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Guest Leon

Most Underrated Match Ever

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Guest Ray
Their J-Cup match sucked. There's really nothing to it. The Nitro match is better, but still not that good.

Why was it "not that good" ? I thought it was very good. Tons of cool offense, great execution, beautiful pace, and a great arm injury storyline worked into it. Very impressive Nitro debut. Loved it.


As far as I know, the only really good Eddie/Benoit matches on tape would be one from one of the syndie WCW shows and another one from Japan.

They had two great matches on WCW Saturday Night in November 1995 and a good match on Worldwide in Jan 1996.


Their BOSJ 1995 and 1996 matches in Japan were great.

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Their J-Cup match sucked. There's really nothing to it. The Nitro match is better, but still not that good.

Why was it "not that good" ? I thought it was very good. Tons of cool offense, great execution, beautiful pace, and a great arm injury storyline worked into it. Very impressive Nitro debut. Loved it.


Been quite a while since I last watched it, so I may be talking out of my ass. I don't remember anything about an arm. They didn't have more than one Nitro match, did they? Anyways, I remember the match feeling rushed and being sort of spotty for those two. I'll have to find the match and rewatch it soon to see.


Their BOSJ 1995 and 1996 matches in Japan were great.

I believe it was a BOSJ match I was thinking of.

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Guest Ray
Been quite a while since I last watched it, so I may be talking out of my ass. I don't remember anything about an arm. They didn't have more than one Nitro match, did they? Anyways, I remember the match feeling rushed and being sort of spotty for those two. I'll have to find the match and rewatch it soon to see.

They had 4 or 5 Nitro matches.


In the 10/16/95 debut, Eddie lariats the ringpost on the outside and kills his arm. Benoit tears the crap out of it when they get back in the ring. Eddie makes a comeback, but then he screws up and punches Benoti with the injured arm and screams in pain. Benoit's like a shark sniffing blood with that and tears into it again. He wins the match with a Dragon Suplex, which Eddie had countered earlier in the match, but can't now as his arm is dead. I loved how they worked that injury in, as they made it seem like a random thing that happened in the middle of a match. Great thing to add to make the match more special.

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Been quite a while since I last watched it, so I may be talking out of my ass. I don't remember anything about an arm. They didn't have more than one Nitro match, did they? Anyways, I remember the match feeling rushed and being sort of spotty for those two. I'll have to find the match and rewatch it soon to see.

They had 4 or 5 Nitro matches.


In the 10/16/95 debut, Eddie lariats the ringpost on the outside and kills his arm. Benoit tears the crap out of it when they get back in the ring. Eddie makes a comeback, but then he screws up and punches Benoti with the injured arm and screams in pain. Benoit's like a shark sniffing blood with that and tears into it again. He wins the match with a Dragon Suplex, which Eddie had countered earlier in the match, but can't now as his arm is dead. I loved how they worked that injury in, as they made it seem like a random thing that happened in the middle of a match. Great thing to add to make the match more special.

Bah! Shit! For some reason, I thought they only had one Nitro match... y'know since everybody lables the one match as such.


You're match sounds much better. The one I have has Eddie winning with a backwards frog splash from the middle rope.

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Guest wildpegasus
Been quite a while since I last watched it, so I may be talking out of my ass. I don't remember anything about an arm. They didn't have more than one Nitro match, did they? Anyways, I remember the match feeling rushed and being sort of spotty for those two. I'll have to find the match and rewatch it soon to see.

They had 4 or 5 Nitro matches.


In the 10/16/95 debut, Eddie lariats the ringpost on the outside and kills his arm. Benoit tears the crap out of it when they get back in the ring. Eddie makes a comeback, but then he screws up and punches Benoti with the injured arm and screams in pain. Benoit's like a shark sniffing blood with that and tears into it again. He wins the match with a Dragon Suplex, which Eddie had countered earlier in the match, but can't now as his arm is dead. I loved how they worked that injury in, as they made it seem like a random thing that happened in the middle of a match. Great thing to add to make the match more special.

Bah! Shit! For some reason, I thought they only had one Nitro match... y'know since everybody lables the one match as such.


You're match sounds much better. The one I have has Eddie winning with a backwards frog splash from the middle rope.

