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EVIL~! alkeiper

This Week In Baseball

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Angelsault having heart attacks about the Yankees losing is tremendous. Once you've been to the World Series almost every year of the last decade, there's no place to go but down.

Marvin is right. I was at the game we lost the ALCS in 97 to Cleveland. Since then I've stuck with the team and routed them on. Finally they have fielded a competitive team, and it feels much better coming up from a low then it does from down from a high. :)

Oh, and for those who questioned the O's young unknowns and called us Texas Rangers II, just a friendly reminder that besides the surging offense our pitching staff has the lowest runs allowed total in the league, and the lowest ERA of any bullpen.

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Guest FrigidSoul

Well as far as your Pitching staff is concerned the only real offense they've faced is the Red Sox and we put runs up on the board against you. Toronto's offense right now is abismall and Tampa Bay...well c'mon, they're Tampa Bay.

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Actually the Bruins do draw quite well regardless of what's going.

Are you serious?? The B's average attendance was about 86% of capacity this year, and for a team that finished with the 4th most points in hockey that's embarressing. The only teams that had less capacity than us were the also-rans of the league (Pittsburgh, Washington, Carolina, etc.) Not even the post-season games sell out. Until either the Celtics or Bruins win a Cup, their attendance will be dwarfed (per capacity) by both the Red Sox and Pats.


On an unrelated note, has anyone in the Boston area seen today's Herald? Allegedly there's a picture of Schilling wearing a Yankees cap at the B's game the other night. I haven't seen it yet, but LB and the guys on AAF were freaking out about it this morning while I was driving into work.

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Guest FrigidSoul

86% capacity isn't bad considering all the crap going on in hockey. Of course after the playoffs are over I don't see the NHL playing until 05-06

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On an unrelated note, has anyone in the Boston area seen today's Herald?  Allegedly there's a picture of Schilling wearing a Yankees cap at the B's game the other night.  I haven't seen it yet, but LB and the guys on AAF were freaking out about it this morning while I was driving into work.

ESPN.com's Page 2 has the picture in the Daily Quickie. It's not a Yankee cap, though...instead of the interlocking NY, it's an interlocking YH (Yankee Hater). I might pick one up myself if they're on sale.

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I don't know what's cooler, the hat or the fact that 80,000 idiots that listen to talk radio almost had their heads explode this morning in Boston.

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86% capacity isn't bad considering all the crap going on in hockey. Of course after the playoffs are over I don't see the NHL playing until 05-06

Considering 15 teams averaged more than 90%, I'm not overly impressed with 86%. And I'm actually willing to wager that it's really 17 teams that are above 90%, as I'm presuming that the 0.00s for Philly and Edmonton are mistakes and both those teams draw well historically.


Trust me, I wish the B's were more popular in Boston. I love hockey even more than I dislike baseball, and so wish that I was alive in the early 70s when the B's were one of the teams that dominated the local sports scene.

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Guest Anglesault
, it's an interlocking YH (Yankee Hater



not even REMOTELY clever.

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Guest FrigidSoul

the color of the hat is red while the lettering is blue. Thus it is clever.

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The Skydome is so unbelievabley empty tonight due to Game 7 between the Sens and Leafs. The only time the Jays fans have cheered is when the Leafs scored a goal. Baseball in Canada just isn't a good idea.


Yeah, Toronto only led the American League in attendance six years in a row (89-94)


The amazing thing is that they got PNC Park to begin with. I'm curious as to how they managed to get the public to go for THAT.


"You need a new park to stay competitive. Honest."


That had to be the ugliest damn game I ever saw. And I want Larry Bowa fined every time Roberto Hernandez is used before Ryan Madson in an important situation now.


I want Larry Bowa fired every time Roberto Hernandez is used.


Yankees aren't my team...I can't remember the last time the Yanks played two guys I've never even heard of, though. How would I know about two guys in their minor-league system?


John Sickels' Minor League Prospect Book. I wrote about Alex Graman on page one, which everyone missed. It's good to have references handy.

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Guest FrigidSoul
The Skydome is so unbelievabley empty tonight due to Game 7 between the Sens and Leafs. The only time the Jays fans have cheered is when the Leafs scored a goal. Baseball in Canada just isn't a good idea.


