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Jeff Hardy to return?

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Guest Anglesault

Jeff would have to create a new character. Rico's gay character is disturbingly close to Jeff's old one.

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Really. All these people are saying "he'll be rested, refreshed, he'll come back and bust his ass, he'll be much better than when he left."


No way. What's that quote? "Matt loves being a wrestler, while Jeff loves the idea of being a wrestler." He'll come back & jump off stuff, run through all his spots, and wrestle the same exact way, and more than likely look the same.


I'd be quite happy if Jeff never surfaced on WWE TV again.

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I say let Jeff Hardy back in. Scott Hall too. They can form a tagteam together called "The NCTP"* and take on the Dudleys and Evolution.


*NCTP = "No Condition To Perform"

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Guest FrigidSoul

If Vince wants to make the cruserweight division interesting they have that guy by the name of Ultimo Dragon...I hear he's pretty good

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Guest FrigidSoul
Remember when people were saying Jeff was the next HBK? Ha.

They meant in terms of drug use

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I highly, HIGHLY despise Jeff Hardy. If he isn't diving from ladders through tables -- the only entertaining thing about him, by the way -- then he's no good at all.


And all this talk of being refreshed and rejuvenated; just wait a few months down the line when he burns out again and can't even run properly, looking lost in the ring and botching everything he does, with only pops from 13 year old females to sustain him. It'll happen folks.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
I say let Jeff Hardy back in. Scott Hall too. They can form a tagteam together called "The NCTP"* and take on the Dudleys and Evolution.


*NCTP = "No Condition To Perform"

Managed by Jake Roberts and their valet could be Sunny.......

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Guest wrestlingbs

"Memorable" Jeff Hardy moments:


Missing his cue during the Rico-3MW match.

"If you want to pick on a girl, then pick on me!"

That horrible, horrible facepaint that got everywhere.

Saying random things to the camera (remember Nowinski?)

Missing every spot in a match


I'm not saying that's all he is, I'm just asking why bring the guy back?

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Guest Trivia247

Funny about this...


Hardys together were always touted as being great....


Jeff especially was pointed out more than Matt..


However when they split up the light shines on their faults..


Matt Hardy may not be as flashy, but he still got some charisma and can do mic work...


Jeff Hardy is just Plain...Sloppy! and without having Matt who did the brunt of the matchwork before he did the closing, people can see that all he was is a three or four high spot specialist and Crappy middle match man.

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I say bring him back for the WMXX Battle Royale, and then if he's in a condition to perform, give him a proper contract.


You can't deny the pop for him if he's in the BR would be pretty cool.

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Guest Trivia247
I say bring him back for the WMXX Battle Royale, and then if he's in a condition to perform, give him a proper contract.


You can't deny the pop for him if he's in the BR would be pretty cool.

As long as you give him back the old Hardys music...thats more familar than the garbage they put out before their split

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"If you want to pick on a girl, then pick on me!"

Ah, that'll always be a favorite of mine. Though he does have a figure most girls would die for...


Saying random things to the camera (remember Nowinski?)

But that brought the "He's like Harvard in the summer: no class." line from Nowinski though.

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Screw all this talk about giving Jeff a second chance.


He already had it.


The WWF gave him and Matt about 2 months off between December 2001 after their horrid singles match at Vengeance (which I think a lot of people forget was so horrid because Matt had stomach flu and said he threw up 9 times the day of the PPV) and February 2002 when they made their returns at No Way Out (not counting a cameo appearance at the '02 Rumble) to get their acts together. Matt came back much better and more energized. Jeff came back shittier and looking more drugged up than ever.


He already had his second chance. Matt made good of it, he didn't.


Fuck Jeff Hardy.

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WWE must be concerned they are losing the lonely fat chick demographic without him.


I'll believe Jeff is ready to come back when Jeff admits in one of his interviews that YES he had a problem and YES he is at least trying to deal with it. He doesn't have to tell me what drug he was on, cause it's damn obvious *SNIFF* what drug he was on. And yes, he does owe it to everyone to admit it cause unlike some who are fine with him coming back as a drug addict, I'd rather the WWE not get in trouble if Jeff dies from an overdose.


Jeff Hardy couldn't work, his promos were pathetic, he basically fell asleep in the ring and all he was good for was throwing himself off a ladder. If they are bringing in Jeff, they might as well bring in New Jack since they are about the same wrestler in terms of ring work.


Jeff no longer has an positives for the WWE. He is actually one of the worst cruiserweights in the world at this point and bringing him in to bump would have been like bringing in SABU for the Rumble. Pointless and only good for a cheap weak pop.

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Guest Monday Night Jericho
Remember when people were saying Jeff was the next HBK? Ha.

They meant in terms of drug use


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To those that claim how obvious it is what drug Hardy was addicted to, is it possible that you could enlighten me?


The only one that really makes sense is painkillers, but everyone says "oh, he's a crackhead" ... trust me, I can speak from firsthand experience, his actions were NOTHING like the normal ones a crackhead would indicate. It's not coke or crack, he'd be all charged up, not all lethargic. Maybe heroin, but the people that I knew that were on heroin did not act like Hardy did at the end. Maybe pot, but I think that RVD does a better job of indicating how a stoner would act than Hardy ever did.

