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Yeah, it'll probably win the GameFAQs poll...

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Guest Crazy Dan

Man, I didn't realize how many people really hated this game. I liked it (ducks flames), but I am not really into RPG's, so what do I know? But, the graphics were awesome, and I did like the story line. I never played VI, and I have heard that is the best one of the series. But, I missed that one, so I can only go by the VII, VIII, and X. And I did enjoy X, but even that one got on my nerves, I couldn't beat that monster in the temple, near the end. Man, maybe this series does suck. I am so lame sometimes.

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I liked it. And I don't care who didn't like it. Just because a bunch of other people think it's overrated I'm suddenly supposed to quit liking it and think so to? HA!

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Guest MikeSC
Man, I didn't realize how many people really hated this game. I liked it (ducks flames), but I am not really into RPG's, so what do I know? But, the graphics were awesome, and I did like the story line. I never played VI, and I have heard that is the best one of the series. But, I missed that one, so I can only go by the VII, VIII, and X. And I did enjoy X, but even that one got on my nerves, I couldn't beat that monster in the temple, near the end. Man, maybe this series does suck. I am so lame sometimes.

I'm surprised it gets all the hate that games like MGS and Xenosaga deserve.


Talk about non-interactive movies...


...FF VII was OK --- not great. Better than X-2, which sucked pole --- in a bad way

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One of the main problems they seem to have with VII is that it's repetetive. All RPGs are somewhat repetetive. You can make the exact same argument against far better games.


"All you do in Mario Brothers is jump on shit!"

"All you do in Tetris is rotate and drop blocks!"

"All you do in FFVI is hit attack!" (especially in the river loop)



Attack VII for the real problems it has, like the bland characters are lame plot. I think a lot of the VII hatred is more hatred for the fanboys of VII than hatred for VII itself.

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Guest Mr.Negativity

My only problem with FF7 was the very bland characters. Why should I care about the Aeris incident, when she had as much personality as a cardboard box? I also hated how stereotypical Barret was, come on, that's just insulting.


Besides the characters, I thought everything else was great. I enjoyed the plot, the music, the gameplay, and the world that the characters lived in. I think that FF7 was a good game, but not great, only because of the lack of interesting characters.


My favourite RPG series are the Suikoden series and the Lunar series. They were the overall packages for me. I'm also a huge Valkyrie Profile fan.


Mr. Negativity

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I'll echo LaParkaMarka's sentiments and say that the backlash isn't completely against FFVII itself but the fanboys that still contend FFVII is the greatest RPG ever and Sephiroth will forever be the greatest villan in the history of video games. Personally, even though I still like FFVII, I like FFIX and FF Tactics more, but that's just me.


...then again, I have a strange love for niche games, so what the hell do I know....

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Guest The Rising Star

You can't have a GameFAQ's poll with RPG's, lord knows how many fanboys there are who never play anything else than FF and Zelda.

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Most "fanboys" of the FF and Zelda series have played other games. They just come out in rabid form to defend their games.


... *voted for FFVII and for Zelda*


I vote for all RPGs. So shuddup. Zelda just has a special place in my heart because it was my first game I played. :P

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I'm surprised it gets all the hate that games like MGS and Xenosaga deserve.


Talk about non-interactive movies...


...FF VII was OK --- not great. Better than X-2, which sucked pole --- in a bad way

MGS--both of them--at least have great gameplay.


Man, I didn't realize how many people really hated this game.  I liked it (ducks flames), but I am not really into RPG's, so what do I know?  But, the graphics were awesome, and I did like the story line.  I never played VI, and I have heard that is the best one of the series.  But, I missed that one, so I can only go by the VII, VIII, and X.  And I did enjoy X, but even that one got on my nerves, I couldn't beat that monster in the temple, near the end.  Man, maybe this series does suck.  I am so lame sometimes.


VI the best in the series? Some say that, for overall story, depth, and challenge probably IV wins out. After all, there's actually a point to magic users vs. physical attackers, and it's the only FF game where you're actually forced to use all those healing and magic regenerating items you stockpiled. I haven't actually played X, though, since I didn't like 7-9. V's okay for it's time but really dated, dunno about 1/2 though.


One of the main problems they seem to have with VII is that it's repetetive. All RPGs are somewhat repetetive. You can make the exact same argument against far better games.


"All you do in Mario Brothers is jump on shit!"

"All you do in Tetris is rotate and drop blocks!"

"All you do in FFVI is hit attack!" (especially in the river loop)



You can't be serious, right?


