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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

The One And Only 6/9/04 PPV Thread.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Well, i'm watching tonight, and nobody started one, so... here you go.

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Guest Donners

AMW retain against Swinger & Gilberti. At least they acknowledged Triple X won the voting.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Did anybody ever find out who Abyss is ?




Who the hell is D-Ray ?

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Guest Donners

"Welcome to the terror dome. Quote the Raven, nevermore." \o/


Is it true Sabu and Raven have never faced each other in a singles match?

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Guest Donners

Three matches of 7, 5 and 4 minutes is not what they needed for the first PPV after Impact. The second hour needs to pick up.

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Did anybody ever find out who Abyss is ?




Who the hell is D-Ray ?

Abyss is an indy wrestler, who wrestled under like 'Justin something'. Or somethign like that wasn't it? I just know that yea..he is well known so you can probaly get an answer easy.


And D-Ray is one of the gut check guys, who TNA is said to be high on.

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Guest Donners

Think it was "Prince Justice". IIRC there was a "Justice" in one of the first TNA shows - wonder if that was him.

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Guest Donners

The good thing about this show is that even though Jarrett had three matches and a promo, he's still got the same or less time than Raven/Sabu and (hopefully) AJ/Kazarian.

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Guest Donners

And it looks like a Kash/Styles feud for the X Title has been set up. About time.

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Quick Thoughts...


The opening segment was ok for what it was, though it ran a little long. Jarrett was drawing good heat though, so it was total waste. 3LK's run in was good, but didn't get as big a pop as it should have.


I really enjoyed the tag title match. I haven't enjoyed a Gilberti match that much in forever. I actually liked the development in the Siaki & Kenney and NYC and hope next week is the blow off.


Shane and Sabin didn't have enough time to do anything and TNA hasn't really given workers a reason to care about them.


The Gut Check match was filler, but David Young and D-Ray's interaction was priceless. I would really like to see them become a team, with Young teaching D-Ray the basics and D-Ray teaching Young how to have a killer instinct.


The Six Man was ok, but the Impact version was better. I wish they would end the X Cup stuff. The blow off was USA winning the World Cup, or so I thought.


The Triple Jeopardy match was fun, glad Jarrett didn't go through all of 3LK and that Truth pinned him clean. Should add more fuel to the fued and I'm looking forward to the actual match.


The main event was fantastic and I felt terrible because the botched finish almost ruined it for me. That looked absolutely horrible and you could tell AJ was upset. But the other 19 minutes of that match were incredible. The crowd was hot for AJ and Kazarian drew great heat. Kazarian really impressed me in his first "money" match. I'm almost sad they took the belt off him and I hope he doesn't get lost in the shuffle, but I think this upcoming Kash/Styles feud is going to rock and the heat will be incredible.


I liked the start of the Raven/Sabu feud and Dutt speaking for Sabu is a good way to introduce a personality for him. Hopefully Dutt explains why Sabu doesn't talk. I think we'll see him face Raven on Impact, but who knows.


OTHER RANDOM THOUGHTS: The ring looked good in the Asylum and everyone worked well in it. I liked that they added the lights from Impact and liked everyone's new entrances. I like that they more prominently featured the big screen as part of the set. I think they did about as good a job as they possibly could have sprucing up the Asylum. It was close to what they present on Impact, but different. Two thumbs up from me. And the crowd was good again, but only for the matches they had a reason to care about. What does that say TNA?

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I'm glad I missed the show. First TNA, ever, I've missed. Sounds like I didn't miss much.


But I can safely assume that Keller's rating of AJ/Kazarian **3/4 was justifiable...considering KAZARIAN FUCKING SUCKS.

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some thoughts...


-i'm glad that Jarrett's trying to change himself a little. coming out in a tux is at least a little different. and he should play up the fact that he owns the company, and it seems more likely that George is going to be his valet. might help him get a little heat. and it seems he'll be fueding with Killings, which is good to see. i've given him all the credit that's due, so now that that's out of the way...


-why the hell did he have to go through THREE guys (without any notice) and still not put over Killings clean???? that's just more of the Superman booking. and there's no reason for Russo to be there, either. other than the three Russoites that exist on the 'net, no one cares about yet another Russo/Jarrett program. we don't really need a DOA to boss Jeff around, because everyone knows that Jeff IS the boss! their promo in the ring was pointless and boring. that time could've gone to the matches on the rest of the card.


