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Rowe's WWE Diary

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WWF News and Notes


Sunday Night Heat Results


This week on Heat, Raw GM Shawn Michaels changed the format around. This week, we saw a four man tournament to determine a #1 Contender for the Intercontinental Championship!


Frank Shamrock def Ozzy Benton


A very short squash match, as WWF has lost faith in Benton's ability to improve. *


Rico def Shannon Moore


Very competitive popcorn match. Rico's gay antics had very little effect on Moore, who is very comfortable with his own sexuality. **1/4


Frank Shamrock def Rico


Rico tried to play mindgames with Shamrock and it didn't work. Shamrock destroyed Rico and became the #1 Contender for Matt Stryker's IC title. ***


Credit: WWF.com




After the Smackdown house show on Sunday, officials informed Chuck Palumbo of his release. This was coming off of several weeks of Palumbo openly complaining about his character and his push. Friends of Palumbo, primarily Mike Sanders and Sean O'Haire, were very vocal in their disapproval of his release.




Ten young wrestlers graduated from the WWF's training camp facility on Saturday, but all ten of them signed on with All Japan Pro Wrestling behind the backs of Shane McMahon and Ernie Rowe. Five of the young workers have been released for good, while the other five are being forced to work in OVW to fulfill their WWF contracts.




At the Saturday OVW show, BJ Whitmer lost the OVW Championship to Samoa Joe in a hard-hitting main event. Abyss and Chance Beckett are both scheduled to make their OVW debuts this week. Other matches from the Saturday OVW show included:


Gene Snitsky over Chris Hero

Qenaan Creed over Roadkill

Ace Steel over Jimmy Yang


Credit: TheSmartMarks.com

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November 30th 2006


The pyro explodes, the fans cheer, and another exciting episode of Smackdown is ready to begin! Michael Cole and Tazz are thrilled to be here as they hype up a big main event match that Mike Sanders made earlier in the week. Kurt Angle, Jimmy Rave, and Nova will face the team of AJ Styles, Shelton Benjamin, and Charlie Haas. First off though, we have a match ready to begin.


Frankie Kazarian and Jamie Noble vs JC Ice and Trent Acid (with Sean O’Haire)


Match Background: Jamie Noble is the reigning WWF Cruiserweight champion, and has been since 28 September 2006. JC Ice is a follower of Trent Acid, and his Cult. JC Ice is also in line for a shot at Jamie Noble’s Cruiserweight Championship. Last week JC Ice pinned Kazarian in a singles match.


The Match: Kazarian and Acid start things off. Acid moves around the ring with a tone of arrogance, gaining confidence from having control over so many other superstars. Cole and Tazz keep a suspicious eye on O’Haire, who is watching with great interest. Kazarian and Acid lock up and Kazarian is whipped into a corner. Acid monkey-flips Kazarian, but Kazarian regains himself quickly and delivers a drop-kick as Acid turns around. They start going at it again, until Acid tags in JC Ice. Kazarian takes this opportunity to tag in Jamie Noble, and Noble tackles Ice and has the Trailer Hitch locked in within seconds. O’Haire gets on the apron to distract the referee so the ref misses JC Ice tapping out. Acid enters the ring and breaks it up, but Kazarian comes running over and throws him out. Meanwhile, Noble lifts up Ice for a powerbomb and makes a cover. The referee turns around and 1…2….3, Noble pins Ice!


Cole: The Cruiserweight Champion gets his win back!


Tazz: Noble showed why he’s the champ in this match!


My Opinion: Really solid match, would like to see what they could have done on PPV. **3/4.


Winners at 5:51: Jamie Noble and Frankie Kazarian


The New Guy


We go to the back where Josh Matthews is standing by with the WWF Tag Team Champions, Ken Shamrock and Simon Diamond, and their new recruit, Rob Conway.


Josh: Rob Conway, tonight you’re making your Smackdown in-ring debut against none other than Chad Collyer. This must be incredible for you to be facing one of the greatest athletes in wrestling today…


Rob: What was that, Josh? “One of the greatest athletes in wrestling today?” Don’t be silly, Josh! If you ask me, Chad Collyer is the most overrated guy in this locker-room. I am going to make beating his ass look easy.


Josh: With all due respect, Chad Collyer, along with Paul London, did defeat your “comrades” in action last week.


Simon: You think you’re real cute, don’t you, Josh? Shamrock and I are the greatest WWF Tag Champs in the history of Smackdown. Collyer and London? They are nothing. They have no legacy, not like the one that we hold on to.


Shamrock: They are bastards!


Simon: Thank you for your insightful contribution, Ken.


Shamrock: BASTARDS!


Simon: Yes, we heard you. Now if you’ll excuse us, Josh, we must be off to the ring.


Chad Collyer (with Paul London) vs Rob Conway (with Ken Shamrock and Simon Diamond)


Match Background: This is Conway’s first match on Smackdown!


The Match: Collyer and Conway both take a few seconds to stare each other down and try to plan a first offense. Conway gets overexcited and charges, which Collyer reverses with a hip toss. Collyer immediately locks a sleeper onto Conway, but Conway makes it to the ropes very quickly. Meanwhile, London is exchanging threats on the outside with Shamrock and Diamond. Conway tries to charge Collyer yet again, but suffers another hip-toss. Conway is quickly becoming afraid that he is going to be labeled an embarrassment for his first match. Collyer tries to lock in an armbar, but Conway rolls himself to safely in the ropes. Collyer drags him back out and lifts him to his feet. Conway reverses with a belly to belly suplex. Conway is celebrating his upper hand and does not notice Collyer no-selling the move. He turns around and looks horrified to see Collyer staring a hole through him. Conway goes for a desperate charge, but Collyer lifts him up over his head for his patented Spinning Death Valley Driver! Collyer goes for the cover and 1…2…3! Collyer easily defeats Rob Conway!


Cole: Chad Collyer just put Rob Conway in his place!


Tazz: I’ll say, looks like Rob Conway was not ready to back up with boasting in the ring!


Shamrock and Diamond swarm into the ring and start laying punches onto Collyer. London slides in and a 2 on 2 brawl erupts. Conway gets to his feet and joins in on beating down Collyer with Diamond, while Shamrock concentrates on London. Collyer manages to fight off both Diamond and Conway, while London lands an enziguri on Shamrock. The trio flees the ring, embarrassed, while London and Collyer remain in the ring, taunting them. Shamrock is heard screaming “Bastards” at them.


My Opinion: Collyer totally squashed Conway, but the story of the match was Conway’s false security. **1/4.


Winner at 4:53: Chad Collyer


Road to the Title?


Stacy Kiebler knocks on Orlando Jordan’s dressing room in the back. He opens the door.


Jordan: Stacy? What a nice surprise.


Stacy: Hey, I just wanted to congratulate you for your victory at Survivor Series. That inferno match must have been scary.


Jordan: It was not so bad, I was just glad I could stand the heat.


Stacy: Did you mean what you said last week?


Jordan: What do you mean?


Stacy: About challenging Rhyno for the WWF title at the Royal Rumble?


Jordan: You bet I was. Now that I’m free of Nunzio, I know I can accomplish whatever I set out to do with my career. That starts tonight, I have a match in a few minutes.


Stacy: Well, I was just sort of wondering… er, hoping… could I be in your corner?


Jordan: Whoa! Of course you can!


Stacy: I think you and I could have a great partnership.


Jordan: Well, why don’t you follow me to the ring and we’ll see how things go.


Orlando Jordan (with Stacy Kiebler) vs Kid Kash


Match Background: Jordan is determined to become the number one contender for the WWF Championship in time for the Royal Rumble.


The Match: Jordan and Kash tie it up and set up a grueling series of counters. Kash tries to use his high-flying abilities to ground Jordan, but unfortunately for Kash, Jordan is quite agile in the ring himself. Jordan goes to the top rope and tries to land a crossbody on Kash, but Kash ducks and Jordan hits the mat hard. Kash goes to the top rope and goes for his own move. Jordan stands up in time for a missile drop-kick from Kid Kash. Kash goes for a cover and gets 1…2… NO! Jordan powers up and swings Kash over his head. Kash and Jordan keep a fast pace going for the next three minutes or so and the crowd is amazed that neither guy can pick up any sort of clear advantage. Finally, Jordan goes for a big boot on Kash, but Kash ducks and Jordan’s boot hits the turnbuckle. Jordan limps around, but Kash tackles Jordan’s injured leg. Cole and Tazz regret to inform us that it is time for a commercial. After some fun ads for the new Lindsey Lohan movie and the new James Bond video game, we come back to the show to see that Kid Kash has trapped Jordan into a tight half-Boston Crab! Kash is putting all the pressure on Jordan’s injured leg, but Jordan is resisting the temptation to tap out. Kiebler is on the outside trying to get the crowd to clap on for Jordan and it is seeming working. Jordan grabs the ropes and tries to make it to his feet. Kash once again goes for a shot at Jordan’s leg, but Jordan doges just in time. He locks on a back headlock onto Kash, and Kash begins to fade. The referee begins to lift up Kash’s arms, but Kash fights out of it on the third attempt. The next couple of minutes is spent with Jordan doing his best to fight back on his bad leg, so Kash has the advantage. Kash DDT’s Jordan and goes for another top-rope move. Kash flies off the top with a corkscrew and lands it on Jordan with perfection. Kash goes for the cover and 1….2…. NO! It was so close, but Jordan got his arm up! Kash is furious and he gets into the referee’s face about it. This gives Jordan enough time to regroup himself. Kash turns around and it’s a Power-Drive Elbow from Jordan! Jordan covers Kash and 1….2….3, Jordan wins!


Cole: What an amazing victory by Orlando Jordan! He beat Kid Kash, bad knee and all!


Tazz: Jordan is out to make a name for himself, and if he picks up more wins like this one, then I’m sure he will have it!


My Opinion: A ***3/4 rating! Yay!


Winner at 15:42: Orlando Jordan


Team Callis Rides On


AJ Styles and Low Ki are pacing about in their dressing room. Don Callis is sitting, just going over some paperwork.


Low Ki: So I have Johnny Stamboli tonight… excellent, I am going to destroy him! He has no honor, he…


Styles: Out of curiosity, who do you think has honor?


Low Ki: I have honor! Don Callis also has honor. And you, AJ Styles, have honor!


Styles: That’s the answer I was looking for.


Low Ki: What are you planning to do about Paul London? Surely you have not decided to let him go.


Styles: Oh, I wait London. I hate him with a passion. But let’s face it, he’s trying to land himself a WWF Tag title shot! And thanks to Mike Sanders, he will not be threatening my spot anytime soon. Tonight I am taking my proper spot in the main event and I finally get to look across the ring and see Kurt Angle in the opposite corner. You know… we could really use a man like Angle in our association…


Callis: Out of the God-damn question!


Styles: What got into you?


Callis: I’m sick of this crap, AJ. You wasted months with Paul London when you should have been focusing on the bigger picture. Do you even want to be WWF Champion again? I’m telling you, my friend, go out there tonight and look at Kurt Angle as if he was Paul London. This guy, Angle, just waltzes back into the WWF and he is going to want your place, AJ. You cannot let him go!


Styles: Oh, I won’t. And you had better watch what you say to me, Don. We’ve been friends for a long time, but do not think I’m going to let you just disrespect me like that. I will be WWF Champion again. In fact, I want you to talk to Mike Sanders about getting me a shot for the Royal Rumble.


Callis: Win your match tonight, and we shall see.


Blue Meanie and Alex Arion vs Rhyno and Rodney Mack (with Mike Sanders)


Match Background: Rhyno is the reigning WWF World champion, and has been since 16 July 2006. Mike Sanders signed for Rhyno to defend his WWF title against his teammate, Rodney Mack, in two weeks on Smackdown! Tonight they are facing a tag team made out of the two men who have been the hand-picked challengers for Rhyno’s monthly title defenses.


The Match: Alex Arion has some history with Rodney Mack, so they start off the match. Mack gets the upper hand at first, but Alex Arion is sick of being treated like a joke and fires back with some stiff punches. Mack is caught off guard, but lands a vicious clothesline and begins to stomp away at Arion. Mack tags Rhyno into the match, and Rhyno immediately gores Arion. Rhyno could go for a cover, but instead decides to lift up Arion for another gore! Rhyno, having fun at this point, goes to lift up Arion one more time. Rhyno goes for what would be a third gore, but Arion limply falls out of the way and Rhyno collides with a turn-buckle. Arion tags in the stronger Blue Meanie. Meanie dances about the ring, which pisses off Rhyno. Meanie lands some stiff right arms onto Rhyno and then whips him into another turnbuckle. Meanie splashes Rhyno against the turnbuckles some more and Rhyno goes for a tag to Rodney Mack. Mack is also not impressed with the Blue Meanie and they start a rather intense brawl. After a few minutes of this, Mack tags Rhyno in again and Rhyno picks up exactly where Rodney left off. They brawl again, but Meanie tags in Arion. Arion is rested and is able to avoid Rhyno’s shots. Arion lands a neckbreaker on Rhyno, and the Blue Meanie climbs to the top-rope and unleashes a devastating moonsault! Arion goes for the cover, and the ref counts 1…2… no! Rhyno is furious and knocks down Arion. He lands a third gore and he goes for a cover this time. 1…2…3, Rhyno and Rodney win!


Cole: Rhyno was having fun at the expense of Arion and Meanie, all until they actually almost won!


Tazz: But the bottom line is that Rhyno and Rodney Mack won! They worked well as a team, even though they are facing each other for the WWF Championship in two weeks.


Cole: Something is fishy about this title match though, Tazz. I would not put it past Rodney Mack to just lay down for Rhyno.


Tazz: We’ll have to wait and see.


My Opinion: Slightly above average match. Only gets a **3\4 rating from me.


Winners at 6:37: Rhyno and Rodney Mack


Low Ki vs Johnny Stamboli (with Erik Watts)


Match Background: Nothing recent, actually. These two have tied up in the past, but lately have been distracted with other things. Last week Mike Sanders forced Erik Watts and Johnny Stamboli to wrestle each other.


The Match: Low Ki is all over Johnny Stamboli, dishing out relentless kicks to the back of Johnny Stamboli’s legs, trying to bring him down. Johnny fights back with some strong punches of his own, with a couple aimed right at the gut of Low Ki! Low Ki stumbles around, trying to regain himself, while Stamboli tries to shake the soreness out of his legs. The two lock up again. The Bull tries to suplex Low Ki, but Low Ki climbs flips over Stamboli and tries to choke him out from behind (something Cole suggests is less than honorable). Erik Watts demands that Low Ki let go of the hold and the referee gives Low Ki to the count of five. At four, Low Ki unclasps the hold and shouts at Erik Watts! By this time, Don Callis has made his way to ring side and gets into the face of Watts. Watts loses his temper and starts punching the hell out of Callis. Callis, a former independent wrestler in his own right, returns the assault, and the two managers spill out over the guard rail. Low Ki is distracted by the chaos, giving Stamboli a chance to jump him. One swinging neckbreaker later and Stamboli covers Low Ki. 1…2… nope! The match continues, with Stamboli in charge. Low Ki eventually knocks down Stamboli again and begins a series of stiff kicks to the back of Stamboli’s head. Stamboli is in a daze, so Low Ki goes for a cover. 1…2… NO! Low Ki is visibly angry now, but Stamboli capitalizes on that! Fuhgettaboutit! Stamboli covers Low Ki and 1….2….3!


