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So, anybody think

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If they do put Eugene over, it would be like PPV Booking 101:


-Jericho (upset for HHH's interference the previous week) costs HHH the match.


-Eugene gets to ME Vengeance, riding his wave of popularity to the top a la RVD at NM '01 (and getting the title shot before the gimmick goes stale).


-Benoit defends against another lower-level contender (due to RAW's dearth of real challengers to the World Title). This keeps Benoit strong for his match with HHH at SSlam. Plus, the storylines with Eugene could be interesting ('respect' angles? Eugene finally gets serious? face vs. face?)


-Jericho and HHH battle at Vengeance to determine the #1 contendership; HHH wins to set up a big-time ME for SSlam.





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I think Eugene is going to get the win on Monday. Someone is going to run in, take HHH out, put Eugene on top and there ya go.


Miami IS The Rock's hometown but I think he's out in California shooting Spyhunter. They're teasing Jericho- maybe Y2J v. HHH at Vengeance?

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Even if Eugene does win I don't think he becomes #1 contender. I think that's just a stipulation for Triple H.

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Guest Seven Sins

I don't think they'll put Eugene Over. like someone said on another board, Trips may go up to Eugene before their match and ask him if he's Trip's friend to go out there and lay down for the 1-2-3, which would really really suck.

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Guest Goodear

Even if Hunter loses, Eugene is not going to be put in the main event of a pay per view and especially not against another face. Why would they want to hurt the other guy's heat by having him fight with the retard? No sir, if they ever do a Eugene vs face matchup it will be on RAW and be some of the least competitive stuff you can find with both guys wrestling a 'oh how cute' match.

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Guest KingofHarts

It could be another finger poke of doom, but i think eugene will win on a dq with someone (Benoit or Jericho) saving him with a run in.

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I don't think they'll put Eugene Over. like someone said on another board, Trips may go up to Eugene before their match and ask him if he's Trip's friend to go out there and lay down for the 1-2-3, which would really really suck.

I could see them teasing a fingerpoke throughout the night and then before the match Regal can give Eugene one of his 'Regal' speeches and he inspires Eugene to go out and fight.

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Guest Repo Man Reborn

I think Triple H has a heat seeking nose and he realizes that Eugene is the hottest thing going right now.


So he will subsequently go over him in his neverending quest to turn the clock back to 2001.




I also think Lindsey Lohan has beautiful breasts.

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Guest Loss

HHH manipulating Eugene for his own gain is actually an awesome storyline idea, but I wish someone else was in HHH's role, if only because he's already doing way too much as it is.

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The number one contendership stipulation only applies to HHH.


Bischoff never said "The winner of HHH/Eugene is number 1 contender."


He said "HHH, you are #1 if you beat Eugene."


So yes HHH is winning.

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Guest Loss

He didn't even say "if you beat Eugene." He said "if you give Eugene a beating."

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I'd like to see:


Benoit/Edge- World Title

Triple H/Jericho- #1 Contendership

Kane/Shawn Michaels (assuming he recovers in time)

and Eugene/Orton- IC Title


La Resistance can defend against..uh..Palumbo and Tajiri?


That sounds like a pretty good lineup.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

I actually think that they will just have Trips destroy Eugene and the match will either be a DQ finish with Eugene winning, or it will be a no contest.......greeeeeaaat

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Guest Loss

I'm thinking Kane/Shawn gets saved for Summerslam and HHH getting the belt back at Survivor Series would be a much better idea. Summerslam is in Toronto, doing the main event between Benoit and Edge or even Benoit and Jericho would fit the location more.

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

I read somewhere that HBK has most of the summer off - in part due to the impending birth of his second child.

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Odds are it'll be Matt Hardy vs Kane at Vengenance since, you know he'll want to get some after Kane knocked up his woman. Then again, Kane seems to be in EVERY FEUD on the map. I'd save Kane vs HBK for Summerslam and have Hardy cost Kane the match at Summerslam after losing at Vengenance.


Edge vs Benoit sounds like the most logical and most uninteresting match ever. Then again, unless they are going to slap in a member of Evolution this is the only one that...sorta makes sense.


Jericho (who they are just once again allowing to burn out) vs HHH I guess does seem likely with Y2J once again hitting the mat. Although Orton vs Jericho would be better and make more sense but I guess Shelton gets another IC title shot even though he should have won the damn belt.


Already the card makes my head hurt.

