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Mr. S£im Citrus

Twenty Questions

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Exactly. Sly is teh right. Besides, I'm pretty sure that forer WCW/ECW/whatever folk mention their past. I doubt 900-time world champ Flair won them all in the WWE...






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Why can't I? How does anything you did before the SWF have any bearing on Austin Sly? That's a little like saying that if I ran my own e-fed that none of you knew about, that it should somehow enhance my status/credibility. Edited by Mr. S£im Citrus

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What about, and this is no offense meant towards him, Dace "I was in CZW" Night?


Or, for a better example, because the first one was horrible, what about the Edwin/Kibagami/Raynor angle back in the day? It was based almost entirely around something that happened in another fed (Granted it didn't exist), and nobody said "Well, it's not SWF, so fuck that!".


I repeat, this time with more force



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What about, and this is no offense meant towards him, Dace "I was in CZW" Night?

I thought he just made that up for the character. Seriously.



Or, for a better example, because the first one was horrible, what about the Edwin/Kibagami/Raynor angle back in the day?  It was based almost entirely around something that happened in another fed (Granted it didn't exist), and nobody said "Well, it's not SWF, so fuck that!".

That really doesn't have anything to do with the question that I asked in the first place: my original question was to ask why Crow was an OP in chat, and the answer that I was basically given is because of something he did before he joined the fed, to which I more or less replied, "what does that have to do with anything?"


I'm certainly not suggesting that what writers want to portray as happening outside of the fed should not be regarded as canon; in fact, that's not what I was saying at all. Basically, what it seems to boil down to is that Crow and Sly knew people in the fed before they actually joined the fed. If that contributed in any way to them coming in on the fast track, I actually don't have any problem with that... I just wanted to know whether or not that's really the case.




I repeat, this time with more force



No thanks, I just ate. ;)

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To the best of my knowledge, Crowe was made Op in chat because Crusen and Apoc (Another Aussie) did most of the chat stuff, so they picked who they wanted to be Ops (read: mostly friends and such), and it's just carried over.


Or something...I'll go eat that sandwich now.

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To the best of my knowledge, Crowe was made Op in chat because Crusen and Apoc (Another Aussie) did most of the chat stuff, so they picked who they wanted to be Ops (read: mostly friends and such), and it's just carried over.


Or something...I'll go eat that sandwich now.

Crowe hung around chat for yonks, and was given it because he's sexy cool.


And totally dreamy...

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To the best of my knowledge, Crowe was made Op in chat because Crusen and Apoc (Another Aussie) did most of the chat stuff, so they picked who they wanted to be Ops (read: mostly friends and such), and it's just carried over.


Or something...I'll go eat that sandwich now.

Hell... I remember being an Op for a short spell.


Was kinda cool.

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18. No, I'm still older than you. And not only did I never leave (I've just kept a low profile to help sell the "I've been away" thing), I'm back.



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I was once an Op for about ten seconds after bothering Shed Boy about it.


Another time, he said if he was in the business of giving Ops to idlers, he'd Op Thoth instead. :angry:

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I was an Op a long time a go...the @ isn't really all that it's cracked up to be...sure you can kick people with witty burns, but it's not THAT great.


And I would love to defend the EUS Title again. Whether it be a damned tournament (which is stupid because the only people of note to hold it are X, Malice, and me...not exactly the best lineage....it's a newbie belt. And...it's made out of wood.


I'm game.

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I was an Op a long time a go...the @ isn't really all that it's cracked up to be...sure you can kick people with witty burns, but it's not THAT great.

...you're kidding, right? I feel naked without my @, it's just wrong to see "Crowe" without it.

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Guest TheAntipop
I was an OP for a long time too until G popped that famous "Let's wipe out the OP list" saying.



I did no such thing, ho!


A good question would be "Why did Crow decide to add an e onto his name?" It's quite a funny story, and involves a surprising amount of dry anal rape.

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