Hell, in the ORIGINAL Mario Bros. arcade game you do more than that, hitting blocks from below, and kicking shells. In Super Mario Brothers, there's that, gold coins to collect, Bowser to fight, pits to avoid, pipes to warp in, precise jumps to make, and more. Mario 2 is completely different. Don't even get me started on 3. SMW, Yoshi, 64, Sunshine all make big upgrades to the series.


In Tetris, you actually have to think when you rotate and drop blocks.


It's already been mentioned that the river loop is a worthless trick because you don't get esper upgrades, but the point made is that most of the turn-based battles are completely brainless, just mashing of the fight command.


I guess Contra and Metal Slug are "all you do is shoot things!"?


Maybe you can make the case that the mini-games make you do more in FFVII, or that you also have to make that spike-headed guy run in a pre-determined path free of dangers or obstacles. Oh, sometimes you hit "O" to collect something of the field, but very little of that is mandatory.


Attack VII for the real problems it has, like the bland characters are lame plot. I think a lot of the VII hatred is more hatred for the fanboys of VII than hatred for VII itself.


You think?


Those other problems were attacked too, incidentally.


I vote for all RPGs. So shuddup. Zelda just has a special place in my heart because it was my first game I played.


The Zelda requires no explanation...

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That rant was very interesting. Some unique points brought up that totally put a new perspective on things. Oh wait, nevermind, actually it was the same thing a ton of haters have been going on and on and on about for years.

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I couldn't make it past the first paragraph of that rant


And this is coming from someone who thought FF7's ending demonstrated his investment in the game was not an efficient use of time

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FFVII has not aged well at all, but I still like it.

Do I think it's the greatest RPG ever? Hell no, those positions belong to FFT and Xenogears.

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That rant was very interesting. Some unique points brought up that totally put a new perspective on things. Oh wait, nevermind, actually it was the same thing a ton of haters have been going on and on and on about for years.

At long as the fanboys/girls cling irrationally onto that game as OMG BEST GAME EVA!~ they'll remain true. Are you implying the game sucks on levels yet to be discovered yet, though?


However, what can possibly be said that hasn't been said before?


I'm dying for the re-release of the game on PSP that incorporates the story of Advent Children and/or lets you revive Aeris.


Do I think it's the greatest RPG ever? Hell no, those positions belong to FFT and Xenogears.


What you feel are the best RPGs you've played, even though one of them is a Strat RPG.*


I couldn't make it past the first paragraph of that rant


And this is coming from someone who thought FF7's ending demonstrated his investment in the game was not an efficient use of time


That's why I called it a bitter rant. It deserves at least one hatchet job for each burst delusional gushing praise it gets to even things out to the mediocrity it in actuality is.

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No way dude, FFVII is the best RPG ever made! I cried for like a day when Aeris was killed. I felt Clouds pain of being a nobody and how he wanted to be somebody.


And while Barret may seem like a big brash Mr. T wannabe, his character fully develops as the game progresses. Also stop hating on the random battles, so what if the summons last a long time? It’s such a visual treat every time it never gets old. And don’t forget how cool Sephiroth is. I just love his sword and his hair. He just looks the part. Not only that but he’s a fallen angel once the painful truths of his origins were revealed and how he slowly descends into insanity. Lets not forget the cross dressing and the hours of fun you can spend on chobocos. And to top it all off the ending was just perfect, perfect I say.

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Pile of shit > FFVII


I'll probably the only one on earth, or the universe saying that FFVIII is better than FFVII

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Probably so, baron, probably so.


I wasn't the biggest fan in the world of FF VII. I thought IV, VI, and X were all much better overall games. But the level of hate it gets from some people is simply ridiculous. It's far from "OMG worst game EVER it suxxxors!" like some people paint it. (The people who say that obviously never played FF: Mystic Quest, or any of the Gameboy FF Legends titles.) It is repetitive, sure, but it does involve some strategy. Unlike what the 411 review said, you certainly won't win the game if you run away from every random battle and just mash buttons to attack.

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Hey! Mystic Quest wasn't half bad! Shuddup! It was basically made as a kiddie game.


The FF titles on the Gameboy had nothing to do with the Final Fantasy series at all, having no relation to them other than name. Actually, FF: Adventure is the original Seiken Densetsu. FF: Legends is apart of the Romancing Saga series. The only reason they were called FF games were just to sell them, as at the time, trying to sell off a brand new game was "risky".

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I'll probably the only one on earth, or the universe saying that FFVIII is better than FFVII


I'll be right there with you. Sure, I spent hours upon hours in 8 doing not much of anything, but, at least, the game held my interest until the end.


