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CM Funk's Once a Day *IN DEPTH* Match Review

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Guest 2pacallyps

CM FUNK from group 1 I would like a review on the iron man match between Shawn and Bret.

From the second group my pick is Eddie vs Angle.

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Guest Real F'n Show

Group 1:

Steve Austin vs. Shawn Michaels- WrestleMania XIV


Group 2:

CW Anderson vs. Tommy Dreamer- I Quit Match

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I just watched HBK-HHH HIAC today, and all I can say is wow. I can't remember ever being so bored watching a match. I actually fell asleep within the first 10 minutes. I'd say you were right on the money with your review of the match. I wouldn't go any higher than **.

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Guest Undying Fury

Group 1- Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart- Iron Man

Group 2- Eddie vs. Angle- WM XX

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One fall, Cage match, pinfalls/submissions allowed, 30 minute time limit, Smaffles' return match- Smaffles the Pimpin' Bear vs. The Iron Shiek

Date/Place- My house, 7/19/04

Ref- Earl Hebner

Commentators- none


After retiring at an undefeated 1-0, Smaffles the Pimpin' Bear went back to his hometown of Delaware to run a waffle house. One night while closing up shop, he happened to overhear his name being mentioned on television. It was the Iron Shiek, challenging Smaffles to return to the ring one final time. When Smaffles didn't answer the challenge, Shiek went to his house and ate his porridge! This feud had suddenly become personal. Smaffles spent the next four months preparing for his comeback match. Will Smaffles get his revenge and prove to the fans that he's still one of the best in the game?


Character Related Info: Smaffles is an 800 pound pimping bear, complete with top hat. Iron Shiek is the evil foreigner from Iran. Face- Smaffles, Heel- Shiek


What this match is most known for: First ever irish whip finish


The Match: Smaffles hits Shiek with a clubbing blow right to the face! He tries picking him up, but Shiek kicks him off. Shiek gets up and Smaffles pounds on his face! He then goes for a back suplex, but Shiek flips over him. Iron Shiek then RAKES Smaffles' back to loud boos. Smaffles then punches the shit out of Shiek again, and then elbow drops his head! They have an intense staredown. Smaffles oddly tries to boot thin air. He then finds Shiek and tries to kick 'im in the gourd, but he catches Smaffles' leg and punches him in the face. They lock up, with Smaffles fighting back with punches and chops. Iron Shiek gets back at him with a headlock. Smaffles fights back with more closed fists, but Iron Shiek hits him with a piledriver! Shiek starts climbing the cage, but Smaffles knocks him down. Smaffles with more closed fists, and then elbows to the gut. Shiek's torso is in the yellow. Smaffles punches him in the face then hits a DDT! Big back suplex, and Shiek is down. Smaffles starts climbing the cage, but Shiek knocks him off. They lock up again and they trade chops. Shiek chops him right in the throat! Smaffles is down and Shiek starts climbing the cage, but Smaffles charges at him and knocks him off. Shiek's head is in the yellow. HUGE running lariat from Smaffles! Smaffles starts climbing the cage after hilariously pausing to see if Shiek was dead or not. Shiek chops him off the cage and then they lock up again. This time, Smaffles gets a nice suplex in. Wait a minute! Big boot! You know what this means! Atomic leg drop! Shades of Hulk Hogan! Shiek's head and torso are in the orange!


Smaffles starts climbing the cage and makes it to the very top! But Shiek knocks him off with a big punch to the cage. That's GOTTA hurt. Smaffles' head and torso are in the yellow now. Shiek tries to fight him off, but Smaffles is HULKING UP! He's Hulking up! Irish whip into the turnbuckle! Smaffles is climbing the cage! Iron Shiek approaches the cage-- and does nothing! Smaffles wins! Smaffles wins (at 2:46)!


Winner: Smaffles


What resulted out of this: Smaffles continued his reign of terror while Shiek floundered in the midcard.


My review: What the hell was that? 2:46 for a comeback match? Pish posh. It's good to see Smaffles back, though. And I must say, I marked out for the Hulk-up. DUD


How to Make Smaffles the Pimpin' Bear on your Own Game


I suggest you clone him from a CAW with high stats (especially in power and endurance), but it's up to you.



