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The OAO NBA Playoffs/Finals Thread

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Guest TheArchiteck

Sheed needs to get on his game. He really didn't make much of a threat tonight. Rip tried to pull it out but our inside presense wasn't there this game. Ben is still hitting those outside shots I would have a stroke if he hits a three.

Monday they need to just take care of the ball and keep a consistant rotation. Just keep Elden on the bence and let Memo get his minutes. If Sheed actually hits double digits in points Detroit can steal one.

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Guest Mindless_Aggression

To be fair, Sheed's got a pretty unpleasant injury. He obviously just cannot move the way he usually does.


I still wonder why Corliss Williams doesn't get more touches though. He's an effective scorer.

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T-Wolves/Lakers- Maybe I was watching another game, but how is a dounble and triple teamed KG being shut down by Karl Malone? Because he was there? KG missed TONS of wide open shots that he usually hits...fatigue was showing, and he still put up a double double. He played well for a normal player but not a great game. But Malone didn't shut him down anymore than Payton shut down TOni Parker for the rest of the series. It was a team effort, and they did a good job.


With that said, the T-Wolves bench played well, and Sprewell gives them 23, the onlything that they were really missing was Sam Cassell down the stretch. I honestly believe that if he were able to go, they could have pulled it out.


Game 2 will be big. Cassell needs some days to rest, but magically the playoffs have sped up and will not get any extra days in this series. That could really be bad. I think Flip is going to have to pace him more during the game. Even with the bad back and inability to walk, he put up 16 on the lakers. He very well could be the key.


Pacer/Pistons- That was just one hell of a game. Pushing and shoving in the paint on every play is going to get to someone in a game or two though. there are going to be some ejections,and I will love it.


I really do wish that someone on the pacer knew how to hit reggie in stride for his threes though. Where is mark Jackson when you need him. Harrington and bender played great off the bench, so did williamson for the Pistons. I am amazed about how they have seemed to have forgotten about how effective Big Nasty is on the post. The guy is really a beast on the block, and that is what they need right now. Rasheed is obviously hurt, but he will have better games.


But it was a damn good game, just like Twolves/Lakers. I am loking forward to the rest of these series.

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Wow... 51-37 Wolves at halftime. Guess Malone wasn't as big a factor as Orale said... hahahaha!


What's really funny is that they are doing it without Cassell, but Spree is playing like a beast and Madsen/Wally/Martin/Johnson are bringing it tonight. Hope they can keep it up in the second half.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

Now back it up a second guys. Just because Malone has 3 fouls and zero points in the first half doesn't mean anything. Save the obstinate hating for later.

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What was that about The Lakers sweepin the T-Wolves?

What was that about Karl Malone being better than KG?


LA just got a very sound ass whipping that's what they got.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Paging OraleHolmes.


KG: 10-20, 24 Pts, 11 Rebs, 3 Assists


KM: 2-5, 5 Pts, 9 Rebs, 1 Assists.


Yes, Malone shut him down tonight.



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Guest Vitamin X

Phil Jackson's fuckin pissed, LOL.


I knew the Laker hate would be alive and well on the board when I saw the score. Ah, they deserve it I saw some of the plays Spree and Garnett were making, and the Lakers didn't deserve to win. 12 fucking points for Shaq? ISN'T HE SUPPOSED TO BE THE ANSWER TO THE T-WOLVES?!


I hope this is a wake-up call, Kobe was the only guy trying to do a damn thing, and with the series going back to LA, they gotta get the crowd into it. Minnesota proved damn well tonight why they are the number one team in the West. If we see more thrashings like tonight to finish the Lakers off, I don't see how Indiana or Detroit could make it past Minnesota. Wow, just wow.

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As much as I loved seeing the final score tonight, it still is just ONE GAME. Lets not forget that the Lakers were down 0-2 to the Spurs before rattling off 4 games straight. It will be interesting to see how Minnesota handles the next two games in LA......

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Whoa, whoa, whoa now...


I wasn't hating on the Lakers, just calling out Orale on his stupid predictions.


As for the series itself, Minnesota HAS to win at least ONE game in LA, end of story. I think LA will win Game 3, so the key will be for Minnesota to either steal 3 or rock 'n' roll in 4 and get back home with the series tied. Throw in the intangibles like Cassell's back and Kobe's court date(Game 4, right?) and it gets even more interesting.


Now, I think LA will probably win the series, but if Minnesota's bench plays like it has so far, the Wolves can really sneak up and bite the Lakers in the ass.

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Well... considering that he just got tossed for trying to insert his forearm into Darrick Martin's head, I think it's safe to say that Malone's a goddamn moron...

Since he already had a T, I have no real problem with the ejection, but that was more of a reputation call right there. It was even an elbow, it was more forearm shiver and really not much worse than Wally's to Derek Fisher. (And Wally got his T for jawing with Gary Payton)


Great shooting tonight by the T-Wolves.

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Guest OraleHolmes

Alright, I'll gladly eat my words. Apparently, the Lakers will not sweep the Timberwolves.


But...the Lakers will win in 5. Yep, that's right.


Do you know why?


Because the Lakers can often become imperious, to the point where they play lackadaisical, lethargic basketball. When you're as divinely great as the Lakers, it's necessary to get a sound thrashing every now and then in order to revitalize you're waning motivation. Believe me, the Lakers are beyond pissed; they feel abashed and disrespected by a team that hasn't accomplished ANYTHING.


Expect a renaissance, a reinvigorated team with resolute, steadfast purpose this Tuesday. This newfound energy will carry over to next Saturday, when the Lakers forcefully oust the Wolves from the playoffs.


