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Guest Starks

The 2nd episode was definate filler material, and Micheal's flashback was perhaps the most pointless yet. We learned that instead of missing his son Walt, he REALY REALY missed Walt. It would have worked much better as the second half of a two hour premiere.



My Specualtion as to what is happening:


- The island is a military project being run by a branch within the US Navy called "Dharma". Sam Toomey and Leonard, the man in the assylum with Hurley, worked at a "Listening Post" for the US Navy. IMO this is simply a cover story for working within the hatch.


- The computer console acts as a "deadmans switch" the sequence of numbers must be entered every 108 units of time(probably minutes). If this doesn't happen something will occour as it will be assumed the post is unmaned. (Perhaps the hatch will self destruct).


- Worth noting is that if you google "108 minutes" you get a linked titled "Pravda.RU Gagarin smile still shines on planet Earth" which is about the first russian in space during the 1960's, and how it takes 108 minutes to do a trip around the world. Perhps the hatch was a defence mechanism back then to guard against a russian space attack.


- Manning the hatch is a two person job, as seen by the bunk beds and ping-pong table. If one person is left to it they will slowly go mad from lack of more than 2hrs sleep at a time. This happened to Leonard when he was manning the hatch with Sam Toomes, resulting in being sent to an insane assylum and meeting up with Hurley. I think Ethan was probably Desmonds co-worker until he was given the mission of retrieving the children from the plane crash. Desmond is now waiting for a new co-worker hence his question of "are you him?" to Locke and asking a safety protocol question, "What did one Snowman say to the other Snowman?"


- Inside the hatch is a quarantine area to prevent the people within from catching the illness on the island. (Rousseau stated, in episode 1x09 - Solitary, that they had been on the island almost 2 months when her team members began to get sick. She said to Sayid:


"Nearly two months we survived here. Two months before... It was them they were the carriers... The others... I hear them, out there in the jungle, they whisper... It took them one after another. I had no choice, they were already lost. What would have happened if we were rescued? I couldn't let that happen, I won't!"

- Rousseau was afraid that if rescued they would spread the disease to the rest of the world. Desmond, while talking to Locke was suprised to hear that there was still a world remaining. He may think the illness has swept the world. Perhaps some people have a natural immunity to the disease such as Rousseau.


- The survivors have now been on the island for 44 days according to Jack, so they have about 10 more days before the infection of the survivors become evident.


- Ethan was sent to retrieve the children from the plane crash before the disease on the island has passed it's incubation stage. My guess is that the illness effects pre-teens differently to adults giving them unusual powers. Children are taken from the island to work for the government to ensure the island security and continued quarantine.


- If 'The Others' are infected, we may see what is awaiting the survivors in the near future.

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Guest Evolution
- Ethan was sent to retrieve the children from the plane crash before the disease on the island has passed it's incubation stage. My guess is that the illness effects pre-teens differently to adults giving them unusual powers. Children are taken from the island to work for the government to ensure the island security and continued quarantine.


I would say that in terms of being "sick", Shannon could be considered batshit insane since she saw Walt talking crazy backwards messages when he was supposed to be on a raft. I would say this might have something to do with the dog, but that seems unreasonable. The idea that the dog is carrying some kind of disease seems far-fetched, unless the dog has a Dharma & Greg symbol on it like the shark. That'd be pretty cool, actually. The dog being a part of the security system, anyway. Too bad it's not feasible at all without the dog actually getting off the island, which ruins the point of it being part of the security system since it's not even on the island...


...okay, I guess I just really wanted a dog to make people sick. I hate pets.

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- Manning the hatch is a two person job, as seen by the bunk beds and ping-pong table. If one person is left to it they will slowly go mad from lack of more than 2hrs sleep at a time. This happened to Leonard when he was manning the hatch with Sam Toomes, resulting in being sent to an insane assylum and meeting up with Hurley. I think Ethan was probably Desmonds co-worker until he was given the mission of retrieving the children from the plane crash. Desmond is now waiting for a new co-worker hence his question of "are you him?" to Locke and asking a safety protocol question, "What did one Snowman say to the other Snowman?"


The ping pong table was folded up, though, in a way that allows one person to practice/play by themselves, leading me to believe that Desmond wasn't anticipating a new arrival at any point soon. Unless he was just boning up on his table tennis in order to beat the new guy.

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No no no, about the slave ship.


What slave ship carries around boxes with stenciled "EXPLOSIVES" That box was not originally on the ship, it must have come from somewhere else.


There really does seem to be time issues at work.


What if the big blakc guy is a nigerian drug smuggler?

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Uhh, SJ? Who are you responding to with the "No no no, about the slave ship." part of your post? You're the only one that's mentioned anything to do with slave ships, I can't figure out who you're responding to.


And I don't see why it's impossible that a slave ship would have explosives on it, and if it was carrying explosives, why they wouldn't be marked as such.

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- The computer console acts as a "deadmans switch" the sequence of numbers must be entered every 108 units of time(probably minutes). If this doesn't happen something will occour as it will be assumed the post is unmaned. (Perhaps the hatch will self destruct).

I don't think so. The timer wasn't counting down after Locke reset it, it stayed at 108. If anything, I think it might count down whenever an alarm is tripped, possibly by somebody passing a sensor after descending the shaft.


I would say that in terms of being "sick", Shannon could be considered batshit insane since she saw Walt talking crazy backwards messages when he was supposed to be on a raft.

