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Dreamer done as wrestler

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"Tommy Dreamer just said on Byte This that he's not going to wrestle for the

WWE again.


His contract is up in July, and they're not going to renew it. He WILL be

kept on in a managerial role and he said he's been doing some announcing stuff as well."


Credit: WO


-No surprise here. I wonder if he means "managerial" as in he'll manage a wrestler, or (more likely, I'm guessing) that he'll do behind the scenes stuff.

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Guest Quik

Depressing. I never wanted to see him as a main eventer, but I liked the guy. Could have been something. But WWE blew it.


Well, I'm sure that'll never happen again.

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Guest DeathBecomesYou

Shame, even though I was never a huge fan of Tommy, I have to say I always enjoyed watching his work. Too bad that most of WWE's fanbase wouldn't give two shits about him and what he's done in 15 or so years in the business.

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He'll stay on...but they won't renew the deal...could have worded that a little less confusing.


Wrestling or not, I like Tommy. At the ECW shows I've been to he's always been one of the best about coming out and talking with the fans after the show. I hope they keep him on the payroll.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Since I don't see my original post, here it goes again. Considering the last year of his career, he's only been on once every few months if he's lucky. And this is not really big news since WWE never did shit with him.

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What a waste of a good person. He would definately be an asset to whatever company he works for. He was never the greatest worker, but his dedication to entertain the fans was almost unmatched.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
What a waste of a good person. He would definately be an asset to whatever company he works for. He was never the greatest worker, but his dedication to entertain the fans was almost unmatched.

Didn't he have serious neck and back problems back in the ECW days? If so, that's the answer why WWE never pushed him above garbage brawling "matches" and Sunday Night Heat duty.

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What a waste of a good person.  He would definately be an asset to whatever company he works for.  He was never the greatest worker, but his dedication to entertain the fans was almost unmatched.

Didn't he have serious neck and back problems back in the ECW days? If so, that's the answer why WWE never pushed him above garbage brawling "matches" and Sunday Night Heat duty.

Oh I know. I am not really mad that WWE didn't push him. He was broken down by the time he got to WWE anyway. I am just saying, it is nice to have a person like that as a part of the company, so hopefully WWE keeps him aboard.

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Guest reshad974

talk about a big loss........outside of the "hardcore" matchs, he was anything special and the so-called hardcore matchs weren't so good.


EDIT : btw, he is not done as a wrestler, he is done as a wrestler with WWE

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
talk about a big loss........outside of the "hardcore" matchs, he was anything special and the so-called hardcore matchs weren't so good.

The last (and maybe only) good match of Dreamers I can recall in WWE was against RVD to unify the IC Title with the Hardcore Title.

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Tommy Dreamer seems to me like a guy who didn't have a whole lot of God given talent but worked his BUTT off and is extremely loyal and he can put together a decent match. Given my druthers, I would much rather see Tommy Dreamer get pushed than Bradshaw or Hardcore Holly, who just stiff people and now Hardcore Holly is the reason why I am not watching the only wrestling I can regularly see on TV. "Tis a shame. I hope he ends up in TNA or something. I don't think CZW would be good for him at all.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Dreamer vs. Stevie Singapore Cane match was a good brawl during the era of Raw sucking.

If I recall the right match, that was pretty good, and Dreamer even did a nice blade job (or maybe it was Richards, it's been a while). Damn, this was two years ago too. Time really does go by quick.

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Guest Jimbo
Dreamer vs. Stevie Singapore Cane match was a good brawl during the era of Raw sucking.

If I recall the right match, that was pretty good, and Dreamer even did a nice blade job (or maybe it was Richards, it's been a while). Damn, this was two years ago too. Time really does go by quick.

Yeah, it was Dreamer doing the blade job...he cut himself a little deep though and needed 2 staples to close the wound up after the cane shots.


Here it is: http://www.wrestlingubbins.com/Jimbo/WWE-T...vieRichards.WMV


(and now for the blatant and unabashed advertising, please check the link in my sig if you could :))

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Dreamer vs. Stevie Singapore Cane match was a good brawl during the era of Raw sucking.

If I recall the right match, that was pretty good, and Dreamer even did a nice blade job (or maybe it was Richards, it's been a while). Damn, this was two years ago too. Time really does go by quick.

That was the one the night Bischoff debuted, right? I was there live, and the crowd was REALLY into it.


Although Tommy was never an amazing worker, he was propably one of the most dedicated, loyal, and genuinely happy to be wrestling people out there.


This is really dissapointing. Between him and Lance retiring, this makes me quite sad.

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Guest Trivia247

Another wrestler bites the dust.... doop doop doop

another wrestler bites the dust....and another one gone another one gone, another wrestler bites the dust... hey Val..they are gonna get you too another wrestler bites the Dust!!

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I can't say as I'm surprised, considering the injuries he's racked up over his career. But it's a shame to see it happen to a guy like Dreamer, who I always enjoyed watching, and like people have said worked his ass off for the business.


Saying that, I predict that he'll wind up going to ROH by the end of the year. That'll give him at least one last match...possibly more.

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Well, I'll always remember and appreciate his work in ECW. :)

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Well, I wish him the best of luck. I've always liked Dreamer, and as someone else said, his passion for the fans in unmatched. From all reports a good guy, and one that I certainly will remember.

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Guest hunger4unger

I'm surprised they've kept him around as long as they have. He would make an okay announcer on one of the B shows and possibly a fairly good mouthpiece for a midcarder. Besides that I don't think he has much to offer WWE.

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I'm sure Dreamer's satisfied as far as his WWE career goes.


I mean, he got to put on a fantastic match with his old ECW brethren Rob Van Dam in Madison Square Garden on national television. You could tell it meant something to Tommy due to the tears he shed afterward.


I'm sure Dreamer is going into retirement more happily than Lance Storm, but Storm's expectations were probably higher than Dreamer's. Dreamer's never been about being a main eventer anyways.

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Guest glennsoe

Thanks Tommy...For breaking your back for us...the lazy fans that just whine and complain all day


Best of luck man.....you are truely a king among men...


From Norway with Respect; I salute you Dreamer....

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