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Brock Lesnar quits WWE after Mania!

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You wanna know how naive I am?


I really thought the only reason they were gringing back the Deadman Undertaker was so it'd be that much cooler when Kane went over him at Wrestlemania before Taker finally retires.


Today I find out they want to just make Kane the first victim of a months long feeding frenzy that'll include Brock Lesnar.




Every once in a while I get the mistaken idea that Vince knows what the hell he's doing.





I really hope this is a work.

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Guest Trivia247

Ohhh poor baby hewey having to lose to the Undertaker...might ruin his image boo hoo....he can't go on wrestling nope nope he can't screw the last 5-4 years left on his contract...He won't go on wrestling if he loses to the Undertaker whaaaaaa.


Its not like its HHH and if you job to him you suddenly doing Velocity or Heat.

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Guest Anglesault
Ohhh poor baby hewey having to lose to the Undertaker...might ruin his image boo hoo.

Well, yeah.


Getting squashed and all your big offense destroyed might do that to you.


Its not like its HHH and if you job to him you suddenly doing Velocity or Heat



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I really hope Austin comes out on the Raw after WMXX, riding around on his ATV and burying Brock for "taking his ball and going home."


Then he flips the ATV and gets squashed.

That would be my favorite segment ever.


Sorta wonder how Brock will get treated if he ever does come back. I suppose he'd work a limited schedule and would be used to elevate other talent, sort of how Goldberg was used. McMahon is spiteful enough to really bury the guy. But hey, Hogan got another title reign, so who knows.

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Guest Korgath

I've been reading through the past 18 pages of comments and I guess I got the right to post my view on it.


I'm a new WWE mark and an even newer smark. Brock Lesnar was undoubtedly the BIG NAME STAR for those who, like me, watched him debut and crush the roster over and over again. To us baby marks, Brock was the Goldberg of the WWE, and we were beginning to like him despite him being a heel.


Brock Lesnar is HUGE here in Singapore. Despite having scripted lines and not exactly having a threatening/menacing face, he still managed to get HUGE heel heat when he came by during the tour in December. Everyone came wearing a Lesner "Feel the Pain" T-shirt. He was the modern hero, the great icon for all the young marks.


And then came Holly. Which, as AS has pointed out countless times, totally killed Brock's heat. From the monster who pushed Gowen down the stairs, to a guy who was afraid of someone who had never been booked as a Main Event threat before. Even my mark friends thought it was crazy. In mark world, the Hollys are jokes. Hardcore, Crash (RIP) and Molly were never booked as being more than midcard filler.


And yet, Brock was afraid of him. Brock wasn't just being booked as a coward, Brock was being booked as pathetic. The angle was only saved by a squash match on PPV that should never have been there in the first place. But it didn't end there, oh no, then we had that Rumble segment where Goldberg rattles Brock's nerves by mentioning Hardcore's name. And this is AFTER the squash.




I totally marked out for the Eddy/Brock match at NWO. To me, it was the best singles match since Angle/Benoit and Eddy/Benoit. There was heat, there was crowd reaction, and there was psychology. It was brilliant and it elevated both men. Brock should have been on fire after losing his gold. Brock should have snapped and went on a rampage. Brock should have looked unstoppable.


Brock looked like the pathetic loser he was made out to be in January.


It doesn't matter who's point of view you're looking from, Brock's or the marks. Everyone knew that Brock's character was getting confusing. Everyone knew that Brock's character was looking bad. No one saw this coming? I say it's about time.


Don't bring up the past several years. Don't bring up the fact that this is nothing new to the industry. In this day and age, no monopoly is invulnerable. They were getting complacent with their workers, and they paid the price. The traditions of wrestling were lost the second Vinny Mac created his empire.


And now he's getting his due.

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Sorta wonder how Brock will get treated if he ever does come back. I suppose he'd work a limited schedule and would be used to elevate other talent, sort of how Goldberg was used. McMahon is spiteful enough to really bury the guy. But hey, Hogan got another title reign, so who knows.

I think this time Vince would be looking for some big time payback.


We're talking a three month feud where he regularly jobs clean to Stephanie.

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I think this time Vince would be looking for some big time payback.


We're talking a three month feud where he regularly jobs clean to Stephanie.

Unless Vince gets even more desperate, in which case, like Austin, he'll be booked as the strongest guy in the company yet only have to wrestle 2-3 times a year.

