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The "what WWE are doing well" thread

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Right, after seeing this board a few days ago, i have decided that it has a very depressed and negitive feel to it, in the wwe discussion. With this thread i intend people to focus on the positive side and what they are doing well.


This is NOT a place for people who think they are being really smart to say "nothing" because we all know they are doing things right. Everyone here me thinks secretly likes the show otherwise you would not watch the damm thing every week and sit infront of a computer to talk about it, If you all hate it as much as you say you do then WHY DO YOU STILL WATCH IT!!.


Anyway enough of that, this is a place where you put everything positive in. If you want to say something negative say it in another topic. :)

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Guest Ray

Randy Orton is great and I can't wait to see him wrestle every week. I absolutely loved his latest Raw match with Edge and their PPV match.


So that's something WWE is doing well.

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Guest Ray
They're having an ironman match on free TV next week.

He said NO negative comments. :)

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Guest Trivia247

the last couple weeks efforts of allowing cruiserweights to show their stuff on Smackdown again is bringing the level of quality back up to its Thunder levels.

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Guest Mindless_Aggression

At some point (despite the trainwreck against Benoit this week) Batista got pretty respectable. I actually believe that any number of his 3 moves of hideous disfiguring death could end the match. They had me buying a fuckin CLOTHESLINE with the guy.


So they've done a nice job with him.

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Guest Trivia247

if there was an award for most improved of 2003-2004 Batistia would get the award hands down.


Still say his look was far better than Brock Lesnars

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Guest Mindless_Aggression

I'd agree there actually, namely because Brock's face fits the "Eugene" character better than Dinsmore's actual face does. Batista on the other hand looks like a very debonaire psychopath.

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I have to admit. They have somehow made this Eugene character work so far. I was so sure it would be a ridiculous Bushwhacker's manager 2004 version. They got me intrigued since I still believe this guy will pull a swerve soon and will get monster heel heat. Honestly, I can't believe Benoit could hold his strap longer than Eddie Guerrero who I felt the wwe would be more relunctant to make job his title to someone like Bradshaw to due his demograhpic appeal.

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Guest Evolution

I believe Batista and Randy Orton as credible threats now, and they seem to be--for the most part--improving in small ways with every passing week.


As has been the trend for the past few years, the WWE has marvelous production values, as their hype packages for feuds, PPVs, and newcomers are always engaging and fun to watch unfold from start to finish. The animated previews are a big step forward in technology, and I always love seeing them. The WWE certainly knows how to snazz up their show.

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Rosey is no longer the SHIT.


Looks like the tag team division is starting to get better now that Rhyno & Tajiri started to challenge the current champions.


Regal on tv.


Edge is not intense.


Batista is intense.

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Guest Dumb Fuck

The push of Evolution has been well done.


Orton's push with the IC title was booked perfectly, and he is being groomed very well to get in the main event scene.


I like the slow build with Batista... usually, WWE just forces "hosses" into the big feuds, but they've been slow with him, and the fans are warming up to his swank character. Even the smarks here are digging him.


Benoit has been elevated to the main event scene. Him having the big gold is a joke, but it's nice to see a character to just relies on kicking ass in the ring, and not fucking around.


Not re-signing Kevin Nash.


Bradshaw... yes, I know he's horrible in the ring, has an awful look with his man-boobs, and he's fucking Bradshaw... but WWE have done a good job with making the most out of his heel character. Most marks are accepting him as a main-eventer because of it... and that's all that matters in the end.


The Eugene character was a booming success early on, but they overexposed Eugene, and the HHH connection was a failure, IMO. However, with the lack of him this week... hopefully, this is a plan to efresh the Eugene character in the upcoming months.


The women's division was starting to show that the main feud is based on wrestling... with Victoria, and Gail Kim doing the submission stuff. Although, I'm not sure why they put the belt on Trish instead of Kim... that's certainly a bad decision now, looking back at it. Certainly lots of room for improvement, but at least the Raw side isn't focused on T&A... for now.


The Lita/Kane/Matt Hardy thing... well, it made me care about Matt, a little more.