Enjoy you're only win of the series, T'Wolves fans, because you've awakened the postseason beasts.

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F# Karl Malone.


Whiny baby not winning a game so he hits people, big bad bully.


and OraleHolmes, how dare you call the T'wolves a team that hasn't accomplished anything.. unlike the Lakers, they actually spent years BUILDING a team. Kobe Byrant was trying to win though, while the rest of em were busy dragging around the court.

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Guest OraleHolmes

Kobe Bryant was trying to win? Yeah, right. He nearly sabotaged his team by making only ONE of his last EIGHT shots. He needs to feed the Diesel a little more if the Lakers expect to win. Because Kobe is an intelligent young man, he'll know what to do in Game 3. Expect Shaq to go for forty points this Tuesday.

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F# Karl Malone.


Whiny baby not winning a game so he hits people, big bad bully.


and OraleHolmes, how dare you call the T'wolves a team that hasn't accomplished anything.. unlike the Lakers, they actually spent years BUILDING a team. Kobe Byrant was trying to win though, while the rest of em were busy dragging around the court.

What about Wally Boy?



You do also realize that the T-Wolves only have 4 players from last year's team right?

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I was wondering when we would get the "Well the Lakers weren't trying! Lakers in 5! WHOO!" talk. God Orale......are you just saying this stuff to be funny or to you actually believe the BS you're spouting?


Divinely great?! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh man that's great. Yeah this team is divinely great....YEAH RIGHT. The Lakers that won 3 straight are better than this current incarnation.

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Now VitaminX. There's a real fan. He admitted that the Lakers got beat up and gave the T-Wolves there credit.

Orale.....nah......just a bandwagoner that believes the team can do no wrong.

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F# Karl Malone.


Whiny baby not winning a game so he hits people, big bad bully.


and OraleHolmes, how dare you call the T'wolves a team that hasn't accomplished anything.. unlike the Lakers, they actually spent years BUILDING a team. Kobe Byrant was trying to win though, while the rest of em were busy dragging around the court.

What about Wally Boy?



You do also realize that the T-Wolves only have 4 players from last year's team right?

Like i said, they spent years building a team (current roster) to fit their needs, they got rid of the baggage and got good players (Cassel, Sprewell, etc.)




and btw, Who the hell remembers Christian Laetner playing for the Wolves? I do, but then he left cause he sucked...is he on the Wizards now?

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I hate the Lakers, but even I admit that often times the Lakers do lose games like these because they just don't care. When they think they have it in the bag they will run on empty. Not saying the T-wolves don't deserve credit for capitalizing on it, but seriously, a buckled down Lakers team isn't going to get blown out like this at home. It just won't happen. However I do see the Lakers playing a "we don't care enough just yet" one more time in this series.......Lakers in 6.(hope I am wrong, go Wolves).

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Guest OraleHolmes

Gary Payton is the most overrated player in the history of the NBA. Today, he was 3/10 from the field and couldn't take advantage of Cassell's absence. GP sure has a big mouth, but doesn't have the skills to back it up, at least not anymore. Sometimes I think the system in Seattle did a good job of protecting his weaknesses, making him seem like a better player than he really is.


On the other hand, Derek Fisher, who has been on fire as of late, gets TWO shots and makes one. Fisher is 26/40 from threes against the T'Wolves dating back to last year's playoffs. So, why isn't he getting more opportunities, especially after saving the Lakers' championship hopes?


Payton needs to sit his pouty ass on the bench.

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Well, I'm a Mavs fan although I have always kind of liked the Lakers. I think NoCalMike's got the gist of the series right. The Minnesota Timberwolves are a legitimately good basketball team, to the point that they could probably sweep through the East, and may pose a threat to the Lakers. However, when the Lakers feel threatened, they're just that little bit better that will allow them to win the series.


After winning four in a row against the Spurs, and then winning Game 1 in Minnesota, I would have been surprised if they had come out and played well against the T-Wolves. The Wolves just had their best most intense game of the season, and the Lakers were kind of like "Well, it's good that San Antonio series is done. Now we can just cruise to a title." Now, that they saw that the Wolves can play, the Lakers are gonna win the series in 6, and then they'll beat the Pistons in 5 to win another title.

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Well, it should be expected that Karl Malone gets suspended for a game, seeing as he was accessed a Flagrant 1, there was a shot to the head, and he later admitted that it wasn't an accident(dumbass), but this may be a blessing in disguise as I think that Cook backing up Medvadenko(sp) is going to be a good matchup.


Derrick Martin played very well, ALMOST compesating for what Sam Cassell would have given the wolves anyway. Garnett played like Garnett....except he STILL seemed a little tired. Wally was big, Wally is rested, and wally will be very important in this series. Sprewell makes Kobe pay, again..but he is due one of his famous 2-20 8 point games as is Kobe due for a break out game. Spree will torch Kobe in this series on the offensive end, but he is streaky and is due for a down game.


They didn't get Shaq the ball enough, true, but credit the Timberwolves strong zone defense and rotations to stop that.


Shaq and Garnett will basically cancel each others production out in the series. Kobe will be cancelled out by the combo of Spree and Cassell(or one of them). This series is going to come down to who's bench and other players can produce more.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I like the Lakers in 6. I think they'll split LA just like they did in Minnesota, then Los Angeles will come up big right after in MN, and wrap it up at home. Then they're going to beat the Pacers in 7, and I'll be able to hear alfdogg groan from here.

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