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Star Ocean 3

Top RPGs each system

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1. Star Ocean 3

2. Disgaea

3. Wild ARMs 3

4. Final Fantasy 10

5. Arc 4

6. Breath of Fire 5

7. Grandia X

8. Dark Cloud 2




1. Xenogears

2. Star Ocean 2

3. Dragon Warrior 7

4. Valkyrie Profile




1. Grandia 2

2. Skies of Arcadia




1. Tetris Attack (Puzzle Mode rules)

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*snipped out the really really stupid joke, yet saved it to look back on how much of a dumbass I can make myself look like*


Top 10 RPGs Nintendo

1) The Legend of Zelda

2) Crystalis

3) Dragon Warrior 3

4) Final Fantasy

5) Ys (yes, this was released in NA)

6) The Battle of Olympus

7) Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes of the Lance

8) Magic of Scheherazade

9) The Bard's Tale

10) Ultima (I have never cared for the Ultima series)



Top 10 Sega Genesis RPGs

1) Phantasy Star IV (probably the most underappreciated RPG of all time)

2) Shining Force 2

3) Phantasy Star 2

4) Uncharted Waters: New Horizons

5) Shining Force

6) Phantasy Star 3

7) Langrisser II

8) LandStalker

9) Shadowrun

10) The Sword of Vermillion

^ corrected because I apparently got games mixed up.


Top 10 SNES RPGs

1) Lufia 2: The Rise of The Sinistrals

2) Chrono Trigger

3) Secret of Mana

4) The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past

5) Final Fantasy 4 (U.S. 2)

6) Breath of Fire

7) Final Fantasy 6

8) Breath of Fire 2

9) Earthbound

10) Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest




1) Fire Emblem

2) Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis

3) Golden Sun

4) Sword of Mana (this is a drastic remake of FFA)

5) CIMA: The Enemy

6) Mario And Luigi: Superstar Saga

7) Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (GB)

8) Golden Sun: The Lost Age

9) Shining Soul 2

10) Pokemon Red/Blue



Top 10 PlayStation RPGs

1) Grandia

2) Valkyrie Profile

3) Wild Arms

4) Suikoden

5) Star Ocean: The Second Story

6) Arc The Lad: Collection

7) Suikoden 2

8) Tactics Ogre

9) Breath of Fire 3

10) Tales of Destiny


Top 10 GameCube RPGs

1) Tales of Symphonia

2) Skies of Arcadia: Legends (I never played the original)

3) Final Fantasy: Crystal Cronicles

4) Rune 2

5) Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life

6) Summoner: A Goddess Reborn

7) Lost Kingdoms 2

8) Lost Kingdoms

9) Rune

10) Evolution Worlds


^ if there were more 7 more RPGs, I'd have those 7 inbetween FF:CC and Skies of Arcadia: Legends.



Top 10 PS2 RPGs

1) Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter

2) Disgaea: Hour of Darkness

3) Grandia 2

4) La Pucelle: Tactics

5) Shadow Hearts

6) Kingdom Hearts

7) Arc The Lad: The Twilight of Spirits

8) Wild Arms Advanced 3rd

9) Suikoden 3

10) Final Fantasy 10

Edited by Lightning Flik

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There was an added "Ok, I'm kidding.", near the beginning, which you have quoted. Not saying that makes things better, but I thought it would've at least given off that I was at least making a poor attempt at a joke; maybe I should have added that at the end or added like something like [/end really bad joke] in there.

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Top 10 PlayStation RPGs

1) Grandia

2) Valkyrie Profile

3) Wild Arms

4) Suikoden

5) Star Ocean: The Second Story

6) Arc The Lad: Collection

7) Suikoden 2

8) Tactics Ogre

9) Breath of Fire 3

10) Tales of Destiny


That's an interesting list. Arc Collection and Grandia would be on the rest of my list, as well. I probably prefer BoF 4 and WA 2 over their prequels, though. I'd also have Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete on my list, but I just cranked out my list in a fit of passion, I didn't have time to think about it.


Top 10 GameCube RPGs

1) Tales of Symphonia

2) Skies of Arcadia: Legends (I never played the original)

3) Final Fantasy: Crystal Cronicles

4) Rune 2

5) Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life

6) Summoner: A Goddess Reborn

7) Lost Kingdoms 2

8) Lost Kingdoms

9) Rune

10) Evolution Worlds


How could you manage to find 10 games for this system that can remotely be considered RPGs?