Cole: Impressive victory by Johnny Stamboli!


Tazz: Hey, but where is he going?


Stamboli immediately tries to follow the trail left behind by Watts and Callis. He runs through the audience and the camera follows him to the lobby. He finds Watts laying in a pool of his own blood, and Stamboli is wondering how Callis could have accomplished such a thing. Then he is jumped by Sean O’Haire! O’Haire clubs Stamboli on the back of his neck and hurdles him head first into a pop-corn machine! Stamboli has been left a bloody, popcorn covered mess!


My Opinion: Stamboli and Low Ki have a great ring chemistry and it paid off here! ***1/4


Winner at 7:55: Johnny Stamboli


Kurt Angle, Jimmy Rave, and Nova vs Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas, and AJ Styles


Match Background: All six men here participated in the main event at Survivor Series. Shelton Benjamin has been particularly upset about Kurt Angle’s return to Smackdown. Last week Angle made his in-ring return with a victory over Charlie Haas. After the match, Jimmy Rave and Nova saved Angle from a further attack by Shelton Benjamin.


The Match: Kurt Angle starts the match and demands that Shelton Benjamin wrestle him. Benjamin lets AJ Styles start off for the team, but Cole and Tazz are just as excited about that prospect. Styles and Angle get right into each other’s face and are exchanging smack-talk nose to nose. Finally, Styles takes a swing at Angle, who blocks it and nails Styles with some stiff forearms. Angle whips Styles off the ropes and nails a stiff lariat clothesline. Styles gets up and walks into a fireman carry from Angle. With Styles down, Angle tries to go for a rear-naked choke, but Charlie Haas breaks it up. Styles gets up and contacts a spinning kick onto an unsuspecting Angle. Styles follows this up with some hard stomping on Angle. Styles lifts Angle up off the mat, kicks him low, and nails him with a spinning DDT! With Angle in trouble, Shelton Benjamin badly wants a tag. Styles agrees and tags in Benjamin. Benjamin immediately attaches himself to Angle’s back and a head-lock is applied. We cut to a commercial. After a few minutes advertising the new reality show on Spike TV, we come back and Benjamin still has the hold applied onto Kurt Angle. Rave and Nova are getting really jumpy, since neither of them has been tagged into the match. Angle is slowly trying to crawl to their corner, but Benjamin is holding on with all of his might. Finally, Angle is barely able to connect a tag to Nova, but Nova rushes the ring and begins to clean house on Benjamin. Nova lands in a devastating fallaway slam and a tiger suplex before Benjamin lands a low blow onto him, which the referee somehow misses. Benjamin tags in Charlie Haas, who goes straight to work on the legs of Nova. Haas takes the advantage on Nova and tries to lock on the Haas of Pain, but Nova counters it and tags in Jimmy Rave. Rave and Haas exchange blows until Rave lands a flying neckbreaker onto Haas, grounding him. Rave locks on the Satellite Crossface! Haas is about to tap out, when AJ Styles enters the ring and breaks it up. Nova enters the ring and begins a brawl with Styles. The referee tries to get the two of them to break it up, while Kurt Angle and Shelton Benjamin both rush into the ring. Angle throws Benjamin to the outside and takes a moment to give Haas an Angle Slam! He leaves, and the referee turns around to see Rave covering Haas. He goes for the count 1….2…. NO! WHAT? There was enough distraction that Haas was able to get a shoulder up! Haas is trying to crawl for another tag, but Rave tags Angle back in and Angle prevents Haas from making it to his corner. Angle is embarrassed, so he lands another Angle Slam onto Haas. He goes for another cover and this time 1….2….3! Angle pins Haas for a second week in a row!


Cole: What a damn match! Haas was showing some toughness, but Angle was out to prove that he is the biggest dog in this yard!


The faces slide out of the ring, while the heels charge in. Shelton Benjamin checks on the condition of his partner, Haas, but Styles looks pissed. Rave, Nova, and Angle back up the ramp, raising their arms in victory!


My Opinion: A ***3/4 rating! Yay!


Winners at 17:45: Kurt Angle, Jimmy Rave, and Nova.


The show ends with Styles and Benjamin vowing revenge.

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WWF News and Notes


Velocity Results


Ultimo Dragon def Scoot Andrews


This match was way too good to be on Velocity. Dragon made Andrews submit to a Dragon Sleeper. ***1/2.


Doug and Danny Basham def Reno and Bill DeMott


Not a bad match, as the Bashams are quite the experienced team. Reno and DeMott seemed lost without Palumbo. **


Sonjay Dutt def Men's Teioh


Very good little popcorn match! Great reason to tune in to Velocity! ***




A Knee Injury has put Rey Mysterio on the sidelines for the next 5 months.


A Torn Calf has put Kid Romeo on the sidelines for the next month.


Eric Bischoff is out with a Knee Injury, but he should return in around 3 months.


Garrison Cade is out with a Broken Leg, but he should return in around 2 months.


You can expect to see a lot more of John Jeter, Rob Conway, Chris Chetti, Scoot Andrews and Austin Lee in the coming weeks. These are all very talented workers, who we see as integral to World Wrestling Federation. I wouldn't be surprised to see one or more of them to step up and start making waves in the main event scene soon.


We certainly have high hopes for Ohio Valley Wrestling. The group consisting of Roadkill, Jeremy Lopez, Jimmy Yang, Samoa Joe and Ace Steel look to be really special, can't wait for them to show up on the full roster.


I encourage everyone to come and see us live. You really don't realise how good our guys are until you see them up close.


Triple H has been rumoured on other sites to be in negotiations with us. I will say that as far as i'm concerned, although we are of course keeping an open-mind, we have had no meetings with this talented performer. Triple H was a valuable performer with us for many years, so never say never.


Vengeance is shaping up to be a tremendous event! Tickets are still available, so call Ticketmaster!


Thanks to our sponsors World Domination Inc, Droese Garbage, Irwin's Taxes and EWR 4.0. Great companies, and lovely people. It's always a pleasure to deal with them.


Until next time, take care...

Adam Ryland




Yes, the annual No Mercy pay-per-view will be available on DVD nationwide this Tuesday. If you purchase it at Best Buy, you will also get an exclusive Chad Collyer action figure! The contents of the DVD include:


Rhyno vs Chad Collyer

AJ Styles vs Paul London

Sean O'Haire vs Johnny Stamboli

Nunzio vs Orlando Jordan

Bill DeMott and Chuck Palumbo vs Doug and Danny Basham

Jamie Noble vs Frankie Kazarian

Rodney Mack vs Alex Arion vs Low Ki

Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin vs Jimmy Rave and Nova vs Kae En Tai vs Ken Shamrock and Simon Diamond


Extras Include


Jay Briscoe vs Reno (Sunday Night Heat)


Interviews with:



Paul London

Bill DeMott and Chuck Palumbo

Ken Shamrock and Simon Diamond

Jamie Noble

Alex Arion

Orlando Jordan


Credit: 411mania.com/wrestling

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Minor Update: I'm going to be going back to copying and pasting matches for tv shows until I am done with the semester. The primary reason I haven't been updating much is with all the work and school I have going on, I cannot really commit to creating 6-7 original matches per show. I should have a new Raw up sooner than later.


I also did some brainstorming for Smackdown, I have a fun series of events coming up for that show :)

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Guest JacK

Cool, sounds awesome . . . now that I'm on holidays I won't be using valuable study time to read this stuff. Hope to read it soon.

Though I have to say, I somewhat stole you're style of booking shows and writing out promo's and angles and stuff, and incorporated it into my own EWR fed, which led to some changes in direction of sorts. And also a 1MB Word Document of archived shows.

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Cool, sounds awesome . . . now that I'm on holidays I won't be using valuable study time to read this stuff. Hope to read it soon.

Though I have to say, I somewhat stole you're style of booking shows and writing out promo's and angles and stuff, and incorporated it into my own EWR fed, which led to some changes in direction of sorts. And also a 1MB Word Document of archived shows.

Hey, thanks for reading, I'm glad to know I've been an influence.


For the record, my style of writing out the shows comes from a WWE diary I read at the old EWR Battlegrounds by a guy named Plankton. He did a diary where all the main eventers and upper-midcarders left, leaving the mid-carders to step up. He had a Wrestlemania XIX headlined by Jamie Noble and Rey Mysterio.


I'm sorry for the lack of new shows, but I promise I will kick things back up. I have had the Vengeance card ready for months now, I'm extremely anxious to write it and get ready for the Royal Rumble (which I also have a planned card for).

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Finally, a new show... not my best work, but i'm under a lot of stress...


Monday Night Raw

December 4, 2006


The show starts with a recap of Benoit’s attack on Steve Corino during their tag match last week, as well as Bryan Danielson securing himself a title shot at Vengeance by beating J.R. Ryder and Brian Kendrick. The pyro explodes and Mike Tenay and Al Snow welcome us and list the scheduled matches for the evening, including Justin Credible vs Bubba Ray Dudley for the Hardcore Championship, Lance Storm vs Tommy Dreamer for a shot at the Hardcore title, and Bryan Danielson vs Steve Corino, where if Corino wins he will also challenge Chris Benoit for the World Heavyweight Championship at Vengeance.


Victoria (with Stevie Richards) and Jazz vs Taylor Matheny and Daffney Unger


Match Background: Victoria is the reigning WWF Womens champion, and has been since 25 September 2006. Taylor attacked Victoria by surprise a couple of weeks ago and picked up a singles victory over Jazz last week. Daffney has not been seen on Raw in several months and was last known as “Lucy Furr.”


The Match: Running knee lift from Victoria. Victoria hits a piledriver on Daffney. That used to end matches, you know. Hooks the leg for a two count. Tag to Jazz. Jazz \ Victoria whip Daffney into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. Jazz slams Daffney down and motions to the crowd. There's a two count on the pin. Jazz hits a right hand. Daffney reverses a hip toss. Daffney scores with a big spinebuster. Daffney tags out to Taylor Matheny. Jazz tags out to Victoria. Spear by Victoria. Powerbomb on Taylor. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Big forearm by Victoria makes me want to go to the mirror and check MY teeth. Taylor counters a sleeper with a jaw breaker and is able to get free! Victoria walks into a side slam. Think about how much talent it takes to side slam someone. Nash can do it. Taylor Matheny floors Victoria...and climbs the turnbuckles. Diving Body Press!!! Taylor rolls up Victoria in a cradle, but Stevie Richards reaches into the ring and rolls Victoria over Taylor. The ref counts the 1…2….3!


My Opinion: I'll give this a ***1\4 rating. If I left it up to you, you'd probably think it was the greatest match ever! Keep trying...


Tenay: Taylor had Victoria beaten, if it wasn’t for that slimy Stevie Richards!


Snow: I do believe that counts as “outside interference.” It will be interesting to hear what Shawn Michaels has to say about this.


Winners at 7:12: Victoria and Jazz


Anger and Confidence


Jonathan Coachman is standing in the back with Steve Corino.

Coach: Steve, tonight you have a chance to become the co-number one contender for Chris Benoit’s World title. You went through a disgusting ordeal last week to get it.


Corino: That’s right, Coach. Shawn Michaels put me into a situation where I was completely helpless. All I have to say is to our GM is that I will not forget that. I will not forget being humiliated and beaten down to get my chance at the World title. But with that in mind, I am more motivated than ever right now. I will not have taken that beating for nothing. I will defeat Bryan Danielson tonight and I will win the World Championship at Vengeance. There is nothing anyone can do about it!


Coach: All the power to you, playa.


Corino: Keep it real, Coach.


Tommy Dreamer vs Lance Storm


Match Background: This will be a hardcore bout. The winner of this match gets a shot at the Hardcore Championship. This match is a result of Storm’s interference in Dreamer’s title match against Justin Credible last week. Storm attacked Credible, but allowed Credible to pin Dreamer anyways.


The Match: Trying to channel the spirit of Misawa, Tommy Dreamer ends up chanelling Lex Luger instead and nails a running forearm to the face, minus the steel plate, of course. Lance Storm reverses a hip toss. Lance Storm kicks the leg, knocks Dreamer down, and goes to work on it. Lance Storm misses a clothesline...and takes out the referee accidentally! DDT from the top rope by Lance Storm. That looked KILLER. Hooks the leg, but the referee is still out! Tommy Dreamer powers out of a Lance Storm headlock. Chair shot connects! Storm walks into a side slam. Think about how much talent it takes to side slam someone. Nash can do it. There's a two count on the pin. Tommy Dreamer scores with a standing spinebuster. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Lance Storm elbows Tommy Dreamer in the face to break a hammerlock. Lance Storm belly to belly suplexes Dreamer through an upright table in the corner! Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Tommy Dreamer fights out of a grapple. Tommy Dreamer moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Dreamer DDT. 1....2...3, it's finished. Tommy Dreamer offers a handshake to Storm...and he accepts it!


My Opinion: I really shouldn't drink when I'm reviewing matches. Especially with Scotsman, I can't drink nearly as much, so I try too hard. It was either ** or ****, but I guess I'll have to compromise and say ***.


Tenay: Tommy Dreamer has earned himself another shot at the Hardcore title!


Snow: And how nice, Dreamer and Storm shaking each other’s hands. The violence of this match has seemed to calm down any bad feelings between them.


Winner at 9:30 and #1 Contender for the Hardcore Championship: Tommy Dreamer


The Chase is On


Todd Grisham is standing by with Frank Shamrock.


Todd: Shamrock, this past Sunday on Heat, you won a four-man tournament to win a shot at the Intercontinental Championship at Vengeance. How do you feel about your chances of beating Matt Stryker?


Shamrock: I destroyed two fine competitors to get where I am tonight, I will make the best of this opportunity. I will make Matt Stryker my bitch. (Adam Hastey cuts in).


Hastey: That’s real cute, Frank. You get an Intercontinental title shot, while I suffer alone because our jackass GM suspended my tag partner! So it’s all great and wonderful that you’re going to destroy Stryker at Vengeance, but tonight, you have me. I am nobody’s bitch!


Shamrock: Yes, you are just a bitch in general.


Hastey: (Appalled) Well… um… your ass is mine. I’ll see you in the ring! (Exits).


Shamrock: Anyway, Todd, I’m going to have to make an example of Adam Hastey tonight. I’m going to pretend he’s Matt Stryker and that I have to beat him at all costs. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a match.


Adam Hastey vs Frank Shamrock


Match Background: Shamrock is heading for an IC title shot. Hastey is just pissed that Austin Lee is still suspended.


The Match: Double arm suplex by Frank Shamrock connects as Hastey hits hard. Double arm suplex by Frank Shamrock connects as Hastey hits hard. Bodyslam by Frank. Stun Gun from Frank Shamrock! I still can't believe that was Austin's finisher at one point. Frank Shamrock misses a clothesline. THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. Superkick by Adam Hastey practically knocks out all of Frank Shamrock's teeth! Covers for a quick two count. Frank blocks a kick from Adam Hastey. T-Bone suplex by Frank, Hastey got folded in half to the point that he was almost able to fellate himself. Mighty impressive, don't you think? There's a two count on the pin. Corkscrew BRAINBUSTAH~! Hastey gets destroyed by it. Pin, but Hastey is out just before the three count. Adam Hastey is able to duck a clothesline attempt and connect with a counter clothesline. Standing leg lariat by Adam Hastey on Frank. Frank counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Frank drives a thrust kick into the chest of Hastey. Adam Hastey gets knocked to the ground by Frank. Guillotine Choke!!! Adam Hastey taps out! Matt Stryker comes running down the aisle, and gets into the ring! Matt Stryker spins Frank around. Matt Stryker hits the Stryker Driver! Frank Shamrock has been left down on the canvas.


