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Guest Rrrsh

By the IWC, Who is is the most Overrated Wrestler

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Guest Ray
You pointed out his supposed great matches after 2000 and I told you why they are not.

No, you didn't. You just posted one-line answers like "boring" and "overrated" and expected everyone to accept them. Yeah, you sure proved your point there.


And you ignorantly assume the quality of his matches is due to his opponents- despite the fact that Austin was calling most of his matches.




So yeah, it's a terrible post.


Wost post ever? Get over yourself Austin Boy.

Get over yourself, Austin basher. I'm convinced you just hate Austin, don't have a clue why, and are just trying to annoy me.

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Guest Rrrsh

Austin-Bret is the best fued as it related to match quality ever. Is WCW stuff is actually underrated. But after teh injury, he declined greatly.


And you never said why these matches were great, you just posted a bunch of matches. I could go into detail, but there were a lot of matches, so I was breif. And no, I dont remember alot of random RAW or SD match with no real signifigance.

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<----Is still bitter that Bret/Austin never got a proper blowoff.


If anything, it was Canadian Stampede.

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Actually he was a much better, more experienced, and smarter worker in WWF. His body of great matches in WWF is far superior to his body of work in WCW.


LOL!!!! That's great, thanks for the laugh. Austin's work in WWF was terrible, unless it was with the likes of Hart, Benoit, Jericho. Benoit could wrestle a **** match with a piece of dirt... Hey! Just like he carried Austin to those four star matches. If Benoit can't carry you, then you really stink.


Ricky Steamboat vs "Stunning" Steve Austin proved to be some of the best matches of his career. And Steamboat was nearing the end of his career, meaning Austin had to carry Steamboat more than he had to carry Hart a few years later. That there proves that Austin was just better in WCW.


As for Austin being retired, Did he ever announce it? I think not, sure in WWE he wasn't active in the ring, but hell neither was Orton, while he was hurt. Austin has had talks about matches since his dismiss from WWE, therefore he isn't retired.


Austin had good matches with Savio.. Yeah, that was before he broke his neck, which I said he still my of had a few good matches between that year in WWF before hand. Of course, most of Savio/Austin involved gimmick matches, which in theory can hide just about any one's in ring skills, if you know the business. And Austin did know the business.


As for matches with Mero, I dont remember those from WWF, but his matches against Johnny B. Badd (aka Marc Mero) were good in WCW.


And dude, I'm just stating my opinions, you dont have to get so angry. I don't like Austin, I dont think his WWF days were good, thats my opinion, which I'm allowed to have. But anyway.. I'm not taking my shots at Austin for the reason that I'm an Austin Hater, because I enjoy Austin's WCW work, and some of his WWF work.

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I'm surprised no one has identified The Rock as over rated. By no means am I saying he is useless. His timing is great, as his ability to engage fans into a match. WrestleMania X8 and Summerslam 2002 are great examples of his ability to shift his work mid-match.


However, Rocky's execution of moves is often terrible. Whether it's his "Sharpshooter", missing Hogan completely with the People's Elbow in the aforementioned match from WM X8 or his terrible Leg Whips and sloppy Samoan Drops.


He also has this terrible tendency to go back to the well with the punches. I know punches have become a huge part of the modern WWE style, thanks in large part to Rocky's greatest rival, Austin, but Rocky uses them far too much.


Rocky's selling also has a frequent nature of no-sell or oversell. He does get it right some times, but you can see where Angle might have picked up the bad influence of poor selling.


Oh yeah, his blading is amongst the worst as well.

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Add in his "barely make contact" overhead belly-to-belly, and his severely overrated "comedy".


I don't remember if anyone mentioned him (and I don't feel like going back over the thread to check), but anyone calling Kane the best big man in the company should be drug out back & shot. I'll admit he's surprised me with his mic work, but in the ring he's just dreadfully boring, with nothing more than your generic big man offense, aside from his horrible top rope "clothesline".