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Guest wrestlingbs

Good point, Korgath. The main reason everybody points to the Lesnar/Holly feud as justification for Brock leaving has to be that while other "old" stars have been brought back to the main event, Holly had no reason to. I mean, you could say that even Bradshaw had a reason to be in the main event because of the hometown pop he gets (btw, no way do I want him there). But with Holly you got NOTHING. No charisma, no reaction, no skills. The only reason he was there was because management wanted him there, and it showed.


And as for Taker, the guy has a loooong list of people he's helped bury. DDP, Kanyon, Jeff Hardy, Kronic, O'Haire and Pulumbo, RVD, the FBI, the Big Show (defeated with a triangle choke?!), Flair, Angle, and Cena. So, yeah, working with UT is almost always the kiss of death.

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I just got this news, and I can safely say: HOLY SHIT. I swear, this company is getting into deeper trouble all the time. I liked Brock from the time he debuted, and I am really sad to see him go. I'll keep his WM match forever though, and I'm glad to have his matches with Angle and Eddie on tape as well. Good luck in the NFL Brock, we'll miss you.


As a side note, will Vince NOW realise how fucked up 'veterans' like Taker and H are making his company?

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If this is legit. Could this mean the end of the split rosters?


It doesn't have to be. However, if the WWE won't replace Lesnar with someone near his level. Why bother having Raw and Smackdown seperated, if the WWE doesn't care about one of the shows.

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Guest Coffey

Not to sound hypocritical but I'm starting to question how many people even bother to read threads anymore around here. Having to read the same replies five or six times is getting pretty damn redundant.

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Guest PowerPB13
I wish they'd die.



I hate posts like that. At least AS can usually be counted on to elaborate a little, or at least say something funny. No one forces you to watch, or even think about the WWE.


Sure, they have their problems with the product, but it could be worse. Much, much worse. just picture a mantaur/Gobbledy Gooker ME

WWE screwing absolutely everything up for the past three years isn't enough "elaboration" on why I wish this company would go out of business?



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My God. There have been trolls who have been banned for much less then this.


Same damn post everytime.


If you don't like it don't watch it. You say you're sick of hearing about all the negative stuff which happens backstage. Don't click on the "news" sites or come into this section of the board.

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Guest Goodear

Guys, please discuss the topic at hand. If you want to complain about Patrick's posting habits either PM him or take it to hardcore discussion... or ignore him.


* Trying to keep things on topic best he can *

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Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but I'm not going through 18 pages of this thread reading every post carefully.


i) More power to Brock. If he truly wasn't happy with the wrestling life, and he really wants to pursue a career in American football, then best of luck to him. At least he was honest about it and didn't just leave throught the back door or just before a show. On the other hand, this sucks. I was thoroughly enjoying Lesnars work on TV and looking forward to seeing live him in a week's time, which presumably I'm not going to now.


ii) The WM match is now looking pretty bizarre. Two workers who won't be with the company the following day and a special guest ref who probably won't wrestle another match in his life - who on Earth is going to get put over? I'm both more intrigued by this match than I ever have been, and horrified at the thought of how the WWE may now book it.

I would, however, LOVE to see Austin go to Stunner both men as the finish, only to be met by two consecutive no-sells.

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Guest Trivia247
Ohhh poor baby hewey having to lose to the Undertaker...might ruin his image boo hoo.

Well, yeah.


Getting squashed and all your big offense destroyed might do that to you.


Its not like its HHH and if you job to him you suddenly doing Velocity or Heat



Oh Yea the FBI were gonna be the next World tag, cruiserweight and World champ Until Undertaker came along... Lets stop being dramatic

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Guest Trivia247

how many other wrestlers btw had got their own Private jet for traveling anyway?

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And as for Taker, the guy has a loooong list of people he's helped bury. DDP, Kanyon, Jeff Hardy, Kronic, O'Haire and Pulumbo, RVD, the FBI, the Big Show (defeated with a triangle choke?!), Flair, Angle, and Cena. So, yeah, working with UT is almost always the kiss of death.

Um not really true: DDP was an asshole in WCW, coming to the WWF, he didn't change and thus was burried. But I will give you one point for the fact he was a hot star who could have a been a threat from WCW. 1 for 1.


Kanyon got injured, he was not buried by Taker. Big difference, did you read about his shoulder and how he had an infection so large that it was bigger than a quarter. He comes back 2 years later and nobody remembers him. 1 for 2.