My Opinion: I'll give this a ***1\4 rating. If I left it up to you, you'd probably think it was the greatest match ever! Keep trying...


Snow: Shamrock followed through on his word and beat the hell out of Adam Hastey!


Tenay: But now Matt Stryker is beating the hell out of Shamrock!


Stryker stands over Shamrock’s body and holds the IC title in the air.


Winner at 11:01: Frank Shamrock



CM Punk and Julio Dinero (with Raven and Alexis Laree) vs Randy Orton and John Jeter


Match Background: Orton and Jeter are facing each other at Vengeance.


The Match: Orton takes a back suplex. Orton tastes a high angle back suplex. If Spike Lee can sue TNN over the Spike TV nonsense, then Kurt Angle should be able to sue SOMEONE for that. There's a two count on the pin. Tag to Julio Dinero. Punk and Dinero whip Orton into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. Covers for a quick two count. Flying shoulder tackle by Dinero sends Orton CRASHING to the mat. Julio Dinero misses a clothesline. Spear by Randy Orton. There's a two count on the pin. Tag to John Jeter. Dinero takes a NICE hurrancarana from John Jeter. Pin, but Dinero is out just before the three count. Jeter hits a dropkick on Julio Dinero and gets right back up. Julio Dinero powers out of a John Jeter headlock. Dinero slams John Jeter down and motions to the crowd. Dinero tags out to CM Punk. Punk scoops and slams John Jeter. What's the difference between a scoop slam and a body slam anyway? Tag to Randy Orton. Punk drives a thrust kick into the chest of Orton. The referee loses control, and all four competitors end up outside the ring, brawling. On reaching ten, the referee calls for the bell! This is a double count out!


My Opinion: Solid bout, but they could do a lot better. ***


Tenay: All four men have counted each other out!


Snow: Look, now Raven is entering the mix.


Raven is helping Julio beat down John Jeter. Meanwhile, Orton and Punk are brawling, when Orton takes a chair and floors Punk with it. Raven, Julio, and Jeter are now on the ramp, and Orton comes charging and joins in on the beating of John Jeter! With Jeter down, Raven and Julio go after Orton (who the crowd now hates). Orton slides into the ring and starts taunting Raven and Julio. Unknown to him, CM Punk slides in the ring behind him with a chair. Orton turns around and Punk slams the chair over his skull and knocks him out. Raven and Julio enter the ring for the celebration and Raven raises Punk and Dinero’s arms in personal victory. After a few moments of laughing and such, CM Punk floors Raven with the chair! Mike Tenay and Al Snow are shocked and puzzled as Punk has turned on his long-time mentor! Julio stands there looking bewildered, but raises his arms up to try and protect himself from a chair shot from CM Punk. With both Julio and Raven down, CM Punk takes turns nailing each of them with the chair. Alexis Laree enters the ring and places herself over Julio’s body. Punk looks right into her eyes and suddenly he starts to smile. CM Punk brings the chair down again right onto Alexis Laree! He unleashes a barrage of chair shots on her before it’s over. Then finally, with John Jeter, Raven, Randy Orton, Julio Dinero, and Alexis Laree all spread out across the arena, CM Punk just leaves.


Tenay: What the hell did we just witness? First we saw Orton betray his partner AGAIN during the post match brawl, and then we saw CM Punk turn on the Gathering!


Snow: I haven’t seen violence like that in years!


No Contest at 8:54.


The Calm in the Storm.


In the backstage area, we see CM Punk returning to the locker room. The Raw stars all stare at him, almost in a nervous fashion. Punk storms past them, throws a shirt on, grabs his duffle bag and storms out. He shoves past Billy Kidman and Bubba Ray Dudley on his way out.


Meanwhile, Jonathan Coachman is standing by with Matt Hardy and Matt Stryker.


Coach: Matt Stryker, that was an outstanding beating you just gave Frank Shamrock earlier tonight.


Stryker: Thanks, Coach. Shamrock has no one to blame but himself. He’s off running his mouth about how he is going to “destroy” me at Vengeance? Don’t make me laugh! Tonight, I put him in his place and at Vengeance I shall do the very same thing.


Hardy: Damn right. Matt Stryker is an awesome champion and is the second best pick to hold a title, after me. I just want to use this interview time to announce that at Vengeance, I am going to hold an open challenge. Any one person in the Raw locker-room who is not scheduled to appear at Vengeance can come out and face me. This is my Christmas present to the boys in the back, by giving an undeserving cretin a chance to compete against a genuine main eventer in a pay-per-view setting. The era of Mattitude lives on!


Hardcore Championship: Justin Credible © vs Bubba Ray Dudley


Match Background: This will be a hardcore bout. This match is for the WWF Hardcore title. Justin Credible has been WWF Hardcore champion since 16 October 2006. Dudley defeat Adam Hastey to get this title shot.


The Match: Bubba Ray Dudley hits some punches. How generic. Credible counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Bubba receives some punishment by Justin Credible but with that horrid offense, we're the only ones truly being punished. Justin Credible misses a clothesline...and takes out the referee accidentally! Justin Credible scores with a crappy looking standing spinebuster. Could have been done a hell of a lot better though. Should have used an X-Box, they're much bigger. Massive backbreaker on Credible and I get happy flashbacks to Bret Hart's Five Moves of DOOM. Hooks the leg for a two count. Powerbomb on Credible. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Justin Credible pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Credible rams Bubba into a table. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Bubba blocks the suplex attempt and is able to hit the suplex instead! Bubba Ray Dudley moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Bubba Bomb. 1....2...3, it's finished. Bubba Ray Dudley remains in the ring, celebrating the victory.


My Opinion: It was close to a ** match, but I just can't stand too many blown spots. *3/4


Snow: Dudley just won the Hardcore title from that snake, Justin Credible!


Tenay: Bubba Ray Dudley could just be the person to bring some prestige back to the Hardcore title, which Credible had been clutching for almost two months!


Winner at 5:31 and NEW Hardcore Champion: Bubba Ray Dudley


The GM Has Some Words


Shawn Michaels enters the arena to a huge pop and dances his way down to the ring. He grabs a microphone.


HBK: What a night this has been! We’ve seen some tremendous wrestling, but a few sickening turn of events. First off, let me offer my sincerest apology to Alexis Laree for the behavior of CM Punk. Secondly, my apologies to Taylor Matheny for the behavior of Stevie Richards. As General Manager, it is my job to make sure these types of things do not happen and when they do happen, it is my fault. That is why I want to make things right. At Vengeance, Victoria is going to defend the Women’s Championship against Taylor Matheny, and Stevie Richards will be barred from ringside! Also at Vengeance, CM Punk is going to have to step into the ring and wrestle his “friend” Julio Dinero! This match will have no disqualifications, and Raven is welcome to be at ring-side. Lastly, I’ve been doing some thinking in regards to Adam Hastey’s desire for Austin Lee to come back. This is why I have booked him to face none other than myself at Vengeance. I will be naming a special stipulation for this match though, it will be a match that we do not get to see very often in wrestling these days. It is called a “clean match” where (gasp) two competitors fight it out and the better man wins! If Hastey can compete against me in the match without cheating, using dirty tactics, or even attempting to get himself DQed, I will let Austin Lee come back. However, if he tries any tricks, I will let Austin Lee sit out the remainder of his contract at home and we will never see him again! I am taking back the control of this show! We will never see baseball sneak attacks, nor will we see Stevie Richards interfering in a women’s match, and finally we shall never see CM Punk, or any other Raw superstar, treat a woman like a target ever again!


Tenay: Strong words from our GM, Vengeance is shaping up to be quite an emotional event!


Steve Corino vs Bryan Danielson


Match Background: If Steve Corino beats Danielson, the main event at Vengeance will become a triple threat match.


The Match: Danielson gets slammed down hard and winces in pain. Corino walks into a drop toe hold. STIFF high kick on Corino by Bryan Danielson. Steve Corino charges, Danielson moves, and the referee is knocked silly! Corino walks into a face crusher variation. Has anyone's face ever really been crushed by one though? Cover, but there's no one to count for Bryan Danielson! Corino pushes out of a Bryan Danielson hold. BAAACK Body drop by Danielson gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. Spear by Steve Corino. Hooks the leg for a two count. Spear! Danielson is down! Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Danielson reverses a Steve Corino hammerlock. Danielson crushes Corino with a huge legdrop. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Corino blocks a kick from Bryan Danielson. Steve Corino ducks a Danielson clothesline and does a quick roll up. Corino has a handful of tights! The referee hasn't seen it: 1....2....3!! Steve Corino climbs each turnbuckle in turn, working the crowd as he celebrates his victory


My Opinion: *** for a solid match.


Tenay: So that’s how it goes then? At Vengeance, it will be Chris Benoit vs Bryan Danielson vs Steve Corino for the World title.


Chris Benoit appears on the stage, with a microphone.


Benoit: Congrats, Mr. Old School. You have just won yourself a one-way ticket to extreme pain and torture. That beating I gave you last week was just a sample of what I’m going to do to you at Vengeance. I sat down with Shawn Michaels earlier today and we actually had a civil conversation, just like real men do. He signed a match for us next week, where you, me, and that bastard you just beat are going to have a triple threat match before Vengeance! However, it’s going to be a triple threat tag team match, so we will all need partners. The torture starts early, Corino. Your suffering has been for nothing.


The show ends with Benoit holding up the World title.


Winner at 15:31: Steve Corino


Current Vengeance Card:

World Heavyweight Championship: Chris Benoit © vs Bryan Danielson vs Steve Corino

Intercontinental Championship: Matt Stryker © vs Frank Shamrock

Julio Dinero vs CM Punk

Shawn Michaels vs Adam Hastey

Randy Orton vs John Jeter

Women's Championship: Victoria © vs Taylor Matheny

Matt Hardy vs ???

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Guest qujexz

okay i only started reading from your latest smackdown and thought i wouldnt get anything because i didnt read it from the beginning from page one. but with the 'match background' you added, everything made sense and i was very entertained right to the end of the sd show.


very refreshing and intriguing seeing your wwe roster, but i'd have to get used to rhyno being wwe champion. good read, which would have been even better if i had time to read all your shows from the start, as i would get everything better.


i will read your latest raw shortly and comment on that.



oh by the way, could i use the 'match background' thing in my fed please?

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okay i only started reading from your latest smackdown and thought i wouldnt get anything because i didnt read it from the beginning from page one. but with the 'match background' you added, everything made sense and i was very entertained right to the end of the sd show.


very refreshing and intriguing seeing your wwe roster, but i'd have to get used to rhyno being wwe champion. good read, which would have been even better if i had time to read all your shows from the start, as i would get everything better.


i will read your latest raw shortly and comment on that.



oh by the way, could i use the 'match background' thing in my fed please?

Hey, thanks for reading, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I don't mind at all if you want to use "Match Backgrounds" for your diary, they are indeed helpful. If you haven't read the entire diary yet, I would encourage at least the parts of the diary focusing around No Mercy and Survivor Series, as I feel they were the strongest parts of my diary :)

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Heat Spoilers


World Tag Team Champions J.R. Ryder and Brian Kendrick def Chris Chetti and Christian


This match was way too good for Heat. Great tag team formula match, which saw Kendrick pin Chetti for the victory. ***1/2.


Matt Hardy def Johnny C.


Solid match, even though Hardy wasn't putting full effort in. Twist of fate puts Johnny away after six minutes. **1/4.


Trish Stratus def Ivory


Basic women's match and a sporadic appearance by Ivory. Chick Kick gets Trish the victory. **


Source: WWF.com.

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Non-spoiler Velocity match listing.




Alex Arion and Blue Meanie vs Low Ki and AJ Styles


Orlando Jordan vs Kid Kash


Ken Shamrock vs Funaki


Non-spoiler Notes on Smackdown!


There were not many matches on the show, but the matches they did have were pay-per-view quality! This was likely because Smackdown did not have a pay-per-view this month and did not want to let Raw get all the hype. Honestly though, this week's show is going to have a couple **** matches!

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Great stuff man. I love the Danielson and Corino pushes.

Thanks, man. Hope I can get Vengeance up sooner than later (two more Smackdowns and one more Raw to go).

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Guest Prof_Plague


I hate copying & pasting straight from EWR. Hate hate hate hate.

Um...that's not copy and paste. That's written out.

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I hate copying & pasting straight from EWR. Hate hate hate hate.

Um...that's not copy and paste. That's written out.

The matches are copy & paste.

If you read my Survivor Series and most of the shows after that event, I started writing out the matches myself. The reason I copy and paste matches from EWR are for a few big reasons:


1) I'm a college student with two jobs. To keep updates coming I would just copy and paste matches so I could focus on the interviews and such.


2) Most people just skim over written out matches anyways (I know I do when I read other journals). This way I still have a match there if anyone cares but otherwise it is a quick fix.


So I understand if you don't like the copy and paste matches, but the life of my diary has been backstage segments and interviews. If you want written out matches, read Survivor Series (a few matches are still copy and pasted, but most of it is written out) and then read the few shows after it. If you still hate my diary, fine. Others have enjoyed it and that is all that matters to me.

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I totally agree and understand with what you're saying. It's just that I'd prefer a simple match overview - summing the match up in a few lines - rather than a copy&paste job.

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I totally agree and understand with what you're saying. It's just that I'd prefer a simple match overview - summing the match up in a few lines - rather than a copy&paste job.

That's cool.


It was actually my intention after Survivor Series to just do simple match overviews, but I would always get carried away and find myself writing out full, detailed matches anyways. I really can't help it. :P

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December 6, 2006


The show opens in a hospital room. Erik Watts is out cold in a bed, with Johnny Stamboli sitting beside him. Stamboli’s head is all bandaged up after being thrown through a popcorn machine last week. Stamboli is calmly reading this month’s issue of WWF Magazine (with Randy Orton and John Jeter on the cover) when suddenly Sean O’Haire busts into the room. O’Haire catches Stamboli off-guard and destroys him with a crutch. With Stamboli down, O’Haire gets into the unconscious face of Erik Watts.


O’Haire: I stole your bitch from you and made him mine. If I could offer you any advice, Erik, do not come back to Smackdown. You would not survive.


The pyro goes off, the fans cheer, and Michael Cole is overjoyed that Smackdown is underway! Cole and Tazz take a moment to send their sympathies out to the families of Johnny Stamboli and Erik Watts and wish them a speedy recovery. They also mention that tonight Smackdown General Manager Mike Sanders will make a big announcement tonight as well as a match pitting WWF Champion Rhyno and the #1 Contender Rodney Mack against none other than Doug and Danny Basham!


Acid’s Cult


The ominous music of Acid’s Cult blasts across the arena, and out come Trent Acid, JC Ice, and Scoot Andrews. The crowd gives them some tremendous heat as Acid goes for a microphone.


