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Guest glennsoe

So was the cruiser weightmatch bad ??

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Guest glennsoe

From the recap's i've read on the net (i'll get my copy in 2 days time) it seems the match was short and rushed !!


I'm mean come on; Funaki lasted 5 seconds, Nunzio was counted out and Akio couldn't compete because Tajiri sprayed mist in his face !!!


Is this a good way to showcase the cruisers ?? I'm hoping the match was ok, was it ?? How long did it last ? anyone care to rate the match ??


This was one of my most anticipated matches on the card...damn you wwe :firing:

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Guest OctoberBlood

The match wasn't good at all, and yes - way too rushed, but the crowd was absolutely dead. Vince just doesn't seem to get it. The normal crowd is never into these things because they almost pop out of nowhere. He doesn't treat the atkins kids correctly, and giving them less time than friggin' women kills it. I will say, though the match was pretty bad, Kidmans spot was wicked.

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Yeah, it looked like he hit his head and jammed his neck pretty bad on that one.


It was obvious that they were going to have to rush the match, but the bad thing is that it came off as rushed. It was expected for the Dragons and Funaki lower card guys, but when they reached the main eventer cruisers they rushed through them too. I blinked and missed the finish. I wasn't expecting this one to go half an hour, but a little time to put some psychology and build into the few spots it had would have been good.

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Big disappointment. Apart from the format sucking and no time being given for the match, there should be no surprise roll-ups as a finish at Wrestlemania. Clean wins or nothing at all.


I also foresee Ultimo Dragon taking a walk to the airport. Hope he doesn't trip on the way there. ;) :(

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I forgot about that one, he must have been real nervous. He also stumbled getting up on the second rope during his ring entrance. I'm sure not the way he wanted his last night to go, but at least he did get his WM appearance.

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Guest Jesse

Yeah, that about sums it up. Kidman's spot and Rey's flash costume were the high points.


Terribly disappointing.

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That match was a total abortion. Jamie Noble going over three people in a type of match that he is COMPLETELY FUCKING LOST in? Funaki lasting five seconds? Maritato getting COUNTED OUT? Kidman's WORST SSP EVER? Yang not even wrestling?


And the crowd wasn't even into it! They completely died right when Ultimo was eliminated. I honestly find that to be the worst match of the show just because it should have been so much better.

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Guest Coffey

Ultimo Dragon fell down during his entrance too. Of course, no one mentions that and gets all over him like they did when Goldberg fell down. That double standard shows its ugly face again.


The match was trash.

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Guest TDinDC1112
Ultimo Dragon fell down during his entrance too. Of course, no one mentions that and gets all over him like they did when Goldberg fell down. That double standard shows its ugly face again.


The match was trash.

He slipped, but he didn't fall down.

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Ultimo Dragon fell down during his entrance too. Of course, no one mentions that and gets all over him like they did when Goldberg fell down. That double standard shows its ugly face again.


The match was trash.

People have talked about it.

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Guest Coffey

Yeah, he slipped but didn't fall down. Just like Goldberg. People have talked about it? Yeah, it was mentioned, but nowhere near the way people talked about the Goldberg slip. People made threads dedicated to that. People had the animated .gif as their avatar. It was brought up as one of the biggest fuck-ups of all time.


It's ridiculous. It's a doubles standard

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People would much rather see Goldberg fall down than Ultimo. Plus, with it being Ultimo's wish to be involved at Wrestlemania, people are being light on him just out of sympathy.

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Is it bad that I was in a fit of laughter when Ultimo slipped?


Seriously, I was looking at that glass all night thinking 'someone's gonna slip on that for sure'. The worst part was, Dragon had just about got some dignity back, and then he stumbled on the ropes too.


Funaki lasted five seconds? It was less than that surely. And Akio not getting in the match pissed me off badly.

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Same here. I was expecting Akio to take the wicked head bump he usually does with Rey's WCP. Were they really so short on time that they couldn't take an extra two minutes for him to wrestle?



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As soon as Kidman nearly botched his shooting star, I was like, OK no more shooting stars at Wrestlemania...we're setting a dangerous precedent!

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Match was too short, really, to be worth anything. It was just a series of 2 minute matches, over and over, nothing special.

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WWE: Not only are cruisers small and weak, but they have almost no endurance, either!


That was stupid. A battle royal would have made more sense.




Not even close. He's fucked it up so many other times and so much worse there's no comparison.


Say it with me: Kidman sucks.

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Guest Trivia247

at least Ultimo played up to the crowd each time he slipped he shrugged his shoulders threw his hands up. He knew he slipped and he didn't wanna seem like it didn't happen...


kinda if someone misqued the move and the crowd goes you fucked up, and the guy goes...Yea I did fuck up..

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I enjoyed the other cruisers out there watching, and I think they should have stayed around after being eliminated too.


...because ya know, the guys in the division should care who their champion is.


It should have been given 35-40 minutes at least, if not more. It's TEN GUYS and a Gauntlet Match, there could have been so many storylines woven in...


Rey vs. Kidman

Ultimo vs. Tajiri

Rey vs. Tajiri

Tajiri vs. Akio


Nunzio shouldn't even have been in there... London would have been better.


There could have been a London vs. Kidman section.


Geez...so many things went wrong with that... it was just over way way too fast.

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