Kroni>l were god awful. If you saw the Taker/Kane vs Kroni>l match, you would know why everyone hated them. They self destructed and were fired because well, they pulled off ONE OF THE WORST MATCHES EVER! Don't blame Taker for trying to have a match with Brian Adams, who dave Meltzer quoted as "Who has to be one of the worst wrestlers of all time". 1 for 3.


O'Haire and Pulumbo were the green moster machine in WCW because they had to evevate anyone because things were that shitty. It would be like Taker fueding with Jindrak and Cade from about three months ago. It was sad. They were over, and O'Haire sucked. So O'Haire got sent to OVW to get better. Although his one saving grace was that front spinning roundhouse kick and his Seanton Bomb. 1 for 4.


RVD was over before the taker fued. RVD is still over. It doesn't sound as loud because LESS PEOPLE ARE AT shows. a 10K+ pop will sound louder than a 4K+ pop. RVD did get some moves even though taker did go over. 1 for 5. Although RVD should have gone over.


FBI were DOA. When ever an ECW gimmick is brought from the dead years after people stop giving a damn, it is a sign it is gone. THeir star wrestler would never get higher than the CW title. But seeing Taker squash three at once is rather, sad. 2 for 5


Big Show is still over and Big show has been pushing up the card. he might be champ after Mania since Brock is leaving. 2 for 6


Flair is how old? 2 for 7


Angle is fighting in one of the main events at the biggest show of the year. Yeah, Taker buried him. 2 for 8


Cena is one of the most over people on Smackdown. 2 for 9


And finally Jeff Hardy, the man taker put over(kinda) to only fail a drug test a few months later. Who is now fired because of drug problems. I am sorry I don't care about him getting "Buried" when he did come off looking stronger against Taker than Booker T and half the people on this list. 2 for 10.




Taker though his career has been fed alot of wrestlers but more times than not, it has been the dead weight of the roster he was giving. And with top stars he does not bury them. If that is true how come he had a good match with Austin at Summerslam 98 when he cleanly put over Austin. Brock is the biggest star in the company as far as Vince cares, they were not going to job him out to Taker. They were going to have Brock go over in the end. Same thing people said in 2002 when Taker and Brock faught. Then they go into HIAC and Brock is put over big time. Yeah, Brock is going to be Jobbing. That is why I agree with everyone who says FUCK BROCK~!

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Guest Trivia247
And as for Taker, the guy has a loooong list of people he's helped bury. DDP, Kanyon, Jeff Hardy, Kronic, O'Haire and Pulumbo, RVD, the FBI, the Big Show (defeated with a triangle choke?!), Flair, Angle, and Cena. So, yeah, working with UT is almost always the kiss of death.

Um not really true: DDP was an asshole in WCW, coming to the WWF, he didn't change and thus was burried. But I will give you one point for the fact he was a hot star who could have a been a threat from WCW. 1 for 1.


Kanyon got injured, he was not buried by Taker. Big difference, did you read about his shoulder and how he had an infection so large that it was bigger than a quarter. He comes back 2 years later and nobody remembers him. 1 for 2.


Kroni>l were god awful. If you saw the Taker/Kane vs Kroni>l match, you would know why everyone hated them. They self destructed and were fired because well, they pulled off ONE OF THE WORST MATCHES EVER! Don't blame Taker for trying to have a match with Brian Adams, who dave Meltzer quoted as "Who has to be one of the worst wrestlers of all time". 1 for 3.


O'Haire and Pulumbo were the green moster machine in WCW because they had to evevate anyone because things were that shitty. It would be like Taker fueding with Jindrak and Cade from about three months ago. It was sad. They were over, and O'Haire sucked. So O'Haire got sent to OVW to get better. Although his one saving grace was that front spinning roundhouse kick and his Seanton Bomb. 1 for 4.


RVD was over before the taker fued. RVD is still over. It doesn't sound as loud because LESS PEOPLE ARE AT shows. a 10K+ pop will sound louder than a 4K+ pop. RVD did get some moves even though taker did go over. 1 for 5. Although RVD should have gone over.