Name: Smaffles

Ringname: leave it blank

Nickname: Smaffy

Biography: Male, Super Heavyweight, %100 face



Edit Parts


Face- #2, face model 01, figure 10, -28, shape 16, -31. Age -100.

Head- 81, 32

Eyebrow- 24, 6

Eyes- 15, 25, -7, -10

Nose- -27, -26, -27, 2

Cheek- 91

Mouth- 0, 4, 13

Jaw- 67, 24, -16


1, 1, -89, -62, 15


6, -98, 9, 0, 72


1, -94, 9, 0


28, default.


Head Accessories- 51, -100, 4, 0

Tights- 1, 1, 62, 58, 0, 100, -100

Hand Accessories- 1, make them dark black

Head Accessories- 17, 100, -86, 69

Caps & Hats- 7, 3, 67, -19, 0


Body morphing- 100, 100

Height- 7'2


Head- 12, -18, 17

Neck- 65, 71, -34

Chest- 60, 16, 5

Shoulder- Both: -16, 36, 6

Abdomen- 88, 71, 100

Arms- 49, 50, 9

Forearms- 28, 78

Hands: 15, -23, -71

Waist- 53, 73

Thigh- 53, 65

Legs- 74, 78, 26

Feet: -16, -12, -50


There you have Smaffles.


My Smaffles Attributes

Strength: 10

Submission: 7

Endurance: 9

Technique: 7.5

Speed: 8



Logic1- Brawler

Logic2- Brawler

Move- Clever

Irish whip- Less often

Weapon use- dislike

Diving moves- less often

Taunt- Often



Auto set on Moves Set 29 AJMA (Mike Awesome)

Taunts: Musician 1, Ghost, Dancing 3, Dancing 1

Special: Mandible Claw followed by either the Ultimate Slam & Splash or Atomic Leg Drop

Entrance: Original 17 theme, original 8 moves, movie- logo


There you have it.

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One fall, WWE Undisputed Title- Eddie Guerrero © vs. Kurt Angle

Date/Place- New York, NY- 3/14/04

Ref- Nick Patrick

Commentators- Michael Cole and Tazz


Kurt Angle turned on Eddie Guerrero while he was assigned to be the special guest ref for a match. He explained that Eddie's reputation for being a former drug addict would ruin the WWE Title and the WWE.


Character Related Info: Kurt Angle's the cocky Gold medalist who has more of an edge to him now. He still believes in morals now, as he always has. Eddie Guerrero is Mexican and drives low riders. Huh. Heel- Angle, Face- Eddie


What this match is most known for: Well, it was good.


The Match: The bell rings and the "Eddie" chants start. They lock up and Angle pushes Eddie into the corner, and they do a clean break. Back to the lockup and Angle turns it into a front facelock, but Eddie gets it into a german hold but Angle arm drags him into a headlock on the ground. Eddie locks in the headscissors and they break. Fans pop for a good sequence.


Angle goes for a german but Eddie does a standing switch which is reversed back into a headlock for Angle. Angle holds it in until they get to their feet. Angle hits a headlock takedown into headscissors and they get back to their feet. Headlock by Angle again which is reversed into an Eddie hammerlock but it's back into the headlock. Angle sends him into the ropes and hits a shoulderblock. They stall again until Eddie gets Angle in the side headlock. Shoulder knockdown x 2 by Eddie. He bounces off the ropes again and hits a third. Angle rolls out of the ring and takes a breather. Back in at 5, he fakes out Eddie by pretending to go for a takedown but does not, then he actually does the takedown but Eddie gets out with a fireman's carry which goes into the armbar until Angle twirls around almost immediately and puts in a front facelock. Back to their feet now, until Eddie's feet give out and it's back ot the ground. Angle rolls him over for the pin and then tries again.


Pin #1/2 (Angle)- 1-2-no.