Acid: Mike Sanders has forbid us from recruiting any more Smackdown superstars for our cause. This initially angered our master, but in the light of recent events, this has been revealed as a blessing. I could not ask for a better cult. JC Ice is the best cruiserweight on Smackdown and will be the next Cruiserweight Champion! Scoot Andrews is the single most talented technical wrestler I have ever met! And Sean O’Haire is the most brutal, relentless, monster of a man I have even crossed paths with! My Cult is unstoppable! Stamboli and Watts are never going to come back to Smackdown as long as we are here and we shall never vanish!


Jamie Noble’s theme plays and out comes the Cruiserweight Champion, along with Frankie Kazarian and Ultimo Dragon.


Noble: What did I just here ya say, boy? Did you just say your little varmit, JC Ice, was going to be the next Cruiserweight Champion? Over my dead carcass, he is! Did ya also say Scoot Andrews was the best technical wrestler here on Smackdown? Nah, my boy Ultimo Dragon is! And anything you just said about O’Haire does not mean squat since he isn’t standing in that ring!


Acid: Why don’t you get down here right now and back that up!


Noble, Kazarian, and Dragon rush the ring and we have a match set up for after the commercial break!


Trent Acid, JC Ice, and Scoot Andrews vs Ultimo Dragon, Jamie Noble, and Frankie Kazarian


Match Background: Jamie Noble is the reigning WWF Cruiserweight champion, and has been since 28 September 2006. Noble and JC Ice are on a collision course for a Cruiserweight title match!


The Match: The match started during the commercial break, but as we come back we see Ultimo Dragon locking Trent Acid into the dragon sleeper! Cole and Tazz catch us up to speed, as apparently the entire break was Noble’s team dominating Acid’s Cult! Out of patience, Scoot Andrews breaks up Ultimo Dragon’s submission and piledrives him to the mat. Acid goes for a cover, but Dragon gets a shoulder up. Acid tags in JC Ice, who goes to work on the right arm of Ultimo Dragon. As Ice twists his arm back, Dragon reaches with his other for a tag. Kazarian holds onto Noble’s ankles as Noble leans all the way into the ring for the tag. The referee lets it go! Noble begins to clean house on JC Ice with a series of clothes lines! Ice is in a daze so Noble lifts him up on his shoulders and spins him around, finally throwing him up and moving out of the way! Noble goes for a cover, but Ice kicks out at 2! Noble locks on the trailer-hitch, and Ice is about to tap out when Trent Acid enters the ring and distracts the referee! Michael Cole has a temper tantrum about how Noble’s team cannot use any submission holds against the Cult because it keeps being interrupted! Noble tries to get the attention of the referee, but Ice low-blows him and rolls him up. The ref turns around and 1….2….NO! Ice could not cheat to put Noble away! Noble tags in Frankie Kazarian, but Ice escapes and tags in Scoot Andrews. The two dive at each other and both get knocked down! Kazarian gets up first and powerbombs Andrews. Kazarian goes for a cover and only gets a 2 count! Andrews pulls out a hurrancanra out of nowhere and snaps Kazarian down for a cover. 1…..2…..3! That finish came right out of left field!


My Opinion: A badly blown spot prevents me from giving out more snowflakes. ***3/4.


The Cult are celebrating their victory, but Ultimo Dragon and Jamie Noble are still relatively fresh. They jump Andrews and Ice and lay them out. Acid charges both of them, but Dragon and Noble floor him. Noble locks the trailer-hitch onto Acid, as Dragon gets on him and puts on a dragon sleeper! Cole and Tazz are amazed as they’ve never seen such a combination of submission holds. Acid screams in agony as referees swarm the ring to break up the attack. The Cult won this battle, but they did not win the war. Cole and Tazz discuss possible revenge tactics the Acid Cult may dish out later on.


Winners at 8:11: Trent Acid, JC Ice, and Scoot Andrews


Angle Speaks


The music of Kurt Angle plays and out comes the Olympic Hero. Tazz and Cole speculate over how we have not heard Angle speak much since his return last month. Angle gets a mic.


Angle: Two years was a long time for me to be away, but since returning to Smackdown I feel as if I never left! The World Wrestling Federation is where I belong and I have not been this happy in years. Unfortunately, while some things stayed the same, that was not a good thing in all cases. Shelton Benjamin is still a sniveling punk, Charlie Haas is still a spineless follower, and I cannot stand the sight of either one of them! That is okay though, as the original Team Angle was no good, I have gone and found suitable replacements. I would like these two men to join me out here right now, ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce the NEW Team Angle: Jimmy Rave and Nova!


Rave and Nova come out to a good pop, they are now wearing wrestling tights that resemble Angle’s. They stop at the stage and point up and Angle’s pyro goes off. It is a pretty neat sight considering the superstars Rave and Nova have been.


Angle: You two are everything that I wanted Haas and Benjamin to be. You are loyal, you are trustworthy, and you have already displayed your ability to be selfless. You are (Shelton Benjamin’s music plays, and he appears on the stage with Charlie Haas).


Benjamin: Angle! This is the worst insult yet! How dare you suggest those two inbreds in the ring standing beside you are actually better than Charlie and myself! I am a former WWF Champion and Charlie and I are FIVE TIME WWF Tag Team Champions! What did Jimmy Rave and Nova ever do? They had an epic one week reign as Tag Champions and that is it! To call those two our superiors is nothing short of a sick joke! (Suddenly, Mike Sanders shows up on the titantron).


Sanders: Everyone shut up and listen to me. I am the general manager of Smackdown and I am sick of everyone here acting like they can run the show without my blessing. I did not approve of any interview time for any of you! I want some wrestling on my show, dammit! Jimmy Rave and Nova, you two are going to face Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas right now! Beat the hell out of each other and just end your stupid debate once and for all!


Jimmy Rave and Nova (with Kurt Angle) vs Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin


Match Background: Haas and Benjamin are one of the most experienced teams in the promotion. These two teams have collided several times in the past couple of weeks, first at the Survivor Series in the ten-man tag and last week in a six man tag also featuring Kurt Angle and AJ Styles.


The Match: Jimmy Rave hits a rolling kick on Haas. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Rave crushes Haas with a huge legdrop. Covers for a quick two count. Tag between Jimmy Rave and Nova. Jimmy Rave and Nova whip Haas into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Nova hits a dropkick on Charlie Haas and gets right back up. Covers for a quick two count. Haas walks into a high dropkick from Nova, almost losing several teeth in the process. Haas counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face and hit a clothesline! Tor-NADO DDT from Charlie Haas, Nova got planted! Haas tags out to Shelton Benjamin. Vertical suplex by Shelton Benjamin. Michael Cole takes a moment to inform us that the action will continue after a commercial break. When we return, Nova and Shelton Benjamin are having a test of strength. Gutwrench into a stomach breaker. Nova may be winded. Shelton walks into a drop toe hold. Tag between Nova and Jimmy Rave. Super kick by Jimmy Rave. Power drive elbow by Jimmy Rave. That sounds like a feature on a 4 x 4, doesn't it. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! STIFF high kick on Shelton by Jimmy Rave. Shelton Benjamin is able to duck a clothesline attempt and connect with a counter clothesline. Doctor Bomb and Rave is hurt. Shelton goes for a cover, but only gets a 2. Rave begins to pick up some momentum, as Haas tries to interfere. The referee tries to keep Haas from entering the ring and AJ Styles comes running down the ramp with a chair. He enters the ring and swings at Rave, but misses and hits Shelton Benjamin. Angle enters the ring to get rid of Styles, so Styles just flees. The referee turns around and sees Angle standing there next to a steel chair and a flattened Shelton Benjamin. The ref calls for the bell, disqualifying Rave and Nova!


My Opinion: Great match. Most people would give it ****3/4 or more, but I guess I'm a harsh grader. ****1\2 for you.


Cole: What the hell! AJ Styles just cost Rave and Nova the match!


Tazz: Nonsense, Cole. Haas and Benjamin had everything in control, they would’ve won anyways.


Haas and Benjamin roll out of the ring and have the nerve to celebrate their “victory.” Team Angle remains in the ring, shaking their heads.


Winners by DQ at 23:18: Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas


The Overstressed GM


Rhyno and Rodney Mack are in their dressing room, preparing for their match against the Basham Brothers. Mike Sanders is going through his paper work.


Sanders: Okay, gentlemen. I know next week you two will be facing each other for the WWF Championship, but I just want to remind you two that it is going to be a friendly and competitive match to thank Rodney for his months of service. You two are still a team and tonight I want you two to destroy the Basham Brothers!


Rhyno: It will be a PLEASURE to GORE the HELL out of those two WIMPS! And next week, it will be a REAL pleasure to GORE a REAL man!


Rodney: So that’s how it goes? You two both think it is a foregone conclusion that I am going to lose the match next week? Perhaps it will be time to rename our group to the Sanders Administration of Rodney’s Success!


The two men get into each other’s face, Mike Sanders jumps in between them.


Sanders: Hold on, now! Rhyno, you are the greatest WWF Champion in history, so relax! And Rodney, if you should win the championship next week I know you will do the right thing. Everything will be fine! Now settle down!


Rhyno: You are damn right, Mike. I AM the greatest WWF Champion EVER!


Rodney: ….. so, Mike. What is your big announcement tonight?


Sanders: I don’t think I need to tell either of you. I’ll give you a hint though. It has to do with the WWF Championship match at the Royal Rumble next month.




Sanders: That’s right. We are not going to be handpicking a challenger for next month.


Rhyno: WHAT?!?!


Sanders: Just wait. You might end up liking my idea in the long run.


Rhyno: I had BETTER!


United States Championship: Paul London © vs Simon Diamond (with Rob Conway)


Match Background: This match is for the WWF United States title. Paul London has been WWF United States champion since 16 November 2006. London and his partner, Chad Collyer, have recently been feuding with Ken Shamrock and Simon Diamond, who are the WWF Tag Team Champions. At Survivor Series the champs debuted their new back up plan, Rob Conway, who has been presenting himself as a Simon Diamond wannabe.


The Match: This turns out to be a highly competitive match. Diamond walks into a high dropkick from Paul London, almost losing several teeth in the process. Paul London connects with a back heel kick on Diamond and gets back up quickly. Diamond takes a flying neckbreaker from Paul London. Flying elbow from Paul London connects. Paul London misses a clothesline. Simon Diamond snap suplexes London HARD to the canvas! And again! A pair of clotheslines follow and...yep, Diamond is a HOUSE...EN...FUEGO~! Massive back suplex! Paul London got snapped in half, but not literally because that would just end the match now wouldn't it. Covers for a quick two count. Simon Diamond misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. London crushes Diamond with a huge legdrop. Hooks the leg for a two count. Diamond Dust from Paul London and Diamond is out! Pin, but Diamond is out just before the three count. Diamond backdrops Paul London out of a piledriver attempt. That took a lot out of Simon Diamond. Simon Diamond connects with a HARD right hand, sending the opponent down to the mat again. London counters a sleeper with a jaw breaker and is able to get free! London hits a dropkick on Simon Diamond and gets right back up. Paul London has Simon Diamond down on the canvas and is ascending the corner. Through the air, London Calling! 1....2....3.


My Opinion: Consider yourself lucky, a ***1\4 is hard to get.


Rob Conway storms the ring, but London rolls out. He holds his title up high as Conway and Diamond look on in disgust.


Winner at 7:45 and STILL United States Champion: Paul London


Rhyno and Rodney Mack vs Doug and Danny Basham


Match Background: Basham Brothers are one of the most experienced teams in the promotion. Rhyno is the reigning WWF World champion, and has been since 16 July 2006. Rhyno will be defending his WWF Championship against Rodney Mack on Smackdown! next week. These two teams collided a couple of months ago while heading into No Mercy and the Bashams were brutalized.


The Match: Doug Basham and Rhyno start the match off. Doug taunts Rhyno, which inspires Rhyno to start off with some stiff right hands. Doug blocks them and goes for a side-headlock and tries to take down the Champion. Rhyno whips Doug into the corner and Doug hits with a thud. Rhyno wraps his arms around Doug from behind and tries to suplex him, but Doug hangs on to the turnbuckle. Rhyno instead nails Doug with some shoulder thrusts into the kidney area. Rhyno lets Doug fall to the ground and Rhyno goes to work on Doug’s left leg. Michael Cole points out that Rhyno can wrestle a good technical match and held his own against Chad Collyer when it came time to wrestle. Rhyno makes a tag to Rodney Mack. Rodney immediately locks on the “black-out” onto Doug Basham and this inspires Danny to enter the ring and break it up. Rodney lifts Doug to his feet, but Doug comes back to life with a series of stiff shots to the head of Rodney Mack. With Mack in a daze, Doug whips off the ropes and clotheslines him to the mat. Doug locks on a headlock and Rodney tries to make it to the ropes. After about a minute of trying, Mack’s fingers just barely skims the ropes, but cause the rope to fling. The referee calls for Doug Basham to break the hold and he does. Doug tags in Danny Basham. Danny starts kicking the life out of Rodney Mack as Tazz informs us that we’re going for a commercial break. After the break, Rhyno is back in the ring and he has a rear-naked choke on Danny Basham. Doug is clapping and getting the crowd to do so with him. Danny fights out of the hold and DDT’s Rhyno straight to the mat. Danny goes for a cover and 1….2…. NO! Rodney Mack enters the ring and the evil duo double suplex Danny Basham. Rodney leaves, and this time Doug Basham enters the ring. The two unleash a double DDT onto Rhyno and Danny goes for a cover again! 1….2……….NOO! That was so close, the crowd actually thought that Danny Basham had pinned the WWF Champion! The crowd is not pleased and begin to chant “Bullshit” which does not go over so well with the censor board. Rhyno barely manages to tag in Rodney Mack, but Rhyno is so out of it that he simply falls to the floor. Rodney Mack becomes the victim of not one, but TWO double DDT attacks by the Basham Brothers. Doug rolls out of the ring, and the referee counts the 1….2…..3! Danny Basham has pinned Rodney Mack!


My Opinion: This was such a good match, it caused star ratings to magically appear... ****1\4


Cole: The Basham Brothers pick up a huge upset win over Rhyno and Rodney Mack!


Tazz: It looks like Rhyno is just realizing what has happened!


Rodney is standing in the ring, looking really upset with himself. Rhyno rolls in and looks mad. Rodney tries explaining to Rhyno what happened when suddenly the look on Rodney’s face changes. He slaps the taste out of Rhyno!


Tazz: I think Rodney Mack is holding Rhyno responsible for the loss!


Rhyno looks puzzled, but that changes when he hits a sudden GORE on Rodney Mack! The crowd actually pops for the gore, as Rhyno stands over Rodney Mack, shoving the WWF Championship in his face!


Cole: Oh my God! What the hell is going to happen next week?


Winners at 14:11: Doug and Danny Basham


The GM’s Big Announcement.


Mike Sanders makes his way to the ring. He promptly takes a microphone.


Sanders: Before I get to my big announcement, I just have a few other things to say. First off, I’m very disappointed in what just went down between my two associates, Rhyno and Rodney Mack. I’m telling them both right now that if they do not compete in a civilized wrestling match next week, I will make them both sorry! Furthermore, next week I have signed two more matches! Jamie Noble will defend his Cruiserweight Championship against JC Ice and Paul London will face Rob Conway in a non-title bout! Now onto my big (the music of AJ Styles plays, and Styles joins Sanders in the ring).