Top 10 PS2 RPGs

1) Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter

2) Disgaea: Hour of Darkness

3) Grandia 2

4) La Pucelle: Tactics

5) Shadow Hearts

6) Kingdom Hearts

7) Arc The Lad: The Twilight of Spirits

8) Wild Arms Advanced 3rd

9) Suikoden 3

10) Final Fantasy 10


Suikoden 3 should be on any top list, except for Top Awful Stupid Poopy Games. Don't worry, putting FFX higher on your list won't make you look like a newbie who only likes Square stuff. And, IN NORTH AMERICA IT'S CALLED WILD ARMS 3! YOU CANNOT CALL IT WILD ARMS ADVANCED 3RD BECAUSE THAT IS NOT IT'S AMERICAN TITLE! /second paragraph of your post.


Tetris Attack transcends being an RPG or not.

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Top 10 PlayStation RPGs

1) Grandia

2) Valkyrie Profile

3) Wild Arms

4) Suikoden

5) Star Ocean: The Second Story

6) Arc The Lad: Collection

7) Suikoden 2

8) Tactics Ogre

9) Breath of Fire 3

10) Tales of Destiny

I don't see Final Fantasy 7 on that list...




I'm going to have to post this list, and your name and full address on the GameFaq's board now. DIE!

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Oh... You weren't being serious? Well then fuck. I'm not much of one for sarcasm (online or real life). Can't dish it, can't receive it. No worries about it on my part.


As for GameCube games, I'm just going with what I think are RPGs. I don't know if they are or aren't. I'm quite sure they are, but its been awhile since I'be played a bevy of them.


Both WA2 and BoF4 fall to Tales of Destiny because it is better in terms of story, graphics, and gameplay. BoF4 had a few too many plot holes that I didn't care for (Bleu would be one), the Emperor storyline felt not really whole. WA2's main downfall is the fact that I kept finding it dragging the farther I got along in the game. They are my 12th, and 13th games respectively though, so I think they did well. Lunar barely got squeeked out by ToD, simply because I remembered that game.


Actually, FFX is only in my top ten, because I didn't think there was a better game (yet). Final Fantasy 10 is not really a favorite of mine, as a lot of things were ignored, not dwelled upon, or just bland in the storyline.


And I was deserving that attack on my second paragraph. :)

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1) Xenogears


2) Final Fantasy Tactics


3) Final Fantasy IX


4) Suikoden 2


5) Dragon Warrior 7


6) Final Fantasy 7


7) Tales of Destiny


8) Wild Arms


9) Legend of Dragoon


10) Suikoden

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*Wonders how the hell Grandia and Xenogears topped Flik and SO3's lists for PS1 RPGs, respectively*

The same way FFT and Xenogears tops mine: Personal bias :D


Edit: Oh wait. Damn, that is odd.

Clearly all is not right in the world.

Edited by Highland

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*Wonders how the hell Grandia and Xenogears topped Flik and SO3's lists for PS1 RPGs, respectively*

The same way FFT and Xenogears tops mine: Personal bias :D

Well, that's just it. I expected them to know a bit better. :D

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Kingdom hearts (PS2)

Chrono Trigger (SNES)- And yes Flik I play it through emulation, OMG ILLEGAL ROMS! Not legit like the real console!

Disgaea (PS2)

Final Fantasy tactics (PS)

Dragon Force (Sat)


I can't think of any other RPGs that were worthy of a second attempt. Also do people actually consider the zelda and CV titles as RPGs?

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*Wonders how the hell Grandia and Xenogears topped Flik and SO3's lists for PS1 RPGs, respectively*

The same way FFT and Xenogears tops mine: Personal bias :D


Edit: Oh wait. Damn, that is odd.

Clearly all is not right in the world.

Actually, it's not bias. If I wanted to be bias, Valkyrie Profile would've been #1. Although, I don't get how Xenogears can be a Top 10 RPG. Great RPG, yes. Top 10? No.



Chrono Trigger (SNES)- And yes Flik I play it through emulation, OMG ILLEGAL ROMS! Not legit like the real console!


I can't think of any other RPGs that were worthy of a second attempt. Also do people actually consider the zelda and CV titles as RPGs?

Alright already, it was a joke. Stop beating me over the head with it.


I only consider Legend of Zelda a RPG as I routinely keep getting told it is.


Then again, I have a bonifided way of making it not Action-RPG, just RPG. Well, theory of what a RPG should be. I'm still working on it though. I've got most of it down, just need to finish it up.

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Considering a good chunk of my completion list for RPGs (about 10-15) was done via Emu, I'm the bigger violater.


Edit: I'm quite sure the quote I had quote had some talk about who was the bigger violator.

Edited by Lightning Flik

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Top 10 Sega Genesis RPGs

1) Phantasy Star IV (probably the most underappreciated RPG of all time)

2) Shining Force 2

3) Phantasy Star 3

4) Uncharted Waters: New Horizons

5) Shining Force

6) Phantasy Star

7) Langrisser II

8) LandStalker

9) Shadowrun

10) The Sword of Vermillion

I agree. PSIV is my all-time favorite.