-i'd rather see a straight tag match than a "Ultimate Humiliation" match, but that's just me.


-Raven vs. Sabu should be an awesome fued, since its based on an actual match and it will build up to that match. what a concept, huh? its more interesting and makes way more sense (even if Raven wasn't trained by Sheik) than the unending Russo/Jarrett segment. and its cool that Sabu has Dutt in his corner, since he needs a voice. we could see Raven vs. Dutt, and maybe Raven will bring back Sheik just to goad Sabu into a match. as long as the two of them are kept close to the ME, i'm happy.


-y'know, Dutt, Daniels, and Sabin all seem to be doing their own things, so perhaps Lynn should just team up with Garza and fued with Team Canada. makes more sense, to me. the X Cup is pretty much dead IMO, but i think its introduced a lot of good talents, so just end it now.


-i'm tired of roll-ups and i'm absolutely SICK... OF... GUITARS!!!


-Goldilocks and Erik Watts are arguing over money and ex-wives. this just has no place on the show, people. get rid of this before Abyss turns out to be Erik and Goldy's secret love child and they fight for custody of him.


-Styles is X Division Champion again, which is good. he can have more great matches there, and maybe elevate the title back to where it once was. (i would way World Champ vs. X Champ, but wrestling Jarrett is no way to give a rub) i'm cool with AJ going back and forth between divisions, i just don't want him to ignore one in favor of the other. having him return to the World Title scene could be a big deal if hyped the right way. anyways, i'm looking forward to Kash vs. Styles, as Kash is long overdue for this kind of push.

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The show was great live. There was a new setup with the 6 sided ring. The crowd was really into Jarrett/Kazarian heat. AJ and 3LK were really over tonight and the finish to both matches were good except for the botched spot in the main event. Better than expected show tonight with really great feuds in the making.

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Guest Real F'n Show

So AJ botched ANOTHER spot on Kazarian? Fill me in here, I didn't watch the show.

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-Raven vs. Sabu should be an awesome fued, since its based on an actual match and it will build up to that match. what a concept, huh? its more interesting and makes way more sense (even if Raven wasn't trained by Sheik) than the unending Russo/Jarrett segment. and its cool that Sabu has Dutt in his corner, since he needs a voice. we could see Raven vs. Dutt, and maybe Raven will bring back Sheik just to goad Sabu into a match. as long as the two of them are kept close to the ME, i'm happy.

I'm fairly sure The Shiek died a year or two ago.

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-Raven vs. Sabu should be an awesome fued, since its based on an actual match and it will build up to that match.  what a concept, huh?  its more interesting and makes way more sense (even if Raven wasn't trained by Sheik) than the unending Russo/Jarrett segment.  and its cool that Sabu has Dutt in his corner, since he needs a voice.  we could see Raven vs. Dutt, and maybe Raven will bring back Sheik just to goad Sabu into a match.  as long as the two of them are kept close to the ME, i'm happy.

I'm fairly sure The Shiek died a year or two ago.

the Iron Sheik is dead?? i was always under the assumption that the Iron Sheik was Sabu's uncle and that he was still alive. or is it another Sheik?


damn, i'm getting confused enough as it is, someone just explain it to me.

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Looks like the Raven/Sabu feud may be going the way of the early days of the Sabu/Taz feud, where as part of the storyline, Heyman made Sabu promise not to wrestle Taz.

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So AJ botched ANOTHER spot on Kazarian? Fill me in here, I didn't watch the show


AJ went up top for the spiral tap, which was clearly going to be the finish, but Kazarian was too close to the corner and Styles overshot him. Didn't touch him at at. I think they were going to redo the spot, because Kazarian kicked out of the cover, but the ref counted to three anyway. Just a horribly blown spot that nearly ruined an excellent match.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

For the record....it was three botched referee counts......WTF?

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What do you expect? It's Kazarian. He ruins nearly every match he's in.


I'd say Kazarian held his own here. The match was very good up until the end and felt like it deserved the main event spotlight. The ending took something away from it, but I'm not sure I blame Kazarian solely for that. I think he actually had the right idea of kicking out, because it was clear that Styles COMPLETELY MISSED him, but the ref counted the three away. I would have prefered it they played up Styles missing, then have hit it again or hit a Styles Clash or something. Kind of how they covered Brock missing the Shooting Star Press at WM19. Anything would have been better than just pretending Styles hit him or that Kazarian didn't get his shoulder up well before the three count. Just a terrible, terrible ending.

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