Styles: You are going to announce the #1 Contender for the WWF Championship at the Royal Rumble, aren’t you? I heard about what you said to your associates earlier! I just came out here to make sure that you are not seriously considering giving that shot to anyone but me? You have to remember that I was the champion for an entire year and that I have NOT GOTTEN MY REMATCH since losing it MONTHS AND MONTHS ago at Wrestlemania! I think I demand more respect than that! (The music of Orlando Jordan plays, and he joins them in the ring).


Jordan: Hold your horses, cracker! It’s great and all that you held the title for so long, but are you forgetting why you did not get any rematches after Wrestlemania? It was because you pissed off the wrong person and that person was me! You spent months getting your ass kicked left and right by me! Now you want another title shot? I think it is high time that I get my turn! It should be my time to run with the ball, only I will not blow it the way you have! (Low Ki’s music plays and Low Ki joins us in the ring).


Low Ki: I’m so sorry to interrupt! Orlando Jordan, you have no honor! You could hardly get by Kid Kash last week! You are weak and pathetic and have no chance! You say you have never gotten your shot at the WWF Championship? Well, neither has Low Ki! (The music of Chad Collyer plays and he joins the gang in the ring).


Collyer: You all have your points, but the fact of the matter is that I have unfinished business with Rhyno. I have to admit that I despise that human being. He robbed me of my Championship and he has yet to beat me since. He did not beat me at No Mercy, for I never said “I quit!” I need some closure in my struggles, I need to take down Rhyno, leave him staring at the ceiling, and let him lay there in a daze as he hears me announced as the new WWF Champion! I have to do this, and it is not fair that you have forbid me from competing for the belt anymore! To get ready, Paul London and I will become the next Tag Team Champions, but I will remind you of this, Sanders. If you do not let me fight Rhyno for the title at Royal Rumble, then I will have to enter the Rumble itself and beat 30 other men. If I don’t meet Rhyno in January, you can bet your ass that it will be me humiliating him at Wrestlemania!


Sanders: If you would all shut up for five minutes, I would tell you who will be getting the chance to compete for the WWF Championship at the Royal Rumble! It will be…. AJ Styles! (Styles is overjoyed). And Orlando Jordan! (Jordan smirks and Styles gets right into his face). And Low Ki! And Chad Collyer! (The superstars in the ring look confused now). And Paul London! And the Blue Meanie! And Alex Arion, Ken Shamrock, Simon Diamond, Sonjay Dutt, Kid Kash, Sean O’Haire, Jimmy Rave, Nova, and everyone in the Smackdown locker room! You see, I will not be naming any #1 Contender this month, as it will be earned for once! Every Smackdown competitor, except the two men fighting for the title next week, will participate in a tag team tournament! The teams will be named by myself and I will present the brackets next week! The winning team will then face each other in a singles match! The winner of that match will face the WWF Champion for the title at the Royal Rumble! (Collyer and Jordan look intrigued by this, but Styles looks pissed as hell since for a few seconds earlier he had thought he would be given the shot right away).


The show ends with Styles and Low Ki having a temper tantrum while Jordan and Collyer laugh at them.

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Monday Night Raw

December 11th 2006


This is the last Raw before Vengeance! Tensions are rising and there is no telling what will happen next! The pyro explodes and the fans are overjoyed to be there as Mike Tenay and Jonathan Coachman welcome us to another exciting episode of Monday Night Raw! They run down the Vengeance card, putting a great emphasis on CM Punk vs Julio Dinero, Frank Shamrock vs Matt Stryker, and Chris Benoit vs Steve Corino vs Bryan Danielson. Tenay makes a big deal out of tonight’s main event, as it will be a triple threat tag team match, with Benoit, Corino, and Danielson on different teams. Each man will name a special tag team partner, and HBK made a new stipulation last week: the partners cannot be from the active Raw roster! This means that tonight’s main event will feature three special guest stars!


CM Punk vs Shannon Moore


Match Background: Last week CM Punk lost his temper and turned on his long-time friends Julio Dinero, Raven, and Alexis Laree. He snapped and took out the entire group, most notably beating Alexis with a steel chair. Shannon Moore hasn’t been doing much lately, he was last seen competing in a mini-tournament on Heat for a shot at the Intercontinental title.


The Match: Tenay mentions that “CM Punk has a lot of explaining to do.” Moore and Punk grapple and put on a series of reversals as they try to pick up an advantage. Punk manages to floor Moore and goes for the Devil Lock. Moore makes it to the ropes and they battle it out. Moore eventually goes for a flying crossbody, but he misses and Punk rolls him up for the cover and the win.


My Opinion: All it gets is a ***1\2 rating from me. Deal with it.


Coach: You know, I think I like CM Punk now. He really impressed me last week when he finally lost his patience with those losers from the Gathering.


Tenay: CM Punk was absolutely sickening last week. I hope to Alexis is recovering well, and wait! Raven and Julio are here!


Winner at 6:31: CM Punk


The Angry Gathering


Julio and Raven are still on the stage. Raven has a mic.


Raven: Punk! Remember all those conversations we had about trust and loyalty? What the hell happened to you! For three years we all had each other’s backs! Yes, we had a few hard times but at the end of the day we always knew that no matter what happened that we could at least count on each other!


Punk: Those are touching words, “friend.” That almost makes me forget what a fool I was to ever associate with you in the first place! Let’s face it, you do not exactly have a track record for looking out for others! Every where you have ever gone you have been about yourself and no one else! And you know what else, how could I allow myself to associate with someone who is such a bad role model! Raven, you thrive on barbaric violence and substance abuse and you have modeled this behavior for children around the world! Just think of all the lives that you have destroyed!


Raven: That is crap, you asshole. I have been clean for years and yes, I treated others badly in the past, but did I ever treat you, or Julio, or Alexis like inferior? Did I ever get in your way of becoming a three time World Champion?


Punk: Yeah, you helped me for a long time, but look what had become of us recently! I should be main eventing every single pay-per-view and episode of Raw! I should not be opening up the shows with you and Julio fighting your battles for you! It seems like all we do now is take out your problems, whether they be Christian, Test, Jeff Jarrett, or Mattitude 2.0!




Punk: Oh, pooooor Alexis. That bitch had no right being out here and she has whipped both of you. (This is the final straw, Julio and Raven charge the ring).


Punk is ready for the double team, as he fights both Julio and Raven off for a few seconds until they get an advantage. Julio holds on to Punk as Raven goes for a steel chair. Raven charges with the chair, but Punk moves out of the way and Raven nails Julio with it on accident. Punk slides out of the ring, pleased with himself.


Coach: CM Punk is a genius! I can’t believe it took him this long to back away from the Gathering!


Tenay: I am shocked and disappointed with CM Punk! Since he came to Raw he had been a model superstar and a noble World Champion. I don’t even know what to believe anymore. All I can say is that at Vengeance, I hope Julio and Raven take full advantage of the “no disqualifications” stipulation of Julio’s match against Punk.


R & S Connection vs Sexy Beasts


Brian Kendrick and J.R. Ryder make their way to the ring. They are about to have a non-title match against the “Sexy Beasts” whom Coach and Tenay speculate over who it might be. Suddenly “Staying Alive” by the Bee Gees plays and Tenay is horrified at who comes out next.


Tenay: Dammit, no! That’s DISCO INFERNO!


Coach: And who is that with him?


Tenay: Wait a moment…


The other man with Disco is announced to be “BJ Whitmer.” Ryder and Kendrick look really confused.


Match Background: Disco is making his debut at this show. BJ and Disco are teaming up as Sexy Beasts for the first time tonight. R & S Connection are the reigning World Tag Team champions, and have been since 25 September 2006. This is a non-title match-up.


The Match: Disco is still dancing around the ring, long after his music has stopped playing. He starts the match against Ryder and Disco unloads his not so impressive arsenal of punching and kicking. Ryder out-wrestles Disco, much to the glee of the audience. Mike Tenay mentions that he had hoped he would never see Disco Inferno ever again. Disco tags in Whitmer as Ryder tags in Kendrick. The two begin to put on a great hybrid of grappling and highflying moves. The crowd begins to really get into Whitmer as he plays to them in between shots at Kendrick. Tag in to Disco, who Kendrick immediately begins to overpower. Disco low-blows Kendrick, right in front of the referee so he calls for the bell!


My Opinion: **1/4 rating for this one. Scott Keith may say that it's 'Perfectly Acceptable Wrestling', but not for me, buddy. Got to work harder to impress me.


Winners by DQ at 7:12: The R&S Connection


The Social GM


Shawn Michaels is walking through the back when he comes across CM Punk. The two men get right into each other’s face.


HBK: Get out of my arena.


Punk: Gladly. I’m not too happy about that match you made for me at Vengeance. I am not going to forget an insult like that.


HBK: Leave now.


Punk exits, assumably leaving the arena for the night. HBK goes into the lockerroom of his two protégé’s, J.R. Ryder and Brian Kendrick.


Kendrick: Hey, Shawn… why did you hire Disco Inferno?


HBK: I really wanted to sign BJ Whitmer, but he would not come unless I hired Disco with him. I figured we could at least have a few laughs at Disco.


Kendrick: I dunno, Shawn, my genitals don’t find him all that funny after that low blow.


Ryder: I have to admit though, that BJ Whitmer was awesome! I had to really work to keep up with him!

HBK: Well, why don’t I give you guys the chance for some payback. At Vengeance, why don’t you defend your World Tag Team Championship against the Sexy Beasts.


Ryder: I’m down with that.


Kendrick: Great idea, Shawn. I vow that before Vengeance is over, my foot will collide with Disco’s ass!


Mattitude 2.0 vs Randy Orton and Frank Shamrock


Match Background: Matt Stryker is the reigning WWF Intercontinental champion, and has been since 30 October 2006. Orton and Shamrock used to be a regular tag team but have not been active in a while. Whether or not this will lead to them teaming up permanently again is yet to be seen. Frank Shamrock will be challenging Matt Stryker for the IC Championship at Vengeance and Randy Orton will be facing John Jeter.


The Match: Randy Orton gets a mixed reaction from the fans, as some are mad at him for the way he has been treating John Jeter and Trish Stratus the past few weeks. Orton starts the match against Matt Hardy and the crowd goes mild. There are even some “boring” chants here and there as the two men fighting are heels in the eyes of the fans. Hardy tags in Stryker, and Shamrock begs for a tag so he can get his hands on the champion. Orton rejects Shamrock’s plea and claims he can win the match on his own. Stryker brings a serious fight to Orton to the point where Orton makes a tag to Shamrock anyways. Shamrock begins to beat the holy hell out of Stryker. Orton is clearly unhappy with being shown up by Shamrock, so he just grabs a steel chair and inexplicably attacks Shamrock with it. This starts a 3 on 1 assault as Orton, Hardy, and Stryker are now beating up Shamrock! John Jeter comes running down the aisle to make a save, and Jeter actually manages to throw Hardy and Stryker out of the ring, leaving him alone with Orton. The two begin to brawl, with Jeter eventually managing to hit a flying spin kick on Orton! Jeter plays to the crowd and helps Shamrock up.


My Opinion: Some blown spots really drag this match down a notch, so its ***1\2 for you.


No contest at 9:10.


The Hunger for Unger


Todd Grisham is standing by with Daffney Unger. He asks her how she feels about her match against Women’s Champion Victoria tonight and instead of answering the question, she just begins to make out with him. She stops and Grisham just looks astounded (and his glasses are on crooked). Daffney just exits.


Todd: Well, good luck to Daffney in her match!


Victoria (with Stevie Richards) vs Daffney


Match Background: Victoria is the reigning WWF Womens champion, and has been since 25 September 2006. Victoria is defending her Women’s title against Taylor Matheny at Vengeance!


The Match: Victoria and Daffney put on a pretty “by the numbers” match. There is some good psychology involved as Victoria decides to target Daffney’s previously injured left knee. Daffney mounts a comeback, but Stevie Richards trips her from outside and Victoria hits the Widow’s Peak for the pinfall.


My Opinion: **1/4 for a solid match.


After the match, Victoria and Stevie share a kiss and taunt Daffney. Victoria climbs onto a turnbuckle to play to the crowd's heat. Stevie stands there clapping for her, when suddenly Taylor Matheny leaps through the audience. She rolls into the ring and lowblows Stevie from behind! Taylor is gone just as fast and exits through the crowd before Victoria is even aware of what happened.


Winner at 5:23: Victoria


As Vengeance draws near…


Adam Hastey comes out to the ring, and he is not happy.


Hastey: At Vengeance, I have to wrestle the Raw General Manager Shawn Michaels in what he calls a “clean match.” He will reinstate my tag partner, Austin Lee, if and only if I wrestle the match without doing anything that he considers to be cheating. Quite frankly, I find it to be insulting that he thinks that I cannot beat him on my own merits alone! I am going to destroy him! (The music of Bryan Danielson plays, and everyone is surprised to see the #1 Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship).


Danielson: I do indeed hope you are ready for Vengeance, because you are over your head as you stand now. Shawn Michaels is a legend in our business. But who are you? What have you accomplished that is so great? You are most known for sneaky baseball bat attacks and being one of the most hated men in this arena. I know for a fact that HBK will beat you at Vengeance, because that is what he does. I know this because HBK trained me. He taught me everything that I know about wrestling. I am shining proof of the excellence of Shawn Michaels. This Sunday, I will get my shot at the most prestigious prize in sports entertainment. That is something I don’t expect you will ever do, Hastey. Now that I have given you this reality check, get the hell out of my ring. My match is next.


Tenay: Our huge main event is next! I wonder who Danielson chose for his partner.


Commercial Break.


After the break, Danielson is still in the ring. He has a microphone.


Danielson: For my partner tonight, I made contact with several talented wrestlers I have worked with across the world. I then found myself a perfect team mate, who will surely do circles around Corino and will blow Benoit away with his high-flying abilities. I have chosen none other than… SUPER CRAZY!


Super Crazy enters to a decent pop, as he has a cult following. Crazy and Danielson share a high-five and next plays the music of Steve Corino.


Corino: Awesome choice, Bryan. Unfortunately for you I have found myself a partner so tough, so brutal, and so evil that no one will stand a chance against him. My partner tonight is none other than… THE SANDMAN!


The Sandman gets a huge pop from the crowd and he breaks a beer can over his head and guzzles it to the crowd’s approval. He hands one to Corino, who guzzles his in a similar fashion. Corino and Sandman make their way to ringside and they start taunting Super Crazy and Danielson. Finally, the music of Chris Benoit plays and he comes out sporting the World Heavyweight Championship over his shoulder. Benoit makes his way to the bottom of the ramp before he makes his announcement.


Benoit: You two have both made great choices, but I have both of you beat. I made a phone call to an old enemy and sometimes friend of mine. He said he would be more than happy to make a one time only appearance here tonight, so without further adieu…. CHRIS JERICHO!


The roof is blown off the arena as Jericho comes out to a massive pop! Chris Jericho was last seen in early 2005, having left shortly after WrestleMania XXI!


Tenay: This is unbelievable! Super Crazy, Sandman, and Chris Jericho are all here and they are all in action after this commercial break!


