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I call a Kate run-in. And if this were pro wrestling she'd kayo Jack with a coconut, hook up with Sawyer and wear skintight leather and... where was I again?

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Holy fucking shit. Holy fucking shit. Fuck those motherfucking shitty butterflies. Those fuckers. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.


1. TWICE Charlie crawls through a tiny hole. TWICE. He's a fucking SUPERMOTH. FUCK. 1000000%!


2. Sawyer decides not to bring it up? OH MY GOD. EEEEEVIL.


3. "The boys in Malibu are such idiots. Oh crap!"


4. Locke is so awesome! He's a genius and a hunter and an everything else! He's a gunterthing!


5. "Steve!" "I'm Scott, he's Steve." Perfect dig at themselves.








9. Charlie...fuck. I can't believe I have this at number 9. HIS FUCKING BROTHER FUCKING MADE HIM A FUCKING DRUG ADDICT. FUCK. And then his brother has a family so now he is good? FUCK THAT FUCKER. FUCK HIM. FUUUUUUCK. All the flashbacks rocked.


10. Jin still has the handcuff on. Nice.







Awesome show. I love it. Tee hee.

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Guest wrestlingbs

Only problem I had was that 30 minutes into the show I thought "He's going to ask for the drugs, but then throw them away." And sure enough he did. Kinda predictable which is rare for Lost. But the other 99% was pure gold. I hate Sawyer and I hope Jack messes him up. And I like how they are planting seeds for future events (The dad and the Korean wife).


Big shocker was that Sayid got jumped before he could get the signal. Now who could it be?


Jack and Charlie were in the cave.


Kate, The Korean couple, the dad and son, the brother, and Jack's lil buddy were all digging Jack out.


The sister was on the beach.


This leaves 4 unaccounted for people: the pregnant woman, Sawyer, Locke, and Someone Else. The Pregant woman is ruled out because it'd be hard for her to move around, much less swing a log. With someone else who we haven't seen it's pretty much up for grabs, but WHY ATTACk SAYID? Locke's capable of doing it (he could sneak up on somebody) and he's crazy enough to do it. Sawyer's at the top of the list, because while the flare did go off we didn't actually see him light it (we saw the other two BUT NOT Sawyer) and he seems to want to stay on the island forever.

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I can't see this getting worse or declining in quality for a long, long time.


Best show on tv w/out doubt.


- Sawyer........bless you, Sawyer. You are the smartest man on that island and nobody gives you your props. But tonight you descended to a certain level of dickery and cunning that is only reserved for certain and for that I salute you.


- They always say that young British rock stars make the best boar bait. I never believed that rumour until tonight.


- Locke's moth metaphor kicked everybody's ass.


- We can only hope for bigger roles for Scott and Steve in the future. They were at the heart of this whole thing.


- Who knocked out Sayid? Unknown character? I heard some rumour that Tom Cruise's cousin aka the psycho dude from In The Bedroom (last name is Mapother) is debuting soon on the show and that a French actress has been signed to an episode that also features backstory on Sayid.


- Jack vs Sawyer.




"It's on like donkey kong, Tonay."


I'll bet that Jack looks better in the fight but Sawyer gets the serious damage in rudo-style after Kate breaks up the fight.

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"It's on like donkey kong, Tonay."

Off topic, but the WWE needs to dump Grisham and team Coach up with Stevie Ray. Will it be great PBP? Probably not, but it'll probably be funny...

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Guest Evolution

Locke is a good suspect because, like Sawyer, he'd like to stay on the island for good. The island is what gave him the power to walk, why walk away from it? And if Locke knows something the others don't, that'd give him plenty of motive for whacking Sayid if he was getting too close to the answer. How would Sawyer have been able to light the bottle rocket alone and have time to rush over to nail Sayid? He might have been able to use a cigarette or something slow-burning, but the odds of that are low. It's either a new character or Locke, but I like Locke because he had enough time to stop gutting the boar, whack Sayid, and go back to the cave to finish things with Charlie. Of course, a new character could work too.


And next week is going to kick ass.


EDIT: I hope the ratings for last night's show are up substantially, because there is no reason this should be having lagging ratings. Desperate Housewives is pulling in 20 million+, and that show has been lagging in the past couple of weeks. Lost has remained strong.

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I don't think it can be a new character, because LOST - so far - has done a good job of foreshadowing or hinting at something. If they wanted to introduce a new character with this, they'd have shown something in the background to give us a hint about it. Unless, of course, they did do that & it was so subtle that I completely missed it.


Locke makes the most sense, but how would he know where to find Sayid? He was one of the only ones that hadn't been informed what Kate, Sawyer, and Sayid were doing. It's not like the island is small enough that he could have just hunted them down so quickly ... right?


Sawyer makes sense only because he knew where to find Sayid. But, like Evolution said, how did he light his rocket and then get to Sayid so quickly? He doesn't come across as a sprinter.


Basically, I have no idea who it is, and that's one of the reasons that I like this show. It's given me reason, week in and week out, to want to watch the next episode. My guess, though, is the new character theory.

