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Smackdown spoilers from Toronto

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Second report from 411mania


Dark Match


Carly Colon d. some guy




Mark Jindrak w/Teddy Long d. Billy Kidman

Rico and Charlie Haas d. Akio and Sakoda

Spike Dudley d. Shannon Moore




Recap of Paul Heyman and the Dudleyz making an impact on Paul Bearer.


Booker comes out to start, and blames the Undertaker for Paul Bearer’s kidnapping. Apparently Taker is so scared of Booker, he got the Dudleyz to kidnap Paul so he’d have an excuse not to be there. Eventually, this draws out John Cena, who’s taken exception to Booker’s involvement in the Lumberjack match last week. Booker accuses Cena of being a Booker T wannabe, what with his catchphrases and fancy hand signs and such. Cena responds by running through his interpretation of the Spinarooni. Fun stuff. Angle, of course, interrupts, because he’s tired of Cena getting away with everything. Booker attacks the distracted Cena and they fight outside the ring, where Cena accidentally falls onto Kurt, knocking him out of the wheelchair. Booker comes in with a chair and accidentally nails Kurt in the leg, causing Luther to get involved. Kurt blames Cena, and throws him out of the arena, also threatening to have the Board of Directors strip the U.S. title.


Eddie d. Danny Basham. Doug Basham gets ejected after Eddie tosses him a steel chair behind the ref’s back. Eventually, Danny goes for the belt during a ref bump, but Eddie steals it and knocks him out, then plays possum. Eddie pops up quickly after a seven-count and hits the Frog Splash for the win.


I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that this is when the T-shirt guy made his nightly appearance.


Mordecai arrives, and damn, his pyro is warm. He demands a moment of silence through the announcer, so he may pray for our sins. And then he does so, spending about a minute on bended knee calling Toronto a city of spoiled children, whores, and corrupt men. The audience cheered, if you were interested. At the end of the prayer, the turnbuckles burst into flames.


Backstage, as Rico and Haas watch Jackie prepare for the swimsuit competition.


Kenzo Suzuki promo, which looked to be a pretty long one, except the sound cut out halfway. He’ll be on Smackdown next Thursday.


Bob Holly and Billy Gunn d. FBI with the Gunn-Holly Bomb.


Jamie Noble, in a tux that we later learn he rented for $29.95, hosts the swimsuit competition. Miss Jackie wins legit, and her prize is a hug and kiss from Noble. She makes him close his eyes, and the four women douse him with buckets of water, then push him into a sandbox.


Another Dudleyz recap.


Chavo Classic d. Funaki. Chavo Jr. did commentary, and of course, interfered. I should mention that the old man can move pretty well. After the match, four women run in and party with Classic.


Raw Rebound.


Backstage, Classic and Chavo celebrate with the women. Chavo leaves, and Classic goes to pay the women (that he had claimed to gain legitimately), but Chavo returns to catch him. Classic tearfully confesses that he did it so that Chavo would be proud of him, because he wants to be just as good a champ as Chavo was. The Chavos share a hug.


Rey Mysterio d. Rene Dupree


Recap of Cena knocking Angle out of his chair.


JBL heads out in the limo, and cuts a long promo about the stipulation for Bash, which is a Texas Bullrope match. The crowd decides to chant “What” at every pause.


Yet another recap of the kidnap. Rhyming is cool.


Taker vs Booker T goes to a no-contest when Paul Heyman interrupts, and comes to the ring to confront Taker. Taker tries to chokeslam him, but the Dudleyz appear on the video screen and say they have Paul Bearer in a room behind him, and they’ll hurt him if Heyman gets hurt. Taker thinks it over, and releases Heyman. Heyman gives Taker one week to decide if he’ll join Heyman and the Dudleyz.




Taker stays in the ring, and JBL comes out and starts cutting a surprisingly funny promo about why Taker should join him instead, mostly centering around them both being from Texas. JBL continues to threaten Taker to “stop eyeballing him”, then back away each time, while claiming that he wasn’t Canadian, and therefore not a coward. After about five minutes of admitted comedy gold, JBL tries a cheapshot, and Taker attacks. The Dudleyz and Rene Dupree run in to help with the beatdown, followed by Cena and Eddie for the save. A big brawl ensues, ending with Taker chokeslamming JBL.

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No RVD on this show. I guess the rumors about him being in the dog house are true. (He's been late to a few shows)

Yeah, that RVD deserves a World Title run for being such a company man. [/sarcasm]

As far as I know WWE management has beef with Rob because he's been showing up to the overseas live events right before the show started. He wasn't late, but he wasn't early either.

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Guest Wondermouse

Uh, La Res even had a segment explaining why they changed from France to Quebec. Something to do with the proximity to America. That was the Eugene segment where he wrapped himself up in a flag and pissed off La Res.


Maybe there'd be continuity if you paid attention.

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Guest ligerbomb03

The live crowd last night booed the crap out of the promo video for Great American Bash.

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"Rob, we are FURIOUS that you have been a few hours late to our recent Smackdown house shows"


"Oh.....sorry, dude."


"That's all you have to say?! We didn't even know if you were going to show up on time. This is unacceptable!"


"My bad. Really sorry, bro."


"That's it. How dare you! We're not writing you into Smackdown tonight!"




"That's right! You will NOT be starting off the show. You will NOT be having a meaningless match. You will NOT continue to be a directionless distraction on our show. You will NOT be participating in anything Smackdown-wise, tonight. Now....GO TAKE THE NIGHT OFF!!!"



Boy, they really came down with a harsh punishment on Van Dam this time around. Wow, not making him wrestle on a show in which he has absolutely no angle. Imagine the terrible things he's done the past few weeks - they actually forced him to go out there and wrestle with the kind of guys currently on the Smackdown roster!