Canadian Violence vs Bryan Danielson and Super Crazy vs Steve Corino and Sandman


Match Background: This will be a triangle bout. Canadian Violence used to be a regular team, but have been inactive for a while. Whether this match will lead to a reformation as an active unit remains to be seen. Chris Benoit is the reigning World Heavyweight champion, and has been since 27 June 2006. Benoit, Corino, and Danielson are all facing each other in a triple threat match at Vengeance for the World Heavyweight Championship!


The Match: Sandman and Danielson start the match off. The crowd is chanting “you tapped out” at Benoit, but they are really enjoying the Sandman! Sandman pulls another beer out of his pocket and chugs it. Danielson is patiently waiting for Sandman to get down to business, but is caught off guard when Sandman spits the beer into the eyes of Danielson! Sandman begins to punch and kick away at Danielson, as the American Dragon is temporarily blind. Sandman removes the turnbuckle cover and drops Danielson’s head right onto the exposed metal. Danielson is busted open! Sandman makes a tag to Steve Corino, who goes to work on Danielson. He locks a half-Boston crab onto Danielson and drags him out to the middle of the ring. Danielson yells in pain, but refuses to tap out. Instead, Danielson counters the move and lunges towards Super Crazy. He makes the tag and rolls out of the ring for a towel to get the alcohol and blood out of his eyes. Super Crazy jumps around and plays to the crowd, while Corino just smirks. Crazy turns around and Corino takes him down with a clothesline. Super Crazy kicks right back up and lands a spinning kick onto Corino. Crazy goes to the top rope and is able to land the Dragoncarana onto Corino! This pops the crowd big time! Corino is so caught off guard by this, he rushes to tag in Sandman, but accidentally tags in Chris Jericho! Jericho and Super Crazy get right into each other’s face, but Crazy extends his hand for a handshake. Jericho accepts it, but immediately traps Crazy into a side headlock. Y2J sends Crazy off the ropes and Jericho hits a hurracanrana of his own. The next few minutes is a series of dazzling high flying offense between Jericho and Super Crazy while Corino and Danielson regain themselves. Crazy tags in Danielson and the arena goes crazy for the possibility of Jericho and Danielson locking it up. This is when we go to a commercial. After the break, we see that Danielson and Jericho did lock up but have yet to get really started. Danielson and Jericho exchange chops, each one more brutal than the last. Danielson tries to lock Jericho into the Cattle Mutilation, but Jericho is able to avoid it, but locks Danielson into the WALLS OF JERICHO! Danielson desperately tries to make it to the ropes, as Super Crazy claps for him. Finally, not wanting to lose the match, Steve Corino breaks up the hold and the referee demands that Corino exit. Jericho, while frustrated, tags in Chris Benoit. Benoit takes advantage of Danielson being down and immediately locks in the Crippler Crossface! This time Super Crazy flies off the top rope to break it up. All six men enter the ring at once and a huge brawl breaks out. Danielson and Sandman are bleeding, and the two of them fall out of the ring while battling it all out. Super Crazy and Jericho do the same, leaving Corino alone with Benoit. Since all hell broke loose, the referee accepts Corino and Benoit as the legal men while the others are fighting. Corino goes for the Old School Expulsion, but Benoit avoids it and hits the Crippler Crossface! There is no one to save Corino as he taps out!


My Opinion: Oh, look out...almost ****, but not quite. ***3/4.


Tenay: That was the most damned sight I’ve witnessed in years!


Coach: There was blood, guts, beer, and submission holds left and right! This, my friend, is what Monday Night Raw is all about!


Jericho reenters the ring and celebrates with Chris Benoit, who proudly holds up his World title. At the last stop before Vengeance, it is Benoit who picks up the advantage. Corino rolls out of the ring, angry and embarrassed. Danielson remains on the stage, still bleeding. The stage has been set, will Chris Benoit be able to retain his World title from the relentless Bryan Danielson and the crafty Steve Corino?


Winners at 23:18: Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho


The show goes off the air.

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Final Vengeance Card!


World Heavyweight Championship:

Chris Benoit © vs Bryan Danielson vs Steve Corino


Intercontinental Championship:

Matt Stryker © vs Frank Shamrock


No Disqualifications:

CM Punk vs Julio Dinero (with Raven)


"Clean Match"

Shawn Michaels vs Adam Hastey


Women's Championship:

Victoria © vs Taylor Matheny


Grudge Match:

Randy Orton vs John Jeter


World Tag Team Championship:

The R&S Connection © vs The Sexy Beasts


Open Challenge:

Matt Hardy vs ???

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December 14th 2006


The show opens with a pre-taped segment showing a bizarre meeting in process. The event is being held in a gothic church, and Trent Acid, Sean O’Haire, JC Ice, and Scoot Andrews are all dressed up in black robes and holding the festivities. The room is filled with followers.


Acid: Friends of the Acid Cult, we are entering times of great success, but heavy setbacks have cost us! Right now we need you more than ever to write to the General Manager of Smackdown, Mike Sanders, and voice your disapproval with how he has treated our members on the air! Sanders has angered our master and unless we can stop Sanders, he will take his anger out on each and every one of us! Now go forth and write to him, and demand that Trent Acid gains the respect and power he so rightfully has been given by our master!


The Smackdown! theme song plays, the pyro explodes, and the fans in attendance are giddy to be there. Michael Cole and Tazz welcome us to the program and go over tonight’s card. The WWF Champion, Rhyno, will defend his title against his enforcer, Rodney Mack. Also, upstart Rob Conway will challenge the United States Champion, Paul London, in a non-title match and JC Ice, of Acid’s Cult, will challenge Jamie Noble for the Cruiserweight Championship!


Paul London (with Chad Collyer) vs Rob Conway (with Simon Diamond and Ken Shamrock)


Match Background: Paul London is the reigning WWF United States champion, and has been since 16 November 2006. London and his partner, Chad Collyer, have been chasing after Diamond and Shamrock’s WWF Tag Team titles for the past couple of weeks.


The Match: London and Conway, to put it quite literally, tear the house down! Cole and Tazz are surprised at the in-ring gifts Conway has and he manages to have a competitive match against London. Cole reminds us that Collyer more or less squashed Conway in his debut, but it looks as if Conway is much more focused for this match. The finish comes when Ken Shamrock tries to interfere, but Collyer makes the save. One London Calling later and Conway is finished!


My Opinion: Great match. I would love to see what these two could do on a pay-per-view! ****!


Collyer joins London in the ring for a celebration, as Simon helps Conway to his feet. While the two of them taunt Collyer and London, Ken Shamrock sneaks up behind them and jumps Collyer. Diamond and Conway go to work on beating up London as Shamrock locks on to Collyer’s ankle and twists it back! With the damage done, Shamrock and Diamond raise their tag titles over their heads and leave the arena while Conway jumps around as if he’d won the match.


Winner at 13:48: Paul London


The Tag Tournament Participants Named!


Mike Sanders comes out to the ring and promptly takes a microphone.


Sanders: Starting next week, Smackdown will be taking on a new format! Not only will the tournament begin, but there will be changes as well! There will be a brand new set, stage, theme music, and graphics as I want to start 2007 with a newer and better Smackdown! Now if you’ll give your attention to the titantron, I will unveil the teams I have assembled for the tournament!


Kurt Angle and Low Ki

Ultimo Dragon and Men’s Teioh


Jay and Mark Briscoe

Nunzio and Kid Kash


Sean O’Haire and Trent Acid

Doug and Danny Basham


Jimmy Rave and Nova

AJ Styles and Orlando Jordan


Chad Collyer and Paul London

Bill DeMott and Reno


Blue Meanie and Alex Arion

JC Ice and Scoot Andrews


Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas

Sonjay Dutt and Funaki


Simon Diamond and Ken Shamrock

Frankie Kazarian and Jamie Noble


With the teams being named, the music of AJ Styles plays immediately and Styles, along with Low Ki and Don Callis, comes out and joins Sanders in the ring.


Styles: What the hell is wrong with you! You are teaming me with Orlando Jordan?!? Have you gone mad! I should be teamed with Low Ki!


Sanders: Maybe you would be if you had not gone and annoyed me last week!


Low Ki: Excuse me for interrupting, but why am I being forced to team with Kurt Angle? Couldn’t I be teamed with someone with honor?


Sanders: The teams are final, you two are just going to have to deal with it. Put your personal problems on the side and just do the best you can in the tournament. Besides, remember if you win the tournament you will face your tag partner for the #1 Contendership!


Callis: This is an outrage, Sanders. My clients and I will not forget this insult the next time you come to us looking for some help for your babied WWF Champion!


Callis, Styles, and Low Ki leave the ring, not looking so happy.


Sanders: Hold on, guys. Since you have annoyed me even more tonight, I’m going to make a tag match for later on! It will be AJ Styles and Low Ki vs Kurt Angle and Orlando Jordan! That should make things all the more pleasant when the tournament starts next week!


Cole: You know something, Sanders is turning out to be a half-decent general manager!


Sean O'Haire (with Trent Acid) vs Blue Meanie


Match Background: O’Haire just took out Johnny Stamboli and Erik Watts over the past couple of weeks, so he is feeling pretty good about himself.


The Match: This match was pretty brutal to watch, but short. The Blue Meanie could not mount much of an offense and was put away by a huge chokeslam by O’Haire. Acid did not even have to interfere. After the match, O’Haire collapsed, with the only explanation being that the “master” is done with him for now.


My Opinion: Not good enough to earn an entire star. 3/4* for you.


Tazz: Acid’s Cult is getting stranger by the week.


Cole: They are gaining momentum though. Tonight JC Ice gets his shot at Jamie Noble, and all four members of the Cult are going to be in the tournament Sanders announced.


Winner at 3:45: Sean O’Haire


He Came to Play


After the commercial break, Acid has Scoot Andrews out in the ring with him as they are trying to get Sean O’Haire to wake up. Suddenly some unfamiliar music plays and the arena goes dark. When the lights come up, O’Haire is suddenly bleeding from the forehead and Shashka Corbett is standing above him!


Cole: That’s Shashka Corbett! He’s a young monster, and what’s he doing now?


Corbett goes right to work on Andrews and Acid. He takes down Acid with a big boot and grabs Andrews. He does a brutal sit-down powerbomb (which unlike in the real WWE, has not been seen much here). Acid gets back up to his feet and walks into a brutal spine-buster from the young monster. Corbett roars and the crowd pops!


Tazz: I don’t know how smart this was of Shashka Corbett! When O’Haire wakes up, he is not going to be pleased with what just went down!


Kurt Angle and Orlando Jordan vs AJ Styles and Low Ki


Match Background: A tournament is starting next week, in which Jordan and Styles, and Low Ki and Angle, will be forced to team up. Angle has been feuding with Shelton Benjamin since he came back to the WWF.


The Match: As the match begins, Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas come out to do commentary. Tazz is happy to see the duo but Cole is more than disgusted. Meanwhile in the ring, Low Ki and Angle start off the match to some sensational grappling. Angle uses his amateur background to take down Low Ki, but Low Ki is so tough and durable that he fights out of all of Angle’s offense. The two of them share a brief handshake as Cole believes there could be some mutual respect between the two men. Shelton Benjamin claims that Angle respects no one and Haas just agrees with everything Shelton says. The match goes for a good 20 minutes and even involves a commercial break. Styles and Jordan clearly don’t like each other as they battle more viciously than Low Ki and Angle were. The finish comes when AJ Styles hits a Styles Clash on Jordan, but Angle rushes the ring and delivers an Angle Slam onto Styles. Jordan weakly gets an arm over Styles and 1….2…..3! Jordan pinned Styles!


My Opinion: A **** rating is well deserved for the competitors in this match.


This was the moment that Haas and Benjamin were waiting for, as they rush the ring and start to beat up Jordan and Angle. Low Ki looks torn on whether or not he should help, since he does not want to help someone who his friend, AJ Styles, hates, but he wants Angle to be healthy for the tournament. Low Ki’s inner turmoil ends when Jimmy Rave and Nova rush into the ring to make the save. Haas and Benjamin stroll up the ramp, happy with the statement they’ve made.


Winners at 21:17: Kurt Angle and Orlando Jordan


Set for Victory!


Josh Matthews is standing by with Chad Collyer and Paul London. He asks them how they feel about the tournament and about the event from earlier in the evening.


London: I gotta hand it to Rob Conway, he’s a hell of a wrestler. He gave me a good challenge tonight, I just think it’s a damn shame he is associated with those two goons.


Collyer: Yes, it would seem that London and I did underrate Diamond and Shamrock. We set out to win the WWF Tag Team Championship to prepare for our future encounters with Rhyno, but now it would seem we could do both. We’d like to open up a challenge to Diamond and Shamrock that if we meet them in the tournament, our match will also be for the WWF Tag Team Championship! (Mike Sanders walks in).


Sanders: That’s a great idea, Chad. Really, I’m with you on that one. I think it would be more interesting though, if every tournament match that Diamond and Shamrock participate in will also be for the WWF Tag Team titles!


London: Let’s hope they last long enough to fight us then.


Cole: What is up with Mike Sanders? More and more I find he is making good decisions!


Cruiserweight Championship: Jamie Noble © vs JC Ice


Match Background: This match is for the WWF Cruiserweight title. Jamie Noble has been WWF Cruiserweight champion since 28 September 2006. JC Ice and Noble have had issues ever since Survivor Series, when Ice pinned Noble in an eight-man tag match. Since then, the two have traded victories left and right, and it has brought them to tonight.


The Match: JC Ice is alone tonight, since his fellow Acid Cult members were laid out by Shashka Corbett (and Sean O’Haire is still on the shelf thanks to the “master.”) Michael Cole is really excited to see this match and he is not let down. Jamie Noble and JC Ice put on a great, old-school styled cruiserweight match (and by “old-school” I mean mid-90’s WCW). The two are so evenly matched that even Tazz has to put over how impressed he is! It’s all going well until JC Ice tears the top off of a turnbuckle. Jamie Noble appears to have an advantage but JC Ice grabs him by the tights and uses the leverage to slingshot Jamie Noble face first into the exposed steel turnbuckle! JC Ice rolls up the stunned Jamie Noble: 1....2...3! How did the referee not see that? JC Ice leaves the ring and heads off down the aisle at speed. JC Ice has the victory, and isn't hanging around for Jamie Noble to look for revenge.


My Opinion: Great match, it deserves every snowflake its getting. ***1\2


Cole: What a coward! JC Ice was having the match of his life until he went and cheated to win the title! Now he’s running off like a thief in the night!


Tazz: What do you mean “he was having the match of his life?” JC Ice just won the Cruiserweight title, I would say this indeed WAS the match of his career!


Winner at 8:50 and NEW Cruiserweight Champion: JC Ice


Preparing for the Tournament


Don Callis, AJ Styles, and Low Ki are in their dressing room. The mood of the room is tense.


Styles (to Low Ki): I cannot believe you were actually considering helping out Kurt Angle earlier.


Low Ki: Well, he IS my partner for the tournament. I would be a foolish if I wanted to enter that tournament with an injured partner.


Styles: Not that it matters though, I have to ensure Jordan and I win the tournament so you might as well just quit anyways.


Low Ki: What’s that? I know you want to be the WWF Champion again, but you will not look past me, my friend.


Callis: Calm down, you two. I promise that everything is going to work out and hopefully you won’t have to face each other at all in the tournament.


Styles: Come on, Don. You have to want me to win the title back!


