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Guest hunger4unger

3 guys being brought up...

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Oh, and watch they bring Nova in as either a friend/new sidekick/mentor to The Hurricane.

I think that would rock. Give them a silly super team name, have Rosie be their backup and set them lose on the tag divison.

Freudian slip?


I think that would rock. Give them a silly super team name, have Rosie be their backup and let them lose in the tag divison.


Edited for further accuracy.


For Sovereign-


Sakoda is Ryan 'Keiji' Sakoda, who I think competed mainly in the So Cal area (UPW, etc) and was on Velocity here and there in the year leading up to his signing. After he debuted, he was of course, paired up with Tajiri and Akio (aka Jimmy Yang).


Kenzo Suzuki was signed sometime after Sakoda, and from the start was pegged as another potential member for the Kyo Dai stable. A hoss who by all accounts sucks, he made his name mainly in Japan.

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Oh, and watch they bring Nova in as either a friend/new sidekick/mentor to The Hurricane.

Hurricane uses a super hero gimmick. There's a guy in OVW who once used a similar gimmick. What should we do with him?







I think the WWE scripts are written by a thousand monkeys at a thousand typewriters.

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They should have Hurricane let Rosie "graduate" to full superhero status, give him a superhero name like "Tidal Wave", and fight evil wrestling villains as "The Natural Disasters". All goes well until they meet their own arch villain, an evildoer named Professor Chao... er, Super Nova!




Although, Natural Disasters seems more like the name of a heel team doesn't it? :P

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Suzuki favored a backdrop suplex which I'm pretty sure the WWF won't let him use so expect the spear, powerbomb of some kind or a spinebuster.

On a puro site I saw a picture of his finisher, and it was a Shining Wizard. Apparently he's used that as well as the Backdrop Suplex. So expect him to use that. Hurricane doesn't use a real Shining Wizard anyway, and if RVD and Eddie can both use Frog Splash variations, this shouldn't be a problem.


If it is a problem, I guess Helms can't use the Shining Black anymore. :P


Hurricane uses a super hero gimmick. There's a guy in OVW who once used a similar gimmick. What should we do with him?







I think the WWE scripts are written by a thousand monkeys at a thousand typewriters.


The WWE writing ain't Shakespeare.


How about a half-dozen monkeys at ten typewriters?


That would explain taking 3 years to figure out Bradshaw could actually pull off the gimmick they just gave him.

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Oh, and watch they bring Nova in as either a friend/new sidekick/mentor to The Hurricane.

Hurricane uses a super hero gimmick. There's a guy in OVW who once used a similar gimmick. What should we do with him?





I think we all know the answer to that.


bWo reunion.





Oh, and can someone explain what the hell this 80's gimmick entails? I just can't see it.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

About the horrendous Kenzo match, I heard there were all sorts of backstage stuff about it Becuase Kenzo worked WJ at the time and Saturn worked AJ I think. Never seen any of his other stuff, but I am not going to judge him off the TNA offering.

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Guest Salacious Crumb
As an imaginable gauge of Kenzo Suzuki's ability, who is he currently better than or on par with in the WWE?

Bradshaw level maybe.

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So Nova's going to be That 80's Guy?


Has the writing team been playing EWR?



It seems some one is confusing him with his identical twin brother, Donnie B, who used a "Mr. 80's" gimmick, I believe. Although I don't think Donnie's a wrestler, just a manager/promotor.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Dinsmore is doing vignettes... interesting. Perhaps he won't be vanilla when he enters the promotion.

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They should have Hurricane let Rosie "graduate" to full superhero status, give him a superhero name like "Tidal Wave", and fight evil wrestling villains as "The Natural Disasters". All goes well until they meet their own arch villain, an evildoer named Professor Chao... er, Super Nova!




Although, Natural Disasters seems more like the name of a heel team doesn't it? :P

Are you being sarcastic or have you forgotten Earthquake and Typhoon? Personally, I'd have them come back and battle Hurricane/Rosey over the name. Smell the buyrate!

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Dinsmore is doing vignettes... interesting. Perhaps he won't be vanilla when he enters the promotion.

Yeah...that's a good start, at least. At least they won't throw him out there like Paul London or so many others who don't get over because nobody knows/cares who they are.

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Guest glennsoe

So Sakoda gets to keep his "real name" while Jimmy Yang and James Maritado (Little Guido) "HAS" to change theire names ?? Wierd

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So Sakoda gets to keep his "real name" while Jimmy Yang and James Maritado (Little Guido) "HAS" to change theire names ?? Wierd

I never understood why they had to change Yang => Akio.


