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Guest Mosaicv2

OAO TNA 1/21/03 thread

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Guest Mosaicv2

wow by the way my thread goin... tis show seem to really suck ass... DAMNIT!! can there be a good wrestling show on TV anymore... by the way... Corey... when will you post your review... tats more worth it then this show

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Wait...wait, wait, WAIT...vic, you mean to tell me you love this show WITHOUT EVEN HAVING SEEN IT?!

*****You want my record. I've seen at least 85 percent of the shows. You want to know more I've been to 10 ROH shows, LIVE. Last week I was at CZW at the ECW arena. Last week of Dec. I was at Cage of Death 5. Last spring I went to Super 8. Royal Rumble this week. Mania in March. Why? Because there is nothing better than hanging out with your 5-7 drunk friends (male and female) and cursing up a storm at a face. Going to the local nightclubs and bars after doesn't hurt either. But you have to be home by 12 right......

So? What does your attending of Ring Of Honor, Combat Zone, and WWE events have to do with your saying you loved tonight's National Wrestling Alliance - Total Nonstop Action programming, while simultaneously admitting to having not seen it?

Oh, and don't play the age factor with me, man. I doubt you'd even know my age if I didn't make it public I was 17.


Fuck you, man. Seriously.

*****why are you so angry, ritalin baby.

First off, I don't have ADD or ADHD, and thus do not need Ritalin. Second off, I'm not angry, just annoyed with your idiocy. Finally, ritalin does not help stress/anger but rather attention span, and thus your comment makes no sense.

You're coming onto the board and calling us all idiots because we, who DID watch the show and have since 2002 (the vast majority of us, anyways), aren't digging it? Man...you're nothing but a troll, and nobody will ever, EVER take ANY of your opinions with the least bit of seriousness anymore.

*****sure they will, because unlike you and the rest of the mindless drones on this board I have my own unique opinions. Also I had to work tonight at a real job, that's what a college education makes you do. You should get to bed, you don't want your mom yelling at you to wake tommorrow for Franklin High School classes. Start applying to college yet, or are we off to CCRI?

So you're saying that my actual LIKING of Shane Douglas' mic and in-ring work is because I'm a "mindless drone"? That my complete marking for local wrestler Verte, even though I admit he sucks, is because I'm a "mindless drone"? And what does my having to be in FHS matter, or my post-high school educational choices? It seems that I'm half way through my senior year, and I'm still smarter than you are. I guess all of that college did YOU real fine, eh?

So, anyways...subpar show. Only matches I dug at all were Daniels/Skipper vs. New Franchise and Gathering vs. Balls/Sandman. Not going to get a good review from me at all.

*****of course it won't. The show last week was awesome and you gave it a C. You want to know why people won't read you-because your like SK reviewing WWE, we all know the final thoughts will be negative. So why bother. The diff between you and SK is that he's somewhat funny, while your rambling play by play results make the reader stop 1/5 of the way through. Why bother reading the thoughts of a depressed teenage dope feign, when I can read what Meltzer has to say or Miller. People who don't still live at home and actually have some real world experience.

Well, first off, I'm not a "teenage dope feign," since "feign" is not a noun. And my final thoughts on last week's show were actually POSITIVE. Since most people didn't like the show NEARLY as much as I did, I'd call giving it a C would be quite positive, wouldn't you? No, of course not. You have some personal vendetta against me because you're an asshole with a dissenting opinion, and think people would rather you not frequent these boards because of said dissenting opinion, when in reality they would rather you leave because you proclaim your opinions as facts, when they are clearly not, and do not defend them in the least. You are a troll and a flamebaiter, and are not a good person to have a conversation with about wrestling.

Oh, and real world experience counts when it comes to opinion, eh? Well, I suppose my dad has more real world experience than I do, seeing as how he's about 46 and I'm 17, but I'm sure everybody else in my family would come to me when the question is about movies, music, or wrestling. Age means NOTHING when it comes to opinion.

...and no, OSW, I won't rip Michael Shane a new one. I'll pick on El Leon, who stunk up the ring in the main (Apolo has REALLY lost any bit of workrate he had in 2002), and Don Callis.