Nah. Jack saw his dad on the island, even though he was dead. Is Jack insane?


"What did one Snowman say to the other Snowman?"

"Ice" to meet you?

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Guest Biggles
No no no, about the slave ship.


What slave ship carries around boxes with stenciled "EXPLOSIVES"  That box was not originally on the ship, it must have come from somewhere else.


There really does seem to be time issues at work.


What if the big blakc guy is a nigerian drug smuggler?


I understand what you're saying, but something tells me that we're not supposed to read into it that much. I don't think somebody put it onto the ship after it got swept onto the island. I think it was just already on there.

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Biggles, you're wasting your time.


Apparently the DHARMA anagram is really DHRAMA and the A and D are mixed up, because, it's all a mathematical code you see, and somehow that makes perfect sense.


And don't even try to argue because we are all just inferior plebians basking in the glow of Stephen Joseph's towering knowledge of Lost.

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Even if SJ isn't tops on accuracy of theories he's definetly the most inventive person in this thread so I thank him for that.


I was talking to a friend last night who said she thinks that the "him" that Desmond is referring to is quite obviously Hurley because of his numbers connection.

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Inventive isn't always a good thing, LotC. I mean, if this show is based around some mathematical code or some global-wise magnetic bla-bla-bla, I'll be pretty disappointed.


And I've talked to a bunch of people that think that Hurley is the 'him' in question, too. Makes sense to me.

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JJ has said (or so the 'net says) that the big reveal for the hatch will come this Tuesday.


Coincidence that it's Locke III? I hope the fuck not. Walkabout and Deus Ex Machina provided two of our best "Oh shit son!" moments of Season One.

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The thought of Hurley being "him" crossed my mind - but it doesn't fit with me for some reason. I feel like "him" is going to Desmond's replacement/superior/compatriot and I have a feeling that Hurley is just a pawn in this by using the numbers for the lottery.


I have a feeling that when "him" is revealed, it will be a new character or something totally unexpected.

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Guest Vitamin X

With all the thought being given to the numbers, it's interesting that people seem to be more focused on the sum of the numbers, rather than the sequence of them. Why that particular code? There's a number of ways you can add up to 108, so why 4+8+15+16+23+42?


I think the link someone found earlier in the thread in regards to the symbol makes a little more sense. Also, why do you guys think that the others are/were looking more and more for the young (Claire's baby, Danielle's baby, Walt & the incident on the raft)? That's an interesting question.

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No no no, about the slave ship.


What slave ship carries around boxes with stenciled "EXPLOSIVES"  That box was not originally on the ship, it must have come from somewhere else.



It was a mining ship. Mining ships would have had explosives on them.



Also, why do you guys think that the others are/were looking more and more for the young (Claire's baby, Danielle's baby, Walt & the incident on the raft)? That's an interesting question.


I think going after Claire's baby was a mistake, hence why Claire and the baby are safe and back at the camp now. It was Walt they were after the whole time.

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Guest Vitamin X

But then, why did they take Danielle's daughter Alex away as well?


It does seem more and more like a government conspiracy type thing, the more we observe it now.

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Guest Fishyswa

We still don't know about the extent of Walt's "mental capacity" though. Them taking Alex could either have something to do with the same kind of power or a different situation entirely. Maybe the Others are impotent?


I think the biggest holy shit moment to come this season will be when someone answer's the snowman question out of nowhere. I could see it being Hurley.


And I still think as the season goes on it'll develop into a Survivors/Desmond vs Others scenario, which will then morph into a Survivors/Others vs Desmond and the DRAMA symbol scenario.

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Taking a break from all the theorizing, I would just like to point out how they're still making Sawyer completely badass. Him digging out the bullet with his bare hand was awesome.

"You got a bandaid?"

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Thanks for the positivity LOTC


If the Hatch big reveal is next week, then why is Locke screaming?

The stenciling looks out of place on that ship, thats all I'm saying. Whatever the big reveal is, it will just lead to more questions.


Sawyer and Michael were like a married couple. THey've done a good job of making Jin and Sawyer the bad ass tag team


And by the way, Hurley has answered this question already. I forget which episode, but it was


What did one snowman say to the other snowman?


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Discovery Kids now has a total Lost ripoff called "Flight 29 Down" me and some peoples were watching and trying to spot which kid was a clone of which Lostaway. Some of them could be more than one, but this one chick is EXACTLY Shannon, right down to wasting time tanning and whining about how "they're not going to be there that long!" It's total shite.

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In the previews for mext weeks show, one of the shots is Hurley standing in the doorway down in the hatch. If the reveal is next week, Hurley factors into it somehow.


I'm convinced that even if Hurley is involved, the answer to the numbers will be the final episode of the series.

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And by the way, Hurley has answered this question already.  I forget which episode, but it was


What did one snowman say to the other snowman?




Are you sure? The only joke I remember Hurley making regarding snow is when they were building the raft and he thought Jin's hand signals meant he wanted to make snowballs. Do you remember the context of his freeze joke?


Also, found an interesting theory on another forum. Here's my shameless rip-off:


The origin of the numbers is the I Ching Chinese Classical text


The DHARMA logo




The standard I Ching template




Grab the I Ching chart, draw the DHARMA serpent/swan/whatever that is logo on it in relation to the symbols on the logo and what do you cross over?




4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42


I have absolutely no idea what this means in a practical, solve the mystery sense, but it's pretty freaking sweet that the creators went to this much trouble to give a back story to a logo.

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