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They should pull an Equilibrium.



Some Island Guy (since they offed Ethan already): blah blah blah, something about without incident.


Jin (from behind them): No...not without incident.


*Jin kills them all with a fishing spear, then goes and kills that giant-ass-fuck polar bear with is bare hands*

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Jin hasn't shown his toughness on the island because everyone has secrets and that is his. I took his toughness as being part of illegal activities and I don't know about anybody else but anything illegal I was involved with, I didn't go showing it off.


As far as Ethan being offed, I don't think he is dead. If you rewatch the scene where Hurley and Charlie are burying him, Hurley makes a comment about him coming back to life and the next shot is them standing over the body and it is clear that he is breathing. At first I thought it was a mistake but the shot of the body is too long and the breathing is too deep to be one.

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JESUSU KSDA ;lUjfeoisaufdlKfdsusicx kjcufdkciux ;jlkfcdx aYEWAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!


This shit is hot. Fuck.


Fantastic scoring at the end, just amazing.

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And Jin and Sun were used freakishly well in tonights episode. JIN! Didn't die! Just 100% spectacular from DDK, and Yunjin Kim is becoming ridiculously bangable. Jin hugging Charlie, Jin talking to Claire... greatness. Sun finding the needles, telling Jack to stop.... hotness. Boone letting Jack off the hook was touching, and it made sense given the way Boone learned to let go of Shannon. Shannon/Sayid is still a worthless relationship, but it does lead to Sayid facing off against Locke.


Jack... Matthew Fox... is a fucking all-star. Fuck, he's good at emoting. Just top notch work from the guy. I almost cried at the end when he had to let Boone go. And then, at the end.... wanting to find JOHN LOCKE. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH DADDY~!

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I almost cried at the end when he had to let Boone go.

One single tear down my cheek, baby. That's the goodness.


Fuck, I loved this episode. Had everything. A++. In the top 10, easily. Loved it. The ending was so great, from the musical score lasting the entire scene (every episode has kick ass scores, but this is way up there in terms of the best) to "I'm going to find John Locke."


Motherfucker. Yes.

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Maybe it was my mood tonight or something, but tonight's episode didn't do anything for me. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it plenty, but I maybe after the awesomeness of last week, this week's was missing something.


But Boone did die. That was sweet.

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Guest Brian

I loved it. Man, I tuned in late, but I was just anticipating the whole episode that Locke was going to do something, or the baby was going to die, or Jack was going to save Boone. And I'm usually completely pessimistic when it comes to these things, knowing that Boone is going to die, but they played it so fucking well. Did Locke get a cameo at all?

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Very good episode, you just knew there was no coming back for Boone. Plus they'd already gone back on killing Charlie and Shannon, so someone had to go.


I hate hate hate the long wait for the new episode, we need Locke.

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Jack... Matthew Fox... is a fucking all-star. Fuck, he's good at emoting. Just top notch work from the guy. I almost cried at the end when he had to let Boone go. And then, at the end.... wanting to find JOHN LOCKE.

I hope he's good at emoting. After all, he was previously known for being on a show where the premise was that his parents had died and he has to take care of his siblings. Plenty of chances to emote. And stare at Jennifer Love Hewitt's breasts, but I digress...


Maybe it was my mood tonight or something, but tonight's episode didn't do anything for me. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it plenty, but I maybe after the awesomeness of last week, this week's was missing something.

I'd agree. Maybe because they were trying to capture joy and pain (sunshine and rain) at in parallel. And then they threw in Jack's wedding. But yeah, Boone's death didn't affect me like it should.


Kinda cool, upcoming issue of Entertainment Weeklt, issue #815

Terry O'Quinn, Jorge Garcia and DDK got screwed over.

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Guest ken adams

I missed it. Can someone give a brief rundown of what happened?


Thanks, I appreciate it.

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Weeeeeeeeeell, that was uber-fucking-hot.


- "Don't tell me what I can't do" <----------- Absolute markage.


- Jack's dad should just show up on the island and become part of the cast full-time. That dude is so cold-blooded, it's great.


- Sun once again steals another episode away from the big dogs. I'd put her in the Top Five performances on the show without hesitation. Sea Urchin~!


- Sawyer being all mega-babyface with the booze donation and offers of assistance.


- "Hurley, I swear to God if you faint.........!"


- Jin + Charley + Hug = Sweet sweet Lost man-love. Jin holding Charley back when he was about to intervene was great in the "Let the bitches handle the bitches business" kinda way.


- Jack going cuckoo with blood loss and the amputation tease.


- "I know you made a promise but I'm letting you off the hook." Fucking awesome. Kinda ironic that it was Locke who was primarily involved in Boone learning to let go.




- The music at the end once again fits the scene beautifully.


- Boone sooooo should've died with Shannon, Jack and Sayid at his side and his last words should've been "Just so you know......I......fucked her.........first."






It's on.

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I was talking to a friend and fellow Lost-aholic on the phone last night and I said that it was the Show of the Decade so far. Anybody care to counter that one?

I think it's too early to say. Show-wise, not decade-wise. If season 2 still reeks of awesomeness, then I'll probably agree with you.

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In terms of both potential and awesomeness I can't think of any show that's debuted since 2000 that's contained everything Lost has, all within the first season. It's got at least another full season of goodness in it before things become questionable.


Upcoming Episode Discussion: So, I figure what with Lost being all whacky and such that it would be way too obvious for Jack to just up and find Locke somewhere in the jungle. It's also Sayid's episode so it wouldn't work if the entire thing was centered around Jack looking for JL. I figure that the minute we see Jack leave the camp and go into the jungle, Locke will return to camp and Sayid will gently.....*ahem*.....interrogate Locke about what has been going on so far.

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In terms of both potential and awesomeness I can't think of any show that's debuted since 2000 that's contained everything Lost has, all within the first season. It's got at least another full season of goodness in it before things become questionable.


Upcoming Episode Discussion: So, I figure what with Lost being all whacky and such that it would be way too obvious for Jack to just up and find Locke somewhere in the jungle. It's also Sayid's episode so it wouldn't work if the entire thing was centered around Jack looking for JL. I figure that the minute we see Jack leave the camp and go into the jungle, Locke will return to camp and Sayid will gently.....*ahem*.....interrogate Locke about what has been going on so far.

I think Locke being shot is another wacky vision.

We know the raft will be finished.


Probably the big reveal about the hatch happens in the last 5 minutes.

I don't see Sayid torturing Locke, but I can see him pressuring. Shannon would be more likely to go off (gee, I hope Sayid doesnt like that too much).


btw, I've been thinking. Jack's a pretty damn good trauma doctor. And he sports mean tats. And can handle a gun.


Desert Storm Field Medic for the good guys? Make a nice connection there with sayid.

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