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Kanyon released

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Guest Choken One

He's injured right now anyways...Isn't that sort of a rule in WWE? Don't fire anyone while injured?


Maybe that's been Billy Bitchcakes stragedy the last 5 years....



So if there are really 4 wrestlers that asked for a released (Spanky we know for sure, we're assuming Kanyon was the next)...


Rhyno's name gets thrown around but he's been used recently and has even main evented a Smackdown recently and seems to be starting a program with A-Train...


SOH hasn't been used at all, I hope he DOES get canned so he can scrub all the OVWism off and revert to the WCW SOH we all know and somewhat liked.


Dreamer never in a millon years would ask for a release and is SCARED of his life, If he's smart, he "retires", so he can become a Road Agent, which he would be great at as he relates well to ALL the wrestlers.


Ultimo isn't leaving until he works at Mania...after that...I could see him pulling a TAKA and having an extended trip to Japan or something and eventually getting cut off at some point...


I Can't think of anyone else who wouldn't HONESTLY ask to leave...

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Kanyon isn't hurt, as far as I know. He was on Velocity a few weeks ago. I think he was working in OVW.


And nobody is calling for Kanyon to hold the world title. A midcard mainstay would be fine. What would you rather see, Rikishi sticking his ass in someone's face, or Kanyon?

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Guest Choken One

Yes It would have been, With Kanyon's Innovativeness and SOH's Martial Arts background and the only thing SOH had going for him (besides SWANK Video production promos) was his Kicks...


They could have been VERY similar to the Eliminators...

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Guest Choken One
Kanyon isn't hurt, as far as I know. He was on Velocity a few weeks ago. I think he was working in OVW.


And nobody is calling for Kanyon to hold the world title. A midcard mainstay would be fine. What would you rather see, Rikishi sticking his ass in someone's face, or Kanyon?

I dunno, Kanyon's ass isn't that much more pleasing...

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I was hoping WWE would have him stick to becoming Mortis again. Oh well. Thanks for the memories, Kanyon. I'm glad I got my picture with him. :D


He was a great US Champion in my book.

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Guest PowerPB13

The same thing that once happened to WCW is happening to the WWF...they loaded themselves up with so much talent that no matter what, SOME talented people are gonna end up low on the card or barely used at all. Thus is the drawback of only one major organization...there's only one good way to get true national exposure.


Best of luck to Kanyon wherever he ends up...hopefully NWA-TNA picks him up.



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He's the perfect WWE midcarder - can wrestle, bumps great, can talk, is comfortable on camera, has cool moves, has a catchphrase, has good size, and can do comedy.


Exactly .


The truth is, the reason he was given an opporunity in WCW was because of his relationship with Page and Eric Bischoff. I'm a huge fan of Kanyon's work in WCW, but even I can agree that he wasn't anything special. I'm sure he also made a good deal of money off of WWE contract for being a "established U.S. worker", even though he'll never have the tools to work above midcard status.


He's also got experience training people.


Which was what he was doing, until he asked for his release.


Orlando Jordan is still on the roster? Orlando *fucking* Jordan?! John *fucking* Heidenreich is still under contract?! Ernest *fucking* Miller?!


But that's not how actual contracts work - if someone doesn't ASK for a release, there's a pretty good chance you won't release him until his contract ends.


WWE made bad choices with signing a few workers - but it's stupid for ANY professional business to cut your losses and lose millions of dollars over a buyout or breach of contract. You try to make something out of these workers, until it's established that the crowd won't react to their work. After that, you job them out until their contract runs out, or until they ask for their release.

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Guest Choken One

perhaps they are hoping TNA can learn how to market themselfs and become a decent enough competition?


Nah, Everyone knows TNA can't market their way out of a paper bag unless it involves a football player...

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Guest Choken One
Would the WWE want TNA to land a t.v. deal?

a small part of Vince likely desires for the competiveness WCW gave him...



You can tell Vince is Bored as he hardly does anything anymore and only appears on TV once in a while and generally he has other people doing the work anyways...


I'm not saying he's hoping TNA gets a Monday Night Slot on FX or something but wouldn't mind if they at LEAST got to ECW levels.

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I never got how people thought he was GREAT in the ring, he was perfectly solid and could work with a wide range of styles


*Ahem* He carried Cat and Glacier.

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Guest Choken One

to where? the Liquer store?


I don't recall anything worthwhile with those guys...


As a matter of fact, I can't think of ONE fucking actual important and memorable Kanyon whatsoever...at least Lance Storm had a couple...