Yeah, Toronto only led the American League in attendance six years in a row (89-94)

That's 10 years ago though. I can understand if it was 2 years ago but seeing as how its been a decade and from the looks of things there's nothing turning it around something has to be done. I'd say an outdoor ballpark for starters but with baseball starting in early April I bet the ground would still be frozen up in Toronto.


Things that are bad ideas:


1. Baseball in Canada


2. Indoor stadiums/ Stadiums that use carpet/astroturf


3. Season starting in early April when its a summer game. Late April would be a much better starting date. 162 games is too many...148 would be just fine.

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1. Baseball is perfectly viable in Canada. The Blue Jays have never finished last in attendance. They drew a small number of fans because a playoff game was in town. That's not unique to Canada.


2. I've been over that with Tom. Real grass is preferable though.


3. Fuck people who want to shorten the schedule.

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Guest FrigidSoul

Too many injuries are caused from astroturf. I despise it.


14 games isn't a big deal, especially when they can use that time for extra spring training which I feel is needed. With all the players today pitchers aren't getting in enough work and get shelled in their first outtings.

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With all the players today pitchers aren't getting in enough work and get shelled in their first outtings.


The problem is almost all pitchers get shelled once in awhile. Its just that when it happens on Opening Day, its magnetized. It would happen no matter when you start the season. Besides, I go crazy waiting for the season to start already.

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I think Toronto is the only place left with 'real' Astroturf. Montreal (in Montreal and San Juan) and Minnesota switched over to the Fieldturf stuff this year, so Toronto might not be far behind. I doubt that there are a significant amount of major injuries caused by astroturf as opposed to natural grass, as well. There's probably a bit more wear and tear caused by it, but in baseball it's probably not such a big deal.

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They switched it over this year. Apparently it's really slow in the infield, too. I was reading the Montreal paper a few weekends ago and someone (I guess it would have been an infielder on either the Expos or one of the teams they played) compared it to the infield at Wrigley.

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Guest OctoberBlood

I'm with Al. FUUUUUUCK shortening the schedule. Fuck it to hell.

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They can't shorten the schedule, all the single season records would have their long, elegant, important history reduced to nothing. I am slowly but surely finding myself to be a traditional baseball man at the spy young age of 22. I hate the DH, would rather watch a pitcher sac bunt a runner to second. Would rather watch a game with small ball instead of 3 run HR city, and I am starting to believe in the tradition of the game. I sometimes pretend that the American League doesn't exist.


Not to say that I don't appreciate the american league, but I think i'd rather watch a meaningless game between say...the Astros and Braves or Giants and Dodgers than ANY american league game, with the small exception of Yankees vs. Sox, although I skipped the whole series the first time around.


Back on track, I think shortening the schedule would be a terrible thing to do.

I think it would make my head a'splode.

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Guest FrigidSoul

watching the non Red Sox games via Sportsline.com and it appears the Cubs line-up has truly woken up.

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I don't mind the DH too much. Its really not all that offensive, and anything that allows us the pleasure of watching Edgar Martinez hit can't be that bad.


I despise small ball. Not because its not exciting, but because it is stupid as all hell. Small ball is usually a term for handing the other team free outs in return for a MARGINALLY better chance of scoring a run the next at bat, and a worse chance overall.


I'm usually a traditionalist, but sometimes adjustments in the game are good.

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The Cubs absolutely destroyed Jason Fogg, who couldn't even get a single out and has been pulled from the game in the Top of the 1st. 5-0 Cubs and 3-0 Cards in the 1st. Things are looking good tonight.

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Guest FrigidSoul

and Bruiser adds insult to injury on Fogg's behalf by calling him Jason when his name is Josh.

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When you pitch like that, you're lucky people call you anything that starts with a "J."


Mitre was the first out of the inning and that was a sacrifice. The Pirates' poor defense really didn't help matters, as there were three very questionable plays made, two of which were Craig Wilson's doing. Oh well, with Mitre pitching, you never know if the Bucs will make a game of this or not.

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Guest FrigidSoul

1-0 Red Sox off of a Doug Mirabelli solo shot. He almost tripped over first base rounding the bags too lol

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Guest FrigidSoul

Mirabelli homers again. This time it was a 2 run shot and he didn't trip going around the bases.

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