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Please, downhome, you make it sound like that's even a remote possibility.


If Bob Newhart shows up and it's all a dream...ABCs studios would be burnt to the ground.

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Starks took the words right out of my mouth. For anybody that feels burned by Alias... Damon Lindelof is the true creator and lead writer of Lost. JJ Abrams was asked by ABC for a pilot and he championed Lindelof. You can hear all of this on the bonus features of the DVDs.


With regard to Ethan... does anybody else think he may have some relation to Desmond? I've been wondering if the needle he tried to use on Claire in season 1 was an attempt at inoculating her and her baby.


Thinking back to Hurley's episode, if you do the math the food supply would have been originally scheduled to run out 3 months from the time it was discovered. How will it be replenished, and who will be doing the replenishing?

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Thinking back to Hurley's episode, if you do the math the food supply would have been originally scheduled to run out 3 months from the time it was discovered.  How will it be replenished, and who will be doing the replenishing?

Cool thought. Of course, if this season proceeds at about the same pace as the first season, which covered 40 days--and, judging by what we've seen so far, that seems likely--we wouldn't have someone coming to replenish the food until at least the end of the third season. Yeowch.

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My problem with that Ethan theory is then Desmond also had to know there were new arrivals on the island in the form of the crash survivors, which he claims he didn't.


He goes on to say he hasn't been out and about on the island in some time. Then says Kelvin 'died,' which, assuming it is Ethan, he couldn't have known unless he just assumes so.


The only way this logically could have worked is if Ethan exited the hatch and looked for his replacements... 'died waiting for his replacements,' as Desmond said, caught wind of the survivors, took notice of Claire, retrieved (from the hatch, without telling Desmond of the survivors, possibly because it would endanger the job) or already had on him some of the medicine to inject her with, then was shot and killed later. Then when he never came back, Desmond assumes he caught the disease and was thus a lost cause or was captured by the infectees and killed.


One thing we know now from the transcript, though, is that Desmond has opened the hatch door and possibly has been outside occasionally, though probably not far from the hatch. It could have just been to let Ethan back in when needed, like in the scenario above, or to dispose of the body if Kelvin died while in the hatch.

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Guest Brian
With regard to Ethan... does anybody else think he may have some relation to Desmond?  I've been wondering if the needle he tried to use on Claire in season 1 was an attempt at inoculating her and her baby.


So, the Others are infected, and now Walt probably is?

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With regard to Ethan... does anybody else think he may have some relation to Desmond?  I've been wondering if the needle he tried to use on Claire in season 1 was an attempt at inoculating her and her baby.



I thought it was determined that Danielle was the one who was trying to stick Claire with the needle? She realized this just before Danielle stole the baby and Claire saw the scratches she put on Danielle's arm from the needle incident.

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I'm assuming there were other hatches? Because the one we know and love


A) was covered in dirt


B) Had a ruined ladder.


Speaking of which, how the hell would Hurley get out of that place once he was in? Haven't seen everyone hates Hugo yet, so bear that in mind.

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Guest Fishyswa

Few things...


The hatch is for scientific research.....so why the heavy supply of guns? Nothing described by the DHARMA thing suggested any need for weapons, so why so many?


If Desmond never returns, what do we assume? He left the island? He was killed by the others? How come no one seems to wonder where he was going, or how he was gonna get there? How come there was no question about whether or not he had a way off the island? If a guy says he's getting out of here, while on an island, you have to assume he has a way off.


Could the Other's be random victims of this DHARMA project, almost like a team of mutants wandering around trying to get back into these hatches so they can be fixed, or get revenge? You have to assume they possess some kind of power, between what was said about them and the crazy shit with Walt, it's obvious they have an advantage over the survivors. But why do they want Walt? How do they even know him?


So much shit is up in the air right now, these weeks can't go by fast enough.

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Guest Starks



Darren Aronofsky will direct 'Lost'


Who knew cult director Darren Aronofsky was a fan of the boob tube? The Requiem for a Dream helmer has just signed on to direct an episode of ABC’s Lost, which will likely air at the beginning of May sweeps. “It was one of those fantastic calls out of the blue,” says Lost exec producer Carlton Cuse. “His agents let us know he liked the show, and we jumped at the opportunity. Apparently, he had been watching Lost while up in Montreal shooting The Fountain and got hooked.” Speaking of which, won’t this interfere with completing Fountain, the director’s six years-in-the-making sci-fi epic starring fiancée Rachel Weisz and Hugh Jackman? “I think he will be done,” speculates Cuse. “We scheduled it so that [the episode] is coming on the heels of finishing The Fountain. And we will try to put together a story that will be well-suited for Darren’s talents and visual imagination.”


Imagine if this episode centres on Charlie getting back on the Junk.


They better give him a big episode to direct, and hopefully they will give him plenty of time to edit it (he's renowned for taking twice as long editing his films compared to most directors).


If you don't know who Aronofsky is, go check out "Requiem for a Dream", the greatest film I've ever seen which I have no desire to ever see again. It is that devastating, yet at the same time brilliant. The last 15 minutes alone has over 100 cuts, and is such a tour-de-force that it leaves you burnt out by what you've just seen .

