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Moredecai back to OVW...

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"The word going around at Smackdown was that Kevin “Mordecai” Fertig is headed back to OVW for more seasoning, starting immediately. When he was brought up recently, with the company’s goal being to have him work against the Undertaker, pretty much everyone who had ever seen him work said he wasn’t ready yet and was being pushed too soon. But, he is big and we know what that means to Vince McMahon."


Credit: PWI




Atleast we don't have to sit through Undertaker vs Mordecai or Eddie GUerrero vs Mordecai or JBL vs Mordecai or whatever abortion Vince was planning.

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Guest whitemilesdavis

You know, if they're gonna throw these guys out there, make all these promo videos, they need to give them some time. Yeah, yeah, I know, he sucks. That's not his fault. He's being thrown in too early. he should at least be given fair time to develop.

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Guest Staravenger

Send Kenzo back to Japan, fire Bradshaw, fire Holly, fire Billy Gunn, make the Cruiserweight title SOMEWHAT credible, fire the Dudley Boyz, and fire Bruce Prichard.


Then maybe Smackdown will FINALLY be as great as it was in the fall of 2002.

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Guest whitemilesdavis

Umm. No, then Smackdown would feature an hour of dead air.

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fire Bradshaw, fire the Dudley Boyz


Then maybe Smackdown will FINALLY be as great as it was in the fall of 2002.

Yeah because firing the World and Tag Champions is going to be productive.

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Guest Dazed

I'm not surprised. The road agents told him to sell less, and not care about putting on good matches. Strike one. He's put into worthless cruiserweight squash matches, which just don't work. Strike two. He's given a horribly shitty gimmick, which just doesn't work in the ring. Strike three. Plus he looks fucking ridiculous in his costume. Strike four, which is too many, but he deserves it.

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Guest Evolution

How many healthy credible tag teams are there?


Rico's hurt, right?


I guess if Gunn/Holly are still together...wait, you're firing them.




Who do the Dudz dump to before they get fired, then?


The tag team division is so fucked on both brands, really.


EDIT: Oh, and about Mordecai...see ya later, bud. Tough that the WWE thought you had something when you didn't.


I can totally imagine Mordecai going to TNA, though. Even if Vince will probably bring him back in a few years under some other gimmick.

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Guest Staravenger
fire Bradshaw, fire the Dudley Boyz


Then maybe Smackdown will FINALLY be as great as it was in the fall of 2002.

Yeah because firing the World and Tag Champions is going to be productive.

The Dudley Boyz have been stale since 2001. Constant heel/face turns and title reigns won't make them better. Bradshaw just plain sucks. Has been since 1996 when he was jobbing out to Savio Vega.

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You know, if they're gonna throw these guys out there, make all these promo videos, they need to give them some time. Yeah, yeah, I know, he sucks. That's not his fault. He's being thrown in too early. he should at least be given fair time to develop.

Thats a good point.


Granted the fans weren't reacting, but if he's pulled off air so quickly then the fans are going to instinctively not care when he returns or another new wrestler with such a gimmicked character, simply because they know it won't last long.

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*Reads about Mordecai leabing*.




I'll drink to that. Now all they have to worry about is improving the tag team division by adding Kidman/London and the FBI on Smackdown and also get rid of

Pritchard's shitty gimmicks.

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If this is true, I hope they give him a reason for leaving rather than just having him disappear (coughMattMorgancough).


Do a Taker squash and have Mordecai say "I'm not ready yet, but I will be... and I'm going to bring a friend". So you can bring another big suck out.

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possibly the end of this rediculous gimmick they wanted him to look scary but he looks like a tool and the way he jobbed to Rey Rey last night im guessing this news is more than likely true

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Wow, what a waste of MANY people's time. After all that hype, I see this...LOL. How much more dumber can this get?

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Guest Staravenger
Do a Taker squash and have Mordecai say "I'm not ready yet, but I will be... and I'm going to bring a friend". So you can bring another big suck out.

I think WWE pulled up everyone possible who's a hoss...unless they bring Matt Morgan up to SD! Roster again.