Callis: To be honest, I don’t care which one of you wins the title, as long as one of you does! Now leave me alone, I’m trying to read.


Low Ki: AJ, you are my friend. But if we cross paths in this tournament I am going to treat you as if you are my enemy. I have too much honor to do anything else.


Styles: Understood. Just remember, the feeling is mutual. Let’s not let this ruin our glorious friendship though, as this is all Mike Sander’s fault.


WWF Championship: Rhyno © vs Rodney Mack


Match Background: This match is for the WWF World title. Rhyno has been WWF World champion since 16 July 2006. Mike Sanders gave Rodney Mack this title shot to thank him for all the help he has given Rhyno over the past several months. In the weeks leading up to this match, the tension between Rodney and Rhyno built up to an explosion last week, after losing a match to the Basham Brothers.


The Match: Rhyno proudly holds his WWF Championship over his head. He hands it the referee in a confident manner, trying to intimidate Rodney Mack. The two men are both technically heels, but the crowd is interested to see whether or not Rodney will “do the right thing.” Rhyno starts off with a series of left hands, which Rodney manages to block. Rodney unleashes with some rights and sends Rhyno to the mat. Rhyno cannot believe that Rodney Mack has picked up the advantage in the early going, so he slides out of the ring. Rodney, feeling aggressive, follows after him. Rodney begins to slam Rhyno’s head into the barricade. Rhyno counters with some stiff shots to Rodney’s ribs. Rhyno lifts Rodney up and drops him on the barricade, much to the delight of fans sitting at ringside. Rhyno briefly reenters the ring to stop the referee from counting them out, which surprises Michael Cole as he figured Rhyno would take a count-out loss, if it meant he would retain the WWF Championship. Rhyno goes to Irish Whip Rodney into the steel steps, but Rodney counters it and Rhyno collides with the steps to a sickening sound. Rhyno is now on the floor by the commentator’s desk and Rodney is in control. Rodney lifts up the steps and charges, which alarms Cole because the referee will DQ Rodney if he connects with the shot! Rhyno, sensing his peril, counters with a drop toe and Rodney falls forward, his forehead bouncing off the steps! Cole and Tazz wonder how far these two can go before the referee calls for a disqualification! Pretty far, apparently, as Rhyno begins to clear the announcer’s desk off. He shoves Rodney onto the desk and prepares to suplex him on top of it. Rodney counters the hold, but only briefly, as Rhyno tries a second time and puts Rodney Mack through the table! Amazingly, the referee still doesn’t call for the DQ, even though a table was involved. The move takes a lot out of Rhyno as well, so he has trouble getting Rodney back into the ring. Rhyno goes for a cover but only gets 2. Rhyno gets to his feet and prepares to gore Rodney whenever he stands up. Rodney is in a daze, but he narrowly steps out of the way and Rhyno ends up goring the turnbuckles! With Rhyno now in a daze, Rodney locks on the black-out and the crowd pops as it looks as if Rodney is going to win the WWF Championship! Even though he is a heel, most were assuming Rodney would lay down for Rhyno and this is a real shock to them! Rhyno is fading fast in the black-out, but Rodney loses patience too fast and turns it into a suplex. Rodney goes for a cover and gets a 2.999999 but Rhyno kicks out! No one can believe it! Rodney is beside himself, so he lifts Rhyno up, but Rhyno, out of desperation, whips Rodney off the ropes and lands a GORE!!! Rhyno goes for the cover and 1….2…..3! Rhyno retains the title!


My Opinion: A brutal brawl says this match gets a ****1/4!


Rhyno is excited about retaining his title. He helps Rodney Mack to his feet and offers him a hand shake. There are apparently no hard feelings here as all the animosity between them seems to have been worked off in their violent match. Rodney accepts the handshake and Mike Sanders comes out for a celebration. The crowd boos the group not breaking up, but are satisfied with the match they saw at the same time.


Cole and Tazz thank us for watching and further promote the tag tournament starting next week!


Winner at 17:30 and STILL WWF Champion: Rhyno

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December 17th 2006




Jonathan Coachman and Ivory welcome us to Sunday Night Heat! The show covers:

•Build to Benoit/Danielson/Corino

•Replays the night Bryan Danielson debuted.

•Shows highlights of Frank Shamrock beating Rico and Ozzy Benton to earn an IC title shot for tonight.

•Music video for Vengeance featuring the hot new single from Crossfade.

•Matt Hardy storms through the Raw locker-room daring superstars to challenge him tonight. He gets in the faces of Christian, Bubba Ray Dudley, Tommy Dreamer, Test, Billy Kidman, Ozzy Benton, and Johnny C.


Lance Storm vs Chris Chetti


Match Background: This is the bonus Heat match before the Pay-Per-View, which is meant to encourage fans to make last-minute orders.


Mike Tenay and Al Snow are at ringside. Before the match begins, they become puzzled when Justin Credible comes out to be the referee.


The Match: Storm is distracted by Justin Credible’s presence in the match. Storm and Chetti put on a good pop-corn match, full of reversals and false finishes (all within a couple of minutes). Whenever Chetti goes for a cover, Credible does a fast count, but Storm keeps making it up anyway. Storm nails a super kick on Chetti, but when he goes for the cover, Credible yawns and holds his head as if he needs a nap. Storm gets into his face, but Chetti rolls up Storm! 1,2,3! Credible does a fast-count and Chetti wins the match!


My Opinion: Good bout. In my estimation, it's about **3/4.


Credible high-tails it before Storm can gain any revenge. He points at Credible and warns him that it is only a matter of time before he gets his hands on him.


Winner at 4:07: Chris Chetti.


The music video for Vengeance plays yet again, hyping all of the matches on the card (except for Hardy’s challenge). The video ends with the end of the last Raw, where Benoit made Corino tap out cleanly.





World Tag Team Championship: The R & S Connection © vs Sexy Beasts


Match Background: This match is for the World Tag Team titles. R & S Connection have been World Tag Team champions since 25 September 2006. The R&S Connection consist of a Raw superstar (Brian Kendrick) and a Smackdown superstar (J.R. Ryder), and if they lose the championships, Ryder must return to Smackdown where he has an angry Mike Sanders waiting for him. The Sexy Beasts consist of Disco Inferno and BJ Whitmer and they just debuted on Raw this past week.


The Match: J.R. Ryder and BJ Whitmer star the match, mostly because Ryder is so excited to be wrestling Whitmer again. Ryder connects with a flying elbow onto Whitmer, followed by a power drive elbow. Whitmer is not to be taken lightly, as he comes back with a series of stiff kicks onto Ryder. BJ tags out to Disco Inferno. Disco takes advantage of Ryder’s weakened state and tries to overpower him with some sloppy punches. Ryder connects with a mule kick out of no where and sends Disco crashing and burning.. Dropkick connects to the BUTT of the jaw and Disco goes down. Ryder tags out to Brian Kendrick. R & S Connection hook up Disco, then hit a double suplex. Lightning kick by Kendrick on Disco. Back heel kick off the second rope, Disco goes down. Kendrick tags out to J.R. Ryder. Disco Inferno is all alone...Raw Smack!! 1....2....3!


My Opinion: I'll give it a **1\2 rating, but that's because I didn't mark out once...but nothing was too bad.


Tenay: Our great Tag Team Champions put Disco and Whitmer in their place tonight with a successful title defense!


Snow: Yes, I’m starting to wonder if Kendrick and Ryder will EVER lose the tag titles. It is easy to forget that Ryder is really a Smackdown superstar!


Winners at 7:19 and STILL World Tag Team Champions: The R&S Connection



Shawn Michaels vs Adam Hastey


Match Background: This is a “clean match.” Basically, if Adam Hastey can wrestle the match without cheating, his tag partner, Austin Lee will return from suspension. If Hastey pulls out any dirty tricks, Michaels will never bring Lee back and he will have to sit out the rest of his contract at home.


The Match: Shawn Michaels gets a huge pop and dances around the ring. Hastey comes out to some disappointing heat. Michaels has Lillian Garcia restate the stipulations of the match, just to remind Hastey of what happens if he tries anything foolish. Hastey is impatient to begin, and once the bell rings he gets into Michael’s face. HBK simply slaps the taste out of Hastey’s mouth, which enrages him. Hastey goes for a right hand, but HBK blocks it and returns the favor. Hastey, being the slow learner that he is, goes for another right hand and is once again blocked. HBK lands some hard lefts of his own and suplexes Hastey. Hastey rolls out of the ring and grabs a steel chair. HBK, seeing the chair, points to the titantron. On the screen is Ryder, Kendrick, and Bryan Danielson. They are holding up what appears to be Austin Lee’s contract. Hastey angrily throws the chair to the ground and reenters the ring. HBK goes for a flying elbow, but Hastey moves and manages to comeback with some punches of his own, establishing a mini-comeback. With HBK down, Adam Hastey goes to the top rope for his sky high legdrop! Unfortunately, HBK moves out of the way and locks on the figure four! Hastey is in agony, but surprisingly is able to reverse the move onto HBK. Rather than break the hold, HBK holds on and flips Hastey over to put the pressure back on him. Hastey is in complete torture and taps out, giving the victory to HBK! HBK begins dancing about the ring, when suddenly Austin Lee jumps over the barricade with a baseball bat! Lee connects with the bat over the head of HBK and lands another shot at his ribs. Kendrick, Ryder, and Danielson rush out to make the save, but Lee just flees. He embraces with Hastey outside the ring and the evil duo triumphantly make their way up the ramp. Danielson checks on HBK as Ryder and Kendrick threaten Hastey and Lee.


My Opinion: This match gets two stars from me. Nothing more, nothing less. **


Tenay: Austin Lee gets his suspension dropped and attacks our General Manager seconds later! This is despicable behavior from those two degenerates!


Snow: I wouldn’t be surprised if HBK just goes and fires both of them on the spot!


Winner at 5:10: Shawn Michaels


Women’s Championship: Victoria © vs Taylor Matheny


Match Background: This match is for the WWF Womens title. Victoria has been WWF Womens champion since 25 September 2006. Stevie Richards has been barred from ringside due to his constant interference in Victoria’s matches, and to assumably heal from a low blow delivered by Taylor on the last episode of Raw.


The Match: Victoria and Taylor lock eyes and glare at each other. Victoria makes a comment that Taylor does not deserve a shot at her title, so this will be an easy victory. The two women collide and spend the first few minutes of the match trying to out grapple each other. Victoria mostly concentrates her attacks on Taylor’s left arm until it is too weak for Taylor to successfully grapple with Victoria anymore. Taylor instead choose to brawl with her right arm. Several stiff shots later has Victoria on the defense. Taylor goes for patented Complex Math finisher, but she is too injured from Victoria’s offense from earlier that Victoria escapes the move relatively easily. Victoria goes for a vertical suplex and lands it perfectly. She goes for a cover and only gets a 2. Taylor gets back up and kicks Victoria a few times, this leads to them spilling out of the ring. The two women are fighting up the ramp until they are right at the entrance to the arena. Suddenly, Stevie Richards appears out of no where and lifts clotheslines Taylor! The referee is disqualifying Victoria! She does not care though, as she retains her title. The bizarre couple exit, while an EMT checks on Taylor.


My Opinion: All it gets is a *** rating from me. Deal with it.


Tenay: That sick Stevie Richards helped Victoria save her championship yet again!


Snow: Well, he was barred from ringside, but when the action left the ringside area he was ready to strike!


Winner by DQ at 9:58: Taylor Matheny



Randy Orton vs John Jeter (with Trish Stratus)


Match Background: Orton and Jeter teamed up at Survivor Series to face the Beautiful People. After losing that match, blame was exchanged between the two good guys and HBK signed them for a match at Vengeance to settle their differences. The anticipation of this match did more harm than good, as Orton went from not helping Jeter while he was under attack to attacking Jeter himself.


The Match: The crowd downright does not like Orton now. Jeter gets a good pop, since he has Trish Stratus with him. Mike Tenay puts over both men as still being young and having the potential to do big things in 2007. Both guys are still in their 20’s, so it could happen! Orton starts the action off with a side-headlock, which Jeter reverses and locks in one of his own. The two men go through a series of fast-paced exchanges, which really sucks the audience into the action. Trish is at ringside, cheering on Jeter, but is a bit worried when The Beautiful People show up on the stage. Christian, Test, and Chris Chetti are watching the match very attentively, as Mike Tenay brings up how several weeks ago they came to Orton about him joining the group. At that point in time, Orton decisively turned down the offer, but a lot has changed since then. Meanwhile, Orton has slowed the match down to his trademark rest hold fest. He’s locked himself to Jeter’s head and both men are laying in the ring. The crowd actually claps on Jeter to escape, but dies down when they see that he is not showing any signs of life. The referee begins to raise Jeter’s arm to see if he will respond, and he does on the third try! Jeter then “hulks up” and escapes from the hold. Christian and Test seem to be taking down notes from the entrance ramp now and Tenay wishes they would go away. Meanwhile in the ring, Jeter lands his patented flying spin kick and down goes Orton. Jeter covers Orton for a 2, which totally discredits a move that Jeter is trying to establish as his finisher. It’s Orton’s turn to “hulk up” and both men are trading blows once again. Randy Orton unleashes an RKO out of now where and goes for the cover. 1….2…… NO! That was really a 2.999999, and Orton is outraged. He is so outraged that he lifts Jeter up again and delivers yet another RKO! Orton covers Jeter again and gets the pinfall. Orton has defeated Jeter.


My Opinion: Some blown spots really drag this match down a notch, so its ***1\2 for you.


Orton makes his way up the ramp, where the Beautiful People are waiting. Christian extends his hand, as he invites Orton to join their group again. It looks as if Orton is going to accept the invite until he tosses Christian off the stage and onto a table nearby. Test and Chris Chetti simply back off rather than attack him, so Orton just arrogantly walks by them.


Winner at 16:21: Randy Orton



Intercontinental Championship: Matt Stryker © vs Frank Shamrock


Match Background: This match is for the WWF Intercontinental title. Matt Stryker has been WWF Intercontinental champion since 30 October 2006. Frank Shamrock earned this shot by winning a small tournament on Heat. He pinned Ozzy Benton and Rico to make here tonight. Shamrock was also victim to a 3 on 1 beat-down on Raw this past week when Matt Stryker, Matt Hardy, and Randy Orton participated in beating him down.


The Match: Matt Stryker is out by himself. He has the IC belt over his shoulder and looks reluctant to hand it over to the referee. Tenay mentions that Stryker has hardly defended the belt since winning it back in October, so this is a big thing for him tonight. Just like in the tag match on Raw, Shamrock begins by destroying Stryker. There is nothing Stryker can seemingly do to reverse the flow of the match as Shamrock uses his ultimate fighting experience to floor Stryker and immediately go for an armbar. Shamrock is threatening to break Stryker’s arm if he does not tap out, but Stryker somehow escapes the hold. Shamrock’s temper is building up too much and it makes him vulnerable, as he walks right into a Stryker Driver! Stryker goes for a cover and it’s 1…..2….. NO! Matt Stryker nearly pinned Shamrock within a few minutes! With the advantage finally in his favor, Stryker goes to work on the arms of Shamrock, to try and limit the submission holds that Shamrock can go for. Stryker twists Shamrock’s arms behind him and uses such a ferocity that it’s amazing Shamrock doesn’t suffer any broken bones. But in the end, Shamrock is a former ultimate fighter and he comes back and flattens Stryker with a sickening belly to belly suplex. Stryker is knocked loopy and Shamrock, hurt arm and all, locks in a cross armlock! Stryker is doing everything he can to avoid tapping out, but he makes it to the ropes once again. Shamrock is enraged now and pulls Stryker out to the middle of the ring and locks in a guillotine choke! Stryker is fading and fading until finally it is established that Stryker is too weak to tap. Shamrock covers Stryker and 1….2…..3! Frank Shamrock wins the match!


