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WWE Surprises People With Latest Talent Cut

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WWE Surprises People With Latest Talent Cut


And guess what role she was going to get...


Many are surprised that WWE recently cut developmental talent Nikita. Many high ranking members of WWE management were high on her work and at one time, WWE was considering bringing her in as the illegitimate daughter of Vince McMahon.


Credit: Torch Newsletter

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Is it me or am I the only one who just doesn't care. She wasn't being used so why put her on the roster? Don't blame Vince at all for that one.

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Guest hunger4unger

Oh come on, Vince hasn't screwed any Divas.


Nikita, by all accounts, was BUTT ugly.


When I see women on WWE TV I want them to be hot.


The guys are there for the workrate - the chicks are there to tease my cock - if they can work a decent match all the better.

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Oh come on, Vince hasn't screwed any Divas.


Nikita, by all accounts, was BUTT ugly.


When I see women on WWE TV I want them to be hot.


The guys are there for the workrate - the chicks are there to tease my cock - if they can work a decent match all the better.

Seriously, do you really need to see hot girls on your TV screen to tease your cock? Why don't you just look through Playboy or something? It's not like hot chicks are WWE exclusive.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Wow, people complain when someone only a select few heard of. She's been in WWE Development for AT LEAST two years. They always thought of bringing her up, but she just wasn't impressive enough. IN ring work or looks.


I for one don't care, as long as people who DISSERVE a spot on the roster don't get cut.

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If she was a good wrestler than I think WWE could of found some gimmick to make her appealing on tv. Could of given her a mask or a goth gimmick as if she was one of Undertaker's cult members or made her into Katy Vick.

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*Remembers the last female independent wrestler WWE hired*


I have no problem with this.


With the Cat recently cut loose, maybe WWE's finally going to start firing the right people?

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Guest DeathBecomesYou

FAVORITE WRESTLERS GROWING UP:  Jake Roberts, Hulk Hogan, Roddy Piper


Well, watching these ring veterens, she must have picked up somewhat of a good movebase.....right?

Gail's favorite wrestlers: Benoit and Molly.


So, no.

Yeah, but at least before she was injured Gail was finally starting to improve a little (although tagging with Molly all the time would probably disguise Gail's shortcomings), Nikita on the other hand, while she isn't exactly awful, hadn't really shown anything in her OVW stint. I just hope that WWE don't fire Alexis Laree and Jillian Hall to make room for Playboy divas, i'm sure that's why they fired Shannon Ward.

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She was an actual *wrestler* that could've been used to freshen up the wonen's division. Don't know if she was any good, but that's why people might be a bit miffed.



Thats what people said about Lita and Gail Kim too.

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Don't feel too bad for Nikita. It's hard enough to get over as a woman in WWE. Now saddle her down with guaranteed anchor of a gimmick like being Vince's illegitimate daughter, she had no hope.


And let's all be thankful this angle never got to air. More agonizing crying Stephanie promos have been averted.

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Guest Korgath

I'm quite disappointed that they took 2 years to realise that they didn't need more blondes on the roster. Nikita was never supposed to be that great, but still they kept her on the payroll.


I think it's got something to do with OVW talent. Ever since Victoria came up from OVW, no other woman has quite reached her standard. If I could wish for anything right now, it's that someone will wake up after WMXX and fire the Playboy covergirls. All of them.

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