Back to their feet, Angle audibly calls a spot (as he did versus Lesnar last year). Angle then goes to suplex him and gets his legs dangling in the air, but Eddie says no pobo and drops back down to his feet so he can back body drop him. A pair of armdrags and the second one is transitioned into the armbar. He stuffs one of his hands in Angle's jaw for kicks. Eventually it's taken into a keylock after Eddie moves his leg. Back to their feet and Angle breaks it up by tossing Eddie into the ropes where Eddie meets his knee. Abdominal stretch! I've marked out for those ever since the triple abdominal stretch during the 3 way cage match at Breakdown 1998. It's quickly taken into a suplex by Eddie, and he goes for the Second of Three Amigos, but Angle transitions into the the first of the Drei Freunds (roughly "Three Amigos" in German). He goes for a second OVER THE TOP ROPE, but Eddie catches the top and hangs on so he doesn't eat the floor. Angle charges at him to baseball slide him but Eddie jumps over him and Angle goes for a german suplex off the apron (shades of the ass-raping Big Show incident). Eddie kicks him off, though so Angle takes a tumble to the mat while Eddie gets back in. Eddie looks to go plancha onto him..but doesn't. He just dropkicks him off the ring apron. Angle then leans back on the barricade and Eddie dives onto him off the top but Angle rolls out of the way and Eddie's chest and ribs get crushed. I'm calling the bodyscissors already. Angle rolls him back in the ring for a pin.


Pin #3 (Angle)- 1-2-no.


Angle with a back(rib)breaker.


Pin #4 (Angle)- 1-2-no.


Angle goes straight to the corner where he rams his shoulder into Eddie's ribs and then snap mares him. Into the bodyscissors! I called it. Into a headlock that Eddie counters out of with a modified Ace Crusher. But Angle hotshots Eddie into the ropes and his ribs land..uh.."face-first"? Pin by Angle.


Pin #5 (Angle)- 1-2-no.


Angle with a belly to belly suplex. He shows off for the fans and then hits another one.


Pin #6 (Angle)- 1-2-no.


Into a grounded "bearhug" as Tazz calls it. Eddie gets out by thumbing Angle in the eyes once they get to their feet. Another belly to belly by Kurt.


Pin #7 (Angle)- 1-2-no.


Angle sets Eddie on the top and goes for a belly to belly, but Eddie pushes him off the top. Angle runs up to him and goes for the running belly to belly throw, but Eddie pushes him off again and goes for the Frogsplash but misses! Damn, that was slick. Angle sells the bottom of his back as hurting. They go into the corner and now Angle's pissed. Closed fists and stomps! RIP Eddie and Angle mat wrestling- March 14 2004 to March 14 2004. Another punch to the face knocks down Eddie. Back to his feet and he gets punched again. So he gets to his feet again and then Angle punches him down again. Eddie HULKS UP! Eddie with right hands to Angle's head and then hits clotheslines and elbows until Angle swings him into the corner but Eddie gets out of it with a back suplex.


Pin #8 (Eddie)- 1-2-no. First pin for Eddie comes half way through the match.


Angle with the three germans but one of them is reversed into a rollup.


Pin #9 (Eddie)- 1-2-no.


Angle comes back with a clothesline and Angle is prepared to go for the Angle Slam but Eddie counters into an armdrag. He gets another one and then he sends Angle into the ropes for a tilt-a-whirl headscissors. Three Amigos follow--but on the set-up third, Angle counters into the Angle Lock! Eddie kicks him off, though, and Angle gets up and walks into a dropkick. Eddie goes to the top and but Angle runs up and hits a HUGE throw from the top rope.


Pin #10 (Angle)- 1-2-no!


Angle gets up and takes off the straps~! Anglelock but Eddie sends it into a rollup!


Pin #11 (Eddie)- 1--2--no.


German suplex by Angle and it's time for the Angle Slam..which Eddie reverses into a lovely DDT. Eddie goes to the top and Frogsplashes him!


Pin #12 (Eddie)- ONE-TWO-NO?!


Everybody bought that as the finish. Eddie crawls and begins getting up. Eddie picks Angle up who looks like dead weight..but he's playing possum and goes straight to the Angle Lock. Eddie's arms are BULGING at this point. Either Angle has it in REALLY tight or Eddie's on the juice. Angle gets kicked out of the ring and then Eddie loosens his boot, releasing the pressure on his ankle. Angle rolls back in the ring (Eddie: "Oh, shit.") and goes straight to the Anglelock..but Eddie kicks his boot off! Angle runs into a small package!


