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OAO Kill Bill Vol. 2 Thread...

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Hmm, no comments on the gore, I noticed.


I guess only "The Passion" gets that critique.


Fair enough.


There was about 1/10,000 the amount of gore in Kill Bill Vol. 2 than in The Passion.

And even if Vol. 2 had as much "gore" in it as Vol. 1 it is still worlds apart from The Passion simply in it's extreme over the top and unrealistic nature.

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I came away disapointed.


My only problem with the first one was that it just dragged at times. I didn't have a problem with Tarentino's movies with that before, but this one I did.


And vol 2 was even slower. Although it told the story much better, there was 1 good fight for me and a very lackluster ending.

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I enjoyed this film tremendously and thinking back to Vol 1, makes me appreciate the epic that the movie was intended to be. I just saw the DVD of Vol 1 a day before seeing Vol 2 and it really, really works. Carradine as Bill 0wns all your fucking faces. It's too bad Hollywood is too much a pussy to give him a nom for best actor come Oscar time. Even if this was released later around "Oscar time", the Academy still wouldn't give a nod to a great performance like this because of the movie content. Uma Thurman kicked 88 different types of ass with her performance as well. I really appreciated the slowdown this movie brought as opposed to the breakneck pace of Vol 1. Vol 2 slows the pace down and allows you to appreciate the storyline, the performances, the photography, etc. Sort of like stopping to smell good food baking before you pull it out of the oven to eat. Just a fantastic movie.


Now off to see Punisher.

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Guest Loss

The movie was quite simply the most brilliant, disturbing, psychotic _love story_ I've ever seen. You basically have a woman traveling around the world killing those who have wronged her. The viewer thinks she's vengeful all along, but in actuality, she's heartbroken. And all the horrible things that happened to her happened in the name of love. This was amazing.

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Put together with Volume 1, I'm struggling to come up with a film I like as much. I think it's a perfect movie, and in the end will be remembered as Quentin Tarantino's best film, not Pulp Fiction.

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The ending really put me off. We got through damn near four hours of film waiting for the final confrontation for the final showdown to end like that? Up until the ending, I was incredibly satisfied. Then, once she met up with Bill, it was like the movie stopped being any good.

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I think it's the exact opposite, and if you didn't see that coming, you're crazy. I knew that was what was going to happen to Bill as soon as he described Pei Mei to her by the fire, and I would have been upset if something else happened. It tied the story together perfect, and I can see how you wouldn't have liked it if you wanted crazy gore violence like V1

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Hey guys, we have some sort of spoiler tags again, so use 'em. Just for the sake of the people who haven't had a chance to see the movie yet and might wander in here. <spoiler> and </spoiler>, except in [ ] instead of < >.


That said, discussion of the ending...


I'm with Mik on this. I think we'd already been clued in to the possibility of the movie deviating from the One On One Showdown! format with Budd's unglamorous exit. There's a battle all right, but it's emotional - it's through words. And why not? As far as bad-assness goes, nothing's going to top the big battle scene in the first volume. Instead we learn that, at the heart of this whole thing, is a lot of love, hate, and shit, all of which is a whole lot more interesting to me than watching Carradine try to swing a sword for 20 minutes. Like I sad before, Tarantino showed admirable restraint and pulled off a very subversive gesture. I think the movie - and the whole story, for that matter - is much better for it. Bill's final walk was just about perfect.


From the opening scene to the campfire to the ending, Bill and Beatrix had moments that were different from everything else in the film. Bless 'em for that.

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I went to go see it last night with a few friends...I really liked it more than volume one...just because everything came together in a great story of love and betrayal. I know that we were all thinking of some long, epic fight to finish this one off, but eh, in reality real fights don't last too long anyways. It was short and to the point, and really...after seeing how those two were in love..I don't know if I wanted to see a long drawn out, gorefest of a battle.


Everyone was great in the two movies. Pai Mei rocked the house, especially.