I have no fucking idea why PSIII is on your list, why PSII isn't on your Genesis list, or why PSI is on the list (It's not even a Genesis game!).


PSIII was terribly boring, and the whole game reeks of "We half-assed this game." Look at the fucking monster animations. They're near fucking laughable.


The idea was good - the execution was terrible.

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Ok... Did I fuck up that Genesis list? I tried going by memory. Dammit. I just added Phantasy Star, because I thought it was a Genesis game. My bad that it isn't. Also, I couldn't remember whether it was 2 or 3 was the one I loved a lot.


*checks info on each game*


Well, aw fuck. It's Phantasy Star 2 I meant, not 3. Dammit.


...since I don't have a 10th, Genesis game, now that I found out PSI isn't a Genesis game, just changed it to 3, and where 3 is it should be 2.


Tales of phantasia isn't half bad either, if you use the action replay code to reduce random battles.

Tales of Phantasia should've been made into a freaking SNES game, and I would've put that game as #1. But that's like saying that if Star Ocean the original came out, I would've given it my #2 slot.


And why cut down the random battles? Just killy more. That's what it is all about.

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Don't bash others' lists if you don't post your own.


Xenogears is brilliant.


If I made a SNES list, it'd probably be Star Ocean, Dragon Quest 6, and Final Fantasy 5.


Do I have to list 10-12 RPGs better than Xenogears, or will 7 or so suffice? :P I'm sure there are more that I just haven't played.


What's brilliant about it?


Also, no--if you'd make a Super Famicom list, you could throw those on there...otherwise you're cheating.

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I'm only putting on one list (Genesis) because that is the only system that I have played a decent amount of RPG's on.


1) Phantasy Star IV - see Lightning Flik's description. It's a almost-perfect blowoff to the series.

2) Shining Force II - I've played this an insane amount of times (due to the Sega Channel and later, emulation), even though I don't own the actual cartridge. It beats the shit outta SF1.

3) Beyond Oasis - A nice Zelda-like game that was also very underrated.

4) Phantasy Star II - It's not higher because of the horribly tedious dungeons. That's the major turnoff of PSII.

5) Shining in the Darkness - A nice RPG that was pretty good for its time. Decent graphics (including 3D mazes), and a decent amount of difficulty make this a winner.

6) Shining Force - the one game that put tactic-style RPG's on the map. SFII was more memorable, though.

7) Landstalker - Another RPG in the vein of Zelda, with a lot more puzzles than your average game.

8) Light Crusader - see 7...plus pushing cows are funny!

9) Phantasy Star III - I'm kinda stretching this, but it did have some redeeming features including the idea of multiple generations and magic redistribution tables.

...I am stretching this.

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1. Suikoden 2

2. Final Fantasy 7

3. Vagrant Story

4. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (It's always felt like an RPG to me, meh)

5. Suikoden

6. Final Fantasy Tactics

7. Wild Arms

8. Chrono Cross

9. Final Fantasy 9

10. Final Fantasy 8


I've only played 11 RPGs on PS1, shrug, so there's not much selectivity. Only Xenogears misses the list. I'd easily rather sit through FF8 again than the torture of Xeno's gameplay.




1. Final Fantasy 6

2. Chrono Trigger

3. Suikoden 2

4. Final Fantasy 7

5. Final Fantasy 10

6. Vagrant Story

7. Final Fantasy 1 (Origins Remake)

8. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

9. Suikoden

10. Dragon Warrior 3

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I've only played 11 RPGs on PS1, shrug, so there's not much selectivity. Only Xenogears misses the list. I'd easily rather sit through FF8 again than the torture of Xeno's gameplay.

Hm... That's a new reason. I've never heard of anyone thinking that the FF8 gameplay was that great. I didn't care for the junction system because it made me never use magic on the basis that it would cripple myself. And really when you got right down to it, you could practically describe the context of battles by Disc.


Disc 1 - GFs

Disc 2 - Weapons

Disc 3 - GFs

Disc 4 - Weapons (with Aura being the only freaking spell I'd use)


That's all there was to the battle system for me. ...don't get me even started on how I beat the game in under 25 hours, with only one character above level 30 (Squall - 42). That just even cheapened the game for me more so, becuase there was no real investment made into the game. I see my investment made by getting levels, and so the higher the levels are, the more I feel that I've actually put in the game. What pisses me off even more, were there was no point to the levels because all you had to do was junction a better spell at 100 and it solved leveling for you.

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I didn't say I particularly loved FF8, after all it's my 10th favorite RPG on PS1 out of 11 I've played, that's not very good. I just prefer it over Xenogears, which I found incredibly poorly made and frustrating. At least FF8 was straightforward. I'm also a hardcore Triple Triad mark, heh.

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