As for 7, I am still confused as to how it gets praised as the greatest game ever. I remember my then girlfriend was telling me how I should play it because it's such a great game. I could barely even get by the beginning before getting bored and quitting. I played it again a few years later, and was admittedly mildly entertained for half of it. I finally hit a point where I went from playing all the time to a few hours a day to 3 hours a day to 2 hours to 1 hour to skipping a week and then playing it ever so often. I don't think I have ever went through a phase like that with a game I went through and beat. I kept playing, expecting this great and wonderful ending that everyone was talking about, but was left feeling empty and wondering, "Huh? That's it?"


Ah well, it wasn't a total waste. I did get a kick out making this character so powerful that I could wipe out the bosses leading up to the Super Safe Sephiroth of Doom in like 3 turns. That was funny. Also, it caused me to break out Suikoden 2 which I had bought, but never played. Suikoden 2 eventually became one of my favourite roleplay games, so I can thank Final Fantasy 7 for that.

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Are you implying the game sucks on levels yet to be discovered yet, though?.

No, FF VII is the best ever.

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I can't honestly say any RPG I've played was "the best ever", even the ones I've really liked.


Saying that something's the "best RPG ever" shows a lack of intelligence, because even fans of a series should admit a game's shortcomings. Nothing is perfect.


There are a lot of games out there that are better than FFVII, yet will never be as acclaimed. That's where a lot of this hate and bitterness comes from - that a mediocre game has so much praise. The only innovation VII really had* was in terms of graphics , and shiny things catch people's interest more than bland ones. It's created an intolerance in an entire mass of people for any RPG that isn't 3D, or not "pretty" enough...or isn't branded with a Squaresoft logo on it.


I won't even start on the story, or the cardboard characters.


The one thing the game does have that keeps it so highly acclained is it's mass of fans. That's how it's gotten to be seen as the "best game ever". It's sort of a rolling snowball of fanboy hype. So many people have been hyping the game for years that it's spiraled out of control.


*Well, unless you consider the massive marketing blitz for the game as an innovation.

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Saying that something's the "best RPG ever" shows a lack of intelligence, because even fans of a series should admit a game's shortcomings. Nothing is perfect.

That makes no sense. Being the best ever does not mean something is perfect. It means it's better than anything else.

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No way dude, FFVII is the best RPG ever made! I cried for like a day when Aeris was killed. I felt Clouds pain of being a nobody and how he wanted to be somebody.


Yeah, you're right. BEST RPG EVER but not best game ever. That's reserved for Madden 2005. Not even the FFVII characters can touch Football Guy.


Lucard usually hates anything put out by Squeenix. At least, he has as long as I've known him.


I think you just mean Square. I think he's cool with Enix. Also, I think it's primarily the really overrated Final Fantasy games. He loves Legend of Mana, the original Final Fantasy, and thinks Trigger and FFIV were fine games for their time. He digs Crystal Chronicles as well. I've not heard him say anything bad about Kingdom Hearts, and FFT is okay with him I believe; he hates Tactics Advance, though.

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Guest Askewniverse

I still don't get the "best game ever!" tag for Final Fantasy VII. In my opinion, FF VII isn't even the best PlayStation game.


As I've stated in the past, I'm not a fan of RPGs at all. However, I have tried a few RPGs (including FF VII). From what I've played, FF VII isn't even the best RPG, let alone the "best game ever." Could somebody give me some legit reasons as to what makes FF VII so great?

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You can't be serious, right?


Yes, I am.


Hell, in the ORIGINAL Mario Bros. arcade game you do more than that, hitting blocks from below, and kicking shells.  In Super Mario Brothers, there's that, gold coins to collect, Bowser to fight, pits to avoid, pipes to warp in, precise jumps to make, and more.


Sure, that's fine. And in FFVII, you interact with the environment and NPCs, customize your weapons via materia, limit breaks, secret characters, etc. There is more to the game than just blindly hitting attack. If your argument is "oh, you can beat the game by just hitting attack", great...you can also beat Mario by just jumping on shit (and occaisonally warping down a pipe). You wanna say there's more to the game than that? Fine, there's also more to VII than smashing attack, like everything outside of the battle system. Or are we ignoring that aspect of the game?


In Tetris, you actually have to think when you rotate and drop blocks.


You're saying TETRIS isn't repetetive? You're delusional. Especially in comparison to FFVII, no way the gameplay in VII is more repetetive than Tetris.


It's already been mentioned that the river loop is a worthless trick because you don't get esper upgrades


Yeah, because you can't go back to the river right before the hitting the floating island, when you have tons of espers.

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