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That's not his movie. It's directed by an Asian film director and is produced by the same people as Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, so I'm not exactly sure how it's Quentin Tarantino Presents. What it definitely isn't is the 5th film by Quentin Tarantino.

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Guest Flyboy
I think it's the exact opposite, and if you didn't see that coming, you're crazy. I knew that was what was going to happen to Bill as soon as he described Pei Mei to her by the fire

Yeah.. if you couldn't see that's how

Bill was going to die
then you are pretty oblivious.

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I haven't seen the movie yet, but I was just wondering, does this second volume have the Tarantino style twists and turns that the first lacked? I was looking for them through Volume One and didn't get any, I figured there'd have to be some in the second one.

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I think it's the exact opposite, and if you didn't see that coming, you're crazy. I knew that was what was going to happen to Bill as soon as he described Pei Mei to her by the fire

Yeah.. if you couldn't see that's how Bill was going to die then you are pretty oblivious.

It's not that we saw it coming, it's just how it happened. You have four hours of story, based on hardcore fight scenes, and then at the end of the film, the climax, there isn't much of a fight scene at all. It just felt like a tottally differen't film.


It was obvious how he was going to die, but a good kind of obvious. I just thought that it would be done in a different way. Like, I thought maybe it would get down to them really fighting it out and then Bill knocking her sword away, leaving her empty handed. Then right before it looks like he kills her, he almost just can't do it. In that one moment, that split second of doubt in Bill, she then reaches up with her bare hands and THEN pulls off that move to take him out, then we have the same type of dialogue between the two after she pulls off that move.


I loved it though, 9/10, and a better film overall than the first. It just felt like a more tight and put together film. Then again, that's obvious also, seeing how this one was the conclusion of the story. I can't wait to view this as an entire film, because it'll be one hell of a four hour movie. Action, emotions, blood, great characters, it'll be a great watch when you can do so in one single sitting, without the break.


I can't wait for them to put the two together.

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Guest JMA
Loved it, simple as that. One regret with it I have is I wish Budd(Michael MAdsen) had a better death. He was my fav member of the squad and died the shittiest death.

That was odd. But...


...he WAS killed by a Black Mamba. If that's not obvious symbolism I don't know what is. Oh, and I also LOVED the Superman reference.

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Loved it, simple as that. One regret with it I have is I wish Budd(Michael MAdsen) had a better death. He was my fav member of the squad and died the shittiest death.

That was odd. But...


...he WAS killed by a Black Mamba. If that's not obvious symbolism I don't know what is. Oh, and I also LOVED the Superman reference.

No the death fit perfectly into the sotry and the symbolism was there but I just couldn't help but wish that an awesome villain like Budd got a cooler death.


Hell he was the only member of the squad to get the upper hand and beat Beatrix...just didn't finish the job

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I loved it. What I mainly loved was how much more emotional it was and the symbolism with realizing she's going on a rampage that's all caused after a broken heart. But my favorite part was he ditched "the style" that I never quite liked. A lot of people joygasmed over how "stylish" the first film was... but it felt forced to me. Okay it seemed kinda cool with random black-and-white moments or the lights being shut off (don't say it was nessicary at all), the anime, eh it just felt like it was a big lovin' spoonful of pseudo style beign shoved right down my throat.



I thought it was a given that's how Bill was gonna' go down but for a moment I almost expected them to reunite (he owned afterall). The ending steps is close to perfect. Oh and I'm glad the gore level wasn't as high since I could take the movie more seriously.






But I laughed my ass off for at least two minutes when Elle Driver got her other eye tugged out and squished... oh, and Bill being called "AKA the Snake Charmer" had me smirking all the way on the ride home.

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Guest wrestlingbs
Loved it, simple as that. One regret with it I have is I wish Budd(Michael MAdsen) had a better death. He was my fav member of the squad and died the shittiest death.

That was odd. But...


...he WAS killed by a Black Mamba. If that's not obvious symbolism I don't know what is. Oh, and I also LOVED the Superman reference.