The match Ray is talking about is definitely better but I still love the Nitro match tekcop is talking about. It has one of my favourite transistions I've ever seen in wrestling.


These are all the single matches that I know Benoit and Eddie had that are available for viewing


Benoit and Eddy fought each other at least 16 times on WCW tv in single matches. All were at least good.This doesn't even count tags!


Sorry about the missing dates but here are all the Benoit vs Eddie singles matches that I know of.


Oct 16 95 -- Their very first meeting on Nitro was awesome as it was very New Japanish in its feel. It's noteworthy for having the most powerful powerbomb ever in the history of wrestling. Benoit and Eddie were as on here as much as anyone has ever been on before.


Nov 7 -- Nitro Benoit vs Eddie: More great stuff with the man himself JUshin Liger looking on. Suffered somewhat from being a little too short though.


Nov 18 95: They had a WCW best bout of the 90's candidate from from WCWSN.Awesome match with one of the best endings I've ever seen. The best match Benoit and Eddie had on US soil. They were on big time here.


Nov 25 95 Rematch of the previous match. Not as good as the classic from 11/18/95 but still great and you'll definitely find yourself rewinding and watching it over again.


Jan 20 96 WCWSN Short match, but fun


Jan 21? 96 Very good to great match shown on the prime and Worldwide. Pillman interferes.


Mar 2 96 WCWSN Another thumbs up match


Mar 9 96 WCWSN Ditto


April 29 96 Nitro:Very good match


June 23? WorldWide Good (extreamly rare) match but they really Americanised it wich hurt the match in my eyes


July 15 96 Nitro Great stuff with Benoit pulling off a very agile counter to the tilt a whirl backbreaker


July 28? 96 WorldWide (extreamly rare) Another good match but as with the previous WW match they americanised it too much which seemed to hurt it.


Oct 28 96 Nitro Benoit vs Eddie which was "ruint" because both were overexaggerating injuries from the night before


Nov 18 96: Great match which was actually the main event match of the evening. One of the first matches ever that Benoit uses the crossface. Commercial break in the middle which happens in 3 of their Nitro bouts unfortunately.


Dec 23 96 : another noteworthy match in the WCW United States title tourmament which was great and noteworthy for an absolutely rabid crowd. There's an awesome transistion here. I don't want to ruin it so just watch and see. DDP puts boths guys over big time on commentary


Oct 20 97: This was a WCW cruiserweight title match and was showcased by a super hyped crowd and as good as it gets action. Commercial break in the middle though.


There was also one more match in 98 from Thunder after the Benoit Booker T series. However, it was too short to amount to anything.


WWF Matches


The night on Raw Benoit hit the Rock with the chair signalling the start of their feud. Very short match but it was great fun.


Benoit vs Eddie Raw 2001 -- Around the beginning of Benoit's initial face turn. Pretty good with a really cool looking finish


Benoit vs Eddie from Iraq 12/20?/2003


Benoit vs Eddie Smackdown from Kelowna 2003 -- Short match that turned into a tag betweeen Benoit/Tajiri vs Eddie/Rhyno


2 PPV matches


New Japan


BOSJ 93 Benoit vs Eddie -- Handheld -- Worth going out of your way to see. Great, great stuff.


BOSJ 94 Benoit vs Eddie -- THey show a clipped Benoit vs Eddie match which I think is on the official BOSJ tape


94 JCup Benoit vs Eddie -- Good stuff. Benoit seemingly goes for a powerbomb off the top rope (but Benoit's facing the opposite way) but it's blocked. I remember him trying it against Ohtani too. If it's the same move that's in the WCW vs the World Playstation game it's a shame we never did get to see it.


Benoit vs Eddie --One night tourney for the lightheavyweight belt after Liger vacates it because of injury. This is on handheld. As always it goes without saying it's worth watching. Not as good as some of their other Japanese stuff as it seemed like Benoit and Eddie were experiementing somewhat. Still it's Benoit vs Eddie and the ending's a nice one.


BOSJ 95 Benoit vs Eddie -- Awesome match but this is NOT the semifinals of the tourney. I he match is clipped from about 20 min to 12 min but it still rules all. I can't comment on how this plays into the semifinals bout because I haven't seen that in ages but I do remember that the finish here plays into the semifinal bout. Awesome, awesome match.


