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OAO Kill Bill Vol. 2 Thread...

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Believe me, I LOVE Volume 1 for all of those same reasons. It's probably one of the "coolest" movies I have ever seen. I've watched it three times since last Tuesday.


I just can't buy the whole style over plot arguement. Look at what happened to Lucas, even his fanboys are turning against him, for the terrible plots in the new Star Wars movies. It is ESSENTIAL to have a great plot, or everything else is just there.

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There were SOME things though. It wasn't like it was drably shot, nothing at all to look at. If you didn't like the plot, fine, totally acceptable. But to say that the style completely disappeared is insane. It's the same movie! I am totally agreeing with you that there was more style in Vol. 1, but I think that this was a better movie because it made me care about the characters. Now, if you prefer your movies with tons of style and characters that don't mean anything, that's your perogative.


I hear Godzilla (2000) is an excellent movie if you view it that way.

Are you honestly comparing a Tarantino film to Godzilla 2000? Do you expect me to take you seriously here? Tell me what scenes popped out at you then in this movie. If the visuals didn't disappear entirely, then fucking tell me what you saw that was on par with the imagery of the first. Oh, he used an after-effect to make it wide-screen to full-ratio? That's not a fucking image.


The plot we agree on. The plot was outstanding, Uma Thurman should win an oscar for her performance. But plot does not make a movie, unfortunately. Punch Drunk Love had an excellent plot, but was there anyone out there talking about how fantastic it was? Every single person that I've talked to that has seen Kill Bill, Vol. 1 thought it was outstanding. Everyone that I've talked to about Kill Bill, Vol. 2 thought that it was rubbish.


I'm still troubled by your Godzilla 2000 reference.


It is ESSENTIAL to have a great plot, or everything else is just there.

Ok...for the last time...I said that they need to mix equally to make a great film. This film was incredibly heavy on dialogue, and incredibly lax when it came to visuals. In my eyes, it was an outstanding movie that could have been improved greatly.

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The Godzilla 2000 line was just a bit of sarcasm, don't worry. I've never even seen it and did not attempt to seriously bring it into the arguement.


After your last post, I don't think we have anything left to argue about. If you just said that in the beginning I never would have responded, because that's pretty well reasoned and makes sense.


I disagree, just a bit. But I can easily see someone thinking what you said above. Except for everyone thinking it was rubbish. What type of people are you asking exactly? I hang out with a bunch of movie dorks and we all liked volume 2 better. My girlfriend is the exact opposite of a movie dork (only goes when I drag her, every week) and she liked it better. I've talked to about 50 people on this movie (no joke, you don't really feel like talking about biochemistry in a biochemistry class) and maybe 2 or 3 liked it less. Not one single person said it was a terrible movie.


But hey, I get what you're trying to say now, and I won't attack anymore. That's your opinion and I happen to disagree.

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Well, most people don't exactly get all of the references that Vol. 2 contains, and they came in expecting more of the first movie. I read the script beforehand, so I knew to expect a typical Tarantino movie ("Tarantino's in love with his dialogue" goes the quote)


But, again, opinions differ. Everyone I knew wanted to see Vol. 2 be a sequel to Vol. 1, when it was really the other half of Vol. 1...which is kind of why I was disappointed on the visual aspect of the second half.

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There's a good interview with Quentin in the new Fangoria, he makes mention of how Vol. 1 was him making his dream acton movie and Vol. 2 is back to his more traditional style.

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Neither film particularly made me spooge myself like almost everyone I know. They could have been divided in a better manner so that you didn't have one volume that was whiz-bang fighting and built something of a reputation for it, then have the second volume step back from what made the first noteworthy to many in the first place. I say about Kill Bill what I said about The Matrix Revolutions: "A cool film, but not a great one."


Certainly a very good collective work, but still not Best Film Ever, or even Film of the Year (as Vol. 1 wasn't for 2003). Credit for the latter award goes to Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (thus far, the year is still young).

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Did anyone see Quentin Tarantino direct Jimmy Kimmel Live last night? It was a bizarre and entertaining show. Uncle Frank dressed up as Pei Mei? Haha. Steve Wright attacking Jimmy? Haha. The Pulp Fiction/Reservoir Dogs gun ending involving the entire audience? Eh...


It looked like a lot of work for everyone to pull off, considering Quentin only agreed to direct the show when he was a guest the night before.

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I was taught by George Lucas.


Look, when you watch the trailer for a movie, do you say, "Holy fuck, that plot looks like it'll be incredibly deep and thought-provoking!", or do you say, "That looked fucking badass?"

You look to see if the movies plot is worth shit.


I bet you have some really REALLY crappy movies in your times.



And Punch Drunk Love 0wned your face.

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LMAO - some nimrod on IMDB called this movie the "greatest love story of all time" - my eyes hurt from rolling them once I read that. ;)

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Although I know this is a delayed reaction, but Fuck MoleWhedon for starting up the exact same thread I had started up 2 days before this one. I guess I know who has the favoritism/juice around here.

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Although I know this is a delayed reaction, but Fuck MoleWhedon for starting up the exact same thread I had started up 2 days before this one. I guess I know who has the favoritism/juice around here.

I don't even thinks that even falls into the delayed reaction catagory. Goddamn, how about some fucking reflexes.

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my "favorite" part of the article.

"This is the beauty of having two volumes," said Rick Sands in the Times. "Volume 1 goes out, Volume 2 goes out, then Volume 1 Special Edition, Volume 2 Special Edition, the two-pack, then the Tarantino collection as a boxed set out for Christmas. It's called multiple bites at the apple.


Well so much for me buying any of the KB dvds. I hate double dipping, and when the time comes for the dip, there's always other movies I want also and I cant bring myself to pass one of those up for a movie I ALREADY OWN.

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A little late with this one, I know, but I had to throw in some more memorable Tarantino gems.


Elle: So you wanted to know which R I am feeling more Budd? Regret. Regret that that woman had to die at the hands of a bushwhackin, alki, SCRUB like yourself. She deserved better.



Bill: All cockblockery aside....



Bill: Pai Mei taught you the five point palm death blow and you didn't tell me?

Beatrix: I know. I'm a bad person.

Bill: No, you're not a bad person. In fact, you're my favorite person. You're just a real cunt sometimes.


I also wish I had the full transcript of where Budd and the manager of the nude club are debating over Budd's job, but can't remember it right now.


Still, that movie fucking owned. Tarantino's best, and that's saying a lot.

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