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Guest BionicRedneck
LOL!!!! That's great, thanks for the laugh. Austin's work in WWF was terrible, unless it was with the likes of Hart, Benoit, Jericho. Benoit could wrestle a **** match with a piece of dirt... Hey! Just like he carried Austin to those four star matches.


If you were a little smarter, you'd realize how fucking stupid you are.

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Yah well I'm allowed to have my opinion man, and like I said I dislike Austin's WWF work.


Kane overrated? Hell, I didnt even think people thought he was very good to begin with..


As for the Rock he is like Austin to me, accept he brings the fans into his matches, although they are usually not very good wrestling matches, he brings his fans into them. in WWF Austin was just a brawler, which doesnt bring the fans in as much as The Rock can. But by no means am I saying Rock is a great wrestler.

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Guest Rob Edwards

You still haven't explained how a guy who is known to call 99% of his matches from start to finish can be carried

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Guest Rob Edwards

Or for you to throw a tantrum and bail as soon as someone gives a valid reason why your opinion is clearly wrong :)

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Guest Rrrsh

Austin Marks are just a lost cause. It so weird. Every other type of fan can accept their favorite's faults and move on.



Why are Austin fans so retarded that way?

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Guest Ray
Austin Marks are just a lost cause. It so weird.

I'd say the same about Austin haters.


Every other type of fan can accept their favorite's faults and move on.

Maybe because you people didn't prove one damned flaw?!?!?!


No, all you do is say "omg boring!" or "lol he was carried!!1"

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
Okay, I quit this thread. This was supposed to be for fun, not to take rude shots at other peoples opinions.

That's nice...would you like a Gold Star?

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Austin Marks are just a lost cause. It so weird. Every other type of fan can accept their favorite's faults and move on.



Why are Austin fans so retarded that way?

HBK fans are even worse.

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Guest Rrrsh
Austin Marks are just a lost cause. It so weird. Every other type of fan can accept their favorite's faults and move on.



Why are Austin fans so retarded that way?

HBK fans are even worse.

I am a HUGE HBK fan. I admit his flaws with great ease.



Unlike Ray and Co. I am not high and mighty and feel HBK can do no wrong.

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Yeah, because posting a bunch of half-assed shit, trying to pass it off as the gospel, and then getting it thrown back in your face means all Autin fans are stubborn dumbasses, eh? Gimmie a fucking break.


You and natey can't be fucked with trying to logically debate the issue and PROVE YOUR POINTS and thus fall back on the whiney bitch's life-saver: Meaningless, condescending drivel.


Grow a damned spine and back up what you say for once.

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Guest Ray
Unlike Ray and Co. I am not high and mighty and feel HBK can do no wrong.

And where did I say or imply Austin could do no wrong...?

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Nah... your right man. I didn't prove my points... I really don't know how to prove them.. I just thought Austin wasn't as good as he used to be from 98ish - Now. I just thought he was great in WCW in his matches with Pillman and with his matches against Steamboat, Wright, and Johnny B. Badd. Like I said, I'm not dissing Austin's knowledge of the business, I just plain out thought he was better in WCW.

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Guest Staravenger

Booker T & Rob Van Dam both come to mind. Booker is an OK wrestler, but WAY too predictable (and has the worst finisher ever), and RVD (when motivated) is exciting, but sells horribly and psychology is missing in most of his matches.


Raven. In TNA in the last year he's had maybe 2-3 good matches, yet everywhere I go he's given verbal blowjobs non-stop just because he's hardcore.


If this was Most UNDER-rated my list would be like 20 names.

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Shawn Michaels cannot lace Austin's jock-strap in the ring. While Shawn was better overall athletically and had excellent speed and agility, Austin was a MUCH more intelligent, realistic worker. Shawn's best match (probably vs. Foley at Mind Games) can barely crack Austin's top-10. This quote says it all.


"I knew he was the best worker in the business -- a heck of a lot better than Shawn Michaels, who had the top spot at the time.