No the death fit perfectly into the sotry and the symbolism was there but I just couldn't help but wish that an awesome villain like Budd got a cooler death.


Hell he was the only member of the squad to get the upper hand and beat Beatrix...just didn't finish the job

I find it funny that

Budd was the only one smart enough to use a gun against a ninja! But then again, he wasn't smart enough to think that maybe ELLE might want to kill him and take the money.

It was a great movie, but standing alone it isn't the greatest of all time. Some parts did drag, and while I can see the emotional nature of Bride's and Bill's fight the way he died was kinda hookey. But hey, great acting by both Carradine and Uma + great cinematography + uber cool fight scene with Hannnah = best movie I've seen all year. And when added to Vol. 1 (which it rightfully should) it's definitely a masterpiece.

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Guest Daddy X

After just seeing it I would say that Volume 2 IS the movie. Volume 1 was more or less a set up and an action/gore fest which was cool in my book, but Volume 2 is the real story. I actually saw it with a few friends who hadn't even seen Volume 1 and they were able to enjoy it just as much and get a lot out of it. Great movie.

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Just got back


Fantastic film, and what I loved about it was that this film, and by proxy Volume 1, has heart. At it's center it has a heart and a soul. For all the complaints people level against Quentin (he just rips things off, he's too in love with his own dialogue, style>substance), I have always found a sould in his films. But this one, this one is all about love.

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I think it's the exact opposite, and if you didn't see that coming, you're crazy. I knew that was what was going to happen to Bill as soon as he described Pei Mei to her by the fire

Yeah.. if you couldn't see that's how Bill was going to die then you are pretty oblivious.

It's not that we saw it coming, it's just how it happened. You have four hours of story, based on hardcore fight scenes, and then at the end of the film, the climax, there isn't much of a fight scene at all. It just felt like a tottally differen't film.


It was obvious how he was going to die, but a good kind of obvious. I just thought that it would be done in a different way. Like, I thought maybe it would get down to them really fighting it out and then Bill knocking her sword away, leaving her empty handed. Then right before it looks like he kills her, he almost just can't do it. In that one moment, that split second of doubt in Bill, she then reaches up with her bare hands and THEN pulls off that move to take him out, then we have the same type of dialogue between the two after she pulls off that move.

God, I'm so glad they didn't do that. It would have ended this very unconventional movie on a deeply conventional note.


And I'm even happier that...

Bill didn't get up and do the typical thriller "Gotcha!" second attack. I was a bit worried we might get a cheesy fake-out, but Tarantino was smart enough to keep everything in check.

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I find it funny that

Budd was the only one smart enough to use a gun against a ninja! But then again, he wasn't smart enough to think that maybe ELLE might want to kill him and take the money.

Maybe he was thinking what I was thinking, specifically that Elle wouldn't have the guts to double-cross/kill Bill's brother.

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Guest NCJ

I really loved this movie. It was so different than what I expected it to be, yet it exceeded every expectation that I had for it. The reason I loved the first one was because of the incredible action and gore in it, but the reason I loved this one is because of the terrific dialouge and great story that it contains. This was truly one of the best movies I have ever seen.

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Guest thebigjig

The punisher sucked... which doesnt surprise me because I knew that it would suck from the previews


Kill Bill Vol 2 however, was amazing... I cant really contribute anything else that hasn't already been mentioned... just a big big thumbs up from me

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Another thing I liked was just the dialouge between Bill and Beatrice. He basically broke her down and almost even had her feeling bad for a tad bit, but then she come to her senses and told him it was all about the blue line on the pregnancy test, otherwise, (and this I thought was the coolest), she would still be a deadly viper squad assasin, and none of this carnage would have taken place

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Did anyone read about Tarrantino thinking about possibly doing a a sequel or branch-off 3rd installment? It would be about Copperhead's daughter trying to get revenge on Beatrice, since afterall, she probably deserves it. And then that had me thinking that, that could eventually lead to Beatrice's daughter trying to get her revenge......wow this is a neverending circle of violence, LOL.

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