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Guest Mikey2Dope

The "What Film(s) Did You Watch Today" Thread

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OK, on my plane ride Friday I watched Office Space, which is an easy 9/10.


Saturday the fiancee wanted to watch A Shark Tale, and the end result was that we gave up on the movie 30 minutes in, and instead watched Amare Stoudamire dunk a ball after a header from Captain Canada. 3/10, for the animation. And frankly, if it weren't animated, the movie wouldn't be worth watching at all.

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Monster: 7/10

Still not sure how I feel about this one. On the one hand, it's a very well-crafted movie and Charlize Theron deserved all those accolades for her gripping performance. HOWever, the movie is a very subtle Hollywoodization of the real story. (The real-life girlfriend looked nothing like Christina Ricci, for one thing.) Ignorant viewers might come out of this film thinking that poor ol' Eileen was just misunderstood, and not the batshit-crazy cold blooded murderess that she really was.

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Tokyo Godfathers - 8/10. Meaning to watch this for a long time and finally did. Nicely done. Simple and something I'll want to see again. Unlike Perfect Blue which left me dry when I saw it years back.






The Triplets of Belleville - 8/10. Type of animation I didnt expect to be made in this day and age. Very avant-garde and funny. Third time I watched this and still found it enjoyable.

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Curry and Pepper - 7.5/10. "What must I suck if not bullet?" is the mentallity of Stephen Chow in this buddy cop comedy that's probably one of best I've seen in the genre. Old school Chow fast talk that you either catch right away or hope to catch with the second viewing. Jacky Cheung doesnt suck here, just plays the cute cop as best as he can. Some action, laugh a minute jokes and more lines of "fuck you" than in Tango and Cash.


At this point a Chow marathon is becoming inevitable.

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Guest wildpegasus

The Land Before Time



The first movie




9.7 out of 10. Extreamly underrated movie.

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Hail the Judge - 7.5/10 Has some dragging weak points, but probably only visible when watching in close comparison to Chow's other films.






God of Cookery - 8/10. Explosive pissing beef balls > "extreme" dumplings.

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Audition - 6/10


A pretty decent film. Dark, thought-provoking, but nowhere near as disturbing or fucked up as I was led to believe. Eihi Shiina is an absolute fox, and I actually found her at her hottest at the end of the film when she's decked out in her torture gear, but maybe that's just the latent submissive in me speaking. One wonders if, despite her beauty, she was able to get many date proposals after this film was released.




Dawn of the Dead (2004) - 8/10


I absolutely love the remake, and though this is most certainly blasphemy to some of you, I think it works as a far better HORROR film than the original (which, IMO, works very well as a black comedy / social satire rather than as a true horror flick). Good performances, good suspense throughout the film.


It was a bit depressing to watch the extra features, though, because the featurette of the news programs starred Richard Biggs as the news anchor. For those who aren't familiar with him, Biggs played Dr. Franklin on "Babylon 5", a show that many (including myself) consider one of the greatest sci-fi shows of all time. Biggs died last May 2004 of a heart attack, and it was rough seeing him in this (especially considering this brief 20 minute feature was probably his last work). Even more depressing is that the featurette features a segment where Biggs, as the anchor, plays an audio message from the "President", and CiC is voiced by none other than Bruce Boxleitner - Biggs long-time costar on Bab 5. RIP, Dr. Franklin.

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Guest Askewniverse

Over the past few days:


American Wedding - 6/10

Garden State - 9/10

Back to the Future - 9/10

Back to the Future Part II - 7/10

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Guest Ray



Eh, this seemed good but for some reason I wasn't 'feeling' it. Maybe I shouldn't watch films at 4 AM while sleep-deprived. ;)

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Maybe I shouldn't watch films at 4 AM while sleep-deprived. ;)

Not too many movies come off well in that atmosphere, no. But try Apocalypse Now next time you decide to watch a movie that way (the original, not Redux).


The Last Detail: 8/10

Damn fine example of grungy 70's moviemaking at its finest, with Nicholson turning in a performance that just goes to show how much of a self-parody he's become in recent years. Watch for Gilda Radner in a pre-fame cameo in the "chanting" scene.


Dead Ringers: 6/10

The first half of this movie is excellent, with Jeremy Irons doing double duty as codependent identical twin brothers who share everything, even their women. But the last thirty minutes or so bogs down into vague go-nowhere plot developments, and the ending is maddeningly ambiguous. Still, kudos to director Cronenberg for proving that he can do an "ordinary" movie without resorting to horror/sci-fi stuff.

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A Very Brady Sequel - 7/10..........Enjoyable.




Jeepers Creepers 2 - 3/10.............Crap.




The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) - 5/10......Pointless.

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