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Speaking of which, how the hell would Hurley get out of that place once he was in? Haven't seen everyone hates Hugo yet, so bear that in mind.


There's another exit.


My guess of the day is that the Others are engineered super soldiers that turned on their creators in DHARMA, who tried to destroy them with a virus, the sickness.


I don't know.

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If we work under the premise that part of the Dharma project was to convince those living in the bunker that they had to stay in the bunker and press the buttom - in otherwords, by using fear - then the needles, the guns, the quarantine is just to instill that fear.

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Guest Starks

Or how about Sun & Kate getting it on while Micheal looms over them yelling Ass-To-Ass, Jack amputating Charlies arm and Locke running through the jungle with a camera strapped to him?

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Darren Aronofsky will direct 'Lost'


Who knew cult director Darren Aronofsky was a fan of the boob tube? The Requiem for a Dream helmer has just signed on to direct an episode of ABC’s Lost, which will likely air at the beginning of May sweeps. “It was one of those fantastic calls out of the blue,” says Lost exec producer Carlton Cuse. “His agents let us know he liked the show, and we jumped at the opportunity. Apparently, he had been watching Lost while up in Montreal shooting The Fountain and got hooked.” Speaking of which, won’t this interfere with completing Fountain, the director’s six years-in-the-making sci-fi epic starring fiancée Rachel Weisz and Hugh Jackman? “I think he will be done,” speculates Cuse. “We scheduled it so that [the episode] is coming on the heels of finishing The Fountain. And we will try to put together a story that will be well-suited for Darren’s talents and visual imagination.”


Imagine if this episode centres on Charlie getting back on the Junk.


They better give him a big episode to direct, and hopefully they will give him plenty of time to edit it (he's renowned for taking twice as long editing his films compared to most directors).


If you don't know who Aronofsky is, go check out "Requiem for a Dream", the greatest film I've ever seen which I have no desire to ever see again. It is that devastating, yet at the same time brilliant. The last 15 minutes alone has over 100 cuts, and is such a tour-de-force that it leaves you burnt out by what you've just seen .


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Or how about Sun & Kate getting it on while Micheal looms over them yelling Ass-To-Ass, Jack amputating Charlies arm and Locke running through the jungle with a camera strapped to him?


And maybe Hurley trying to drill the Numbers out of his head

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It's pretty long, maybe if I have more time.


Either way nobody would be stupid enough to reveal so many spoilers on a message board unless they were a disgruntled employee that got fired, but I do like alot of the explanations/theories given.

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The dude created a second thread because the first went on for way too long, I'll cut and paste from that since it will take me forever to do it from the first one. There is a lot more of this in the first thread.


Shannon does die, that is correct.


The reason she dies is because she has the disease. The black smoke that was seen in the Exodus episodes is the disease itself, it enters your body and plays with your mind and ultimately turns you crazy. "The Others" are infact the smoke, the smoke that can take form of humans.


This was all originally created by Dharma, who fled when experiments could not be safely contained. Rousseau warns everyone of "the others" and identifies them as the jet black smoke which she points to. This is why her explainations have been so vague. What the others actually do is enter your body and mind in the form of smoke, twist your visions and your dreams, playing on memories and emotions, and mess with the past. This sends you crazy causing you to see and hear things.


Do you remember when Jack saw his father? or when anyone hears whispering? Well some survivors are already infected but shannons conditon worsens. Rousseau notices that Shannon is behaving as her crew members did when infected. Rousseau kills Shannon.


Just to let you know. Anyone who has had an open wound or has come in contact with one, are potentially infected. Neither of these apply to Shannon but an Island flashback will explain.

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Guest Fishyswa

Eh, seems a little too sci-fi to be legit. I'm pretty sure they've maintained the entire time that everything can be explained within the confines of reality.


And really,

if the black smoke is the infection, what about the mechanical noise that follows it?

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Thanks for that renegade


personally i think the black smoke and the mechanical noises are two different things. I have this argument with my friend who always gives out about the fact that in one of the last episodes (when locke is getting dragged under) Locke first looks upwards at something that is high up, and then is dragged underneath the ground, which he feels is the same thing.


Personally I feel they are two different entities. The smoke or "creature" is what Locke looks up at and then runs away from. But what tries to grab him and pull them under the ground is another one of the testing labs/bunkers or the "Others".

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Good theory, I don't see why people are shooting it down. Seems fairly plausible to me except for the

part about them entering your mind and playing with your memories and shit. The part about Shannon being infected with something and Rosseau offing her seem pretty acceptable to me.

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Good theory, I don't see why people are shooting it down.


Because a writer for LOST was quoted in saying that this theory was bullshit.


The thread in IMDB is entertaining, but none of it is legit from what everyone is saying.

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In the words of the immortal Dr. Greg House: "Everybody lies."


See: This thread where somebody talks about JJ outright lying about what would happen in Alias Season 3. Sometimes lying is nescessary to keep the fans guessing and it's not that far off of a theory that the writers would lie to throw people off from the truth.

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