Yang sounds good to me.

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Guest Fook
So Nova's going to be That 80's Guy?


Has the writing team been playing EWR?



It seems some one is confusing him with his identical twin brother, Donnie B, who used a "Mr. 80's" gimmick, I believe. Although I don't think Donnie's a wrestler, just a manager/promotor.

"That 80's Guy" is a gimmick in EWR, probably created to mock Mike Awesome's "70's Guy" gimmick.


I didn't know anyone actually used it in real life.

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Well, Suzuki is such a MEDIOCRE wrestler I couldn't care less about him. Tajiri? Their putting him with Tajiri??? Does he always need a friggin sidekick? How stupid.....


Probably to make up for the time he spent being Regal's lackey.



Unfortunately, the only time I had to see Dinsmore was him working a match against Jon Heidenreich.



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Guest Corino 1000
Well, Suzuki is such a MEDIOCRE wrestler I couldn't care less about him. Tajiri? Their putting him with Tajiri??? Does he always need a friggin sidekick? How stupid.....


Probably to make up for the time he spent being Regal's lackey.



Unfortunately, the only time I had to see Dinsmore was him working a match against Jon Heidenreich.



Don't worry Dinsmore is excellent, and had really awesome matches with Doug Basham when he was The Machine. I am excited for this. Same with Nova. Nova never did the 80s guy gimmick. Kenzo is so boring, I saw him in MLW live. Really boring match.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Akio sounds much better than "Yang" I think. Has a more Japanese-like sound to it.



I only saw Suzuki's TNA match vs. PErry Saturn, and in one sentence, the match was hoprrible. BUT there was the NJ/AJ tension between the two, but still, it's unprofessional to drag your feet in a match, which makes me wonder if thats why Saturn basically disapeared after that and Suzuki was never seen again.

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They should have Hurricane let Rosie "graduate" to full superhero status, give him a superhero name like "Tidal Wave", and fight evil wrestling villains as "The Natural Disasters". All goes well until they meet their own arch villain, an evildoer named Professor Chao... er, Super Nova!




Although, Natural Disasters seems more like the name of a heel team doesn't it? :P

Are you being sarcastic or have you forgotten Earthquake and Typhoon? Personally, I'd have them come back and battle Hurricane/Rosey over the name. Smell the buyrate!

No, that wasn't sarcasm. Seriously.








Anywho... I just realized that I've never actually seen Dinsmore; I've only heard about him. Can somebody hit me up with a pic or video link?

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Guest Trivia247

hell its not as if Bodyguard role takes brain surgery.


Virgil worked as bodyguard for what 3 years before ever trying being a full time wrestler.


All you need to do is grab the guys foot, chairshot, and take a bump.

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Don't worry Dinsmore is excellent, and had really awesome matches with Doug Basham when he was The Machine.

That all sounds fine and dandy, but look at it this way - you could equally have said when the Bashams debuted "Don't worry, Doug Basham is excellent, and had really awesome matches with Nick Dinsmore in OVW." Allegedly both Bashams and Orton had some great matches in OVW, so you'll forgive my sceptisism until I see Dinsmore make an impression in a WWE ring.

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Don't worry Dinsmore is excellent, and had really awesome matches with Doug Basham when he was The Machine.

That all sounds fine and dandy, but look at it this way - you could equally have said when the Bashams debuted "Don't worry, Doug Basham is excellent, and had really awesome matches with Nick Dinsmore in OVW." Allegedly both Bashams and Orton had some great matches in OVW, so you'll forgive my sceptisism until I see Dinsmore make an impression in a WWE ring.

And let's hope they don't give him some ultra-lame gimmick.

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From the aforementioned Dinsmore page:


"But his biggest singles' match to date came at the hands of the WWE's formidable "Canadian Crippler" Christ Benoit in an OVW Title match at "Christmas Chaos!", Jan. 31, 2001. "

Christ Benoit?


HBK is a hypocrite!


Also, it seems as if EVERYONE in OVW is supposed to be really good, until they start to wrestle in WWE.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

Tajiri doesn't always need a sidekick, but it's a great way to push new guys, and to give Tajiri and them more heat.

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Tajiri doesn't always need a sidekick, but it's a great way to push new guys, and to give Tajiri and them more heat.

Well, Tajiri's fine on his own anyway. He's never needed a sidekick.


However, I can't see his move to Raw resulting in anything more than a depush to jobberdom. Although if he stays heel at least we don't have to see him fed to Orton.

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