Pin #13 (Eddie)- one--two--three! Cheat to win!


Winner and still champion: Eddie Guerrero


What resulted out of this: Angle stopped wrestling and became general manager of the federation. Eddie held on to the title so he could drop it to the future of the wrestling business, Bradshaw.


My review: A bunch of good sequences here. Mat wrestling was crisp. Great finish to the match-- Eddie outsmarting Angle shut him up for a while (note: not really). Main problem was that there wasn't really anything that set Angle off to make the change from mat wrestling to brawling. Eddie misses the Frogsplash..so he punches him out? No point to that, but still, WrestleMania quality match and I wasn't disappointed. Bring it to SummerSlam! ****1/4


Mind Games up next.

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Hey man just to say you are doing a great job with these, they are very good reading and most of your reviews cover everything important in the matches.


Keep it up!!! well done :)

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Hey, thanks a bunch.


Question for anybody who reads this, what match from the Chris Benoit DVD should I review first?

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Two people said Benoit/Sasuke, so here goes.


One fall, Super J Cup Tournament Finals- "Wild Pegasus" Chris Benoit vs. Great Sasuke

Date/Place- Tokyo, Japan- 4/16/94

Ref- Tiger Hattori

Commentators- Michael Cole and Tazz


Earlier in the night, Chris Benoit beat Black Tiger and Gedo to advance to the finals. Great Sasuke beat Jushin Liger and El Samurai. Supposedly Benoit and Sasuke got byes in the first round.


Character Related Info: I guess you could call Sasuke the face here, as he is the hometown boy. Both guys are great wrestlers. Benoit- tweener, Sasuke- face.


What this match is most known for: Chris Benoit wins the Super J Cup.


The Match: Benoit and Sasuke have a stare-down. The bell rings and they pace around the ring. Sasuke goes for a test of strength but it never happens and the two just lock up with Benoit almost getting a full nelson suplex that Sasuke gets out of. Hammerlock by Benoit that goes into a front facelock, but Benoit goes back to working on the arm. Sasuke reverses and works on Benoit's arm but Benoit regains control and  works on Sasuke's arm some more. Headlock, and Benoit eventually hits him with a snapmare, but he lands on his feet. Sasuke goes for a running kick but Benoit catches his foot and flips him backwards. Awesome. So he goes for another kick and Benoit catches but Sasuke knocks him down with the other leg. Kipup by Sasuke. Stalemate again. Benoit tweaks the arm and takes him down. Armlock and Sasuke's backed up into the corner. Chops by Benoit, and a punch or two. Irish whip is reversed and Benoit goes into the corner. Sasuke charges and uses him as a springboard to flip backwards. He ducks a Benoit charge but Benoit goes for a slingshot but Sasuke uses his legs to flip him out and then dropkicks Benoit out of the ring. He goes to launch himself through the ropes but Benoit avoids and takes his time getting back in the ring. Benoit and Sasuke lock up again, hammerlock by Benoit, snapmare again, Benoit with a ground headscissors. Benoit holds it in but Sasuke then gets out of it to apply a bow-and-arrow submission. Sasuke lets go and stomps on Benoit's back. Snapmare by Sasuke and he drives his knee into Benoit's back. Benoit eventually gets out and Sasuke armdrags him. Stalemate again and Benoit brushes his hair back. Benoit kicks and hiptosses him but jumps over a Sasuke charge, goes to monkey flip him but Sasuke flips(!) over Benoit (was that really warranted?) and then runs into a Benoit clothesline once he gets up. Great sequence. Benoit picks Sasuke up and does a NICE german suplex with a bridge.


Pin #1 (Benoit)- 1-2-no.


Benoit picks him up, sends him into the ropes and misses a clothesline. Sasuke comes back with a leg lariat that looks somewhat like a spinning heel kick. Sasuke now does the spinning heel kick. He goes for a cover but doesn't get anything. Atomic Leg Drop! ..okay, it wasn't really atomic.


Pin #2 (Sasuke)- 1-2-no.