On Smackdown, it seems like the cruisers are being made to look somewhat like serious wrestlers now. Rey's looked strong the past couple months... and Kidman/London may not be the joke title run I thought it would be. But, time will tell on this.


That's about all.

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Benoit is still champion.


There is, more often than not, a good match every week on Raw.


Orton's improved, and I'm actually interested in his character.


WWE is actually giving people a reason to care about Edge.


Paul London and Kidman getting the titles is pretty interesting, and the tag division needed to garner interest.


The tag champs on Raw are an actual tag team, and have an actual feud at the time.


Tajiri and Rhyno are doing something.

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Guest MikeSC

SD is dramatically improved.


JBL has ended up being a shockingly compelling heel.


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Guest JoeyStyles

-Orton is finally earning the push he's been getting since 2002.

-Benoit still champion.

-Free Ironman match next week.

-London/Kidman as tag team champs.

-Cena w/o the U.S. belt.

-Angle has finally been cleared to wrestle.

Those are the few things WWE does to keep me happy.

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Doing something with Rhyno who's one of my favourite undercard guys.

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Guest whitemilesdavis

JBL saying "Me - he - co" and "me - he - co City". Beautiful stuff.

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Guest Reservoir_Kitty

- Batista. He's amazing. He started off as the insanely crappy Deacon and has really worked his way to where he is right now. He's intense. I like the character. It's good.


- Benoit is still the champ. Thank goodness.


- Rosey graduated, and Hurricane had a match on RAW.. yay!


- John Cena is no longer the U.S. champ. Double yay!


- Edge's feud with Evolution is interesting.


- Free ironman match on TV with Benoit involved


- The WWE using the Eugene angle to get William Regal some TV time


I haven't seen Smackdown in a while, so I can't really comment on too many positives.. but I am glad (and sort of nervous) the Angle is cleared to wrestle again. That should help what seems to be a struggling roster.

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Yes..my thoughts can be summed up in that one word. I've been one of those who've liked Evolution from the start...with the exception of HHH. And now..it seems as if he's doing his part. He's playing the bitchy leader role. he's given up the title..in other words, now Evolution is now a more cohesive unit, and all seem to offer something. Even Flair at times.


Randy Orton a guy who I've been behind from the start..barring Hardcore Holly feud era. People talk about how he's been getting such a great push for forever..but not really. When you go back and look at the matches he was in when people claim that his push REALLY began. He was just a HHH lackey. For goodness sakes..his biggest feud was Maven. But after he won the IC title..he...well became what he is now. A heel who gets pops ;) . Now most of his matches are decent. He does better then half the roster...:/. And as has been stated, he's one of the few that..even though he uses them a lot, he actually knows how to work a resthold. He tries to make it look painful, he tries to vary it. And now as we all know, when it comes to that 'Final Stretch' the guy can go. I mean, who would have ever thought..Randy Orton..and Edge..not the greatest two in the ring would really have the fans on the edge of their seats. The WWE has taken his push..and made it into..a push. Simply that. And not only that..on his way up, he also elevated the IC Title.


Then of course..Batista. Next IC Champ? Future world Champ? I think by just looking in the RAW thread...Batista vs. Canada.. :ph34r: They've made the guy look like a threat for an arguement like that to come about lmao. This past RAW, damn! They really made the guy look like a monster...hell that was the Goldberg push. And in the ring..he is good. When you think about guys like Nathan Jones, Tyson Tomko, among other hoss' Batista works his ass off in the ring. And like others have said..in interviews he's even acknowledged that he isn't the best. And that he's gonna have to wait in that long line if he ever plans on being a top dog. That says more about 'Dave Batista' then the character but as we all know, a good image out of character leads to a good image in character. And I must say the guys moveset, while limited, is awesome. A CLOTHESLINE~!...has been turned into a credible finisher. Damn.


And I'm tired of typing for now lmao..

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Batista has fallen quite nicely into the "Monster" role, and I must say he comes off like a monster 100x better then Brock did.


The formation of Rhyno/Tajiri tag-team is a good idea, as both are entertaining and fun to watch in the ring, also it adds something new to the tag team division.....