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Guest stylz

Hey everyone


Longtime reader, first time poster.


I went to the SD! tapings last night at the ACC. I actually went down with no ticket, me and my buddy willing to pay $40-50 TOPS for decent seats, but not really expecting to find anything great. First scalper came up to me and offered up 8th row floor for $150 EACH (!). I was going to settle on 2 upper deck seats for $40 apiece, when I thought to check the ticket window to see if there were any late tickets released. What did I get?


5th row floors...hard camera side...centre ring...GREAT seats!!!


That right there made the night. B show or no, being up close to the action made up for it. Some thoughts of the night...


- Pleasantly suprised to see Rey Rey over Dupree...I thought he would be on job duty.


- Rico-Haas vs Akio/Sakoda was a pretty fun match.


- I was embarassed to be a Torontonian as HarcoreAss got a pretty big pop from the crowd.


- Sign of the night... "JBL kills buyrayes"


- I don't care what "the net" says about the WWE divas...they're SMOKIN hot. Maybe its because I was so close...but I say unless you can do better, you shouldn't be dissing.


- Taker did a nice looking bump outside as Booker broke out of "old school".


- But maybe my favourite moment, during JBL's promo about GAB...he said there there was no DQ...so there would be one winner...and one loser...and at that point I got up, five rows from JBL and him facing me and I stood up and yelled "THE FANS!" And see saw and heard me. Priceless.


All in all a good night...maybe not the best wrestling show ever, but I really had a good time and it will be a night that I, as a longtime fan, will look back upon fondly.




BTW the guy beside me was taking pix and said he'd email me them, if he does I'll post them up.

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Guest Anglesault

Why is Kurt fucking around the Booker/Cena feud instead of Eddie/JBL?

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Guest Anglesault

I meant in general.


I don't watch Smackdown, only read spoilers, but it seemed that they were building to the (logical) Angle/Eddie match down the line. Now he seems to be splintering off.

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Guest stylz

Yeah, I think its just trying to play off the whole "Cena gots GAB free for the troops over Angle's head" thing. But still, yeah, I wasn't expecting Angle to come out during the Booker/Cena confrontation.


Another thing...when was the last time the 2 WWE/F weekly shows had the World Champs in the opening matches?

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Yeah, I think its just trying to play off the whole "Cena gots GAB free for the troops over Angle's head" thing. But still, yeah, I wasn't expecting Angle to come out during the Booker/Cena confrontation.


Another thing...when was the last time the 2 WWE/F weekly shows had the World Champs in the opening matches?

Cena got GAB for the troops?



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Guest stylz

Supposedly, Cena went over Angle's head and got the Board of Directors to let all members of the armed forces order GAB for free. It was on SD! last week (or so I read)

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Booker T doesn't have the talent/desire to do an interesting summer program with Eddie. Their first match after Booker got traded sucked, as will future encounters. It's not 1998.

Yeah. Because JBL is a MUCH better opponent than Booker. Oh and the Booker/Eddie match was the best SD match since the draft. Of course, that means nothing because the show sucks, but still.

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Why JBL is better then Booker


- More heat (yes, it is a factor)

- Better moveset

- Works snug and can take a shot

- Better promo's

- More interesting character (at least right now)

- Stiff as a mother finishing move that the crowd buys into every time, something Booker and the axe kick cannot lay claim to.

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I'm not saying heat isn't a facor. I'm saying it's not the only factor.


Yes, JBL does have more heat than Booker at the moment. However, he has gained all of this heat in the last 2 months after being forced down our throats. I believe that if they used Booker in a similar way (top contender, feuding with Eddie, being a real heel not some voodoo dude) that he would have as much heat as Bradshaw in less time. Plus, Booker would have an actual good match to back it up with at the end of the feud.


No way does JBL have a better moveset. Only moves I can think of are the CLFH and the Fallaway Slam. He busted out a turnbuckle powerbomb and torture rack once or twice but that's about it. Booker's moveset has gotten real stale lately (like Booker in general) but he can still bust out some good stuff. The Houston Hangover and Book End own anything Bradshaw does.


Bradshaw has a better character, but he has established that character in 2 months. Booker could so easily do the same if put in a similar position. Whereas Bradshaw is playing a new character entirely from the drunken redneck he has played for the last 4 1/2 years, Booker has been stuck in the same character even since he arrived in the company. He's just acting bad now. No actual difference to the face Booker, except this one cheats and is alot more boring.


Booker isn't a great promo guy, but he isn't bad either. Give him something to say out there and he will be okay. As it is, all he says at the moment is 'I'm not afraid of you Taker'. JBL is pretty strong (compared to SD roster) in his speaking, so I'm not going to argue with you much about that.


I'm not going to argue with you about Bradshaw's stiffness witht the clothesline, but again it's just one move. Having a good finisher does not a good wrestler make. Booker's Houston Hangover would be fine, but it would probably get a face pop. Just let him use the Book End, that's a good enough finish.

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Chavo Classic (SR) w/ Chavo Guerrero (JR) d. Funaki via Pinfall after JR knocked Funaki off the top rope and Classic got the pin.


Anyone else get worried and think this was, you know...Good 'Ole JR.

Yup, I did, at first. I did a double take and then a few seconds later realized who he was referring to.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Beating Shannon Moore isn't a big deal...except to Zach Gowen. Never beat him once.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Oh, then that sucks (I haven't followed Velocity since WM time). Noble actually has talent, yet he's jobbed out to the Pinball for the Stars?

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Lets play a bit of Good News/Bad News..


Bad news first..


The Bikini Challenge thing gets drug out to 2 segments with a commercial break.


Good news..


Unless the find room to squeeze it in somewhere in the last 45 minutes, you won't be seeing Billy Gunn/Hardcore Holly vs. The F.B.I.

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