Now he key locks Benoit's arm. Armscissors (I refuse to call it a cross armbreaker) and Benoit eventually gets up and hits a..something. Camera is too busy looking at Super Delphin. Powerbomb is reversed into a armdrag and they do some reversals before Benoit clotheslines him. Suplex goes into a gutbuster, and Benoit has him on the ring apron. Chops and punches by Benoit, who hits a springboard forearm/elbow (couldn't see which). Ref counts out Sasuke. Sasuke gets back in the ring. Dragon suplex with a bridge.


Pin #3 (Benoit)- 1-2-no.


Benoit slams Sasuke. He goes to the top and hits the Diving Headbutt.


Pin #4 (Benoit)- 1-2-no.


May I say that Tazz's commentary is hilarious? Powerbomb.


Pin #5 (Benoit)- 1-2-no.


Michael Cole says "this is like a SmackDown match"! May I say that Michael Cole's commentary is hilarious as well? Slam and Benoit puts him in the Sharpshooter. He gets out, Benoit sends him into the ropes and hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker.


Pin #6 (Benoit)- 1-2-no.


Benoit sends him into the ropes and goes for a dropkick, but Sasuke hangs on to the ropes and he hulks up. BOO. He picks Benoit upts and sends him into the ropes and goes for a tilt a whirl backbreaker that Benoit gets out of, Benoit ducks a jumping kick so Sasuke lariats him, he gets up and walks into a Benoit german suplex!


Pin #7 (Benoit)- 1-2-no!


Benoit goes for another german suplex which is reversed into a rollup from Sasuke that doesn't work out and Benoit is on top with Sasuke's shoulders down.


Pin #8 (Benoit)- 1-2-no.


Benoit pauses. Sasuke looks messed up. So Benoit irish whips him from one corner to the other. Sasuke crossbodies out of it and does a jumping kick to send Benoit out of the ring. Flying Space Corkscrew Tiger Monkey Air Long Drop! Both men are down on the outside and everybody's telling Sasuke to get back into the ring. Nobody motivates Benoit. Both men make it in before the count and Sasuke picks him up and hits a kick. German suplex by Sasuke.


Pin #9 (Sasuke)- 1-2-no.


Sasuke picks him up and hits a Perfectplex.


Pin #10 (Sasuke)- 1-2-no.


Sasuke starts going up to the top and attempts a dropkick but Benoit moves. Sasuke goes up again (stupid) and Benoit tries suplexing him back again while Sasuke is on the ringapron, but Sasuke SUPLEXES HIM OUT OF THE RING! Daaaamn. Both men get back in the ring and Benoit is dropkicked out of the ring. Sasuke goes to the top..missle dropkick from the top onto Benoit (who's on the floor). Daaaamn. Both men get back in the ring and Sasuke kicks Benoit in the back. Sasuke with a body slam and he starts going to the top. Corkscrew.


Pin #11 (Sasuke)- 1-2-no.


Benoit struggles to get up and Sasuke starts going to the top. Benoit meets him there and he starts going for a back suplex, but Sasuke knocks him off. Top rope gut-wrench suplex!


Pin #12 (Benoit)- 1-2-3!


Winner of the '94 Super Juniors: Chris Benoit


What resulted out of this: Benoit lost the next year while Sasuke didn't even make the tournament next year.


My review: Very good chain wrestling here and nothing was botched. BUT-- I didn't like Sasuke's odd selling (just grimacing doesn't do much) and the transitioning (Benoit dominating to Sasuke dominating to Benoit's suprise win) was too sudden. Still, a very good wrestling contest that I can't say I really got behind as much as some of Benoit's other matches. ****

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Man, I can't even imagine how many times I've said "1-2-no" while writing a match review.


Oh yeah, might as well offer an option as to the next Benoit bout:


vs. Al Snow- Double Tables


vs. Eddie Guerrero- Nitro, 1995

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Guest Ray
Chris Benoit vs. Great Sasuke



Too low. ;)


And you forgot to mention a key element to the story, and the finish (Sasuke and how he got their, and how him not doing something costs him the match.)


Have you seen the rest of the 94 J Cup? That might explain why you missed that element.

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One fall- Chris Benoit vs. Eddie Guerrero

Date/Place- Albany, NY- 10/16/95

Ref- ..Rudy Charles

Commentators- Eric Bischoff, Bobby Heenan....Steve "Mongo" McMichael


Chris Benoit had just joined WCW after impressing officials. He was in the midst of his debut push. Eddie Guerrero was one of his first opponents, and they had wrestled before in far off lands. ..like Japan.


