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Smackdwon Spoilers for 8/03

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Cena v Booker, Best 3 of 5 falls? Ummm, why? That is the stipulation they came up with for the blow off between these 2? At this point, I don't think Cena is the type of worker that can pull off that kind of match. I thought Meltzer said that they were going to repeat the Shawn/Razor angle from 94. That would have been better IMO. They could have a done a ladder match, and it would still be kind of fresh, because Cena and Book haven't been in any in the WWE. I still don't get best 3 of 5 falls though.

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No need to risk injuring Booker's already iffy back by putting him in a ladder match. And I'd much rather they stretch out the Book/Cena feud until at least the next PPV after Slam, rather than squeeze in a 3/5 falls match. Do a best of 5, with the 5th match (and blowoff) at the next PPV.

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Guest Fook

With SS being a dual brand ppv, I can't see them giving Booker/Cena the time they need for a best of five in one night.


They should do three matches next week and then have the final two (if they're going for the full five) on ppv.

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Evil Spike is something i've been dying to see for years since the ECW days and I hope it works.

RVD jobbing to the unstoppable Hulk Cena means he won't be at Summerslam, get used to it Rob you still got 3 more years of being buried.

OJ as the new Virgil? WWE creative and their fresh ideas.

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Could Jordan be replacing Heidenreich as Taker's next feud?



That's like asking which acid one would like to drink, sulphuric or hydrochloric?

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Guest Staravenger
Orlando Jordan lives? Holy crap! But why are they pushing him and making RENE DUPREE lose to him! Bastards! Never kill the OUTRAGEOUS FRENCH DANCE~!

He pretty much said the only thing I was going to. Orlando Jordan is still employed?!

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Guest Real F'n Show

The FBI is my new favorite WWE Tag Team. Too bad they're always stuck on Velocity.


Nice to see Spike did the doublestomp through the table. Haven't seen that since Tajiri used to use it in ECW.


Orlando Jordan is a lot better worker than Heidenrich too, so hopefully they replaced Heidenrich.


Angle/Haas, Tag Title Match, Spike and Rey vs. Dudleyz and Cena/Booker should all be watchable, so I'll watch this week.


Also, FBI vs. Chavo/Noble on Velocity should be excellent.

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I do not like the domination of comedy skits for the main angles on SD. I don't think Angle/Eddy or Taker/JBL should be doing comedy. I'm sorry but..


Serious main angles on Raw (HHH/Regal, Evolution/the upper-midcard faces) > the comedy of SD

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Orlando Jordan lives?  Holy crap!  But why are they pushing him and making RENE DUPREE lose to him!  Bastards!  Never kill the OUTRAGEOUS FRENCH DANCE~!

He pretty much said the only thing I was going to. Orlando Jordan is still employed?!

He's young, tall, and has potential.


Although at least he's not getting a title anytime soon.

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NOOOOOOOOO! Basically they've given JBL a slave :angry: . Or at least the gimmick will probaly play out like that. :( But JBL and Orlando Jordan? Top guys in a sense.



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Orlando Jordan lives?  Holy crap!  But why are they pushing him and making RENE DUPREE lose to him!  Bastards!  Never kill the OUTRAGEOUS FRENCH DANCE~!

He pretty much said the only thing I was going to. Orlando Jordan is still employed?!

He's young, tall, and has potential.


Although at least he's not getting a title anytime soon.

*FFWD To Next Month*


Chimmel: Here is your winner, and the NEW WWE United States Champion: ORLANDO...JORDAN!

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I could see everyone in WWE (storyline wise) questioning the Jordan turn, and then have Jordan play the "race card"on new GM Long, saying something about how he's living the rich man's dream while Teddy pretends to "keep it real", or something. Basic gist: They'll have Jordan act like white people are better than blacks, and he agrees with it, playing into the racist tendencies of the JBL character.


The Spike heel turn was seen coming from a mile away, and at least freshens him up a bit. I could totally see him being the little shit stirrer who relies on his brothers to back him up. Could make for some good promos.


The Cena/Booker thing I don't get. They're gonna wrestle 5 times (or at least 3, though I doubt either would win in straight matches/falls). Eh, not the best match for either guy, as Booker is dragged down by injury and Cena is not a carrier.

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Guest Anglesault

I do agree however that Eddie needed to start off this program more intense after Angle cost him the title. Do the comedy this week, last week should have had more fire.

How about Zero comedy period?


When I saw Eddie and Kurt were going to feud again, I expected to see hatred and sneak attacks and handcuff beatings and Rey getting powerbombed for no real reason.


Instead we got TWO STRAIGHT WEEEKS of




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Well, Rey is being dropped on his head for no real reason, just by The Dudleys. While I'm interested in seeing Spike as a heel (and how The Dudley Trio works out), it's only been a month or so that Spike and Rey have been "friends", so there's no real emotion in the turn/feud.

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If the the Booker/Cena goes five matches (is it best of five falls, or seperate matches?), I think we've seen Cena/Booker hovering 10 times since he's been on Smackdown.


Since I'm almost completely unaware of ECW's history, was Spike actually a good heel? Because it's going to be strange to see lil 'ol Spike as a heel.

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It is announced that Cena will face Booker T at Summer Slam in a Best of 5 Series match to decide the US Championship.


John Cena, Chris Benoit you are not.

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