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The OAO Raw thread for 07.12.04

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I gotta agree CC, if this leads to a Flair/Hurricane fued, I'm all for it.


I just don't see that happening...


But while I am a total Hurricane mark, I wouldn't mind seeing a change of pace. Get the Vertebreaker over like the Tombstone. The tombstone for Cruisers!


If only Raw had a CW devision :(

Beniot is a cruiser

Jericho is a cruiser

Hurricane is a cruiser

Matt Hardy is a cruiser

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Guest wildpegasus
Have Benoit and Dinsmore ever fought in OVW before?

Yes, back in 2000 on the Christmas Chaos show. I haven't seen it but have only heard positive things about the match.

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Not too bad of a show tonight. The first match and the main event were the only things that interested me. Hurricane's promo on Flair's book was pretty cool, looked a little too much like he was trying to impersonate The Rock though. I don't understand why they have Edge stand uop against Evolution, then he's nowhere to be found when they attack Eugene, Benoit and Regal. Plus he cheated to win his match. Put him back with Christian and rebuild the tag team division on RAW. I guess they are desperate for advertising too, Harold and Kumar looks hilarious but I would never have thought they would be advertiseded by WWE. That's enough ragging on WWE television for tonight. Later

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Well, on paper Raw looked like a good show, and Lita's promo SHOCKED me. (Why didn't they give her acting lessons three years ago.) However, I still couldn't get very into Raw tonight. I think it's because I saw Spiderman 2 today, and that did everything the WWE would like to do so much better than WWE can actually do it that the show just couldn't hold my interest. I mean how are you gonna get excited about a stiff clothesline, when we all know very well that you can just fall off a building and be fine. Spiderman spoiled wrestling for me until at least the JBL/Eddie cage match, and maybe even longer.


Of course, it wouldn't really take much to spoil three segments of wanna-be porn stars licking their noses, and talking about having dogs, and whatever the second one did (changed the channel.) Raw Diva Search was the worst idea ever.

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Guest TigerDriver91
Of course, it wouldn't really take much to spoil three segments of wanna-be porn stars licking their noses, and talking about having dogs, and whatever the second one did (changed the channel.) Raw Diva Search was the worst idea ever.

I was hoping to see Jazz beating the hell out of those three girls at some point in the night.


At least that would actually be entertaining sort of...

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Why does Raw even need a lot of the guys they have? I mean outside of Evolution and Kane no heel gets much of anything on the show. Would it really kill Raw if Hurricane, A-Train, Stevie Richards, Rodney Mack and even Chris Jericho went to Smackdown? There are tons of guys just sitting on Raw doing jack squat when they could actually be put to some use on Smackdown.


The Diva thing is only going to get worse. I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't taking up a 1/4 of Raw's airtime by the end.

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I don't think this Diva search was a good idea at all. It's pretty expensive, the live crowd, it seems, are dead for it, it loses ratings, according to breakdowns....where's the upside?


Simple, there is none.


We'll just have the first look at Vince's new sex toy before he starts screwing her behind Linda's back. SEE! A sneak peek!

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I don't think this Diva search was a good idea at all. It's pretty expensive, the live crowd, it seems, are dead for it, it loses ratings, according to breakdowns....where's the upside?

Ask Matt Hardy. He's in the business, not us. We're missing something. AWK! *whistle.*


Actually, Raw needs a good-looking woman with nice breasts who can't wrestle.


Trish, Victoria, Molly, Jackie, etc are all out for various reasons.


Stacy's boobies are itty bitty.


Nidia ain't all that good looking.


So as you see, there's an obvious gap that needs filling.


Of course, they're not doing anything with Dawn, but...AWK!


Diva Search=Brawl for All 2004.


If they had them legit fight each other for the quarter mil, people would actually want to see it. :)

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I found the show to be very regular. Nothing special happen, except for Lita's promo. I didn't like the finish off the main event, actually the finish was expected but the one guy who didn't run in didn't make sense and thats Edge. Why the hell didn't he try to run in and save Beniot and Eugene? He's got good enough reasons..


1. He's taking out Evolution, or trying to.


and 2. He's friends with both Beniot and Eugene.


So why not Edge try and run himself out there to help out? My only guess is that WWE wants to try and make him a one man army and if he had ran out there to try and save Eugene or Beniot, Evolution would have beat the crap outta him. I don't know through thats my guess.

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I don't think this Diva search was a good idea at all. It's pretty expensive, the live crowd, it seems, are dead for it, it loses ratings, according to breakdowns....where's the upside?


Simple, there is none.


We'll just have the first look at Vince's new sex toy before he starts screwing her behind Linda's back. SEE! A sneak peek!

Damn, Vince is paying a fortune just to hit some slut's booty?

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I don't think this Diva search was a good idea at all. It's pretty expensive, the live crowd, it seems, are dead for it, it loses ratings, according to breakdowns....where's the upside?


Simple, there is none.


We'll just have the first look at Vince's new sex toy before he starts screwing her behind Linda's back. SEE! A sneak peek!

Damn, Vince is paying a fortune just to hit some slut's booty?

When you're as rich as Vince, why the hell not? It's like....legal prostitution.

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:D Heh...that exchange between the two with Eugene using Benoit's moves rocked.

Dinsmore used the german suplex and the crossface as his finishers in OVW, so that's why they looked particularly swank. :)

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
So I figure you've got three options:


Sign people only Kane's size so you have equal (but awful) matches


Book the matches to be competive, size nonwithstanding. Kick a man in his head, his knees, drop him with a move, and size isn't that important. (This is obviously my choice)


Just give Bautista a massive record, and hurricane loses. And no one will ever be surprised (boo! hiss!)

Yeah because every big man is awful... ;)


I think Vader wants to have a few words with you.

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