*****one year and he lost all that huh, that's some more BS. While Callis is the single most entertaining talking head in pro rassling outside of Mitchell. So I'm looking forward to your thoughts son. And in doing so I've put you more over than you can do for yourself. Looking forward to more run-on sentences.

Well, considering in 2002 Apolo could actually move without looking like he had a stick up his ass, a year does make a huge difference. Callis? The single most entertaining talker in pro wrestling next to Jim Mitchell? Not familiar with Paul Heyman or The Rock, are we? I see you're using wrestling references now. Well, BROTHER, this isn't wrestling, DUDE, it's just a messageboard, BRO. Don't play cute with me, because I guarantee you that my opinion has more weight around here than yours does. And that's not me blowing smoke up my own ass, that's just a statement of what I think is fairly obvious.

HIGHLIGHT OF THE NIGHT: Sonny Siaki taking a shit and Kash trying to get him to sign the contract. "Kash, just let me do my doo-doo."

*****of course that was your highlight of the night you immature, insecure geek.

1. I am a geek. Thanks for acknowledging that. Although, of course, by coming onto a WRESTLING MESSAGEBOARD, you have also admitted to being a geek.

2. It's the highlight of the night because none of the matches were especially good, and that's the only backstage vignette that wasn't botch cliché and boring.

3. You're right. I am insecure. And afraid, and trouble, and all of that. But I...I think you're the fucking antichrist.


Yes, a Donnie Darko quote.

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If you have you own unique opinions, how come you never express them? When challenged to defend your thoughts, you always refer to Meltzer or Keith instead of defending the show yourself.

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So does anybody who actually saw the show (besides Corey) have an opinion? Since some of us actually consider opinions of people who watch the show when considering purchasing a replay (or next week's show).

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I have not watched TNA in a while, even though I have a black box, so I cannot comment on current Callis, but at one time I felt he was the best talker in the business. His interview from cyberslam 2000, where he tells tajiri to give the belt to Rhino, ranks up there with some of my favorite promos of all time. A little sucky sucky in the limo.

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So does anybody who actually saw the show (besides Corey) have an opinion? Since some of us actually consider opinions of people who watch the show when considering purchasing a replay (or next week's show).

I had it on...I was bored. Waste of $10. It sucked, top to bottom.

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Here's what Meltz said-


NWA TNA PPV report




by Dave Meltzer


[email protected]


We're looking for your thoughts on tonight's show, so please leave a thumbs up, thumbs down or thumbs in the middle along with a best and worst match to [email protected].


NWA TNA report for 1/21


Xplosion results

Konnan & Ron Killings & B.G. James b Jared Steele & Delirious & Masada

Chris Sabin b Seth Delay

Don Harris b Nate Webb

Trinity b Daizee Haze

A.J. Styles b Gabriel


This was a wild show with what appeared to be a large hot crowd. It wasn't Jonny Fairplay, but ICP, who didn't even wrestle or cut a promo, that appeared to draw the house. It was a sea of newcomers who were chanting "ICP" throughout the show. Late in the show, ICP came out to sit with the crowd. The only real angle they did was spitting soda all over Jeff Jarrett as he was in the crowd during the street fight.


It appears this show was to start building a blow off between Jarrett and Mike Tenay. The show opened with Don West telling Tenay he's overstepping his bounds by interfering in the action. A hot Tenay then told West off.


A letter was read announcing Don Callis vs. Erik Watts in a battle for power with falls counting anywhere as the main event next week. The board didn't rule either side the winner from last week. Nothing was said about Watts winning and A.J. Styles getting his title shot. It sure didn't appear that Watts would be winning.


Erik Watts & Goldylocks came out. Watts introduced the returning Jerry Lynn as captain of TNA X's team in the Americas' Cup on 2/11, which I believe starts taping in dark form next week. Kid Kash came out. They had a discussion where Lynn revealed he went to management to get Kash his tryout and his job, but Kash said it was his ability that kept his

job. He wanted Lynn to sign his loyalty to Jarrett. Lynn teased, and then hit Kash with the clipboard and they brawled.


