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Lil' Bitch

New School Question Thread

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I'm still surprised they used a backstage segment to 1st show Bisch on WWF/E television. The embrace w/ Vince should have been his "introduction", as that would have produced more of a "holy shit" moment than it already did. Showing him backstage prior to that moment took away a lot of the surprise for me.

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Guest MikeSC
I'd say Buff Bagwell is in the running here.

I'd say Missy Hyatt. At least Buff made it to TV.


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I'm still surprised they used a backstage segment to 1st show Bisch on WWF/E television. The embrace w/ Vince should have been his "introduction", as that would have produced more of a "holy shit" moment than it already did. Showing him backstage prior to that moment took away a lot of the surprise for me.

I think the point of that was to get us thinking "Did we see what I think we just saw"...


Then, the embrace with McMahon to finally make us realize how times have changed.

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Guest MikeSC
I'm still surprised they used a backstage segment to 1st show Bisch on WWF/E television.  The embrace w/ Vince should have been his "introduction", as that would have produced more of a "holy shit" moment than it already did.  Showing him backstage prior to that moment took away a lot of the surprise for me.

I think the point of that was to get us thinking "Did we see what I think we just saw"...


Then, the embrace with McMahon to finally make us realize how times have changed.

I know what they were shooting for (I was, unfortunately, stuck in the hellhole known as Atlantic City and missed it) --- but still, THAT was a shocker that they should have just nailed the audience with.


Have them expect a name for the new RAW GM and just imagine the utter silence and gaping mouths when EB is named.


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I was, unfortunately, stuck in the hellhole known as Atlantic City

HEY! I take offense to that! That's where I make the money to buy online time and TV time!


And I don't mean by gambling. I WORK there.

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Bischoff should have been introuduced by Vince and not by saying hi to Booker. I don't think anyone expected him to be there.

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Here's a crazy thought about Bischoff's debut. Maybe they used him during the Booker segment to give Booker (a friend of his as I recall) more face time?


Besides, the "tell me I just didn't see that" line had me laughing for like 20 seconds during the commercial break before I called my friend to tell him to watch RAW!

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K i can see a point with bringing in Bischoff the way they did. So people can call other people and go "turn to Raw, Eric Bischoff is there!" I think Heyman was brought in perfectly, when Raw came on JR welcomed everybody and Heyman was just quiet until the camera turned on the annoucers table and ther he was and he just waved. It was really nicely done.

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Here's a crazy thought about Bischoff's debut. Maybe they used him during the Booker segment to give Booker (a friend of his as I recall) more face time?


Besides, the "tell me I just didn't see that" line had me laughing for like 20 seconds during the commercial break before I called my friend to tell him to watch RAW!

Book couldn't have had a regular backstage segment? He didn't need Bisch strolling by to get on camera.

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According to the Internet Movie Database, John Cena is Mark Walhberg's cousin. This screams bullshit to me, but imdb is usually good with their info. Anybody got the full scoop?

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Guest ToddRoyal

Ah yes. IMDB. 'Tis where I learned that Howard Finkel is married to Stephanie McMahon and they have four children.


In short, IMDB is crap for wrestling. They don't check their facts because they don't CARE about wrestling, so they print any info they're sent about wrestlers.

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What was Goldberg's last televised match in WCW?

That would be WCW Sin, the PPV in January of 2001. It was also the (I think) last match ever for Sid. I remember it so well because I was there!!!!! *Does Frenchy Dance*

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I can't remember if this was asked already, but how did the Rock turn face in 99?

Shane cost him the WWF title at Backlash. The next night, Rock came out on TV and called Shane a pile of monkey crap, Shane took offense, came out with the Corporation, and they jumped Rock.

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Shane cost him the WWF title at Backlash. The next night, Rock came out on TV and called Shane a pile of monkey crap, Shane took offense, came out with the Corporation, and they jumped Rock.


Is that also when Vince bitchslapped the Rock to piss him off uberly and get a Rock Bottom in return?

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Shane cost him the WWF title at Backlash. The next night, Rock came out on TV and called Shane a pile of monkey crap, Shane took offense, came out with the Corporation, and they jumped Rock.


Is that also when Vince bitchslapped the Rock to piss him off uberly and get a Rock Bottom in return?

I'm not even sure I remember that. You may be thinking of Rock's faux face turn in late 98, when he beat Vince up after a match with Mark Henry to qualify for the World Title tourney at Survivor Series. The night Rock turned for real, Vince was in the middle of a face turn himself...the Ministry had kidnapped Stephanie at Backlash, so Vince handed all his power to Shane.

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Guest MikeSC
I was, unfortunately, stuck in the hellhole known as Atlantic City

HEY! I take offense to that! That's where I make the money to buy online time and TV time!


And I don't mean by gambling. I WORK there.

I worked there, too (the Borgata Casino).


Still thought it was a hellhole.


Of course, the company I kept didn't help that.


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Here's a question, Does the Monday night war DVD have any easter eggs?

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Trying to remember...what was the exact date that Eric Bischoff first appeared on WWE TV again?


Also, if someone has a video clip of it (backstage thing with Booker T optional), it'd be appreciated.

Bischoff first debuted in WWE on July 15, 2002. I was there that night and when they first showed him on TV, the whole crowd was silent.

To correct you, when Bischoff showed up on the titan tron in the Booker segment, the crowd nearly shat their pants. Once he was out there talking, they were silent.

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I'm still surprised they used a backstage segment to 1st show Bisch on WWF/E television. The embrace w/ Vince should have been his "introduction", as that would have produced more of a "holy shit" moment than it already did. Showing him backstage prior to that moment took away a lot of the surprise for me.


They were playing to the effect of "HOLY SHIT, Bischoff is on RAW...I better call up my old WCW buddies and tell them to watch this".

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Guest Jack Tunney

When do you guys think the exact end of the "Attitude" era was? Early Summer '99 maybe?


I missed a lot of Smackdown's in 2002 and 2003 because of community college night classes...so why and when did John Cena's rapper gimmick start?


1999 was sort of a blur to me.So how exactly did Sable turn heel?

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Guest Choken One

WMX7. Austin Aligns with McMahon.


It started at the Halloween 2002 Party, where he dressed like Vanilla Ice and cut a freestyle and apprently he convinced Vince to let him run with it.


She did Playboy and basically became a bitch.

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1999 was sort of a blur to me.So how exactly did Sable turn heel?

Tori had become obsessed with her and began stalking her from city to city. Like, sometimes she's come out of the crowd and give Sable a flower or something, and she helped Sable win at least one match. One night, during one of Sable's promos, Tori comes out of the crowd and gets caught by security. Sable tells them to let her go (IIRC), and when they do, Sable goes off on her, calling her a psycho and everything. The announcers sold it as Sable being a stuck up bitch, and that's the earliest indication of a heel turn I can remember from her.


Although if somebody was stalking me like that, I'd be pissed off too. I dunno.

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1.) I didn't watch WM 18 live and I was wondering on either Heat or Free For All, was there even a build-up video for HHH / Y2J?


2.) I've been missing half of Smackdown lately due to my work schedule, how did John Cena get the US Title shot at WM 20?

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Guest Choken One

nope...since there wasnt any buildup in the first place.


He challenged TBS and since TBS hates him he accepted.

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