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Show's still going up, but I gotta get something off my chest.


Frisco... I guess you missed the part where I said Sasha doesn't get involved in the match at all.

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Drazon/Duran... will be edited in by Raynor. Go Raynor!


TNT publicly mocking my lack of super editing powers by pretending that I do not lack them = WORST LOCKDOWN EVAR~


:P :P :P

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WHEE! Superstar and I no-showed! My first no-show! ^___^;;;




Show seemed pretty good to me. Course I just skimmed through it for now. I'll look further into it later.

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She didn't get involved at all. She was attacked after the match. All she was doing was standing around at ringside as you write she does in the stats sheet.

I mean having Candaces manager go after her would seem only obvious to me. I tried to be as accurate as possible to what you wrote but I'm not familiar with how you view her. I thought I was being pretty much accurate with them. Sasha is Xaviers manager so I wrote her doing stuff any face manager would likely be doing, oly getting involved to the absolute minumum. Xavier was clearly a face as you described, the manager basically just stood out side of the ring. Its not like she tossed xavier brass nuks or something. Sorry if you hated it but I did what I could.

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quick and dirty.



- Well-written short promo, though I really hope this goes somewhere.



- TNT’s promos are always derivative and pointless. Thoth posted this exact thing last week.


Bowers vs. Kinxx

- I hate Kingdom Hearts.


I mean peanuts.


The character dynamic is very interesting. The Surprise Witness fit oddly well in this WWE-style TV affair. No star rating, because I don’t do anything that can be construed as encouraging Judge.


Candace vs. Xavier

- Not a bad affair, although Riley and Comet got screwed up a few places.


“Now what the hell is he doing?” Riley roars.


“Citizen Frisco is merely standing there. Perhaps he’s attempting to find a better view”


“View my ass” Riley barks. “That no good bastard is up to something!”


I’m having a hard time seeing Riley EVER complaining about a heel manager doing something dastardly, much less Comet arguing with him about it. I had a hard time keeping the heel/face status clear in this match, and the postmatch activity seemed to ignore the strong sympathy vibe the theoretical fans should be getting from Frisco’s cowing demeanor. It seems like the easiest way to handle these characters is to either make Candace sympathetic, or make her a clear-cut heel. Right now she’s a little bit of both and the concept of “shades of grey” doesn’t work in this instance.


Drazon vs. Duran

- My favorite match of the evening.


42nd Street Promo

- Mark Kinxx cameo. (Y)


And w00t~!


Clusterfuck Tag ACTION~!

- I’ll be honest. I didn’t have the stamina to read this.


Birdman vs. David Cross

- Once again, a perfectly acceptable TV match and a good read despite its shortitude.


Vladimir Everheart vs. Martin Hunt

- Very fun little read that I thought made very good use of Martin Hunt as a character and wrestler.


Street Fighter Tag~!

- w00t~!


Spike Promo

- Short and sweet


My match

- Yep. It’s mine.


Maddix vs. Dangerous

- Quite the hot match, putting Johnny over very well. I enjoyed reading this one.


Toxxic vs. Dace Night

- Very, very well-written match. Easily my MOTN pick.

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Opening promo from Munich, which is pretty amazing in itself. And he was some champion a n00b like me has never heard of... and he's going to unite the US titles? interesting, although I think Manson, Vlad and others may have their own opinions on that.


And Justin Bowers vs Mr Peanut. Well... I guess the entire point of this match was to point out that Bowers is GREEN, greener than Kermit the Frog when he's seasick. But then again, he felled a monstrous HOSS~ in about one minute. So hey.


Candace vs Xavier. Frisco, one thing - RILEY LIKES HEELS. OK, so he's not-very-ambiguously gay and wouldn't cheer for a girl on that count, but HE LIKE HEELS. He HATES faces. So he is going to LIKE Frisco, and support Candace. The only time I've ever seen Riley support a face or boo a heel was when Janus knucklebombed his own freaking SISTER, then chokeslammed Comet when he tried to intervene. That's IT. ANyway, the match.

Well, the spelling and grammar still need a little work. Nathan gets a LOT of big offence in early, however I do like the bit where he puts her on the top rope and tells her off - i can see the 'fun-loving' face actually doing that. But Nathan's offence is seriosuly overboard here - in the face of some chops and kicks, he's delivering chokeslams, massive clotheslines... he's strength 9, that's STRONG. I'd have trouble justifying Toxxic kicking out of all the shit that Xavier unloads here, and Toxxic's world champ. Anyway, the finish is actually pretty good if a little cheesy - Candace takes advantage of Nathan's good-guy nature by feigning an injury. I'm a little doubtful about the match-up of her legs vs his arms, cos the guy's freaking huge and nearly as strong as Janus, but that's all debatable. I will add though, if someone says "does not get involved in the match" they generally don't want people touching them, either.


Mask/Todd promo. Oh dear God, is all I'm saying.