Michaels was a great wrestler. It's just that Austin has a much more solid, realistic style. Besides, Shawn and his real-life clique loved to stir up political trouble, whereas the Austin I knew at that time was a level-headed guy and a leader in the dressing room."-Bret Hart, SLAM Wrestling Column, 12/4/99


Also, to say that Austin never had a good match after 1998 is purely absurd. Austin's work from late 2000-late 2001 is one of the best stretches of a WWF wrestler, especially a main eventer and WWF Champion. His complete carry-jobs with The Rock and Kurt Angle stand out, as well as his fantastic bouts with Chris Benoit and Triple H. His work in 2001 alone is better than most of Shawn Michael's career. Don't try and tell me the massively overrated Iron Man is better than any of Austin's high-profile 2001 matches.

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Guest Rrrsh
Shawn Michaels cannot lace Austin's jock-strap in the ring.  While Shawn was better overall athletically and had excellent speed and agility, Austin was a MUCH more intelligent, realistic worker.  Shawn's best match (probably vs. Foley at Mind Games) can barely crack Austin's top-10.  This quote says it all.


"I knew he was the best worker in the business -- a heck of a lot better than Shawn Michaels, who had the top spot at the time.


Michaels was a great wrestler. It's just that Austin has a much more solid, realistic style. Besides, Shawn and his real-life clique loved to stir up political trouble, whereas the Austin I knew at that time was a level-headed guy and a leader in the dressing room."-Bret Hart, SLAM Wrestling Column, 12/4/99


Also, to say that Austin never had a good match after 1998 is purely absurd.  Austin's work from late 2000-late 2001 is one of the best stretches of a WWF wrestler, especially a main eventer and WWF Champion.  His complete carry-jobs with The Rock and Kurt Angle stand out, as well as his fantastic bouts with Chris Benoit and Triple H.  His work in 2001 alone is better than most of Shawn Michael's career.  Don't try and tell me the massively overrated Iron Man is better than any of Austin's high-profile 2001 matches.

*Looks at name of poster*


Wow, I am shocked that you would say that.

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Why would his name be any indication of the fact that he would, unlike you, make a point, back it up and use examples like an intelligent poster?

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Guest Rrrsh

Actually, he was part of my earlier argument that Austin posters just talk about Austin and thast all.



If you want more of an example, look over at the Heel Attack thread and see what this guys said. Three Austin attacks.

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Booker T & Rob Van Dam both come to mind. Booker is an OK wrestler, but WAY too predictable (and has the worst finisher ever), and RVD (when motivated) is exciting, but sells horribly and psychology is missing in most of his matches.


Watch Booker's WCW stuff.

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Guest The Ultimate Fantasy
Overrated?  Hmm.  Many different guys come to mind, but no one guy stands out.  I can't think of anyone in particular who stole all his offense from other wrestlers, who is only an average bumper despite being a skinny cruiserweight, who can't fly worth a damn despite being a skinny cruiserweight, whose matches all look alike, who wrestles WAY too stiff, who can't sell worth a shit, who can only have decent matches if he's in there with only a handful of certain guys who know how to carry him, who cuts incredibly goofy bad kung-fu-wannabe promos, who does a lot of worked-shoot bullshit in his matches but would get his head torn off by any real shooter, who "lives his gimmick" and takes himself way too seriously, yet who still gets verbally fellated by armies of smarks and gets booked all over the world...


























...oh nevermind, I just described Low-Ki.

God damn, that was the most beautiful hate filled rants that I have ever seen in my entire time since becoming a smark. Such intensity. :wub:.


On to the subject, honestly I think the most overrated wrestler has to be either HHH or Bradshaw, no men deserves that many threads.

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Lesnar was and still is very overrated, the guy only had good matches with in-ring generals like Kurt, Benoit and Eddy.

Orton is very overrated too, the guy is getting the big gold belt at Summerslam and all he does is the 20 minute chinlock in his matches.

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