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Guest Trivia247

Imagine if Eugene wins...then is made number 1 contender then the Rock comes back, Demands a shot at the title if he beats Eugene plays up with Eric Bischoff lulling him to believing Rock is gonna Whoop his candy ass blah blah blah...


but then, Eugene vs Rock...Rock gives him the FINGER poke of DOOM and Eugene falls backwards and Rock covers...then they hug...

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If they do put Eugene over, it would be like PPV Booking 101:


-Jericho (upset for HHH's interference the previous week) costs HHH the match.


-Eugene gets to ME Vengeance, riding his wave of popularity to the top a la RVD at NM '01 (and getting the title shot before the gimmick goes stale).


-Benoit defends against another lower-level contender (due to RAW's dearth of real challengers to the World Title). This keeps Benoit strong for his match with HHH at SSlam. Plus, the storylines with Eugene could be interesting ('respect' angles? Eugene finally gets serious? face vs. face?)


-Jericho and HHH battle at Vengeance to determine the #1 contendership; HHH wins to set up a big-time ME for SSlam.





That's pretty much exactly what I predicted the second they said HHH and Eugene would have a #1 contendership match.

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I'm going to play devils advocate and say Eugene over HHH. I defintely don't think it will be a clean win either way, and I definately agree with the fact they will give Eugene a post match beatdown that J.R. will make it seem look like HHH is giving Eugene the wrath of god. Possibly a save by Eugene's newest friends (ala shelton, beniot, jericho, regal ect.) further setting up the storyline and possibly foreshadowing fueds for early fall i.e. possible Jericho/HHH, or whatever they are setting up.


You are right about one thing though, my crystal ball does see HHH asking Eugene to lay down i.e. FINGERPOKE OF DOOM



Eugene will not get a title shot no matter what happens

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I doubt Eugene would know how to take the fingerpoke of doom. I do see HHH telling Eugene after a few minutes of wrestling that if he wanted to retain their friendship, he'd have to lay down so HHH could pin him.

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Guest Loss

They NEVER said the match was going to be a #1 Contenders Match. Bischoff told HHH he was the #1 contender as long as he gave Eugene a beating the next week on RAW.

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I think Eugene will have to win next week, since the storyline at the moment seems to be "HHH goes through a bunch of stuff and can't quite get another title shot." It's similar to Jarrett in the NWA, his 6 month odyssey to get the belt back.

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It'd be funny for HHH to do the fingerpoke, and Eugene just stand there and poke HHH back.


Personally, I can see some sort of Eugene win maybe, but not a pinfall over Trips. I realise he's been very unselfish as far as losing goes in recent weeks (on T.V and the house show circuit), but even Kane didn't lose by pinfall to Eugene. It's too early for that, interference or not.

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It'd be funny for HHH to do the fingerpoke, and Eugene just stand there and poke HHH back.

That my friend would be fucking hilarious

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Eugene will pull a Tajiri/Benjamin, and win by DQ. If he can beat Kane by DQ before his title match at the PPV, he could beat HHH. If Eugene wins by DQ, Bischoff could call it off or something.


I thought Edge was supposed to face Benoit at Vengence?

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I think Triple H has a heat seeking nose and he realizes that Eugene is the hottest thing going right now.


So he will subsequently go over him in his neverending quest to turn the clock back to 2001.

So he can avoid tearing his quad?

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Guest Choken One

He was until HHH movie got pushed back and likely Vince and Co. realized edge wasn't over enough to go that route yet.


I'm not sure if they will go HHH/Benoit at Vengence or not...SummerSlam seems more appros for this money feud but If they do they Benoit=Steamboat thing i have in mind, Benoit needs to go over twice so I would figure a win at Vengence and Slam and HHH going over in the third blowoff at Mercy is the way to go.

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I thought Edge was supposed to face Benoit at Vengence?

It would appear as if they changed there mind on that one. If it where the case they had the perfect set up for it in the tag match at Badd Blood. They are probably saving it for a later date, so they can insert HHH into the title picture.


Personally I don't really want to see Edge in the title picture.

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I think they're waiting until Summerslam to give Triple H his title shot (HHH vs. Jericho at Vengenance would be good, but you know who'd go over). Vengenance might be Benoit vs. Edge (face vs. face?), or even Benoit vs. Orton.


While I'm enjoying the idea of a Raw PPV every month, its probably a bitch for them to book 8 feuds in four weeks with only one roster to work with.

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Seeing Triple H get involved in everything is sickening. I just hope his next title reign is somewhat decent. If he feuds with Benoit, at least it still has some potential.

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