Character Related Info: Benoit's a ruthless animal. Eddie Guerrero..uh..shows up for work on time. Heel- Benoit, face- Eddie.


What this match is most known for: Eddie Guerrero rocks the mullet AND a swank mustache at the same time. DANGEROUS!


The Match: They lock up. And then break it. Arm drag by Benoit. More stalling. Side headlock by Eddie. Benoit sends Eddie into the ropes but Eddie comes back with a shoulderblock. Eddie pauses and bounces off the ropes, jumps over Benoit who's on the mat and then bounces off the ropes. Benoit gets up and leapfrogs over Eddie who then does a jumping roll to avoid Benoit (who's positioned on the mat). Eddie gets up and walks into a Benoit kick. Benoit tries to go for the powerbomb but Eddie gets out of it and trips Benoit with a hammerlock.


Pin #1 gets two for Eddie. (New format, eh?)


Wristlock on the mat by Eddie and Benoit's shoulders are down.


Pins #2 and #3 get one a piece for Eddie.


Eddie tries to handstand into knees to the abdomen, but Benoit reverses into a nice leapfrog that brings him to his feet and then Benoit goes to a headscissors takedown in one fluid motion. Beautiful. Eddie charges and bounces off the ropes and hits one of his own. Benoit rolls out of the ring and Benoit goes for a 619 but gets caught up in the ropes. HAW! Eddie goes to the top and hits a huge crossbody onto the floor. Eddie crawls back in and Benoit follows. Eddie tries to suplex him back in but Benoit gets behind him and goes for a german, but there's a standing switch and Eddie tries to elbow him but Eddie ducks and puts him in a headlock but Benoit does a back suplex that sends both men out of the ring. Eddie to his feet first and Benoit gets sent face first into the post and Eddie tries to follow up with a forearm to the back of the head but misses (I think Benoit ducks) and Eddie's arm is wrapped around the post. Ouch. Eddie is picked up and sent back in the ring. Benoit punches him in the face and hits a nice back suplex. Eddie's selling his arm. Mongo's commentary is AWFUL. Stomp to the arm by Benoit. He picks him up and sends him to one of the corners chest first and then dropkicks him. Benoit picks him up and puts him in a hammerlock and then goes into a suplex. Mongo: "If it wadn't boke before it's boke now." Boot to the head and a snap suplex by Benoit. Benoit picks him up and sends him into the ropes and chops him down. Eddie's still clutching his arm. Mike Tenay has hot info for us, so we should call the hotline, says Bischoff. Benoit sends Eddie into the ropes and goes for a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker but Eddie gets out and armdrags him (good arm, I think) runs and jumps off the ropes for a crossbody but Benoit's gonna catch him so he goes into a tornado DDT. Awesome. Mongo almost ruins it by speaking.


Pin #4 gets two for Eddie when Benoit puts his foot on the bottom rope.


Eddie picks him up and sends him into the ropes-- until Benoit twists into a shortarm clothesline. Benoit goes for a back suplex but Eddie falls on top.


Pin #5 for Eddie gets one and a half. Benoit gets up immediately, and stomps on him.


Eddie's still selling that arm, and Benoit yells at him and stomps on his head. Chop by Benoit. Two more. Eddie fights back with chops, but Benoit wins the battle and punches him and then bodyslams. Benoit taunts the crowd and then kicks Eddie in the back of the head. Benoit with an armbreaker takedown and then he works on Eddie's arm. He clutches the wrist and hand and then drives his knee into the joint. Test of strength (almost) as they get to their feet and then Eddie knees Benoit in the gut. He goes for a monkey flip but Benoit hangs on and gets a pin, but it's broken up before the ref can count as Eddie flips up to the top rope and just STANDS there for a second or two. Amazing. Headscissors off the top.


Pin #6 for Eddie, but Benoit has his foot on the rope again.


