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Guest JMA

Who needs a new gimmick the most?

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Guest JMA

Which wrestler -- only one -- do you think would benefit from a new gimmick? There are many candidates: Hurricane, Rosey, Maven, Rikishi, Doug or Danny Basham, ect. Who needs it the MOST?


Keep in mind you can only pick one.

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I'd say both the Bashams b/c they're both super generic, but if I can only chose one I say Donnie, b/c maybe he could have a Donnie Darko gimmick, which I know is very stupid but still a huge step up to his current gimmick.

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Guest Anglesault
I'd say both the Bashams b/c they're both super generic, but if I can only chose one I say Donnie,

That speaks volumes.

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Winner, for the fifth year in a row, of the "Who Needs A New Gimmick the Most" contest:


Val Venis.

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Guest netslob

if i can pick only one, it'd be Cade...the man simply redefines the word "bland".

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Guest thatdude21601

I still think London should be the new high-flying Doink.

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I'd say Shelton Benjamin. They keep giving him all these wins, but he doesn't quite get over because he has no gimmick. None. He's just a boring guy who wrestles boring matches. At least when he was a heel on Smackdown, he had the whole amteur athlete thing, and the kissass thing a little bit. He also used a lot more varied moveset on Smackdown, and actually looked interesting in the ring. Now he just defines bland face.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Easiest...question...ever. SHAWN MICHAELS. He REALLY needs a heel turn BAD, because him as a face get's old fast, and he's been a stale babyface for a year now.


And no, I won't pick a jobber as an answer because if they are that low on the totem pole, WWE has no intension of doing anything with them.

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For some reason I think if they re-packaged Rikishi as a heel without the thong and the blonde hair he could probably hold down a midcard position and at least contribute to the product

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Guest JMA
For some reason I think if they re-packaged Rikishi as a heel without the thong and the blonde hair he could probably hold down a midcard position and at least contribute to the product

Or maybe an EVIL SAMOAN~! tag-team with a re-packed Rosey. They could even use the "Island Boys" name.

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I WOULD say Eugene cause I still really dislike the gimmick but since it is getting over I have to go with HBK the born again Christian face with a never ending fued with Triple H is just sooooo boring now. Serioulsy how many times have HBK & Trips had "the match that will finally end this feud" already?

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
For some reason I think if they re-packaged Rikishi as a heel without the thong and the blonde hair he could probably hold down a midcard position and at least contribute to the product

Or maybe an EVIL SAMOAN~! tag-team with a re-packed Rosey. They could even use the "Island Boys" name.

That reminds me....WWF I recall brought in these two samoan guys when Rikishi was still Makin a Difference. They'd follow him to his matches and usually watch from ringside, and never wrestled. IIRC, they were dressed like street toughs. I think a gimmick like that could work if Rikishi & Rosey weren't 2,000 pounds combined.

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Billy Kidman needs SOMETHING to stop him being the single most bland cruiser on the planet....sadly for a man with no acting skills and no defining feature, all I can think of is "lackey", ala his Flock days. I'm sure Mordechai needs some minions...

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Guest Korgath

Rhyno. It really seems like no one has any idea what to do with him.

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Guest CurryMan

I would say London, he deserves a gimmick that WWE believe in. He deserves better then be jobbing in the opening velocity match.

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Guest Wondermouse
I still think London should be the new high-flying Doink.

I had the same idea a while ago.

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Guest Corino 1000

I personally think the John Cena gimmick needs some tuning up. Everybody is right his raps suck, his in ring work is like eating crap, and other flaws I don't need to point out.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

Paul London


Period. Vanilla jobber? I'd rather see him main eventing SD! shows than Bradshaw......and he never wrestles.

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I'd say Shelton Benjamin. They keep giving him all these wins, but he doesn't quite get over because he has no gimmick. None. He's just a boring guy who wrestles boring matches. At least when he was a heel on Smackdown, he had the whole amteur athlete thing, and the kissass thing a little bit. He also used a lot more varied moveset on Smackdown, and actually looked interesting in the ring. Now he just defines bland face.

That's why he gets all these wins on established superstars b/c his bland character won't be that much of a threat to HHH/HBK's spotlight, guys with natural charisma like Y2J,RVD and Book don't get those opportunities to get over.

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Lawler. The puppies crap needs to go. Now.

He needs to just be released again because it seems like Vince won't change Lawler's pedophile character or Lawler himself is unwilling to change it, I'm not sure which one it is.


I think Paul London needs a new character that would hopefully get him on Smackdown more (unless it's something stupid like Victoria's dancing character), but it doesn't seem like WWE's too high on his work at all since he keeps being jobbed out on Velocity.


If not London, then I guess Garrison Cade needs a new character the most since there's nothing to set himself apart from other wrestlers and he's basically just a generic heel that looks like Steve Austin during his WCW days.

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It really seems like no one has any idea what to do with anyone.

fixed that

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Guest Repo Man Reborn

I think Shawn Michaels needs a gimmick where he GOES THE FUCK AWAY AND GETS OFF MY SCREEN.


I am tired of him bringing out 1997 every time his music hits with his tired-ass poses and his jeans nine sizes too small.



How about a hair vs. hair match to settle the score between him and Triple H?


I bet his back would begin to flare up............

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I think Paul London needs a new character that would hopefully get him on Smackdown more (unless it's something stupid like Victoria's dancing character), but it doesn't seem like WWE's too high on his work at all since he keeps being jobbed out on Velocity.

Does he even have a character to begin with?

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