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Smackdown's surely a steaming pile eh? Look who has been leaving, been injured, been promoted and demoted this year...not to mention the fantastic storylines and characters that have been introduced. What a wonderful year. I won't be surprised I woke up sometime next week and read that smackdown's been cancelled :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Damn, at least give the guy time to get better since HE WANTS TO LEARN. I mean I liked his gimmick so he was off to a good start. This company amazes me more everyday.

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How about he goes to Raw, finds the WCW Hardcore Title in Bischoff's trash can, and declares himself Hardcore For Jesus and starts beating down all comers?


Just have him sit and annihilate guys in garbage matches for a year culminating into a money feud at WrestleMania against Shawn.

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I'll bet Job Holly is just thrilled that he had to lay down for a guy that went back to Hoss School.


He'll need to go beat up the new cast of Tough Enough to make himself feel better.

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Damn, at least give the guy time to get better since HE WANTS TO LEARN. I mean I liked his gimmick so he was off to a good start. This company amazes me more everyday.

Thats exactly how I see it. The gimmick isn't necessarily bad and his skills aren't up to par yet, but there is still a lot of potential in him.


What they could do to keep the gimmick alive is just have bizarre promos with him every few weeks or so.

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Even though I liked Mordy, I guess it's no big loss that he's heading to OVW to improve. He was willing to sell for Cruisers and wanted to put on good matches and improve, so I say cut the guy some slack.


And about the Dudleys. If they want to call up all these OVW guys, make them Dudleys. It'll give them a much needed boost when they come in.

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And about the Dudleys. If they want to call up all these OVW guys, make them Dudleys. It'll give them a much needed boost when they come in.

That is actually a really good idea. I'd bring in a really big guy for the Big Dick enforcer role. That way he wouldn't be depended on wrestling regularly and mostly used to protect/runins for D-Von and Bubba and as a bodyguard for Heyman. To get him over quickly, have him come in and destroy Spike.

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Contrary to what everyone else is saying... I think this sucks. I personally think mordecai is one of the highlights or SD. He isn't the best sure...but then again he isn't being pushed like he's the best. And by that I mean World Title. I mean just think...Rey beats him...all he has to do is go all "Rey's a sinner, he beat me blah blah" and he can somewhat start a feud with Rey. There match wasn't all that bad.


I'm actually one of the few 'Mordecai marks' and I think it sucks they are gonna take him off before he really even got going. Whether the stuff about the nerves was true or not...eventually he would have gotten used to it.

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Guest Reservoir_Kitty

It sort of sucks that they're shipping Mordecai off so soon. I always looked forward to his appearances, and his promos were interesting. They had a creepy feel to them that I liked. Seeing him live at a house show was fun too. He has the presence, but I guess they just don't think it's his time yet. Sad too, he was one of SD!'s high points for me.



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The guy isn't going to improve since he problem is not skill, it's mental. OVW is not going to help since he'll just either be comfortable there only or he'll be worse nerves wise and won't be able to function in OVW either. They are really about to screw him up royally.


No shock since this is the WWE but just allowing him to work Dark matches and house shows while he gets a measure of confidence cannot hurt him. This, this can ruin him.

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WWE needs to stop bringing in new guys from OVW only to send them back there. The shit is annoying.


*misses Matt Morgan

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The guy isn't going to improve since he problem is not skill, it's mental. OVW is not going to help since he'll just either be comfortable there only or he'll be worse nerves wise and won't be able to function in OVW either. They are really about to screw him up royally.


No shock since this is the WWE but just allowing him to work Dark matches and house shows while he gets a measure of confidence cannot hurt him. This, this can ruin him.

The thing is...that's probaly the problem right there. I mean, I know most think that the people they don't like should stay in development 'forever' because they probaly don't think they'll ever get better...or it's just gonna take to long, but IMO I think the problem is he's been there TOO long. Hell, I believe 'Seven' has been in OVW...since I first heard of OVW, that's a fucking long time. He probaly eventually got comfortable with the little closed setting, getting used to it, and now probaly feels odd in WWE. Of course I dont know that for sure, but just saying that could be the case with many OVW stars.

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I kind of liked Mordecai, he was, like, a better looking poorman's version of A-Train.

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