The tag match.You know, I like the way this is handled, and not just cos Rev-0 win. I think the team dynamics work really well, you can justify the early exit of the Boy Scouts since James never gets in, and after that it really develops the whole Mask/Todd/Mike thing very well indeed, so that Spike and Sean's win comes as a result of it, but not unconvincingly. By the same token, Todd is put over as he was in the ring for ages, never backed down and it STILL took a doubleteam to put him away.


Birdman vs David Cross: Well, it's clearly rushed as it only seems to just get into it's stride before it comes crashing to a halt. I'm not sure Birdy's antics really justifies Speed 9 though. ANyway, this was obviously a rush job so there's not much point commenting as Birdy knows how to improve on it.


Vlad vs Hunt: Hmm, opening flurry by Vlad appears to have no effect on Hunt despite a dropkick to the head and a tope con hilo. I know it's early, but he's up and away like nothing's happened. And then it's reversed, as Vlad avoids an elbow drop and pops up unhurt to regain the advantage. The next spot I really notice is Hunt catchin Vlad and bridging into a Fallaway - I like it a lot, but could Hunt relly do that? I don't have his stats to hand, but I'd have thought he wasn't strong enough to catch a wrestler some 25lbs heavier and do that. And again, could he catch Vlad and get him up for a press slam? Still, Vlad gets out and hits the Northern Lights Bomb for the win. Felt a little patchy in parts, but still good stuff from a prominent member of the Brit Clique ;)


Andrea and Blanka vs M Bison and Ace Lezaire: Great. Absolutely fucking great. If we had a Comedy Match Title, it'd be between Drea and Masky.


And Spike has a tantrum. Aww, bless him.


Flesher vs Sly: What can I say? Flesher owns all, he would have beaten me one-on-one if he'd shown, and what further proof do you need than this?


“Tom Flesher does attempt to take a page out of Spike Jenkins’ book and, in order to combat Jenkins’ Super Ego Trip, Flesher misappropriates the Ratings Grabber. Unfortunately, the Nielsen Families disagree, and Flesher’s ratings go down significantly in the overrun.”


Riley sighs. “This would be so much easier if they’d just use the FPM formula.”


Landon vs Johnny: Tis a good match. It deserves more, I know, I know, but I'm starting to get tired now. I like the point that Landon seems to find it difficult to focus without Card at ringside. but I need to sleep soon.

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Guest Ghetto Bird
Birdman vs David Cross: Well, it's clearly rushed as it only seems to just get into it's stride before it comes crashing to a halt. I'm not sure Birdy's antics really justifies Speed 9 though...

What does this mean? Are you saying that I'm portraying Birdman as being faster than he should be? :huh:

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Well, as per usual, I have not read the entire show, but I've skimmed a good portion of it and such, so let's begin at a perfect spot, the beginning!


Promo by Frankfurt:


Okay, let's all bring back titles! I want the ML Jobber Crown! You know, to give to certain people...




Bowers fight, yay! It should have been Tokyo X. Just because Kid Cools kicked his sorry ass at that one JL PPV where some other things happened...




Teh Candace match...oof. First off, I really hope that you actually know the circumstances behind Clay changing his name. If not, then why in the hell would you mention it in the first place? Also, it's segue. Segway is that human transport thing. Good for hardcore situations, but not for talking about a transition to something else. Ever. I don't want to point out the other spelling errors, but just run a spell check, then re-read it yourself, since things like "They're/their/there" aren't always caught.




Yay Drazon! Yay Duran! Fight, yay!


Promosky from Masky. And stuff. Yay Casablanca reference! But an "Assablanca" reference would have been better!! YAY!


I tried reading it, since Spike was like "Read it" in chat, and stuff. But, honestly, not right now. Perhaps later. Who knows?



Kind of skimmed past Birdy/Cross. That should get a read through later...


Didn't read Vlad/Hunt. I suck, I know.


Who let this next match in? Blech. Anti-whoat


Spike be angerful! RAAR!


Yay Tom! I like Blargledyargyle! I now know who Spicer is! And because of that, I wish I had friends. YAY! Wish I had friends...


Once again, my sucking prohibits me from reading the last two matches right now...

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Actually the reason Clay changed his name was totally irrelevent to the match. It was just mentioned he changed his name as a point of fact. I'm not trying to make any political statements whether he did it to avoid serving in Nam or if it was a real religious conversion to the Muslem religion. It's not the issue.It was basically Clay changed his name to ALi and she's changing her name to "The dragon" and nothing deeper than that.

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Guest Aecas

Aye Toxxic the match was rather patchy in parts, but I blame that on the muggy weather, its been sucking my energy away ever day after work which doesn;t leave a lot behind so I just threw in what I could.


As for catching Vlad, Hunt has strength 6 so it shouldn;t really have been a problem for him. But hey :)

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Spike...I enjoyed the match. The story telling was great, I thought. You worked on the Cortez, MVS, TMM triangle which is very interesting.


I haven't read everything else yet. The Street Fighter tag was quite entertaining. Zangief is awesome.


About my promo. If you want to get pissed off by it, fine. I brought it back due to the twenty questions thread, where people thought I should defend the title. Even if people were joking around, it gave me a storyline idea for myself. So I'm going to try and go with it, and eventually work my way to the USJL. It pretty much gives me a reason to write...


About the EUS Title and defending it, I have five words for it...from my cold dead hands.

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Comments time...sigh such a long damn show. Fingers will be so sore.


Opening Promo:

Munich talks about the old days and brings out his old EUS title as he was the last champ. And he's brought the title back into the running it seems. Hmmm could be interesting at least.


Opening - feeding the new guy a match due to storyline - match:

An almost not there squash match from Judge because he needs to set this guy up. I sort of know what's going on, but still....wait and see people.


Second Match:

Little banter to set this one, but lack of some actual facts on AJPw/AJW puts me off a little, and the constant mini promos to start matches are a bday way to eat words on short limits. Better left to be done as pre-match promos. Still, at least Candace/Dragon now sounds Joshi at least, even if she still doesnt wrestle like one. Settling into the style more, but it all still lacks that needed description form one moment to the next and some finer details on moves. Again, spot and a little to fast but with some basic story to it. Nothing really gets sold to the final move with the sholder as Dragon breaks out a Hanging Octopus Hold for the win.


Third Match:

Nothing to see here, move along people.


Promo Time:

Zany promo, as Todd confromts TMM about their teamings and the Tag Titles....hmmm interesting.


Next Match:

It's four way tag team madness folks. Meaning a bloody clusterfuck. Still, a smoothly written mid-card number at least. And again TMM brings the comedy eliment to light up the match and make it more readible. He does get used well in this role, without becomeong a complete comedy character. It looks like this one is all built around the TMM/TC/MVS tag title story, but keeping the wrestling to limited beatdowns and stuff so as not to burry anyone in the process. Nice extended beatdown on Todd from Rev-0, even if it lacks covering what TMM/King are upto. Still a nice little section and the Bad Beat Counter/Recounter and the pinfall break up. Story moves on really with, with both Mike and Mask saving Todd from King then breaking into a brawl. Todd takes out King, only to have Rev-0 railroad him. Good story match that advances things nicely. I do like.


And another Match:

Sort-a-n00b guy and a guy in a bird suit and all. Real fast hardcore number, quick opening, a dive, some chairshots, a DDT and then it's all over. Another match in the good writing not there for the wrestling pile.


Contendership Match:

I was under the same writing conditions of Vlad, but he made the best of it. Still well writen, as a lot of mid/upper mid card have the basic writing down to a pretty decent art and there's rarely a problem with it. Starts off fast and spot, so there's something happening, just to cover a lack of a really deep story with a simple balance between two wrestlers so it all works for what it is. Basic back and forth stuff that hits a lot of high spots to be an entertain little read.


Comedy Tag Match:

Rushed in comedy match that cracks lots of jokes and does work in some wrestling around them here and there. Hehe, have to laugh being an SF fan and all that.



Spike wants to get the CW Title back. Fat chance.


CW Title Match:

It's a Tom Flesher match. We all know it kicks ass people. Another great blend of comedy, action and skill through out. With a very good little story of Sly sort of coming close but not really becaus it's against Tom Flesher.


Grudge Match Thingy Majiggy:

I like the jokes about Johnny using Men In Black and the hype about Maddix not having backup now to show how much this one matters now. Guffing in on the psych though, trying to cover it up, but it doesnt hold. Still, the two men do try to out do each other rather than just beat the crap out of each other. Not sure how well it workds as an ending matchb between them, but it's built as such rather than a hate filled bone breaking grudge match. Little too much with the clotheslines and sudden unbuilt come backs, but Maddix at least plays the role of showing off and being the better man as a heel very well. Some little cheap shot about psych in there...again probably trying to cover the lack of deeper psych beyond the body work and the show of nature. But it builds up well, and breaks out from showing off into more of a full fight and dose play off the last two matches here and there.


Main Event Which I Lost So I Suck Match:

I job, Toxxic wins. Biased and bitter review to follow later.

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Birdman vs David Cross: Well, it's clearly rushed as it only seems to just get into it's stride before it comes crashing to a halt. I'm not sure Birdy's antics really justifies Speed 9 though...

What does this mean? Are you saying that I'm portraying Birdman as being faster than he should be? :huh:

No, I'm saying you've given the guy speed 9 and he doesn't do anything more flashy than Toxxic does at speed 7, if that. You're only a step down from Andrea, and she GRINDS ALONG THE FRICKING TOP ROPE. That takes fucking BALANCE.

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Definatly, Birdman suffers from the same problem Wildchild did. He doesn't really do anything that much to show he has speed 9. He came close a few times in the first two Team Flip Flop matches but that was it.

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Guest Ghetto Bird

Well, given my relative place in the fed, if I can win going half-speed, then why should I go balls-out? I mean, I've got to save something for the 'money' matches, right? ;)


Besides which, the only match in which I made any serious attempt to try to capitalize on my speed also happens to be the only match I've lost so far, so... what's that all about? :(

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

Holy shit,,, this guy doesn't suck 100% anymore!






He's been notched down to 99% sucking!!

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