has what it takes to go toe to toe with RVD and come out on top. Besides RVD will always be over so the fans seeing Benoit win couldn't hurt RVD much and would give Benoit a bit more legitimacy in the eyes of the fans.


Because that's what everyone who beats RVD gets... legitimacy... RVD is not the gate keeper to the WWE Title, he's the gate keeper to the IC title... that's a step below what Benoit wants. This is the problem with RAW - there's no uppercarders - just "HHH" and "Everyone else" - which is the whole point in bringing Benoit over.


And if memory serves, Benoit and Cena are both still fairly over correct?


If memory serves, Benoit went into a 6 month depression on the card after that match.


Orton will remain the heatless machine but if Orton is Triple H's protoge and Benoit manages to pull out a win(however slim the odds) then that gives the fans the feeling that if Benoit can beat a guy who's pretty much squashing the roster right now, he could easily take on Triple H.


So what you're saying is that Benoit will basically do what everyone does - beat up a cronie to make it seem like they can take the title. I love it. It reeks of, whats that called? Ass.


I'll give you this as well although there is the chance that Eddie could be feuding with Brock at this point or that the Benoit/Brock feud would stretch to Summerslam(If Benoit remains on Smackdown)


Eddie vs. Brock is a huge no-no, not at this time. Size-wise, it's not believable. Eddie needs some transition time in the main event and uppercard to take on Brock.


I'll give you this although Benoit could still be seen as a transitional champion after the Angle win depending on who he would feud with


It takes about 3 successful "big" title defenses to make a champion. Jericho could have had that vs. HHH at Mania 18. Benoit beats brock, beats Angle, beats Eddie, and then say, beats Brock again (or Taker, or whomever). That's a successful run. Of course, they'll cut it off at 2... if we're "lucky".


I can't see Vince pushing Rey into a WWE Title match even with the lack of a true size difference. I think guys like A-Train(Storied past with Benoit), Undertaker and the others in the main event would get their chances first.


Yes, but at least on Smackdown you have that possibility. That would mean good matches. Benoit vs. Rey, Benoit vs. Dragon, Benoit vs. Noble. There isnt the possibility of Benoit facing the women... and if he did, those matches would suck. They'd have to dress Finlay up in a dress and wig and have him and Benoit stiff the shit out of each other to make a good match between Benoit and a woman.


True though Eddie's feud with Chavo/Angle could continue past Wrestlemania depending on when their next PPV is after Royal Rumble. Is the February PPV Smackdown's? If so then I'll give you this but if not then I'd expect it to end in April.


I'd see no reason for Eddie and Angle to go beyond 1 match considering their "rivalry"/relationshi[ has started already.


He may not have a history but that doesn't mean he wouldn't want it.


Why would he want it? He's been focused on the WWE title. Been so for a long time now. Him going after that title would mean he has accepted that he'll never win the WWE title. That's not right.


Also it may not be wise to say what he would/wouldn't want because a World Title is a World Title regardless of the lineage. Also the Raw Title has been fairly respectable lately with HBK & Goldberg as the Champions so Benoit could probably help the prestige even more.


HBK and Goldberg having horrible runs... I'd say it's wise to say Benoit wouldn't want the title since he has never made ANY intention for wanting it since it's supposed existence. "Uh yeah, even though I said I wanted the WWE title... secretly, in my heart, I really wanted the World Title... when I said it was my dream to win the WWE title, that was a lie, it was my dream as a little boy to win the world title... even if it didn't exist until I was well into my 30's...

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Benoit coming to Raw wont be like Hardy's move because Hardy is nowhere near Benoit-[Thats what I'd like to think, but the way it works Benoit will probably lose to Hardy in his first match after arriving]


Hardy had an "in" for RAW and they botched it on the first night. It was an obvious angle, it had heat, and they screwed up on the first night. Has raw booking changed since... last month? Are their writers any brighter? Do they know how to handle an actual "wrestler"???


At least one good thing that could happen some where down the road, is an all Canadian Stable to feud against Evolution. Maybe-Benoit, Jericho, Christian, Sean Morley, Lance Storm.


*Remembers last "Canadian" stable*




Maybe if William Regal makes his comeback to RAW we might see Regal-Benoit II on PPV...........Nah wont happen.


And even if it did, it would suck.


Perhaps after Benoit becomes the Champion we'll see the first Jericho-Benoit feud at World Championship level..........Nah wont happen either.


Sure it will happen... why not? It'll be overshadowned by a McMahon or HHH match, or maybe Taker, and then they'll get buried down the card once the belt is taken off either of them and will be declared failures and that "no one wants to watch that wrestling crap", but it'll happen... yaaay.


For some reason I can accept Benoit-HHH. Its better then Benoit and A-Train or Benoit and FBI or even Benoit and O'Haire.


For some reason, I am seeing Benoit and Mark Henry or Benoit and Maven or Benoit and Test or Benoit and Steiner. That'll have you wishing for Benoit and A-train. Just like Benoit and HHH will have you wishing for Benoit and Brock. I can't accept that. It's not fair. It's not fair for Benoit. It's not fair for me. It's not fair for anyone who believes that this man represents something that is actually good in professional wrestling and should be rewarded for it. It's not fair for anyone who has spent years following him, cheering for him, and hoping that one day something good and right happens to him.

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All you have to do for this angle to work is have Heyman and Lesnar be so afraid of Benoit after he wins the Rumble, that they trade him to Raw to keep him from beating Brock at the rumble... and make this trade for a wrestler of Raw's choosing.... Goldberg. It gives them a way to get Goldberg to Smackdown and Benoit to Raw

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C-bacon, you're being sarcastic right? I mean, it's funny if you are - really, really funny. But if you're not, quit being a fucking moron.

No man, by your justification Benoit 'vacacted' the old WCW title for what it stood for at the time (nothing) and basically out of the shitty state of the company. Winning the RAW World Title thus would not hold the same merit since it is NOT the same title. Sure, they should have changed the look of it instead of adding a few subtle changes. Had they done a complete 180 on the title from the get go, would you still consider it having the same value as the WCW title belt?

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