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Guest Nemesis

Moore ripped to shreds in review....

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Turning this into AMERICAN PATRIOT HEROES GO GI JOE versus COBRA COMMANDER COMMUNIST KOMPANY is not going to get you anywhere.

*cue planes and explosions*






They'll flame for freedom, wherever there's liberals

GI JOE is there



A real CE Folder hero

GI JOE is there


It's GI JOE against Tyler and Jobber

Flaming to save the day

They never give up, they're always there

Flaming for freedom over posts and threads



A real CE Folder hero

GI JOE is there


GI JOE is the code name for TSM's daring highly-trained special posting force

It's purpose: To defend posting freedom against TYLER

A ruthless communist organization determined to rule TSM


He'll never give up

He'll stay 'til the flamewar's done

GI JOE is there



A real CE Folder hero


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Guest MikeSC

Does that mean that GI Joe misses the libs ad inifinitum?


...Their aim WAS real shaky...

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Guest MikeSC
But I always liked Cobra better... :(

Well, Moore's film has made $16M thus far --- so he can afford those nifty vehicles.


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Guest FrigidSoul
I saw an earlier Micheal Whore bashing thread

It would have been funnier if he put "Whoore" cause its "Moore" with the "Wh" and it still sounds like "Whore".


Anyways, remember that show TV Nation that he did with Corporate Chicken? Ya...that was funny.

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Thank god this guy is gone. I have no idea who he is but he sounded like a real asshole that would do for the conservative side what Kamui and Hunger and the like did for the libs...

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Guest MikeSC
Shame he was silenced so soon.

No, it really isn't. The dude was a fucktard.


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Guest Junkyard Willie

^^ Why are you overly concerned with getting the decisive and final word on this particular banning? Did he flame you on 411, or are you playing good cop bad cop for the sake of internet conservatives?

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Guest MikeSC
^^ Why are you overly concerned with getting the decisive and final word on this particular banning? Did he flame you on 411, or are you playing good cop bad cop for the sake of internet conservatives?

Nope, never flamed me personally --- but I saw what he did over there and never want that to happen elsewhere.


And, yes, the concerns of "internet conservatives" are always forefront in my mind.


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Was this the "Conservative Mastermind" who was running for president? Or was this a different person?


I've never seen someone get banned from this place on reputation alone. Damn.

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Guest MikeSC
Was this the "Conservative Mastermind" who was running for president? Or was this a different person?


I've never seen someone get banned from this place on reputation alone. Damn.

I don't remember that --- but he wrote shitty columns about beer.


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Guest SideFXs

Moore rationalizes making these movies for the little guy, the worker. Sound familiar?


Meanwhile he surrounds himself with wealthy liberal elitest. Sound familiar?


I don't trust unions or communists. In both cases, the poor masses follow an alpha master, who want protection, in exchange for their freedom.


By the way, the alphas get amaziningly rich, in the process.

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Moore rationalizes making these movies for the little guy, the worker. Sound familiar?


Meanwhile he surrounds himself with wealthy liberal elitest. Sound familiar?


I don't trust unions or communists. In both cases, the poor masses follow an alpha master, who want protection, in exchange for their freedom.


By the way, the alphas get amaziningly rich, in the process.

well the thing is, Moore didn't USE TO, support the democratic party. In fact, Nader and the like are kind of pissed at Moore and wrote him a couple of letters that can be seen on their website, asking Moore to explain why he all of the sudden has forgotten who his "friends" are. I think Moore used to stand for something more, possibly, but he has unfortunately fallen into the liberal democrat contingent that is too scared not to vote for Kerry by default.

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Moore rationalizes making these movies for the little guy, the worker. Sound familiar?


Meanwhile he surrounds himself with wealthy liberal elitest. Sound familiar?


I don't trust unions or communists. In both cases, the poor masses follow an alpha master, who want protection, in exchange for their freedom.


By the way, the alphas get amaziningly rich, in the process.

First: Calling Moore a communist is terrible. At least base accusations on things he says or does, rather than awful leaps of logic that say "vehement criticism of government = communist."


And alphas get pretty fuckin' rich in capitalistic societies also, and much, much wealthier at that. At least socialist and communist societies keep up a facade of everyone being equal.

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I don't understand. Bush claims his tax cuts go to the common man while mingling with the conservative elite. So somehow I'm supposed to be the guy that's ashamed?


In both cases, the poor masses follow an alpha master, who want protection, in exchange for their freedom.


(remembers Americans giving up rights to the Bush administration almost immediately after 9/11 for "fighting terrorism")



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Guest BDC
In both cases, the poor masses follow an alpha master, who want protection, in exchange for their freedom.


(remembers Americans giving up rights to the Bush administration almost immediately after 9/11 for "fighting terrorism")



Here we go again...

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Guest Cerebus

Can we lock this damn thread down already? I don't see why it hasn't been done so already.

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I'd just like to go back to the beginning of the second page of this thread, and just say to Jobber:


Cobra so fucking rules. Don't even TRY to equate the awesomeness of Cobra Commander with your little pussy party.

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Guest CronoT
Can we lock this damn thread down already? I don't see why it hasn't been done so already.

Becaue Nemesis restarted the shit storm, and now, it's better to wait for it to calm down. You never kick a bee hive while most of the bees are in it. You wait until they're all out in the fields, kick it, and run like hell.

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Guest Coren

Ha ha. It only took 3 posts? Nice job.


Really though, it was a good move, banning Nem. He's nothing but a shit stirrer in the guise of a political poster.


Yes, he's the guy who said he was going to run for president. The self-titled "Conservative Mastermind"


And he's not actually banned at 411. He just pissed off the site owner, fucked with an Admin one too many times, and just gets all his posts edited until he appologizes.


His anti liberal rhetoric only gets worse, believe me. You guys saved yourself a whole lot of hassle.


Oh and that Mike graph in the signature is hilarious.

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The fact that "Junkyard Willie" knew Mike posted at 411 tipped me off that this was, in fact, Nemesis.


That and Ill checked the IP for me, but yeah, go me.

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The fact that "Junkyard Willie" knew Mike posted at 411 tipped me off that this was, in fact, Nemesis.


That and Ill checked the IP for me, but yeah, go me.

Are you a mod? :huh:

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Guest Coren

Aye, I'm Coren from 411. Or UniCoren at the moment (Transformers refrence). And quite a few of us from over there are having a good laugh at this one. Three posts. He's really honed his craft *shakes head*

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