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After taking a back seat to Fox's postseason baseball coverage for two weeks, ABC's hit drama Lost on Wednesday night at 8:00 p.m. scored its highest ratings since its premiere episode, an 11.4 rating and a 17 share. Meanwhile, NBC's decision to move its new LAX to Wednesday night in the same hour to replace the poor-performing Hawaii crash-landed with a 5.3/8. Despite the poor lead-in, NBC's The West Wing jumped ahead of the competition at 9:00 as it registered a 9.0/13. CBS took over the lead at 10:00 with CSI: NY drawing a 9.6/16. ABC's Wife Swap was in second place with a 7.7/13, while NBC's Law & Order dipped to third place with a 7.5/13.

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Guest El Satanico

Has anyone else that was into the show at the beginning LOST interest in it?


I'm still interested in knowing the secrets, but I've gotten incredibly bored by the journey to the secrets.


The show just seems to keep repeating the same format episode after episode. Bring up secrets of the island, flashbacks, adventure of the week, drama of the week, mysterious event of the week and then a small "cliff hanger" ending. I completely forgot to watch this week, but unless they start revealing some secrets and throwing in some twists soon, i may just stop caring about watching.

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Has anyone else that was into the show at the beginning LOST interest in it?


I'm still interested in knowing the secrets, but I've gotten incredibly bored by the journey to the secrets.


The show just seems to keep repeating the same format episode after episode. Bring up secrets of the island, flashbacks, adventure of the week, drama of the week, mysterious event of the week and then a small "cliff hanger" ending. I completely forgot to watch this week, but unless they start revealing some secrets and throwing in some twists soon, i may just stop caring about watching.

I think the shows momentum has really started to slow down, the first episode was a real cliff hanger that made me excited to watch it the following week, now I just watch it because there is nothing else I rather watch.

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The show just seems to keep repeating the same format episode after episode. Bring up secrets of the island, flashbacks, adventure of the week, drama of the week, mysterious event of the week and then a small "cliff hanger" ending. I completely forgot to watch this week, but unless they start revealing some secrets and throwing in some twists soon, i may just stop caring about watching.

There is repetition, but it's good in a way since they have such a large cast to explain things about. Lessee - Sawyer, Sayid, Hurley, Boone and Bitch, Michael, Claire and maybe Rose... so you're probably seeing 6-7 more eps before the shit really starts hitting the fan, I think.

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I think that the reason Sawyer is going to get the shit kicked out of him because they believe he's the one who knocked out Sayid. I agree that it was kind of weird Sayid looked fine in the next episode in the previews (maybe what they previewed was at the end of it, thus giving him enough time to recover?)


Then Kate will come to Sawyer's rescue...thus leaving the question of who knocked out Sayid.



I can see the guy's complaint of losing intrest but it's all about development and slow build. Hopefully we won't be let down.


Check out ABC right now...they are showing replays of the last 2 episodes.

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That was a pretty cool extended preview. I'm looking forward to the next show with the possibility of new characters.


And knowing more about Sawyer is definately worth it.


I think the last two episodes weren't as good as the others, but I think Confidence Man will be one of, if not, the best so far.

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I think that the reason Sawyer is going to get the shit kicked out of him because they believe he's the one who knocked out Sayid.

In the previews it looks like they go after Sawyer cause he's stashing Shannon's asmah inhaler and wouldn't give it back when she has an attack.

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I really hated "House of the Rising Sun" on first viewing, which is why I didn't post about it back when it aired. But re-watching it tonight, it is pretty good. I still don't like the fact that Sun speaks English, it is just too convenient - although when she will have to speak it eventually and Jin finds out it is going to be awesome. The music at the airport scene where Sun chooses to stay with Jin is fantastic, as is Jin's look on his face. You can tell he loves his wife.


Good stuff, better than I remembered.

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I think that the reason Sawyer is going to get the shit kicked out of him because they believe he's the one who knocked out Sayid.

In the previews it looks like they go after Sawyer cause he's stashing Shannon's asmah inhaler and wouldn't give it back when she has an attack.

...that too.

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Nice! So I'm channel surfing and on Fox, they had an episode of Becker and guess who was on? Jorge Garcia aka Hurley. I looked at IMDB afterwards and it noted he's been on the show a few times in late 2003. Cool stuff.

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When it comes to "Batman" only one format ever got it pitch perfect right - the Warner Bros. animated series of the early 90's. Now Paul Dini, one of the geniuses behind that series, has a new job working for "Alias" creator J.J. Abrams on his new ABC series "Lost" which has become one of the biggest hits of the new season. Over the weekend, Dini attended the Wizard World Convention in Dallas and spoke about all of his projects. Along the way were some big spoilers for "Lost" and 'Ranger1138' was in attendance to write it all down:


WizardWorld: Paul Dini on Lost - by 'Ranger1138'


"Two clips were shown from this Wednesday's episode. One featured a funny exchange between Hurley and Charlie. Charlie believes that the large man is hording food. He bases this hypothesis on the sheer fact that he hasn't lost any weight in their time on the island. The banter goes back and forth for some time until it is mentioned that Hurley has gone down one belt notch. The second clip was very intense. It showed Sayid torturing Sawyer. This is a long scene that will definitely get that "viewer discretion is advised" box to pop up at least once or twice during the hour. The torture involves fingernails and sharp objects if anyone was curious.