My Opinion: Consider yourself lucky, a ****1\4 is hard to get and it was earned every step of the way. Let's see if you can do better now.


Tenay: Frank Shamrock decisively won this match!


Snow: Matt Stryker put up a hell of a fight though, I would not be surprised to see Stryker regain the belt in the future.

Shamrock proudly poses with his new belt and exits the arena.


Winner at 14:56 and NEW Intercontinental Champion: Frank Shamrock


The Open Challenge


Matt Hardy makes his way to the ring, and he looks very pleased with himself.


Hardy: As you all know, I have made an open challenge tonight! Any one guy in that locker-room who is not scheduled to wrestle may come out right now and challenge me! If no one comes, I will be the winner by default and this referee will award me the match and I shall have an official victory. So anyone care to respond?


Billy Kidman’s music plays and out comes the master of the shooting star press.


Hardy: Kidman! I didn’t even know you still worked here! I see you’ve been having some tough times, buddy. However, I would like to thank you for coming out here tonight. You are a former tag team champion and a former Cruiserweight champion! Beating you tonight will not only make me look good, but will be a pleasure as well.


Matt Hardy Version 1.0 vs Billy Kidman


Match Background: Kidman has responded to Hardy’s open challenge.


The Match: Kidman strikes Hardy, which quickly changes Hardy’s mood from festive, to all about business. The former WWF Champion comes back with a strike of his own. It’s on now, Kidman and Hardy grapple and try to establish dominance. Hardy wins this exchange and slams Kidman to the mat. The next few minutes is all Hardy beating up Kidman, which includes shoving Kidman’s leg into the turnbuckle. Kidman regroups and pulls an enziguri out of no where! Hardy is in a stupor and falls out of the ring. While stumbling about, he looks up to see Kidman doing a shooting star press off the top rope! Kidman flies right onto Hardy and they land right at the bottom of the entrance ramp. Kidman gets up before Hardy and whips him into a ring post. Kidman goes to do this a second time, and Hardy reverses and Kidman hits a post with a sickening thud. Hardy rolls Kidman back into the ring and waits for him to stand up. Kidman does and Hardy goes for a Twist of Fate. Kidman reverses it and DDT’s Hardy onto the mat. Kidman goes up to the top rope once more and delivers another shooting star press! Kidman covers Hardy and 1….2…3! Matt Hardy has lost his open challenge match!


My Opinion: Nothing offensive, but nothing too special either. **1\2 rating.


Tenay: Once again, Matt Hardy’s overwhelming arrogance has caught up with him!


Snow: It’s back to the drawing board for Matt Hardy.


Winner at 13:45: Billy Kidman



CM Punk vs Julio Dinero (with Raven)


Match Background: In 2003, CM Punk, Raven, Julio Dinero, and Alexis Laree arrived on Raw. They stood united against Evolution, which at the time consisted of Triple H, Randy Orton, and Ric Flair. From there, all three members found success, particularly CM Punk. Punk won the World Heavyweight Championship from Chris Jericho right after Summerslam 2004 and became a staple in the main event scene on Raw. Meanwhile, Julio Dinero enjoyed a reign as Intercontinental Champion, Alexis won the Women’s title, and Raven also enjoyed a brief reign as World Champion. In recent months, the Gathering had been helping Raven win his battles, especially against Christian at Summerslam 2006 and against Jeff Jarrett in September. This took CM Punk further and further away from the World Championship, which after losing it to Chris Benoit in June, Punk has been in a funk. The frustrations came to a front two weeks ago on Raw, when Punk snapped and destroyed his three former friends. This included taking a steel chair to Alexis Laree, who has been Julio’s long-term girlfriend. After that, Punk claimed that the Gathering was holding him back, and that Raven was a poor role model, having been heavily involved in drugs and a promoter of graphic violence.


CM Punk enters to a chorus of boos and Mike Tenay claims those boos are justified. Punk shrugs it off and gets into the ring. He takes a microphone.


Punk: So, what’s this? You all suddenly hate me now? You stupid sheep just spent the last three years chanting my name?! Now just because I have decided I don’t want to be a loser any more, suddenly I’m some sort of bad guy?! Everywhere I go all I hear is “Why, Punk, why?” I mean “Alexis was your friend too, Punk!” Yeah, Alexis was SOME FRIEND! I remember when I first met Alexis, she was so friggin’ beautiful I could have cried. She had this grace, this magic, this mystery behind her… I wanted her so badly! But there was a problem, you see, she didn’t like me… she liked Julio! So I let Julio have her, because believe me, he really really needed to get some. I figured they would have their stupid puppy love and I could have my turn with her. Things didn’t work out though, because they have been together for four fucking years now! So if you all need to know why I beat Alexis the way I did, it was because I am SICK of living my life as if I don’t mind that she and Julio became so happy together! Furthermore, I am sick of Julio and his lack of motivation! And I am sick of Raven! That’s right, Raven. You are nothing but a washed up, former alcoholic! Sure, you kicked the habit, but what about those kids you partied with? You remember them, right? After shows you would bring teenagers back with you to your locker-room, that was where you would intoxicate them! How many kids have you corrupted, Raven?!? I don’t care if this was years and year ago, you have ruined lives! I should know, because you ruined mine!


The Gathering’s music plays and Julio and Raven come rushing out!


The Match: This is supposed to be a one on one “no disqualifications” match between Punk and Dinero, but it quickly turns into an unofficial handicap match. Raven unleashes a barrage of hatred onto Punk, landing an evenflow DDT on Raven right in front of the referee! The ref cannot disqualify Julio, but he wants this to be a one on one match at the same time! The referee tosses Raven from the arena, which pisses the crowd off big time! However, the damage may have been done. Julio goes for a cover on CM Punk, and gets a 2 count! Punk is trying to recover from the damage that Raven left him in, as Julio is unleashing punch after punch after punch onto him. Julio kicks Punk in the stomach and lifts him up for a death valley driver. Punk slides off and lands behind Julio. Punk goes for a variation of the “unprettier” but Julio reverses that and lands a DDT of his own. Julio goes for another cover and gets another 2 count. Julio is frustrated. He leaves the ring and goes for the ring bell. He reenters the ring and tries to nail Punk with it. He misses and Punk kicks him in the gut. Punk gets the bell for himself and nails Julio with it. Punk goes for a cover, but Julio kicks out. Punk lifts Julio back up and Julio pushes him and they fall out of the ring. Now at ringside, Punk grabs the back of Julio’s head and throws him over the barricade into the audience. He follows after Julio and the two start brawling through the crowd. They go up several steps and brawl their way into the lobby. They come by a Shopzone stand and Julio throws Punk over onto the temporary counter. CM Punk goes to piledrive Julio on the counter, but Julio counters it. Julio hits Punk with the Theater of Dreams and the table snaps from the impact! Punk is out cold, but Julio needs him to be in the ring to pin him. He calls out for some EMT’s and they put CM Punk onto a stretcher. However, Julio starts to fight off the EMT’s and steals the stretcher for himself. He wheels Punk back into the arena and stops by the steps. He puts Julio over his shoulder and carries him back to the ringside area. This is exhausting for Julio, who has taken a lot of punishment himself. Punk is starting to come to as Julio drops him over the barricade. Punk faintly gets to his feet and slides into the ring willingly. Julio, now wielding a chair, begins to nail CM Punk with it in a similar fashion to how Punk beat Alexis on Raw two weeks ago. Mike Tenay cannot believe the mean streak that Julio is displaying tonight. The referee is pleading with Julio to just end the match, saying he has Punk beaten. Instead, Julio starts waving towards the entrance ramp, and out comes Raven. Snow is a bit troubled that Raven and Julio are now going to beat down a defenseless man, but his worries are put to rest when Raven takes the chair and HITS JULIO OVER THE HEAD WITH IT! The entire arena goes ballistic as Raven nails Julio with the chair over and over again, bloodying Julio in the process. Raven sets the chair up on the mat and delivers a fierce evenflow DDT to Julio on top of it! Raven drags CM Punk over Julio and 1…..2…..3! Punk wins the match.


My Opinion: A ***3/4 rating! Yay!


Tenay: What a war we just witnessed! And what a shocking turn of events! I would like to know what motivated Raven to do this to Julio Dinero!


Raven and CM Punk are now embracing in the ring, as Raven helps Punk to his feet. Punk can hardly stand, but Raven helps him exit the ring. A different group of EMT’s come out for Julio, as Punk and Raven can be heard laughing about what they’ve done.


Winner at 25:12: CM Punk



World Heavyweight Championship: Chris Benoit © vs Steve Corino vs Bryan Danielson


Match Background: This will be a triangle bout. This match is for the World Heavyweight title. Chris Benoit has been World Heavyweight champion since 27 June 2006. The build for this match started all the way back into September, when Bryan Danielson made his surprise debut and attacked Chris Benoit. Around this time, animosity between Corino and Benoit began to brew as their attempts at teaming up failed miserably. This lead into Survivor Series where Corino was made a temporary part of Evolution, by the requests of Benoit’s teammates Adam Hastey and Austin Lee. The four men teamed up against Bryan Danielson, Shawn Michaels, J.R. Ryder, and Brian Kendrick, with the stipulation that if Evolution lost then they would have to disband. The end came when it was down to just Danielson vs Benoit and Corino. Corino ended up walking out on Benoit, who then had to tap out to Danielson’s Cattle Mutilation technique. From there, Corino refused to reenter the ring and was counted out, thus forcing the Benoit-led Evolution to disband. From there, Danielson became the #1 Contender by winning a triple threat match against Ryder and Kendrick, while Corino earned his spot by not attacking Benoit during a tag match. However, since HBK stipulated that Corino would not get his shot if he attacked Benoit at all, Benoit took advantage of this and brutalized Corino. On the last Raw, the three competitors chose guest tag partners for a triple threat match that ended when Benoit forced Corino to tap out.


The Match: This match has been building up for so long that there is a hush in the arena. Benoit, Danielson, and Corino all make their entrance and stand in separate corners of the ring. Neither of them knows who to attack first. Benoit has the World Heavyweight Championship belt around his waist, but lets the referee take it away. The bell rings and the match is underway! The three men circle each other, looking for an opening, when finally Benoit connects with a chop across the chest of Danielson. The American Dragon laughs it off and returns the favor with a vicious chop across Benoit’s. Corino, feeling left out, lands a double clothesline and both of his opponents go down. Corino lifts up Benoit’s right leg and starts kicking at it. Danielson trips Corino and locks on an armbar. Corino reaches out for the ropes and gets it. Danielson, in a surprising display of poor sportsman ship waits to the referee’s count of 4 before he releases the armbar. Benoit is now up and lands a German suplex on Danielson as soon as he is up. Benoit lets go of Danielson and lands a German on Corino as well. Benoit is feeling it as he takes turns stomping on both men until Danielson is up. Danielson grabs Benoit’s head and starts kicking away at his right leg, just as Corino had done earlier, only standing up this time. Benoit is developing a noticeable limp. Corino comes running in, but Benoit ducks and Danielson takes the clothesline. Benoit goes for another German on Corino, but Corino counters it and gives Benoit a suplex of his own. Corino goes for a sleeper and Benoit begins to fade a bit before Danielson gets back up and reverses it. Corino and Danielson lock arms and go for a test of strength, which Danielson wins and knees Corino in the gut. On belly to belly suplex later, and Danielson goes for the first cover of the match! 1…2., NO! Only a two count, as Corino gets a shoulder up. With Corino still down, Benoit locks onto the back of Danielson and does a triple German suplex spot. During this time, Corino rolls out of the ring. Benoit, once having complete the damage on Danielson, signals for the flying headbutt! Benoit goes to the top rope, but Corino jumps up and pushes him down. Corino goes to the top himself as Danielson stands up. Corino delivers a vicious double ax-handle and knocks Danielson to the floor. Corino then sets up Danielson for the Old-School Explulsion and hits the move flawlessly! Corino goes for the cover and 1…2… NO! Benoit interrupts the cover and begins to chop away at Corino again. Benoit actually attempts a sharp-shooter at one point during this exchange, but Danielson interrupts again. The three men then take a few minutes to slug away at each other. Finally the get Benoit into the corner turnbuckle. Danielson chops the life out of Benoit. Corino then visibly brags that he can do better and he chops Benoit himself, making a sound even louder than Danielson’s! Not one to be upstaged, Danielson chops Benoit again, making an even louder sound! Benoit is pissed now and he throw Danielson into the corner where he just was. Benoit then chops Danielson three times in a row which unleashes a sound that would put both Danielson’s and Corino’s to shame. Then in a moment of pure hatred, Benoit lands a brutal headbutt onto Corino which sends a loud moan across the arena (Benoit legitimately headbutted Corino). Corino blades and the action gets tense. Corino lands a second Old-School Expulsion on Benoit and goes for a cover. This one gets a 2.999999 before Benoit kicks out! Corino slams Benoit into the corner turnbuckle again and lifts Benoit to the top. He is going to do a huge back suplex to Benoit, when Danielson runs up behind him. What we’re left with is a super triple suplex as Danielson sends both Corino and Benoit to the mat with a sickening thud. The American Dragon locks the Cattle Mutilation onto Benoit and Benoit is in big trouble! Unable to get to the ropes, Benoit refuses to tap out. It has become apparent that Benoit is on the verge of passing out and has very little left in him. Danielson is in a good spot, he lets go of the hold and goes for a cover. He gets a 2.999999 before Corino interrupts it. Corino, in a bloody rage, sends Danielson over the top rope and hits another Old-School Expulsion on Benoit! Corino goes for the cover and 1…..2……3!!! Steve Corino has pinned Chris Benoit! Danielson makes it up too late and just collapses outside the ring, disbelieved that he let Corino win!


My Opinion: I really shouldn't drink when I'm reviewing matches. Especially with Scotsman, I can't drink nearly as much, so I try too hard. It was either ** or ****, but I guess I'll have to compromise and say ***.


Tenay: What the hell?!? This has got to be one of the biggest upsets of all time!


Snow: I am truly shocked, Mike! Chris Beniot’s six month title reign has just ended!


Steve Corino, covered in his own blood, is handed the World Heavyweight Championship. He then wraps the belt around his waist and spits on Benoit, who is still down on the mat.


Tenay: What a display of disrespect! Steve Corino is a miserable human being and he completely let Bryan Danielson do the dirty work in this match! If you ask me, Bryan Danielson should have won the World title tonight!


Snow: We’ll have to wait and see at a later date. Tonight was Steve Corino’s night.


Winner at 28:30 and NEW World Heavyweight Champion: Steve Corino


The show ends with Corino stumbling up the ramp, covered in blood and gold.

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what happened to the fantasy folder?!?!?!?


btw, shocking end to vengeance, didnt see it coming.

poor benoit, loses evolution, then his title. where does he go from here?

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