BOSJ 95 Benoit vs Eddie -- Semifinals -- If you enjoy wrestling watch this.


BOSJ 96 Benoit vs Eddie -- Probably their best bout but I haven't seen the BOSJ 95 match in a long time.


Eddie Guerrero once praised matches he had with Benoit down in Mexico. But I don't know of any footage existing of those



I've rewatched the rare summer worldwide matches since I originally made this list and thought more of them this time around. There was a Benoit vs Eddie match from worldwide where Benoit attacks Eddie at the start so the match never begins. I hear it was to cover for Eddie's pec tear. I may have also discovered yet another Benoit vs Eddie worldwide match that's not listed here. I'll have to do some detective work and figure it out.

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Guest Askewniverse
Nov 18 95: They had a WCW best bout of the 90's candidate from from WCWSN. Awesome match with one of the best endings I've ever seen. The best match Benoit and Eddie had on US soil. They were on big time here.

What was the finish?

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Guest wildpegasus
completely believable double KO off of a belly to back suplex on the top rope which fit beautifully into the story they were telling

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I'm not sure about most overrated, but I know one match that is never mentioned that I loved. TLC IV: The Lost TLC Match. E&C, Hardys, Dudleys and Jericho & Benoit. Amazing match that never gets mentioned in any converstaion.

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Guest jm29195

I've just seen HBK vs Savage from UK Rampage 92 and it's a helluva good match with loads of innovative moves and a really hot crowd. I reckon it's underrated because I'd never heard of it before today and only seen their match from Germany on the same tour which is totally different (Shawn works over a crippled Savage whole match) Just a really great match!

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Add my name to the list of people calling Bret/Shawn SS '92 underrated.


Jushin Ligar/Brian Pillman vs. Chris Benoit/Beef Wellington from Clash 19 is very underrated. I never hear anybody mention that match. It's one of handful of matches I can watch over and over again and truely not be bored by the time it's over. Pillman and Benoit chop the hell out of each other, Wellington brings some stiffness, and Ligar busts out an Asai (sp?) moonsault to the floor. This was in 1992 and I remember being blown away by this match.

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Alex Wright vs Ultimo Dragon from Fall Brawl 1997 was a great match which IMO never gets it's dues. One of the best TV Title matches in the HISTORY of WCW, and could even challenge to be one of the best. I'm sure Benoit/Booker and Martel had some matches that MAY of challenged it, but this was an amazing match.. that I would love to see again.


A few other matches were very good and are underrated..


One match I really enjoyed but doesnt seem to ever get mentioned is KURT ANGLE vs CHARLIE HAAS from Smackdown of 03. Same goes for Christian vs Jericho from RAW in 03. Two fabolous matches.

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I bought the Benoit DVD the other day and watched the Nitro match. I concede, it's about as awesome as ray said.

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ive got a few

1.austin .vs. undertaker summerslam 1998.

2.sting .vs. ric flair the great american bash 1990.

3.chris benoit .vs. jeff jarrett starcade 1999.

I was there for the Jarret/Benoit match. It was amazing.




uh and all the Jung Dragons/Thre Count matches

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Judging from the tag team poll going on in this forum, I'd have to say the Midnight Express/Southern Boys US Tag Title match from GAB 90.


There's no way in HELL the No Mercy tag is better than it. Not by a longshot.

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Guest ally mccoist
Judging from the tag team poll going on in this forum, I'd have to say the Midnight Express/Southern Boys US Tag Title match from GAB 90.


There's no way in HELL the No Mercy tag is better than it. Not by a longshot.

Totally agree. Its my all time favourite match and has been since I saw it as a kid. More people need to check it out because having watched it about a million times in the last 14 years I can honestly say it still stands up today. The definiton of a perfect tag match.


Maybe its a bit early to call it underrated, but I loved Benoit/Orton from Summerslam. I'd call it ****. Could of easily been higher given another 10 mins. It needed a hot crowd, and it should have got one with the shit Benoit was pulling out.


I enjoyed the whole JBL/Eddie series as well. Again, I don't know how people rate this one, but the Bullrope match was extremely close to **** I thought.


Also HHH/Booker from WM19 was better than a lot rated it. I think the finish left a nasty taste in most peoples mouths.

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