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*Smackdown Spoilers* from Philadelphia

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Credit: Torch



WWE Smackdown/Velocity tapings

July 20, 2004

Philadelphia, Pa.

Report by Chris Forbes, PWTorch.com correspondent






(1) John Heidenrech (w/Paul Heyman) beat Shannon Moore.


(2) Johnny Stambolli (w/Nunzio) beat Danny Basham (w/Doug Basham)


(3) Hardcore Holly beat Akio.


(4) Rob Van Dam beat Rene Dupree.




Kurt Angle began from his wheelchair, saying he put himself at risk last week in order to protect the World Title. He fired referee Tony Chimmel over last week. Angle said Eddie Guerrero would be begging for his job later.


(1) Spike Dudley beat Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Jamie Noble in a Cruiserweight No. 1 Contender's match.


The Dudleys cut a dark promo ripping on Philadelphia fans and saying ECW sucked.


(2) Bubba Ray Dudley (w/D-Von Dudley) beat Kidman (w/Paul London).


Angle told Booker T he would U.S. Champion next week. He handed him the belt early. Angle then fired Funaki.


(3) JBL won a squash.


Undertaker came out and chokeslammed JBL, then said: "You, me, Summerslam."


(4) Torrie vs. Sable vs. Dawn Marie vs. Miss Jackie. The match was interrupted by Kurt Angle who fired all four.


(5) Rey Mysterio beat D-Von Dudley with help from Kid man.


(6) John Cena beat Luther Reigns when Booker T's attempted interference backfired.


Angle called out Eddie Guerrero. He promised to fire him or make him beg for his job later. Vince McMahon came out instead. He said Angle seemed to be enjoying himself, firing everyone. McMahon said he went too far and fired Angle, then reinstated him as an active wrestler and booked him against Eddie Guerrero at Summerslam. McMahon then made Angle apologize to everyone he had fired and to Vince himself. Angle was about to apologize to Vince, but then gave him a low blow as the show ended. Nothing happened after the taping ended.




Well Angle is done as GM Welcome back Steph!!

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Guest JMA

Vince is a default babyface again, eh? Well, at least the "Mr. McMahon" character is dead.

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Guest Staravenger

Some of this stuff makes no sense....oh well. RVD is on Velocity duty again...

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I'm happy to see the cruisers getting some time, but why the hell is Spike Dudley number 1 Contender??? I guess we can expect a swerve with him turning heel and joining his brothers when he gets his title shot.

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Like Spike is the guy I want to see battle Rey, as opposed to Chavo or Knoble :rolleyes: I guess we better get ready for Spike Dudley: Cruiser Champ.


On the plus side, Knoble's back injury doesn't seem to be serious.


Looks like a down week after 2 good/watchable shows.

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Guest GreatOne

I think that some can call BULLSHIT on Kurt now for whining about HHH getting too much time (when he had what, 15-20 minutes over both segments last night?) Every Smackdown's been more or less been booked around evil Kurt the last few weeks.



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I'm beginning to really dislike this RVD-Velocity Duty bullshit.


If they don't give him a decent match at SummerSlam - especially with the gaping holes that desperately need filling on Smackdown - he should just say goodbye to them. If this is how they treat someone they WANT to resign....what the hell are they going to do afterwards?


Anyway, it's good to see that Smackdown has gone back to being disgustingly mediocre again.


By the way....when is Taker planning to get revenge on Paul Heyman anyway?

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Paul Heyman gave up the urn and did a runner on Undertaker. Taker intimidated Heyman, and Heyman heeded his warning. That chapter is over, and thank God for that.


Not that JBL vs Taker is going to be necessarily better, but Taker in a world title match means Vinnie has Mr Illusion's twenty bucks for August.



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Sounds good, too bad Eddie isn't on the show but Vinnie Mac is back! I wonder why they are playing the same storyline on both RAW and Smackdown between the Duds/ Kidman, London and Rhyno,Tajiri/La Rez. Oh well, looks to be a good show. Probably better than the Scrubs-a-thon on NBC.

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Did RVD do something wrong? Or are they just waiting for him to sign a contract? Or was there not enough room for him?


On a brighter note, he'll probably main event Velocity instead of curtain-jerking!

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Like Spike is the guy I want to see battle Rey, as opposed to Chavo or Knoble :rolleyes: I guess we better get ready for Spike Dudley: Cruiser Champ.


On the plus side, Knoble's back injury doesn't seem to be serious.


Looks like a down week after 2 good/watchable shows.

Damn. I didn't even know Knoble was still around. An injured Knoble vs. Rey is better than healthy Spike vs. Rey anyday.

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I guess Eddie is not going to have any matches until SS. With both Eddie and Kurt not being in optimal shape, do you think we'll see an amateur style match? ;)

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Probably better than the Scrubs-a-thon on NBC.

I was planning to watch SmackDown on Thursday but if there's a Scrubs-a-thon on NBC then screw SD!!!

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I don't see what's so bad about RVD being on Velocity. They probably figure he'll be a draw on SpikeTV and he does get a win over Dupree who's in the midst of a modest push. I'm betting RVD will be involved in the US Title picture at SummerSlam, it's not like he's on job duty or anything.


And I like the way they handled removing Angle from the GM spot, having him go mad with power and forcing Vince to step in.


Guess we can look forward to the return of Stephanie's gargantuan brains...... :cheers:

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Guest Anglesault
I don't see what's so bad about RVD being on Velocity. They probably figure he'll be a draw on SpikeTV

Yep, that's their reasoning. Because, as we all know, Velocity ratings are a top priority.


it's not like he's on job duty or anything.