FBI were DOA. When ever an ECW gimmick is brought from the dead years after people stop giving a damn, it is a sign it is gone. THeir star wrestler would never get higher than the CW title. But seeing Taker squash three at once is rather, sad. 2 for 5


Big Show is still over and Big show has been pushing up the card. he might be champ after Mania since Brock is leaving. 2 for 6


Flair is how old? 2 for 7


Angle is fighting in one of the main events at the biggest show of the year. Yeah, Taker buried him. 2 for 8


Cena is one of the most over people on Smackdown. 2 for 9


And finally Jeff Hardy, the man taker put over(kinda) to only fail a drug test a few months later. Who is now fired because of drug problems. I am sorry I don't care about him getting "Buried" when he did come off looking stronger against Taker than Booker T and half the people on this list. 2 for 10.




Taker though his career has been fed alot of wrestlers but more times than not, it has been the dead weight of the roster he has giving. And with top stars he does not bury them. If that is true how come he had a good match with Austin at Summerslam 98 when he cleanly put over Austin. Brock is the biggest star in the company as far as Vince cares, they were not going to job him out to Taker. They were going to have Brock go over in the end. Same thing people said in 2002 when Taker and Brock faught. Then they go into HIAC and Brock is put over big time. Yeah, Brock is going to be Jobbing. That is why I agree with everyone who says FUCK BROCK~!

this is just free floating Taker hate to explain Baby hewey brock lesnar acting like a brat and folding his arms going "Whaaaa I don't wanna wrestle him i quit"


whats the matter, he tried to hold his breath till he turned blue and it didn't work?


Its amazing how these are the same people who were with me two years ago when Brock came in and bitched about his meteoric Rise to the top.


For shame all of you

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Yeah, Brock had a problem with jobbing. But the main reason he's leaving is the travel schedule and he burned himself out.


It's a lot more fun to type "Brock's a pussy, big ego, etc.," We should be giving him credit for admitting it and leaving instead of sticking around for the money and becoming lazy and going through the motions like others.


I'd rather see him leave before he becomes lazy and see others who want it more step up.

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Guest wrestlingbs

What I meant is that Taker has helped bury these people. Cena and Angle may be still be over, but that doesn't change the fact that Taker made them look like shit in their feuds. And with some of those it wasn't just a case of "well they were green and not on Taker's level." O'Haire and Pulumbo may not have been experienced, but when Taker and Kane squashed them for the titles with no offense whatsoever, it made the new WCW faction look like jokes and made them out to look like nothing.


Sorry to get off topic, btw.

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Guest Trivia247
What I meant is that Taker has helped bury these people. Cena and Angle may be still be over, but that doesn't change the fact that Taker made them look like shit in their feuds. And with some of those it wasn't just a case of "well they were green and not on Taker's level." O'Haire and Pulumbo may not have been experienced, but when Taker and Kane squashed them for the titles with no offense whatsoever, it made the new WCW faction look like jokes and made them out to look like nothing.


Sorry to get off topic, btw.

Geez Taker made Angle look bad 4 years ago ohhhhh and he just can't live that down? Sounds more like just finding a excuse to bitch about him.


he made Cena look ineffective Damn him...... because of that Cena never got a title shot....wait...he did.

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My opinion is that Brock was given too much too soon and didn;t pay his dues so that he could appreciate the position he was groomed for. If I was being paid what some on the rosters are, I would be doing this 300 days out of the year. I was listening to BTR last night and Vito called him a pussy, and I have to agree.


That being said, this is indicative of such a schedule. If the top guy who is working against the upper echelon of talent (matches with Hardcore notwithstanding) is getting burned out at age 26 (twenty-freaking-six??!?!), what does it say for that type of schedule?


Not only that, I heard that he was tapping Sable. Go figure....


As for Taker, he is almost always going to go over until he retires. Deal with it.

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Guest wrestlingbs
That being said, this is indicative of such a schedule. If the top guy who is working against the upper echelon of talent (matches with Hardcore notwithstanding) is getting burned out at age 26 (twenty-freaking-six??!?!), what does it say for that type of schedule?


Not only that, I heard that he was tapping Sable. Go figure....


As for Taker, he is almost always going to go over until he retires. Deal with it.

I thought Brock was younger than that.


"Deal with it"?! What's that supposed to mean? It's not like I'm sending Taker hate mail or boycotting the WWE. I just happen to hate how the Undertaker has used his career. There's nothing to "deal" with.

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I'm trying desperately for a silver lining to all of this....


....*thinks hard*......


.....maybe they won't move Edge from Smackdown to become Trips' bitch now?

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