It was 25 minutes into the show at this point.


1. Julio Dinero & C.M. Punk beat Balls Mahoney & Sandman in 3:41 when Mahoney was double-teamed and pinned. Crowd was hot for this one with lots of ECW chants although not a good match. It was under tornado rules. Punk, who did a lot of talking and is getting a shot now, pulled out a bag of thumb tacks, but the voice of Raven played over the p.a. flickering in and out. This stalled them long enough for Sandman to cover and clean house with cane shots, far less brutal than usual and Dinero went down on a shot that whiffed.


2. Simon Diamond & Johnny Swinger beat Glenn Gilberti & David Young in 4:43 with the problem solver on Young. Sloppy match that even this hot crowd was dead for. Not sure what was going on, maybe ICP showed up or something in stands as crowd was all watching a different part of the building.


Kash came out holding the hair of Sara Lee. I think it was a wig and she was struggling to keep it on. He wanted her to sign, which she did again. Yes, rerun angle. Tiny the bell ringer came out. You know, the crowd popped last week, so he tore that shirt off and went after Kash again. Eventually Tiny wasn't enough as I think Young came out. Chris Vaughn came out for the save but Young hit him with a spinebuster. Don

Harris made the final save.


Sonny Siaki was in the bathroom earlier today, in his own words, making a doodoo. I guess Trinity hangs out in men's bathrooms because she was there as well. Kash showed up and shoved the clipboard to Siaki to sign, but he's been advised by a secret guy not to sign (anyone think Russo?). Trinity signed but Siaki was mad at her for doing so.


3. D-Lo Brown pinned Siaki in 5:25 with the sky high power bomb. Fans were chanting for ICP and Trinity during the match, but with so many new fans in with ICP, they saw Brown as a real star. Trinity tried to help Siaki doing a tornado DDT off the top rope but Brown kicked out. Kash came out again trying to get Siaki to sign. Trinity turned on Siaki, he was beaten down and she moonsaulted him. Tenay and West couldn't believe

Trinity and Kash, who feuded a few months back, were working together. Trinity, who the people are begging to love, went to the back to hang with Jarrett's group and told Jarrett she's with him but she wants nothing to do with Kash.


4. Shane Douglas & Michael Shane beat Christopher Daniels & Elix Skipper in 10:09 when Douglas KO'd Daniels with Knux., The big spot was four chairs were set up on the floor. Douglas was on the chairs and Skipper was going to come off the middle rope on him. Traci jumped to save. Skipper looked like he was supposed to give Traci, get this, leaping off the middle taking her with him, a stunner to the floor through the four chairs. As it turned out, she more was on his back while he protected

her taking the bump.


3 Live Kru were doing the Ebert & Roeper deal watching films of all the other tag teams calling them gay and such.


5. Kevin Northcutt & Joe Legend got the tag title shot over AMW in 11:57. This was the best match on the show. An interesting story as Storm slipped on purpose, looking like a mistake when trying to missile dropkick and landed on his shoulder. They sold it big like a shoulder injury and Tenay talked about Storm having a shoulder injury earlier in his career. Most of the bout saw the Redshirts work over his shoulder, including delaying the hot tag a long time. In a far too inside swerve,

Northcutt had Storm pinned for a three but picked him up. The idea was that usually when that happens, it means the other side wins. Finish saw The Naturals, Chase Stevens & Andy Douglas show up. Douglas threw powder in Harris' eyes and Stevens hit him with a chair and Northcutt scored the pin. Fans were more upset than usual over AMW getting screwed out of their shot.


Don Callis introduced Fairplay. No contract signing. They tried to make him out to be a superstar. The crowd reacted to him like he was someone, but not a superstar or anything. They had him surrounded with models in bikini tops who were far hotter than the women they push. He seemed nervous trying to do an Andy Kaufman style promo about hillbilly fans. Fans were chanting ICP. Styles came out, so at least they tried to give

him whatever rub there is. As Styles went to attack, Callis told him to stop as Fairplay is a star. Styles went after Callis and Fairplay hit him with a weak chair shot. He tried a second one but Styles got the chair and blocked it, and killed him with a power bomb.