No, he gets to headline the jobber show. That's like a step away from greatness.

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More detailed report from PWI:





*Kurt Angle comes to the ring with Luther Reigns and cuts a promo explaining that he had to do what he could do to make sure Eddie Guerrero didn't win the WWE championship. Angle said he wants Guerrero to apologize for winning the belt, tonight in order to keep his job. Angle turns his attention to ring announcer Tony Chimmel and said he announced Guerrero as the WWE champion when he won the belt. He makes Chimmel apologize for doing that in order to keep his job, but then turns around and fires him anyway.


*Josh Matthews is now the ring announcer on Smackdown.


*Spike Dudley defeated Chavo Guerrero and Jamie Noble, with Spike pinning Guerrero with the Dudley Dog to become the number one contender for the Cruiserweight championship.


*Backstage, the Divas come up to Kurt Angle and complain about being misused and underutilized. Angle agreed and announced a Fatal Four Way Lingerie match for later on with Sable vs. Dawn Marie vs. Torrie Wilson vs. Miss Jackie


*The Dudley Boyz cut a promo on the Titantron only for the Philadelphia crowd, talking about their time in "Extremely Crappy Wrestling" to insure they get a heel response when they come out later.


Also scheduled for tonight is Luther Reigns vs. John Cena and John Bradshaw Layfield's "Rocky Challenge."


*Bubba Ray Dudley pinned WWE Tag Team champion Billy Kidman.


*Backstage, Funaki interviewed Booker T and Kurt Angle. Angle told Booker that he was going to name him the new United States champion next week once he had it cleared with the Board of Directors. Funaki said that that wasn't fair, so Angle fired him for not knowing "how to speak English."


*Backstage, The Dudley Boyz came up to Spike Dudley and noted how they all have title shots next week. Spike blew them off and said that he didn't want anything to do with them. They promised they wouldn't interfere next week as long as Spike didn't interfere in D-Von's match with Rey Mysterio later tonight. Spike agreed and walked off.


*WWE champion John Bradshaw Layfield came out and said that since he's in Philadelphia, where the Rocky film was shot, he was laying out a Rocky challenge for someone to try and defeat him and if they did, they could have a title shot at Summerslam. Out came Mike Kruel (USA Pro/ECWA who has worked a lot of dark and TV shots for WWE) who Layfield beats easily. Layfield says that he guesses he doesn't have a match at Summerslam. The lights go out and the Undertaker gong hits. Undertaker comes out and faces off with Layfield. Undertaker chokeslams Layfield and takes the ring mic. "You...me...Summerslam," he says and walks off.


*The divas came down for their Fatal Four Way Lingere match featuring Sable vs. Miss Jackie vs. Torrie Wilson vs. Dawn Marie. Kurt Angle came out and fired all of them.


*Rey Mysterio pinned D-Von Dudley. Bubba Ray Dudley tried to interfere but Paul London and Billy Kidman came out.


*John Cena pinned Luther Reigns after Booker T attempted to interfere, but it backfired.


*Kurt Angle came to the ring and called out Eddie Guerrero, telling him it was time to apologize because "You don't cross the boss." Vince McMahon's music hit and he came to the ring. McMahon told Angle that he lied to all the fans about his injury, but more importantly, he lied to Vince. Vince said that he was going to get a humanitarian award for making a handicapped person a General Manager, but that is out the window because Angle lied. He told Angle that he was fired as General Manager, but was back on the active roster. McMahon announced he would be facing Eddie Guerrero at Summerslam. Guerrero came out in his low rider. McMahon got in the car and made it bounce.


Guerrero left and McMahon came back to the ring. He told Angle that he had to apologize to everyone he fired tonight, and brought them out. Angle apologized to Funaki and Tony Chimmel but refused to apologize to the divas. Vince told him he was going to have to join the "Kiss My A**" club for the divas. Angle refused and offered to kiss Vince's A**. Vince said No because he has a "Special A**." He gave 10 seconds to kiss or apologize. Angle apologized. Vince said that Angle now has to apologize to him. Angle got on his knees but instead low blowed McMahon. Everyone checked on McMahon as Angle escaped.

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Guest Trivia247

What we may get here is a interesting dynamic An Angle McMahon feud.

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Guest frowned
Vince said that he was going to get a humanitarian award for making a handicapped person a General Manager, but that is out the window because Angle lied.

I REALLY like this line, McMahon keeps the selfish persona while simultaneously performing an act that would ordinarily be performed by a face-boss... it's way better than the usual returning-character-is-installed-as-face-boss-and-performs-face-action-just-to-make-sure-people-know-that-he's-a-good-guy schtick.


I really hope that the Kiss My Ass shit doesn't get shown though.

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Guest JMA
Vince said that he was going to get a humanitarian award for making a handicapped person a General Manager, but that is out the window because Angle lied.

Technically, Angle was made General Manager BEFORE he was "handicapped."

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What we may get here is a interesting dynamic An Angle McMahon feud.


Taker vs JBL at SummerSlam = bad. Hopefully, Kurt wins the title from Taker as soon as HE wins it from JBL. Then Eddie gets it back.


Spike getting a shot at the title? Boo. Lord knows that we couldn't use Noble, Akio, Shannon, Funaki or anyone else OTHER than Spike.


Well, I'll skip this one. It looks terrible.

What's intersting about that?



Well, this show looks like it sucks, yet again.

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