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Ok guys... what was there was darn good, but one throwaway match and one 2x no-show doesn't make me a happy camper. But, as I said, what was there was really nice.


Smarkdown Card - I'll have this up a little later today. I promise you it will be a little light on matches so people can prepare themselves for the marathon CF writing sessions this week.


Apologies and excuses - So, I get home last night around 10:45 or so and start up my computer. It acts a little odd, but nothing that worries me. I fire up good ol' AOL to get online and mark my matches. AOL can't connect. At all. To make a long story short, I tried to connect until nearly midnight and the errors only got worse. In the end, I suffered a near total crash of my system. This afternoon, I am installing a spare HDD and starting over. Thus, no show last night. But, I have risked both censure and loss of my job to get it posted this morning and will risk them both again later to get a card posted. So, I apologize for any trouble this caused. Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

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S'alright Mark, everyone has problems from time to time, and we understand fully *looks at rest of SWFers* Don't we? :P


Anyway, the show.


Duran Attacks Terrence

~ If Notorious doesn't ask me about a promo like this next time, I will inflict pain upon him. Comprende?


Terrence 'Janus' Bailey vs 'The Coyote' Coy West

~ I win, yay me. My marking record with Z is now something like 2-999 ;)


MVS Talks About Tom Flesher

~ Mike has had beef with Tom for years, and he wants to take Tom on, baby!


Wildchild vs Stryke

~ Double no show. Boo.


Craven Wants Another Title Shot

~ The King of Nightmares is PISSED that Danny beat him and wants another shot, threatening Stevens for the....what, sixth or seventh time?


Tom Talks About MVS

~ Tom rambles to himself about how he beat MVS so long ago.


Tom Flesher vs Andrew Blackwell

~ Personally, I think haikus suck, and so I composed my own haiku about this match.


Winning by haiku

Is a stupid way to win

Sacred owns Tom's ass.



Grand Slam Teaches Craven A Lesson

~ And Michael Craven is Number One in the ClusterFuck, which means he has to survive EVERYONE!


Mike Van Siclen vs Charlie Matthews

~ Matthews beats Mike. Pity, I was rooting for the Spectacular One. STOP! CONTINUE!


Va'aiga vs HVT

~ And Thugg beats Va'aiga, declares his intent to go after the World Title, and gets attacked by the Maori! Woo!

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That's what I get for rush jobbing my match (hey guys, go to the losing matrch thread and play SPOT THE FILLER!). Next time Thugg, I am going to take proper time and go 2-1 up in our little series. Shame, cos it was a good finish in my mind. AND a G0R0 joke.


I'll read the rest of the card when i'm done throwing booking requests.

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Sucks man...cause I think if you wouldn't have rushed, you would hav beaten me. I think my match blows (what else is new, huh?)...there wasn't nearly as much "stuff" in it as I thought there was when I was writing it. I'm very disappointed in my effort in that, and we'll have to do it again some time soon when we both write our best...


Da "even though I'll wreck your shit :)" H


PS - Other stuff looks good. Haven't really read it through, but I will as soon as possible...probably tomorrow.

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Guest Evolution
Duran Attacks Terrence

~ If Notorious doesn't ask me about a promo like this next time, I will inflict pain upon him. Comprende?

You have no idea how sorry I am.


The point of the promo (which I didn't write effectively enough) was to not make Terrence look weak, but to catch him off his guard.


I foolishly assumed that when Duran mentioned that "he'll be alright in a few minutes" after the chair shots, that that would be enough to cover up and not make Bailey look weak.


I already know a couple of things I should've done, in hindsight. I didn't have time to run it past you because I had held it till practically the last second, and I also didn't think it was absolutely necessary. It wasn't supposed to make Terrence look weak, just playing mind games with the big man.


And if you want to inflict pain, just wait for the HC Title match (which should be coming up soon) and you can take out your aggression there.


Sorry again, though.

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Sucks man...cause I think if you wouldn't have rushed, you would hav beaten me. I think my match blows (what else is new, huh?)...there wasn't nearly as much "stuff" in it as I thought there was when I was writing it. I'm very disappointed in my effort in that, and we'll have to do it again some time soon when we both write our best...


Da "even though I'll wreck your shit :)" H


PS - Other stuff looks good. Haven't really read it through, but I will as soon as possible...probably tomorrow.

When you have to copy and paste in a 500 word flashback to fill out the wordage (and foreshadow your finish) you know you're running late. I hit 4800 at 2:58am (deadline is 3:00am) There was probably supposed to be one more Thugg offence paragraph in their too... smoother transition to the Untamed coutner spot.


On another day i'd have just cut my losses and no showed, but seeing as I'm asking for a world title shot at Danny that's just not the done thing.


Now ALL of you go read the losers thread, or I'll set fire to your pants. Cos the finish IS good. As is the G0R0 joke.

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On another day i'd have just cut my losses and no showed, but seeing as I'm asking for a world title shot at Danny that's just not the done thing.

You could just no show, then win CF.

Yes winning the Clusterfuck would be the simplest and easiest option, wouldn't it?




*sets fire to Johnny's pants*

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I apologize to everyone for no-showing; as I told Mark, this has been a very bad week for me to try and write. In fact, the last five days have served to remind me that there's really no such thing as time off in the military. It's probably for the best, though; I've gone soft after three years of shore duty, and I might as well start mentally preparing myself for the workload I'll face when I go back to sea.


If I'd have had any idea that it was going to be that bad, I would have asked for the show off in advance; but, I didn't and the bottom line is that it's nobody's fault but mine. Sorry to let you down, fellas.

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I already know a couple of things I should've done, in hindsight. I didn't have time to run it past you because I had held it till practically the last second, and I also didn't think it was absolutely necessary. It wasn't supposed to make Terrence look weak, just playing mind games with the big man.

It was around 2am my time when the show went up, so I reacted annoyedly. It would've been nice to know about beforehand (and hey, I could've worked it into my match, in hindsight). But... yeah. Try and remember to find a way to ask me next time. I'm a nice guy. :D

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Guest Goodear

Plus it would have given me a way to beat the guy! Come on John! ONE FOR THE TEAM BUDDY!

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If I'd have known Tom was going to be a bitch and job me to a haiku, I would have at least tried to finish what I had, which was 2500 words of action.

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If it had been anyone else in a Zero Gravity match who conceded when I had 2500 words, I would have written that exact haiku. I wasn't thrilled with the match, but I had a plan worked out and it was going horribly slow. The thing about ZG is that you can't tack on a rollup ending and call it done, so I had to either scrap what I had or spend another three hours in front of the computer writing out a match that didn't matter because it wouldn't be competing against anything.


Anyone who's talked to me knows I have trouble finishing matches that don't matter. This is why Paul Begala and Tucker Carlson occasionally make appearences.

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