Side suplex and Benoit lands on his head. Eddie's a good man and sells the arm after. Benoit gets hit with a lovely suplex. Mongo: "If you don't like WCW after watching this, you're dumber than dirt." I can't believe that guy was a Horseman. Eddie goes for a frogsplash off the top and gets knees. Benoit singals that this is over and just hits a KILLER POWERBOMB. Death.


Pin #7 for Benoit gets two. How the hell was that a kickout?


Benoit goes to powerbomb him into the turnbuckles but Eddie slips down into a rollup and gets up and punches Benoit with the bad arm! STUPID. Dragon suplex by Benoit.


Pin #8 for Benoit finishes the match.


Chris Benoit: A Winner is You


What resulted out of this: Not much. They continued to wrestle for the company but never really went too far. They then left for Titan along with Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn, and look what happened.


My review: That's the best possible match they could do in the time they were allowed. Awesome selling with some very cool sequences. Eddie standing on the top and then going into the headscissors was swank. Wonderful finish, but Eddie comes off as a total moron for slugging him with the bad hand. ..and for blowing the 619. But it's all forgiven for being one of the best workers around. I'd guess ****, and it blows the SmackDown cruiser division's work away.


EDIT: ****1/4 on second viewing. I appreciate the arm work more. ..plus, it just rules.

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Guest Black Lightning



And I can't believe you missed people's reactions to the powerbomb of ultimate death~. There was this one girl whose jaw just dropped to the floor and stayed there for quite a while, there was a guy who stood up with a 'holy shit!' look on his face, and a girl in a Hogan shirt that was freaking out, possibly afraid that Eddy's neck was broken. Not to mention how EVERYONE else turned to a person beside them, asking them if they saw it. It was awesome.

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And I can't believe you missed people's reactions to the powerbomb of ultimate death~. There was this one girl whose jaw just dropped to the floor and stayed there for quite a while, there was a guy who stood up with a 'holy shit!' look on his face, and a girl in a Hogan shirt that was freaking out, possibly afraid that Eddy's neck was broken. Not to mention how EVERYONE else turned to a person beside them, asking them if they saw it. It was awesome.

I just rewatched that and the Hulk-clad girl in the front row who shakes her arms like she was midst-seizure is hilarious.

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One fall- Chris Benoit vs. Steven Regal

Date/Place- Cincinnati, OH- 5/25/00

Ref- ??

Commentators- Michael Cole and Dr. Tom Prichard


Steven (William) Regal (Buffalo) got seriously messed up on painkillers and took a leak in an airplane walkthrough. ..while Chris Benoit's a really, really good technical wrestler who just started working for WWE. Regal was off the junk by this point and was allowed to work the Pillman Memorial show, and a masterpiece happened.


Character Related Info: Regal's a heel, I'd guess. Benoit was playing one in the WWE at the time, but that didn't matter here. Heel- Regal, face- Benoit.


What this match is most known for: No wasted motion. Or at least that's what Dr. Tom claims. So every single thing in this match is relevant towards the finish? Let's find out.


The Match: They go for a lockup but break it up. Where's the psychology, jerks? ..I kid. They lock up again and Benoit backs Regal into the corner and starts pawing his face. Regal fights back and breaks up the tieup. Benoit grabs Regal's arm and puts him in a hammerlock but Regal rolls out of it and grabs Benoit's arm. Benoit keeps the wristlock on and Regal tries to flip out but Benoit has him grounded. Regal kips up eventually and they still are locked up. Armdrag by Regal as a desperation attempt doesn't get Benoit off his arm. Benoit has it safely behind Regal's back, but Regal eventually gets to Benoit's front and then takes control, plying Benoit's fingers apart. Not the finger webbing! Not the finger webbing! Benoit gets to his feet but Regal flips him (midst-knucklelock, mind you) onto his back and Benoit's shoulders are down.


Pin #1 for Regal is a one count. Pin #2 is more of the same.


Benoit's continuing to try and keep his shoulders off the mat, now bridging with his head as a pillar. Regal drives his knee into Benoit's sternum to stop that, though.


Benoit's shoulders are down and Regal's pin attempt (pin #3 this match) gets him one or so.


Benoit kips up and they go back to the knucklelock. Benoit uses a leg to sort of trip Regal onto his back-- Regal's bridged on his shoulders the same way Benoit was-- and Regal kips up out of it once Benoit moves his feet. Knucklelock continues as Regal kicks him in the gut and Benoit's backed up into the corner. Monkey flip--sort of, but they continue the sequence with the knucklelock continuing and Regal flipping off his back onto Benoit's legs who propels him up into the air so they can go back to the knucklelock stalemate. Headbutts by Benoit while the knucklelock--keeps going. But a kick to Regal's stomach finally breaks that up and either the enziguri that follows the end of this sentence or the headbutts bust Regal open. Enziguri! Dropkick knocks Regal out of the ring, who meets Benoit with a club. Benoit and Regal get up on the ringapron where Benoit DDTs him onto the apron, as he would to Kurt at RR2003. Benoit sends Regal into the stairs and I must say that only one of the cameras has a good look to it.


Pin #4 by Benoit once they get back in the ring-- gets two.


Back suplex by Benoit. Pin #5 gets two.


Benoit waits for Regal to get up and kicks him in the forehead-- the bloody one. Regal fights back and puts him in the-- STF? Whatever it is, it's ugly. Benoit gets the ropes and then Regal kicks him--out of aaannnger. Regal then dropkicks Benoit after picking him up. Dr. Tom says he's never seen a bad Regal match. Then he didn't see Regal's InVasion match against Raven, I assume. Regal grabs a leg and trips Benoit down. Lovely surfboard stretch by Regal-- well, it had the makings of a surfboard-- Regal stops once Benoit gets to his knees. Regal switches it up before going full surfboard--and grabs the chin and goes dragon sleeper. Dr. Tom said that was an Indian Deathlock, and either he's wrong or I'm clearly drunk. Anyways, it's broken up and Benoit picks Regal up and chops him-- after a german suplex I forgot to note. Regal has the best facials. Two more chops but Regal fights back with knees to the gut that knock Benoit down. Forearms by both men and Benoit starts doin' suplexes. German kind. Regal elbows out of a German after being hit by several-- and goes for a double arm suplex which goes to a german by Benoit. Benoit goes for the diving headbutt but Regal gets up and starts clubbin' Benoit in the face while Benoit's stranded on the top turnbuckle. Top rope double arm suplex by Benoit.


Regal's pin (#6) gets two. Regal attacks and puts him back down for pin #7, which gets two as well.


Irish whip on Benoit that's reversed but Regal uses the leg to stop before he can hit turnbuckle so he turns around and IF YOU LIKE DOUBLE HEADBUTT COLLISIONS--boy, we've got it. Both men are out and the count gets to eight before Benoit pins (#8) and gets two.


Benoit gets up and clubs Regal in the face who does a BADASS rollup out of a missed kick-- and gets two. (#9) Regal goes for the backslide-- and gets one or two. (#10) Back suplex bomb by Regal-- for two! (#11) Regal eventually gets up and kicks and clubs Benoit who falls back on the ropes and goes for a tombstone! But Benoit reverses out of it and hits a HUGE tombstone! Benoit goes to the top and misses the diving headbutt. Regal eventually gets up and whips Benoit into the ropes-- but Benoit blocks and goes for a German, standing switch, another one sees Regal take the German like a man. Then Benoit applies the Crossface and it's over.


Winner: Chris Benoit


What resulted out of this: Regal eventually got a job with the mildly impressed WWF.


My review: Fine, fine match. It started off slow (world's longest knucklelock) but eventually became  the match that brought Regal back from the dead. Fine wrestling here and the best athleticism and determination this side of a Gatorade commercial. They worked the crowd perfectly-- without working the crowd! A must-see. ****


Remind me to update my match list in the morning.


More Benoit DVD-

vs. Kurt Angle- Cage


vs. Booker T- Best of Seven Finals


Plus, I just got the Rey DVD so expect some of those reviews.

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Guest Undying Fury

Since I just watched the Cage match on the DVD a while ago I'm going to have to go with that.

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Guest Black Lightning

Let's go with the Booker match, which was quite a bit better than I remembered.

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Guest Contentious C

Is there a good reason why your idea of "in-depth" is to tell us every single move, make a running tally of all the pins, and inform us of what's being said by the commentators? Doesn't sound "in-depth" to me as much as it does "boring and exhaustive".

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