Benoit is still champ....


Eugene wasn't there last night on Raw....


After the Iron Match, triple H should hopefully be too tired to even do a promo in the 2nd half of raw next week *crosses fingers*

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Guest Coffey

I agree with Exslade ZX, it's all about Evolution. I still like Triple H, I'll never hate Ric Flair & Batista/Orton are more than coming into their own. Hell, Batista screams style and Orton screams charisma. If they hang around each other long enough, they'll probably rub off their good traits onto one another.


I'm also diggin' Rob Conway. I see a lot of potential in him, but he'll need to fly solo and get away from Grenier.

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I agree with Exslade ZX, it's all about Evolution. I still like Triple H, I'll never hate Ric Flair & Batista/Orton are more than coming into their own. Hell, Batista screams style and Orton screams charisma. If they hang around each other long enough, they'll probably rub off their good traits onto one another.


I'm also diggin' Rob Conway. I see a lot of potential in him, but he'll need to fly solo and get away from Grenier.







As mentioned before, London getting tv time AND a title is a good thing.

Cruiserweights getting time besides Mysterio and Chavo fighting for the Guerrero/Mysterio title is also very good.

Benoit's still got the big gold belt.

Randy Orton's matches are now the highlights of the RAW shows.

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I find it funny that people are talking of Batista's clothesline being all credible and stuff... when JBL has had one FOREVER. I mean, sure...it's cool to see it getting cred and it makes Batista look like a serious badass cause he can put you down with one arm...but the SD champ has been doing it for years.



EDIT: I know that wasn't very positive, but everything i would want to say has already been covered 10 fold in this thread.

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What's next is everbody going to say that Batista has a great powerbomb? I thought that the rollout after the powerbomb was a great move of arrogence.

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Guest GreatOne

It's been said many times but MAKING ABSOLUTELY SURE I don't flip over to the Boston Piss-Whine Convention (no not the Red Sox) by giving me HHH-BENOIT IRONMAN BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!! (where the Radicalz debuted)


Booking HHH in a way that he still pisses most people off, but you can tell it's not mid-2003 HHH (hell he's needed Evolution, HBK and a retard and still has tapped out/been pinned twice by the champ)


Booking Benoit in a way that still pisses most people off, but doing so in a "quality over quantity" way.


Ending number 20 with Eddie and Benoit as the motherf'n champs.


After a few rough months, FINALLY getting Smackdown back to respectabilty (and Vince can say "OK Brock, good luck in your quest to be a 28-year old special teams rookie!!!!!!!!")


And best of all, front row seats for a kickass show as an early birthday present back on May 15th baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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1. The Iron Man match next week will probably be better than Angle/Lesner since Benoit>Angle and, in terms of psychology and experience, HHH>Lesner.


2. Orton is one of the best things of RAW. Look back at his matches from last year and even 6 months ago and tell me he isn't improving. Batista is not at the level of Orton but is improving greatly. He is not only a credible monster, but the coolest looking one.


3. JBL is trying hard and succeeding in selling himself to the marks, which is what matters.


4. The last 2 Smackdown! have been tremendous with decent matches and more cuiserweight esposure.


5. I am interested in what they will do with Eugene next. Surely an Evolution v. a combination of Edge/Jericho/Regal/Benoit/Eugene match will occur.


6. Paul London finally has an opportunity to show us what he's got.


7. The RAW announcers dress in suits. It was a small change but JR and King both look much more professional in suits calling a match. It would bug me so much when JR wouldn't even dress up for PPVs anymore. Back in the day JR would at least bust out the suit on PPV while wearing his red and black RAW IS WAR jacket on RAW. After he came back in 99 he would only always dress up in his WWF black long sleeve shirt while Jerry would look stupid in his purple and god jacket with gold tights. Thank god for the new dress code.

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7. The RAW announcers dress in suits.

Yes. I agree


Also, they're making a Bret Hart DVD. It's about time.

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Umm, this is gonna be hard. It's like telling a girl that she looks good when she doesn't at all.


JR and the King don't bug me anymore.


There are no McMahons on TV.


That's all I got right now.

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