Dangerous A 0 Report post Posted January 17, 2004 Here are the WON Category B winners as pertains to WWE. Again, if number 1 is not a WWE person, they will be listed anyways. Worst Major Wrestling Show 1-WWE Backlash 4/27 2-WWE Judgement Day 5/18 4-WWE Badd Blood 6/15 5-WWE No Mercy 10/19 6-WWE Armegeddon 12/15 7-WWE Unforgiven Best Wrestling Maneuver 1-AJ Styles Styles Clash 2-Brock Lesnar's F-5 3-Victoria's widows peak 5-John Cena's FU Most Disgusting Promotional Tactic 1-McMahon's all over television 3-Al Wilson's Death 4-WWE not acknowledging Mike Lockwood's (Crash Holly) death 5-Kane Limo Crash 6-WWE exploiting war and doing French heel angle 8-WWE exploiting Zach Gowen 9-WWE handling of Elizabeth's death 10-Eddy Guerrero spraying fake crap on Big Show Reader's Favorite Wrestler 1-Kurt Angle 2-Chris Benoit 3-Chris Jericho 4-Eddy Guerrero 5-Shawn Michaels 7-Ric Flair, Randy Couture (tie) Reader's Least Favorite Wrestler 1-HHH 2-Kevin Nash 3-A-Train 4-Kane 5-Hulk Hogan,Undertaker (tie) 7-Nathan Jones 8-Test,Shane McMahon (tie) 10-Bradshaw Worst Wrestler 1-Nathan Jones 2-Kevin Nash 3-Big Show 4-John Heidenreich 5-Mark Henry 9-Billy Gunn Worst Tag Team 1-Renee Dupree and Sylvan Grenier 2-Rosey and Jamal 3-Test and Scott Steiner 4-Hurricane and Rosey 5-Garrison Cade and Mark Jindrak 7-APA, Giant Singh and Jan Nortje (tie) Worst Television Show 1-Raw 2-Sunday Night Heat 4-Velocity 7-Confidential 9-Bottom Line 10-Smackdown Worst Non Wrestling Personality 1-Stephanie McMahon 2-Linda McMahon 3-Al Wilson 5-Jonathan Coachman 7-Eric Bischoff Worst Match of the Year 1-HHH vs Scott Steiner 1/19 3-HHH vs Kevin Nash 5/18 5-Roddy Piper vs Mr America 5/18 6-Jim Ross vs Jonathan Coachman 9/29 7-Ross and Lawler vs Coachman and Snow 9/21 8-Vince vs Steph 10/19 Worst Feud 1-Shane McMahon vs Kane 2-Vince vs Steph 3-HHH vs Nash 4-JR vs Coachman 5-Torrie Wilson vs Dawn Marie 6-Vince vs Hulk Hogan 7-Vince vs Zach Gowen 8-HHH vs Scott Steiner 9-HHH vs Goldberg, Scott Steiner vs Test (tie) Worst on Interviews 1-Stephanie McMahon 2-Linda McMahon 3-Roddy Piper 4-HHH 5-Al Wilson 6-Rob Van Dam, Lita (tie) 8-Scott Steiner Worst Promotion 1-World Japan 4-WWE Best Booker 1-Jim Cornette 5-Paul Heyman 7-David Lagana 8-Vince McMahon Promoter of the Year 1-Noboyuki Sakikibara 4-Vince McMahon 5-Ultimo Dragon Best Gimmick 1-John Cena Rapper 3-Matt Hardy Mattitude 4-Eddy Guerrero lie cheat steal 5-Randy Orton legend Killer 9-Hurricane 10-New Kane Worst Gimmick 1-Rico 2-Rosey Super hero in training 3-Lance Storm "boring" 4-La Resistance 5-Mr America 6-Bashams and Shaniqua dominatrix and sex slaves 7-Goldust tourettes syndrome 8-Shane McMahon as superman 9-Eddy Guerrero lie cheat steal Most Embarassing Wrestler 1-Nathan Jones 2-Zach Gowen 4-Roddy Piper 5-Big Show 6-Rico 7-Shane McMahon 8-Kevin Nash 9-John Heidenreich 10-Hulk Hogan Let the discussion begin. Speculate on who will win (or lose) next year. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Austin3164life 0 Report post Posted January 17, 2004 I find it funny that the WWE placed pretty high in both "best" and "worst" categories. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RavishingRickRudo 0 Report post Posted January 17, 2004 Cena's FU is horrible. The most hated list looks a lot like the most overrated list. Hell, I don't subscribe to the WO, but I'm still ashmed to indirectly being tied with it (website, WOL, reading this abomination). BTW, thanks for posting - kudos Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dangerous A 0 Report post Posted January 17, 2004 Disregard Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deancoles 0 Report post Posted January 17, 2004 Promoter of the Year 4-Vince McMahon 5-Ultimo Dragon There's the reason for the treatment of Ultimo Dragon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RavishingRickRudo 0 Report post Posted January 17, 2004 So you're going to Titan Towers too??! I'm just mad at the dumbass voters voting dumbassedly. If it appears like I'm being hostile towards you, I'm not. You're just the messenger. I appreciate what you're doing and was pleased to see the list posted - but god damn that's some poor choices. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest reshad974 Report post Posted January 17, 2004 I appreciate what you're doing and was pleased to see the list posted - but god damn that's some poor choices. That's the People's Choice, you have to respect it dude! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lightning Flik 0 Report post Posted January 17, 2004 All I wanna know is who is this Randy Couture that managed to get tied with Ric Flair? Anyone got a clue for me? Although, I wanna know how the F-U got rated so high for a finishing move. It's not bad. Not worthy of where it got, but eh... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Insane Bump Machine 0 Report post Posted January 17, 2004 All I wanna know is who is this Randy Couture that managed to get tied with Ric Flair? Anyone got a clue for me? He's the UFC Light Heavyweight Champion, and would be placed even higher if more people followed MMA. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Masked Man of Mystery 0 Report post Posted January 17, 2004 Cena's finisher doesn't have half the coolness of Ultimo's WWE finisher(did they ever come up with a name for that?) and Linda is not rhat bad. AT least, unlike the other McMahons, when she comes out you know something big is going down, and she has a reason for being out there(nowadays, that is). And I can't believe that more people hate Hulk Hogan than Nathan Jones. At least Hogan can generate some heat and wrestle without self destructing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haVoc 0 Report post Posted January 17, 2004 Most Embarassing Wrestler 1-Nathan Jones 2-Zach Gowen 4-Roddy Piper 5-Big Show 6-Rico 7-Shane McMahon 8-Kevin Nash 9-John Heidenreich 10-Hulk Hogan Why is Big Show on this list? Oh, right. He's not 5'10" 220lbs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AboveAverage484 0 Report post Posted January 17, 2004 Why is Big Show on this list? Oh, right. He's not 5'10" 220lbs. Why is Big Show on this list? Oh, right. He sucks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haVoc 0 Report post Posted January 17, 2004 Back up why he sucks... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
humongous2002 0 Report post Posted January 17, 2004 Because he's still a fat lazy slob. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haVoc 0 Report post Posted January 17, 2004 I feel bad for Big Show. The guy is a seven foot tall giant and people expect him to be able to train or pump a bunch of steroids in his body and look like Benoit or Triple H. Sure, you can throw out people like Taker, Kane or even Shaq but everyones body is different. Big Show is much better then ge gets credit for. ::waits for someone to blame Big Show for not defending the US title:: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jester 0 Report post Posted January 17, 2004 On the plus side, I'm glad Victoria's finisher is up there. The first time she used it on Trish I winced. I personally would like to see it as the set-up for a leg-based submission move rather than a finisher-finisher, but it's nice to see one of the ladies with a move that looks like it could legit fuck you up. I bet if you take that move wrong, you could really screw up your knees. /mark mode off. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DangerousDamon 0 Report post Posted January 17, 2004 Cena's finisher doesn't have half the coolness of Ultimo's WWE finisher(did they ever come up with a name for that?) and Linda is not rhat bad. AT least, unlike the other McMahons, when she comes out you know something big is going down, and she has a reason for being out there(nowadays, that is). And I can't believe that more people hate Hulk Hogan than Nathan Jones. At least Hogan can generate some heat and wrestle without self destructing. Ultimo's finisher is the Asai DDT I believe. And The F-U would be so much cooler if Cena SAT OUT. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Highland 0 Report post Posted January 17, 2004 I would like to know how much of the FU being pussified is due to wwe's stance against certain types of moves. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Highland 0 Report post Posted January 17, 2004 Big Show doesn't belong on that list, considering all the shitty (no pun intended) angles he's put up with. I don't think he's good, but I've yet to be embarrassed at watching a match with TBS. And there is one important fact that no one gives him credit for, much less acknowledge: He's willing to job to anyone and to get involved in stupid angles and gimmicks, but yes, he's embarrassing because he doesn't move like a cruiser and isn't as technically sound as Benoit (no one is). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites