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I thought she came off well enough. She didn't say that line about getting dates in a brazen way. Just that she hoped she wouldn't have to use a phone service to meet people.


And while she wasn't necessarily right about what's happened in the show, she wasn't ridiculously false either. When she said no one had died, they were kind of talking about the core cast.

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Well, now that it has been brought up...


DEATH POOL~!!!!!!!


Jack? (unlikely)

Kate? (nah)

Michael? (Interesting, but they've been playing up his relationship with Sun way too much. I *could* see him dying to save his kid, though.)

Walt? (They won't kill the kid)

Sun? (nah)

Jin? (*scratches chin* He won't get far if he doesn't speak English and he's in the way of the (crappy) Michael/Sun relationship)

Charley? (Nah)

Hurley? (Nah)

Locke? (Possibly)

Sayid? (Nah)

Sawyer? (Too good of a character to kill off right away, but him saving Kate or Sayid and sacrificing himself would be a nice, albiet cliched way to end his character)

Boone? (The problem is, he's been TOO worthless so far so I don't know what killing him would do)

Shannon? (nah, they won't kill a chick)

Claire? (I don't want a baby on the island - unless the island can, like, make the baby grow up really quickly and in between seasons. I wouldn't mind Claire going for this reason... but they won't do it)

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Hmm...that's a tough enough. I'd hate for them to introduce a new character and then have that person die.


I still wouldn't be absoultely shocked to see Jack die, as that well the original plan. And then the 2nd season would consist of trying to find a new leader...maybe even introducing another new character to do so.

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Well, now that it has been brought up...


DEATH POOL~!!!!!!!


Jack? (unlikely)

Kate? (nah)

Michael? (Interesting, but they've been playing up his relationship with Sun way too much. I *could* see him dying to save his kid, though.)

Walt? (They won't kill the kid)

Sun? (nah)

Jin? (*scratches chin* He won't get far if he doesn't speak English and he's in the way of the (crappy) Michael/Sun relationship)

Charley? (Nah)

Hurley? (Nah)

Locke? (Possibly)

Sayid? (Nah)

Sawyer? (Too good of a character to kill off right away, but him saving Kate or Sayid and sacrificing himself would be a nice, albiet cliched way to end his character)

Boone? (The problem is, he's been TOO worthless so far so I don't know what killing him would do)

Shannon? (nah, they won't kill a chick)

Claire? (I don't want a baby on the island - unless the island can, like, make the baby grow up really quickly and in between seasons. I wouldn't mind Claire going for this reason... but they won't do it)

Jin gets my vote, sadly. He's the only one whose story has been told but hasn't gained major attention or buildup from it like Kate, Jack, Charley and the rest have. It was more Sun's episode then anything.


I don't see Locke as a possibility because after Jack he's the most important character on the show due to his relationship with the island and how he thinks differently of it compared to the rest of the cast.


Claire dying and Charley having to look after the kid comes to mind every so often.

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I say Jin gets it from The Thing in The Jungle.


If the writers of Lost are as smart as they should be they won't have one castaway kill another until at least the second season. Or at least, they won't show it happening.

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Guest Evolution

Jin will probably get wind of Sun knowing English and will eventually start to let all the paranoia about Sun and Michael and every other guy she even gets close to on the island build up so much that he'll misdirect his rage at Sun and Michael will save the day and bludgeon him to death. But I agree that the castaway killings shouldn't happen until much later.

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By the way, Suprnova.org is great....


But TVTorrents.net is better for TV shows.


Make sure to get BitTornado with your BitTorrent, it makes the downloads much faster.



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The only thing I wish they'd change about this show is the high tension levels present through the whole program. It practically wrecks the nerves and I keep waiting for someone to open up a can of soup or something equally simple with scary music and everyone nearby gasping as nothing happens. :)

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Wednesday, November 17, 8/7c


Sayid's life is placed in grave danger after he stumbles upon the source of the mysterious French transmission. Meanwhile, Hurley has a ridiculous plan to make life on the island a little more civilized — and it just might work




Oh, btw, my guess for Hurley's idea: Name tags.

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I'm really curious in what happens with the girl takes Sayid hostage on his journey.


And also what Hurley finds in that bag or whatever.


Since I got class til 9, I'll be taping it as usual so enjoy it!

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The TWoP recap of last week pointed out something I totally missed - Sawyer's book didn't look waterlogged at all. So either he was lying about the inhalers or props guy fucked up...

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This was the episode I was waiting for. I knew Hurley would bring everyone's spirits up at some point, thus making the inevitible downfall that much more awesome. (Also the reason I think Hurley dies first).


Lost being preempted for a fucking 2 hour Bachelor proves there is no god.


(well, if Lost was on Fox it would have been cancelled already, so there is some minor god on our side)

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Strong work again this week, not up to par with Locke's or Sawyers eps but I'd rate it #3 on my list so far. Sayid's stock just went up a whole lot. WHAT WAS HE LOOKING AT WHEN THE SHOW ENDED? Who knows?


They gave us so much to work with tonight that I'm almost (but at the same time not at all) glad that we have two weeks to ponder the words of Danielle.


"If we're lucky it's one of the bears"- What if they're not lucky?


What/where is The Black Rock?


Did Adam and Eve have a connection to Danielle?


How the fuck has she kept herself alive (and in reasonably good condition)?


What is transmitting the signal?

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Just watched the tape and all I can say is what the FUCK was that? That was by far the most confusing show yet and I've got about 50 million more questions I don't understand. First off:


Hurley was awesome as usual. Jack giving his usual serious talk..."Things could be worse." "How????" And making a golf course? Brilliant. Sawyer's becoming one of their own I guess...so much for the enemies.


Intresting to see how Ethan and Locke know each other.


Now, onto the major shit:


Where is Alex? What was that drawing Sayid looked back at, and then took? Danielle, the french chick, was shipwrecked on this island? The black rock? The carriers? The others? Why didn't Sayid ask about where they were when they shipwrecked? Now that we know who Alex is, we know that he's going to become a character. Really intresting to see the Sayid flashbacks. He's got fucking BALLS. And whatever he was looking at the end of the show leads me to believe it was the thing.


This fucking confused the hell out of me. I just don't fucking get it and it pisses me off because I know we won't have any answers anytime soon.


I didn't leave this show with the "I can't wait til next week" feeling...more or less "I want some fucking explaniations."


I am going to be watching this show again and again and again to try to figure things out.

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Curry and I are setting up the TSM Lost Exchange, any interested parties post in here their email addys and I'll send you what you need to play (an excel spreadsheet, YEAH!).


Every episode we find one character shining, one character surprising us all, and one character getting completely left out. For the first two, their stocks rise. For the last one, their stocks fall. Hurley's stock tonight rose, Jin's fell. The TSM Lost Exchange allows us (YOU!) to buy stock in each character and see if their stock rises or falls depending on a variety of factors (influence on the island, performance, status in the episode, demand, etc).


We all start off with $100 each, and each character has 1000 shares available to buy at a variety of price ranges (Ethan is at $0.50 right now, Sayid is at $16). Each week we'll have market reports (based on previews), winners and losers, and Gold star picks. I think this could get really fun, I hope folk give it a shot.


So post your email or email me at [email protected] and I'll throw you an attachment so you can get a good feel for what we're doing. The market opens tomorrow at 10:00 pm and you can buy stock all the way up until the next LOST episode (markets close during that time and will be adjusted by 9:15pm of that day... or they could remain open and it fluxuates during the show... hmm, we have plenty of time to discuss that.)

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