Watts told Goldylocks to stay in the back next week. She said fine. He's screwed for sure.


6. Jeff Jarrett NC El Leon (Apolo) in 7:51 of a street fight. They brawled outside and Jarrett hit Leon with a what seemed like 30 chair shots. Total overkill. Out of nowhere, Tenay shoved Jarrett into the guard rail. He said it was a preemptive strike. Later Jarrett shoved Tenay and they almost went at it. ICP spit a ton of soda pop on Jarrett. Leon speared Andrew Thomas. Jarrett went for the guitar but Tenay took

it from him. Leon hit a superkick and Tenay jumped on the apron and screamed at Thomas to count, but Jarrett kicked out. This end when Jarrett hit Leon with the guitar, but Styles came out, and Thomas ruled it a no contest. Styles hit Jarrett with a brainbuster, but Abyss came in and set up a table. Show ended with Abyss press-slamming Styles and throwing him over the top through the table and the show ended with Styles supposedly hurt. Jarrett came out and said he was going to get

Tenay fired but Tenay said it would be a cold day in hell, and I guess that mean one is coming.


Next week

Chris Sabin vs. Michael Shane for X title

3 Live Kru vs. Redshirts for tag title

Watts vs. Callis


Brian Urlacher, who is a good friend of Watts', will be there next week and no doubt they'll try and do something with him to get mainstream. He's a big enough star that it has a shot at working from a sports press standpoint.

Announced as the teams in the Americas' Cup for TNA are Lynn, Chris Sabin, Elix Skipper and Sonjay Dutt. For AAA, it's Hector Garza, Juventud Guerrera, Abismo Negro and Mr. Aguila.

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It appears this show was to start building a blow off between Jarrett and Mike Tenay. The show opened with Don West telling Tenay he's overstepping his bounds by interfering in the action. A hot Tenay then told West off.


Admittedly, I haven't watched since the $.01 show, but is there a reason they've got an ANNOUNCER in a feud with the #1 guy (according to the bookers n' such) in the company? Otherwise, I can't really comment on how good the show is without knowing if the seemingly dumb stuff has some kind of real purpose.


I never see this VicVenomJr chap outside of this folder.

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I don't think it's an announcer feud...yet.


It was just Don reminding Tenay what Tenay told Don. To just report what goes on in the ring and not interfere. If they don't have to wrestle, then I'm fine with this angle here. I think TNA needs an announcer being a bit of a heel to defend them.

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Vic, Vic, Vic...


I too, have never seen you outside of this folder, but I've had quite a few people complaining about the way you carry yourself in it. In reading the thread, I'll tell you this...have a good debate with these guys (who DO know what they're talking about...there's a reason why Corey is covering TNA on the main site, you know) or shut the fuck up. There's your warning.


And for the record, I go to CCRI, asshat. Who gives a fuck what SCHOOL you go to when talking WRESTLING? I don't know what going to community college had to do with a TNA debate, but there's some food for your (minimal) thought.

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Guest vicvenomjr

CCRI is a joke. Sorry it is.


Besides that all I'll say is I can't wait for the High School TNA report.

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CCRI is a joke. Sorry it is.


Besides that all I'll say is I can't wait for the High School TNA report.

Yeah, I'd take advice on educational matters from you.


Oh, and see that second part of your post? It's called a flamebait. Considering you were warned just what, TWO SECONDS AGO, you're not too bright, are you?


Say goodbye, sunshine.

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Yeah, I'd take advice on educational matters from you.


Oh, and see that second part of your post? It's called a flamebait. Considering you were warned just what, TWO SECONDS AGO, you're not too bright, are you?


Say goodbye, sunshine.


*****Wow awesome Zack. You rule.

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Yeah, I'd take advice on educational matters from you.


Oh, and see that second part of your post? It's called a flamebait. Considering you were warned just what, TWO SECONDS AGO, you're not too bright, are you?


Say goodbye, sunshine.


*****Wow awesome Zack. You rule.

I even used "sunshine" in honor of you and Regal, Bob.

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Guest BD30

Good job Zack you showed him......


CCRI is still a joke (13th grade for the slow) though and the TNA report will be poorly done. Because the kid who writes it doesn't know what a run on sentence is.


Look for Vic Venom III


Bob Barron is goof too.

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Good job Zack you showed him......


CCRI is still a joke (13th grade for the slow) though and the TNA report will be poorly done. Because the kid who writes it doesn't know what a run on sentence is.


Look for Vic Venom III


Bob Barron is goof too.

Yep, exactly, cuz I'm slow.


Community college is for people on a budget. Last time I checked, most 23 year olds can't pay the $15,000 a year to go to the schools they want to. I know I can't.

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Guest BD30

I even used "sunshine" in honor of you and Regal, Bob.



Can't wait for that high school grammar......

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Guest BD30

Yep, exactly, cuz I'm slow.

*****probably are


Community college is for people on a budget. Last time I checked, most 23 year olds can't pay the $15,000 a year to go to the schools they want to. I know I can't.

*****I did. It's called not being lazy.

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Hmm... I can in here looking to see if I should order the TNA replay and instead I was treated to an entertaining dumbass vs the board thread. Good times and good riddance, that ****** bullshit always bugged the hell out of me.

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Order the replay?


Nope, I can't say I did. As much fun as the ICP involvement sounds, I can't justify paying ten bucks to see Jarrett wrestle Apolo. Also, many thanks to Sancho.

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Guest MikeSC
I'll make sure to get a few more. It isn't difficult.

Considering registration is suspended right now, I'd say so. Crawl back in your mother's pouch, dickless.

Am I the only one who doesn't get the point of a banned person who thinks a board is full of idiots COMING back time and time again?


Does he know how sad that is?


But, for what it's worth, I guess it did a great job of showing the truth about his age.


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As much as I could care less about this Venom guy, here is a thing I've learned in time from dealing with guys like him after posting on boards.......JUST IGNORE HIM IF HES SO TERRIBLE. If you dont think he has anything to offer to the table, just let him be. Replying back to him in basically the same way at times doesnt help the situation, it just makes him want to come back over and over again for more. It's like a fire that you guys keep throwing fluid on.


I initially came around here probably upon the inception of TNA, or shortly thereafter. For quite a while, I was a regular around in the TNA board since I continue to watch show after show and everyone who posted here was fair, impartial, and most of all, RESPECTFUL to others opinions.


Not sure when it stopped, probably 3 or 4 months ago, but I started to lose interest in here when it just became a game of whos wrong and who's right around here, and then with that came people who just seemed to want to start arguments.....I certainly wont throw any names down but the only single poster I even could seem to talk constructively to was BPS.


I just think this place needs to get back to that. Just ignoring the waste and just talking constructively about the shows might be a nice start. I've come around occasionally to try that, but I cant even get much conversation from the matter since everyone is so concerned with throwing shit back and forth at each other. Can we all just grow up already, please?!!




For what its worth, I thought the show was alot better than the average has been in the weeks' past.......the AMW match was surprisingly strong against the Red Shirts, and it just seemed that generally speaking, alot of the guys had their working shoes on last night. The atmosphere seemed like there was more going on...with Lynn returning and the buildup to the next X Cup, that should be cool, and Fairplay made for, well, something to talk about I suppose. I cant judge whether Fairplay will be a good thing or not yet, all depends what they will do with him from this point. If Russo wrote some of this, I saw the difference as it didnt just seem so dulled out of a two hour show than what its usually like. Sure, there still needed to be alot of work, but this could be a good start to a new leaf for the company with Russo back in the fold and maybe learning from mistakes past. If Mantel, Russo, and the Jarretts could all be on the same page, we probably could get a real good product with all of their strong points being used. Mantel's visions could work in terms of his long builds, and if Russo could help make those builds more interesting with more substance (which time will tell on), well thats something positive to me. One thing is for sure though, Lynn back is definitely a good thing to me.

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