After the clip it was asked if Standards and Practices had issues with the show since it was an 8PM EST slotted show. Paul said that they rarely worry about that kind of thing although they did wonder if they would be able to go ahead with the drug storyline for Charlie. ABC is fully behind the show and it rarely sends in notes to the writing team. The decision to air the show in "Pan and Scan" was the network's decision and the DVDs feature widescreen transfers of the show.


One of the original marketing plans was to release the DVD of the two hour pilot some three weeks after it aired. ABC moved on to the concept of just re-airing the show, like NBC and CBS do now, on Saturdays for those viewers who need to catch up. DVD sets are planned with deleted scenes but Disney and Bad Robot have not decided on any release dates yet. Some time last year ABC decided that they, like the other networks, needed to have a series shot in Hawaii. LOST was ABC's attempt to have a scripted or dramatic version of Survivor. Although ABC preferred to think of it as a "deserted island" show.


Paul said that each writer drew names from a hat. Three names were chosen by each writer. That writer then went off to write the character's history and back story. Paul's character's are John Locke, Sawyer and Sun [Daniel Day Kim's wife]. Paul said that Locke was based off of the real life philosopher John Locke. He also said that Locke was a strategist. He likes the thrill of the hunt and comes to see things like the game he played in episode 104 "Walkabout".


When asked if it was a coincidence that Locke seemed to be around at a character's key moment Paul stated that Locke just seems to be an opportunist. He apparently is not good or evil, however, he may play a given situation either way to gain an advantage. It was also said that the monster is sort of a reflection of yourself. The pilot saw it in horror and he was killed because he feared the monster. Locke saw the monster with true awe, therefore, he was able to survive his encounter.


The monster it's self may not be revealed totally at any point in the series. It may be, as Paul described it, "a Loch Ness Monster kind of thing". Bits and pieces of the beast will be shown throughout the series but a full reveal could prove to be anti-climatic. Still the monster will be explained at some point in future seasons.


Kate is said to have a checkered past in her character's bio. She is also wanted for multiple things other than the bits shown early on in the season. A future ep will really bring her past to the forefront this season. Jack was originally planned to be killed off in the two hour pilot. The plan was to have someone famous play him and then kill him off before the middle of the second hour. The team talked about getting Michael "Batman" Keaton, however, Paul wasn't sure if they ever made it to the point of approaching him.


Paul said that some of the other survivors will have their turn in the spotlight. Scott and Steve were introduced last week and they have some lines in upcoming shows. A new character will step up soon to help Claire with her pregnancy. Rosa's story about her missing husband will be touched upon before the end of the season.


The team tried to cast as many natives to Hawaii as they could. Production costs could get quickly out of hand if they chose a famous actor to be a side character that would eventually work their way to the main cast. They loved the idea of maybe doing this but it would cost them a lot of money to fly out an actor for a few scenes. So casting found many extras in the area who could work their way up to speaking lines if the writing team needed a new "red shirt of the week". And they really do call them red shirts. Apparently at least one main character and several minor ones will be killed off before the end of the season.


Paul also acknowledged the Buffy fans that came over to the show when David Fury came on board. Julie Bens "Darla" had spoken in the same room moments earlier and many of those fans stayed to hear Dini. Someone asked how involved JJ was with the show. Paul answered by saying that he splits his time between Lost, Alias and the new Bounty Hunter mid season replacement show for ABC. Paul knows that it will get crazier the closer they get to pre production on Mission Impossible 3.


A question was asked about the time period that seems to be mentioned on the show each week. Paul said that they want the viewer to be very aware of the amount of time spent on the island. The entire first season will take one month of pseudo island time. A new CGI company is now on board to assist with effects needed. In a lot of cases the animals used in the show are CGI due to Hawaii's restrictions on the importing of animals. CGI was used for the wild bores and the polar bear.


Paul also told story about how the extras like to feed the bores when on break. This causes them to feel sleepy later on in the shoot. The scene where Locke uses Charlie as bait was one of the scenes where the bore fell fast asleep once in the hammock like net. Mira "Babylon 5" Furlan will guest star in a very important role before the season is out. P


aul said that the plan is to keep the show's current format of story punctuated with flashbacks. There was talk of maybe doing an episode where the survivor's families were shown but it was dropped for the same reason why a story about another person washing up on the beach was dropped. The team feels that the show's strength is based upon it's focus with those already on the island. Anything else may effect the "Gilligan" factor. The team is well aware that the show will have to move beyond this focus at some point, however, that could be done in say season 3 or 4. And yes they have a loose season plan for going that far with the show

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Guest Evolution

Watched Freddy vs. Jason on one of the movie channels a couple of days ago, and who turned out to be an extra in the high school the kids went to but Evangeline Lilly, aka Kate.

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