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With the lackluster TNA bring ins recently, I don't think they could get above XPW levels. Never have I seen a company fall so hard so fast with so much talent. But of course, Chyna and Survivor reject=Ratings. Just sigh.



Anyway, this isn't shocking. You knew he was gone when they sent him to OVW. Ivory will be next because she is dead weight in their eyes.


I wish him luck with whichever company he lands.



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Would the WWE want TNA to land a t.v. deal?

a small part of Vince likely desires for the competiveness WCW gave him...



You can tell Vince is Bored as he hardly does anything anymore and only appears on TV once in a while and generally he has other people doing the work anyways...


I'm not saying he's hoping TNA gets a Monday Night Slot on FX or something but wouldn't mind if they at LEAST got to ECW levels.

You're saying TNA isn't on ECW levels yet? I wouldn't really know. I have never watched a TNA show, but I do follow the reports. It sounds interesting, but it also sounds like the "Jeff Jarrett show". I'm assuming, like BPS said, that Vince wouldn't really care if TNA landed a t.v. slot.

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I think the problem is that there are too many midcarders. Too many people like Kanyon. Moreover, the roster is too damn big. They sign Paul London, Spanky, Jimmy Yang, or whoever the fuck else. I hate all of the aforementioned, but that is beside the point. The point is, they sign people just because they can. That's SO WCW...just throwing money around. Look at Velocity. It's the same as Thunder or Saturday Night. You've got jobbers running rampant, you don't know or give a fuck about half the guys that come out to generic rock music. Shannon Moore, Akio, Sakoda, Orlando Jordan, Matt Morgan...the list goes on. Why have talented guys around when they're being restricted? Keep the cuts coming. The less, the better.

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Guest Choken One

I'm refering to popularity.


In 1998, ECW was viable and known to the wrestling mainstream by at least asscociation. ...


They were also able to CREATE their own stars (Taz, Raven, Sandman, RVD etc) and with LIMITED cash income, they stayed viable and active for nearly 10 years while being pretty much bankrupt...created a RABID and intense NATIONAL fanbase...TNA can't even get out of Nashville.


TNA has a nice supporter with Panda and has money to throw but can't create any stars (AJ Styles? Ha!) and keeps throwing more rejects to the company and making SHITTY decisions both Marketing and Booking wise...


I wish ECW and Heyman had the money TNA has...


ECW might not have had the best wrestling but they knew how to connect with a auidence.

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Guest BionicRedneck

"Interesting" is one was to describe TNA, but "Shit" is a lot more accurate.

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Guest Goodear
As a matter of fact, I can't think of ONE fucking actual important and memorable Kanyon whatsoever...at least Lance Storm had a couple...

Well considering you left off what important and memorable thing you were looking for... I'm going to assume you meant matches. Basically Kanyon really excelled as a tag worker in my eyes and I think you'll find most of his best stuff took part in The Jersey Triad days teaming with DDP and Bigelow. The matches they had on PPV were pretty much the highlights of WCW workrate wise during that period. I think that was around 98-99 but don't quote me because I suck with dates.


Kanyon is more of 'solid' guy than a earth shattering worker though and mostly works to make other guys look good, even his last match on Smackdown against Rey Mysterio was a good example of how he made the other guy look good most of the time.

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Ex-WWE wrestler speaks on release...


Chris Kanyon posted the following on chriskanyon.com earlier today:


"As was reported earlier today on WWE.com, I was released from my contract with the WWE effective Monday 2-9-04. For the past year or so I have not been 100% happy with the direction of my career and of my life in general. This release actually comes at a very good time for me…. I have not completely decided what I will do at this time, but there are many prospects for me in and out of pro wrestling and I am excited about the potential for my future. I know a lot of this sounds like politically correct bull, but the truth is I am happier, more motivated and more excited than I have been in a long time. My past 12 years in this business have been phenomenal and have provided me many great opportunities and memories. I am sure that whatever I decide to do in the future will provide many more great opportunities and memories for me, my family and friends. I will keep everyone updated on my future."


Credit: 411

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Guest JRE

...So...anyone else suspect Kanyon had what they call "personal problems." I'm just speculating.


I liked him and have a picture taken with him from WMXIX...but....he hasn't been on TV enough to miss him

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Guest hunger4unger

Kanyon will not be missed in WWE. He never got over within the company and despite working well on the B shows (vs Storm, that mini feud was a treat) he wasn't likely to.


TNA won't get any extra buys if they have him appear. The guy simply isn't over.

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There are like 5 people on Kanyon's messageboard that said they would start ordering if Kanyon shows up and I imagine there are more around the internet that would as well. Kanyon has a pretty big fanbase. Besides he would improve the quality of the shows by being on.

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