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Guest Anglesault
nl5fact: nl5xsk1 thinks that making fun of people with addiction problems isn't cool or funny.

Could have fooled me.

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Saying random things to the camera (remember Nowinski?)

But that brought the "He's like Harvard in the summer: no class." line from Nowinski though.

I forget, what did he say to Nowinski?


Jeff hasn't had good times with the mic.


Remember when he tried to cut the promo after wrestling Taker? His voice was all fucky and crackly.



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Remember when he tried to cut the promo after wrestling Taker? His voice was all fucky and crackly.



I'm normally not a fan of Jeff on the mic, but it worked that night. He sounded like he had the crap kicked out of him but still wouldn't give up.

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His best promo?


"Do you know who I am....Shawn Michaels? There's not enough TIME to explain who Jeff Hardy is. I can tell you one thing. I'm going to start kicking some ass around here! And I'm going to start with you"


And Shawn just super kicked him unconscious in the middle of the ring to a loud pop and laugh.


Or the ever popular "COME ON JEFF, GOD DAMMIT" from I think it was Jericho when Hardy looked like he was taking a nap on the outside.


I think some of us are just kind of sad he won't admit he has some problem in a time when wrestlers are dropping left and right from drug related incidents. It's just a damn shame to see someone who hasn't learned a damn thing from the deaths of guys like Spicolli and Pillman. None of us want to see him dead and bringing him back when he doesn't seem to want to admit he has some sort of problem doesn't send the right message.


And I can't see the WWE letting him back unless he is on a zero tolerance policy which means he probably wouldn't make it through Wrestlemania. And after hearing his....music....I'm starting to think he has even more problems.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Or the ever popular "COME ON JEFF, GOD DAMMIT" from I think it was Jericho when Hardy looked like he was taking a nap on the outside.

That was Survivor Series 2002 and it was Rico. Rico was going for a moonsault but Hardy was taking to ling coming from out of the crowd I think, and Rico just screams "Come on Jeff, god Damn it!" and sure enough Jeff does the spot. UGH

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Or the ever popular "COME ON JEFF, GOD DAMMIT" from I think it was Jericho when Hardy looked like he was taking a nap on the outside.

This was at Survivor Series 2002. The match was an Elimination Table Match: Bubba Ray Dudley, Spike Dudley, & Jeff Hardy vs. 3 Minute Warning & Rico. Hardy had just done his MSG table dive. Rico about 2 minutes later had climbed up to the top rope like he was going to do a moonsault and just started teetering on it like a retard with Jeff nowhere to be found. After about 20 seconds of this (!!!), Rico yells out, "COME ON, JEFF, GODDAMN IT" and Jeff finally wakes up from wherever he was and does what he was supposed to do.

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nl5fact: nl5xsk1 thinks that making fun of people with addiction problems isn't cool or funny.

Could have fooled me.

Wait ... which part is confusing?


Are you implying that in the past have I joked about other people's addictions to seem cool and/or funny?




Are you saying that it's cool and funny to make fun of people's addiction problems?

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Or the ever popular "COME ON JEFF, GOD DAMMIT" from I think it was Jericho when Hardy looked like he was taking a nap on the outside.

This was at Survivor Series 2002. The match was an Elimination Table Match: Bubba Ray Dudley, Spike Dudley, & Jeff Hardy vs. 3 Minute Warning & Rico. Hardy had just done his MSG table dive. Rico about 2 minutes later had climbed up to the top rope like he was going to do a moonsault and just started teetering on it like a retard with Jeff nowhere to be found. After about 20 seconds of this (!!!), Rico yells out, "COME ON, JEFF, GODDAMN IT" and Jeff finally wakes up from wherever he was and does what he was supposed to do.

Was pretty much straight after the table dive as I recall. Jeff might actually have been in a bad way, although I'm not ruling out the possibility of him being too fucked up to remember the spot.

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Or the ever popular "COME ON JEFF, GOD DAMMIT" from I think it was Jericho when Hardy looked like he was taking a nap on the outside.

This was at Survivor Series 2002. The match was an Elimination Table Match: Bubba Ray Dudley, Spike Dudley, & Jeff Hardy vs. 3 Minute Warning & Rico. Hardy had just done his MSG table dive. Rico about 2 minutes later had climbed up to the top rope like he was going to do a moonsault and just started teetering on it like a retard with Jeff nowhere to be found. After about 20 seconds of this (!!!), Rico yells out, "COME ON, JEFF, GODDAMN IT" and Jeff finally wakes up from wherever he was and does what he was supposed to do.

Was pretty much straight after the table dive as I recall. Jeff might actually have been in a bad way, although I'm not ruling out the possibility of him being too fucked up to remember the spot.


I think most of us gave him the benefit of the doubt at that point until he started stumbling around on RAW and smearing paint on everyone that he wrestled with. He literally looked like he was ready to take a nap on most of the shows, even when he was coptrolling the offense he would stop, pose and then stumble around like he was looking for his car keys.

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